The 3 meanings of ALSO:#5 of 9 ################################################################ 10 YEAR Ayelet RASHI-YOMI CYCLE May 3, 2000 Rashis 20-22 Of 7800 (0.3%) Reprinted from Rashi-is-Simple, (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel with permission of the author, myself For further details/archives visit the Rashi website or the Daf Yomi website [Permission granted to reprint these articles with this header provided it is not for profit] ################################################################ The following 9 unit series is devoted to the Rashis on the Hebrew word >GAM (Also) A person completing this series will have proficiency in the 3 methods that the word >ALSO is understood. In previous modules we have explained the 3 meanings of ALSO THEME/METHOD 1: ALSO can mean AN EXTRA RECIPIENT ================================================= EXAMPLE: (Gn20-5a) Sarah ALSO said she was Abrahams sister RASHI: Sarah and her maids ALSO said Abraham was a brother THEME 2: ALSO can means a DERIVED PRODUCT ========================================= EXAMPLE: ------- Dt23-19c Bringing a prostitutes payment to God is ALSO disgusting RASHI: eg If she was payed with wheat then >bringing WHEAT to the temple is disgusting >bringing FLOUR from that wheat is ALSO disgusting THEME 3: ALSO refers to a similar ANALOGOUS RELATIONSHIP ======================================================== EXAMPLE: Ex07-23 -------- Ex07-23 says that at the plague of blood, that >Pharoh hardened his heart(didn't listen) >and didn't pay attention ALSO TO THIS But at the 'stick turning into a snake' Ex07-13 only says >Pharoh hardened his heart(didn't listen) Hence we have the >RASHI:(Ex07-23a) >Pharoh didn't pay attention to the plague of BLOOD >Pharoh ALSO didn't pay attention to the 'stick to snake' In this issue we complete looking at other examples of method 1 >ALSO means AN EXTRA OBJECT #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* EXAMPLE 9 Ex06-04a --------- >Ex06-04a (When God appeared to Moses he told him) > > I appeared to the Patriarchs with my Name of ShaTai > (vs The ineffable name) > And I ALSO made a treaty with them >RASHI: >From the word ALSO in >'And I ALSO made a treaty with them' >we infer that both > >Gods APPEARANCE (ie the vision) used his name SHATAI >& ALSO Gods TREATY used his name Shatai > >Cf Gen17-01:02--"And SHATAI appeared to Abraham and said > ...let us make a TREATY" > (Rashi's point is that while God appeared to the patriarchs as SHATAI, nevertheless God appeared to Moses with the ineffable name. Furthermore (ALSO) although God's treaty with the Patriarchs used the name SHATAI, nevertheless God's treaty with the Jews he took out of Egypt used the ineffable name.) EXAMPLE 10 Ex18-18b ---------- >Ex18-18b (When Jethro saw Moses judging all day to evening > he suggested he delegate authority and he told him > that if he didn't then) You ALSO will wither >RASHI: >From the word ALSO in >'You ALSO will wither' >we infer that You (Moses) will wither >Your helpers (Aaron and the Elders) will ALSO wither EXAMPLE 11 Dt26-13c ---------- >Dt26-13c When you complete the removal of TITHES > then you should give it to the Levite.... > and you should say before God ..I have > removed the Sacred things from my house > and I have ALSO given it to the .... >RASHI: >From the word ALSO in >('and I have ALSO given it to the...) >we infer that the person declares that >I have removed the Sacred TITHES from the House >and I have ALSO removed the other SACRED gifts (like Teruma #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*