- ------------------------------------------------------------
- This page contains links to article or collections of articles
- To read or download any item simply right-click on it
- For some items you may need ADOBE to read the PDF articles
- This page contains 5 types of items
- Refereed articles
- Non refereed articles that appeared in magazines
- Presentations that were not published
- The translation of the book of Job
- Collections of emails on topics in Jewish philosophy
- ------------REFEREED ARTICLES----------------------
- Some of the articles here have appeared in refereed journals
- This means that other experts in the area have reviewed the article
and they consider that it contains useful contributions
- When you access a refereed article
the JOURNAL it appeared in, and volume number are mentioned
- Refereed articles are generally considered to have high quality
because peers have reviewed them.
- -------------MAGAZINE ARTICLES---------------------
- Other articles appeared in magazines but were not refereed
- The magazines the articles appeared in are mentioned
- -------------PRESENTATIONS-------------------------
- Some items are simply summaries of presentations
- The place/occasion the item was presented is indicated
- It is hoped to WRITE UP these presentations into fuller articles
- -------------BOOK OF JOB -------------------------
- In 2003 I translated the book of Job in memory of
My Father, Abraham Hendel
- This translation may be accessed at job.htm
- I recently made a presentation on this translation
- It is hoped to write it up into a book
- The translation heavily uses symbolism and
argues that the book does present a total solution to suffering
- -------------Email Collectoions--------------------
- I periodically post to several email groups on Jewish topics
- From time to time I collect all postings I made and display them
- You can find links to collected postings from 3 email groups
- Mail Jewish
- Torah Forum
- Bais Medrash