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VERSE: Gn12-05a

RASHIS COVERED: Gn12-05a Gn12-14a

======================= Gn12-05a ==================

One of Rashis 5 main tasks is to teach grammar.
GRAMMAR covers a variety of areas including,
gender, plurality, verb conjugation, use of
connectives etc.

In todays digest we review several verses
describing the journeys of Abraham and Sarah.
Some of these verses use the PLURAL (THEY acquired
many followers) while some of these verses use
the SINGULAR (HE came to Egypt). Rashi distinguishes
nuances based on the singular and plural.
- PLURAL indicates a joint effort
- SINGULAR indicates an effort instigated by
  Abraham (but followed by the others)

In particular we see that Sarah participated with
Abraham in managing their servants and slaves and
in bringing them closer to God; by contrast Abe
was totally in charge of all journeys--Sarah stayed
behind the lines acting modestly
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =========================
SEE BELOW                LIST070f
List of SINGLE-PLURAL in Gn12-04:14

=================== LIST070f ===================================
List of verses in Gn12-04:14 with singular-plural
clearly stated
TEXT OF VERSE, Gn12-04:14 Plural? Implication of Plural
========================= ======= ==============================
Abraham went              Single
Abe took Sarah,Lot and    Single
took souls they acquired  plural  Acquired souls together*1
they went to Canaan*1     plural  Slaves followed Abe-s religion
they came to Canaan       plural
Abe came to Schem         single
and built an altar        single
He moved his tent         single
he built an altar         single
he preached               single
He journeyed southward    single
When he got near to Egypt single  Abe initiated journeys*2
When he came to Egypt...  single  Abe initiated journeys*2

*1 On a technical point the Hebrew root Ayin-Sin-Hey can
   mean MADE, FIXED, or ACQUIRED *10

   Note the several plurals
   - the souls THAT THEY acquired in Charan
   - THEY (Abe,Sarah and servants) left

   The use of plural implies a joint effort.
   - Hence the emphasis that both Sarah and
   Abraham ACQUIRED staff*11

   - The emphasis that the STAFF jointly left
   with Abraham implying they had adopted his
   way of life*11

*2 Rashi is NOT commenting on the singular (HE came to
   Egypt vs THEY came to Egypt). Rather Rashi is
   commenting on the contrast that

   - in the first part of the above list we use the
   plural (eg the servants THEY (Abe/Sarah) acquired)

   - in the later part of the above list we use the

   This implies that the journeying activities were
   initiated by Abraham with Sarah staying behind*12

-------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------------

*10 Radack gives the following examples
    - Dt21-12 she FIXES her nails
    - Dt08-17 I ACQUIRED these assets by myself
    - Es07-02 Whatever you want shall be DONE
    This illustrates 3 distinct meanings of the
    root Ayin-Sin-Hey

*11 Rashi appears to say that
    The SIMPLE meaning of the Biblical text refers to

    The HOMILETIC meaning of the text refers to
    - THE SOULS (Servants) THEY MADE(Converted)

    But a fundamental principle in this list is that
    the simple and homiletic meaning are one and the

    How so?

    Rashi is really commenting on TWO aspects of the verse!!!!
    - The verse speaks about the THE SOULS THEY ACQUIRED
    - The repeated use of PLURAL implies that these servants
    adopted Abrahams way of life

    Since the plural implies that the servants converted
    we might as well re-interpret THE SOULS THEY ACQUIRED

    So when Rashi states THE SIMPLE MEANING he refers
    to the MEANING OF THE PHRASE without reference
    to the REST OF THE VERSE.
    However by examining the
    rest of the verse (which uses plural--THEY left-
    implying that the servants wanted to leave just
    like Abraham) we see that the servants adopted
    Abrahams way of life

    To recap
    - the word A-S-H does mean ACQUIRED
    - but the repeated plural implies ADOPTION OF RELIGIOUSITY
    Hence we can reinterpret A-S-H as ACQUIRED. In other
    words the reinterpretation of A-S-H as CONVERTED (vs
    ACQUIRED) comes NOT from the meanings of A-S-H but
    rather from the repeated use of plural in the verse

    Hence Rashi-is-Simple and the simple and homiletic
    meaning are one and the same

    -- Praise be Him who chose them and their learning --

*12 Rashi literally states
    He hid Sarah in a chest--when the custom
    officials opened it they saw her and how
    beautiful she was

    This of course is rediculous (No one hides his
    wife in a chest!).

    Rather it means that Abraham was in charge of Journeys
    and made Sarah the overseer of baggage. As such she
    appeared as just another servant (since she looked
    after baggage) and therefore no one payed attention
    to her. When however the custom officials investigated
    the contents of the baggage they had to enter into
    conversation with Sarah--it was then obvious that she
    was no servant and her beauty (of character, demeanor
    and presentation ) became obvious. (It was (ahem)
    also obvious why Abraham assigned her this task)
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Volume 19 Number 14

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 19 Number 14