Only 5 MTZVTH mention FEAR GOD:#3 of 3
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#                  Dec 14, 2000                           #
#          Rashis 454-454 Of 7800 (5.8%)                  #
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#    Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,      #
#             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
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                --GRAND SUMMARY--

In this unit we investigate those commandments where it says
>Observe the commandment ....FEAR GOD<. Most people are
surprised to learn that there are only 5 commandments where
it links performance of the commandment to >FEARING GOD<
Here is the rule for why the phrase >FEAR GOD< is added to
only 5 commandments

The phrase >do such & such ...FEAR YOUR GOD< occurs
by 5 commandments. The phrase is placed in those commandments
where it is easy to get out of them WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT. Hence
we are warned to FEAR GOD when there is no FEAR OF PEOPLE-
ie there is no fear of getting caught.

Material for this module comes from

This GRAND SUMMARY was taken from

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
                        -- GRAND SUMMARY --

EXAMPLES 1: Lv19-14c
Lv19-14c >Don't place a stumbling block before the blind<
        RASHI: You wouldn't get caught if you did; therefore
        it says >FEAR GOD<

EXAMPLES 2: Lv25-42a
Lv25-42a >Dont overwork your slaves<
        RASHI: You wouldn't get caught (you can claim >I need
        this work<). Therefore it says >FEAR GOD<

EXAMPLES 3: Lv25-17a
Lv25-17a Don't insult each other
        RASHI: You wouldn't get caught (You could say >I was
        giving him constructive criticism<). Therefore it
        says >FEAR GOD<

EXAMPLE 4: Lv19-32b
Lv19-32b Get up for the elderly and show them honor
        RASHI: You wouldn't get caught (You could say 'I didn't
        see him') Therefore it says FEAR GOD

EXAMPLE 5: Lv25-36b
Lv25-36b Don't take interest
        RASHI: You wouldn't get caught--eg you could loan
        to a non-jew who would then loan to a Jew on interest
        Therefore it says FEAR GOD.*1


*1 In the main posting we show Rashis genious at pedagogy.
Rashi used spiral curriculum methods and showed emphathy
with initial incorret generalizations of beginning students.

On all five verses Rashi says that the reason it says >FEAR
GOD< is because you could violate the commandment and sin
WITHOUT getting caught. Therefore it says >FEAR GOD< to
emphasize that you should >FEAR GOD< and worry about God
catching you (and therefore avoid the sin).

Seeing this explanation on all five verses gives credibility
to the unifying explanation.

But suppose you didnt see >ALL< five verses? Suppose you just
saw one verse? For example, suppose you just saw the prohibition
of loaning on interest which concludes >FEAR GODIt says FEAR
GOD by the prohibition of interest because people have a great
lust for money and they think that since they loan money they
have a RIGHT to the interest. Therefore it says FEAR GOD to
fight this natural lust for money<

This in fact is Rashis first explanation. It is the explanation
that a beginning student would spontaneously suggest if he
only saw one example of a commandment with the phrase >FEAR

It is Rashis pedagogic genious to give BOTH the explanations:
--that people lust for money and therefore it says >FEAR GOD<
--that >FEAR GOD< is said by commandments where you
  wouldnt get caught.
By stating both explanations Rashi simultaneously
---talks to the beginning student who has only seen one example
---talks to the mature student who has seen all five examples.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*