#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Gn04-25a

RASHIS EXPLAINED: Gn07-04b Gn19-12a Gn35-09a Gn35-10a Gn38-26a
Gn08-08a Gn04-25a Gn45-28a Gn46-29c

RULE: The Hebrew word >Ayin-Vuv-Daled< means >AGAIN<; it does not
mean >ANYMORE<. Since this word means >AGAIN< it follows that we
should always seek out >WHEN ELSE< what is being spoken about


Verses where the Hebrew word >Ayin-Vuv-Daled< means >AGAIN<.
This prompts seeking an OTHER TIME when the event happened.
For example Gn07-04b says >And I (GOD) will AGAIN give man
7 days to repent before bringing the flood<. The word >AGAIN<
In fact refers to Gn06-03: >I will give man 120 years to
repent< Thus indeed God gave man 2 time periods to repent
=======   ===============================  ==============
Gn07-04b  Ill AGAIN give 7 days to repent  Gn06-03*1
Gn19-12a  Will you argue AGAIN for them*2  Gn19-01:02*2
Gn35-09a  God appeared AGAIN to Jacob      Gn28-13
Gn35-10a  You wont be accused AGAIN*3      Gn27-36*3
Gn38-26a  He didn t know her AGAIN*4       Gn38-15,Gn38-24*4
Gn08-08a  Waited 7 days AGAIN*5   Gn08-10, Gn08-12
Gn04-25a  Adam was with his wife AGAIN*6   Gn04-01*6
Gn45-28a  I have alot: Joe lives AGAIN*7   Gn37-35
Gn46-29c  And he cried AGAIN (& AGAIN)*8

*1 Thus Gn06-03 says that man was given 120 years to repent
before the flood. Gn07-04 says that man was AGAIN given time to
repent (another 7 days)

*2 In Gn19-01:02 Lot tries to argue that the city of Sedom was
hospitable. However after the city tried to rape the male guests
the angels asked >Will you try and defend them AGAIN< (Notice how
Rashi cites another explanation >Do you have ANYMORE people in
the city<--The reason Rashi rejects this interpretation is
because the word Ayin-Vuv-Daled does not mean >ANYMORE< but
rather means >AGAIN<). (We could also defend the rare Hebrew
phrase in this verse which denotes >trying again< but the above
will suffice for now).

*3 In Gn27-36 Esauv says >You called his name DOUBLECROSS and he
has indeed DOUBLE CROSSED me twice<. Now in Gn35-10 God says >You
will not AGAIN be accused of being named DOUBLECROSS because we
are changing your name<

*4 The weirdest explanations of this Rashi have occured. The
simple meaning is >HE DID NOT KNOW HER AGAIN<. Recall that the
Biblical word >KNOW< can EQUALLY MEAN >SEXUALLY KNOW< or
>PUNITIVELY KNOW< (Like the English phrase >TEACH HIM A LESSON<)
Rashi simply points out that Judah had done both to her.
In Gn38-15 he had relations with her (Hence the interpretation
>He did not know her sexually AGAIN<) In Gn38-24 he tried to burn
her(not necessarily kill her; but punish her or as we say in
English, >teach her a lesson<. (Hence the interpretation >He did
not know her punitively AGAIN<)

*5 Gn08-08, Gn08-10 and Gn08-12 speak about Noach sending out
birds to see if the land was dry. In two of these 3 verses it
says >And he sent the birds out after AGAIN WAITING 7 DAYS<. So
Rashi is Simple---he undoubtedly waited 7 days the first time.

*6 To understand this Rashi we compare Gn04-01 and Gn04-25

Comparison and alignment of Gn04-01 and Gn04-25				
VERSE                   *a              *b
======= =========       ==============  =====
Gn04-01	Adam knew 	his wife Chava		
Gn04-25	Adam knew	his wife	again

*a Notice how one verse mentions his wife by name, Chava, while
the other verse just says his wife. The Midrash Rabbah (Cited by
Rashi) suggests that Adam regained the enthusiasm of a Newlywed
who can successfully fantasize about his wife without her being
present (in contrast to a long-married couple which may have lost
their initial enthusiasm and can only get aroused in each others
presence). (Hence the verse says >His wife< without mentioning
her name to show that the >relationship of wife< itself could
turn Adam on.

*b By using the distinction mentioned in note a, Rashi suggests
that the word >AGAIN< refers to their original wedding

*7 Gn37-25 clearly says that >Jacob mourned for Joseph<. Hence
when he found out that Joseph was alive he was justified in
saying >My son lives AGAIN<

*8 In these two verses do not have obvious cross references.
Therefore Rashi interprets the word AGAIN to metaphorically mean
alot. For example, >He cried AGAIN< would eg denote that 2 people
met, they cried, spoke, cried AGAIN, spoke some more, cried
AGAIN, spoke some more etc. Thus the word AGAIN refers to doing
something again in the same session and denotes intense emotion.

Similarly the verse >My son Joseph is alive AGAIN< refers
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Volume 7 Number 25

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 7 Number 25