#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Gn17-17a

RASHIS COVERED: Gn17-17a Gn17-03a Nu16-04a Nu24-04a

RULE 1a: The expression >FALL ON HIS FACE< occurs several times
in the Bible, particularly, but not exclusively after,a prophetic
revelation. In general >FALL ON HIS FACE< denotes either
--depression or
--expression of gratitude to someone of higher rank

RULE 1b: Prophetic revelations are frequently accompanied by
expressions of >AWE BEFORE GOD<. >FALLING ON ONES FACE< occurs
by prophecies involving
--threats of punishment
--dialogues between God and uncircumcised people

COMMENT: This is one of those Rashis where one has to >fill in
the missing details<. Rashi simply says >Abraham fell on his face
>BEFORE< he was circumcised but spoke to God without falling on
his face >AFTER< he was circumcised. The prophetic experience is
very frightening and without circumcision one does not have the
power to endure it.<

However a simple examination of verses shows that this theory
of Rashi is only partially correct. It needs modification
--many people who were circumcised did fall on their face
--Abraham did not always fall on his face before circumcision

Thus we have to >DEVELOP< the terse rule that Rashi gives.
After examining the cases we find that
--if their is no dialogue there is usually no >FALLING ON FACE<
--if their is dialogue then uncircumcised prophets >FALL ON FACE<
--Finally there is >FALLING ON FACE< when punishment is stated

Let us now examine the examples

   Verses where >FALLING ON FACE< is a sign of >DEPRESSION<
========== ====================================================
Jos7-05:06 Their hearts melted--Joshua >fell on his face<
Gn04-06    Kayin >Fell on his face< (because of Gods rejection)
Nu20-06    Moses&Aaron >fell on their face< because of the plague

   Verses where >FALLING ON FACE< is a sign of >GRATITUDE
   or UNWORTHINESS to someone of Higher Rank<
========= ========= ======= ===================================
2Sam9-6   MFiboseth David   I am unworthy
2Sam14-22 Joab      David   David granted Joab unexpected favor
1King18-7 Ovadya    Elijah  Ovadia Didnt expect to find Elijah

We conclude that >FALL ON FACE< indicates either >DEPRESSION<
or >GRATITUDE/UNWORTHINESS< to someone of higher rank We now turn
to >FALL ON FACE< in the context of prophecy.

   Verses involving >NO DIALOGUE< bewteen God and Prophet
   There is >NO< >FALLING ON FACE< even though
   --the prophet is uncircumcised and
   --a lavish gift is bestowed on them
=======   ===================================================
Gn12-07   Abraham would be Given Israel*1
Gn45-02   God told Jacob not to be afraid *2
Gn26-02   God tells Isaac not to be afraid
Gn26-24   God tells Isaac not to be afraid from his harassers

*1 Note how Abraham >BUILT AN ALTER< to express homage
   but he did not fall on his face

*2 Note the Midrash on the next verse >And the children
   of Jacob(Israel) >CARRIED< their father<. The Midrash
   says that Jacob needed a (psychological) >LIFT<
   because he was depressed about the Egyptian exile.

   Prophecies involving >DIALOGUE< between God and Prophet

   IF the person is circumcised THEN there is>NO FALLING ON FACE<
   IF the person is uncircumcised there is >FALLING ON FACE<*1
========    ====================  =============   ============
Gn17-03a*5  Convenant             Yes             No
Gn17-17a    Many descendants      Yes             No
Nu20-04a*5  Balams prophecy       Yes*2           No
Gn18-01     Destroy Sedom/Gmarh   No              Yes
Jud06-12:13 God-Gidon dialogue*3  No              Yes
Jud13-03    Promise birth son     No*4            Yes

*1 Compare Ex03-06 where Moses >Covers his face< as an
   expression of awe during the prophetic experience.
   So the issue is not expressing awe but rather
   whether that awe is expressed as >FALLING ON ONES

*2 Rashi in effect cross references 2Ch7-12 >And God
   appeared to Solomon at night (while he was asleep)<
   So Rashi suggests the cute pun that >FALL ON FACE<

   Despite the charm of this interpretation it is
   inconsistent with the lists we presented. Indeed,
   according to Nu12-06, all non-mosaic prophecies
   happen in >dreams< (ie while sleeping).

   Hence, if >ALL< prophecies occur while sleeping
   we would have to explain why certain verses
   refer to >FALL ON FACE< while others don't. We
   would then notice that >FALL ON FACE< only occurs
   either in traumas or in prophetic dialogues where
   the prophet is uncircumcised. This is Rashis 2nd
   explanation--and we have just showed why this
   2nd explanation is preferred.

*3 Note how Gidon did not appear overawed by the prophecy. Rather
   he answers the angel >If God is with us then where are all
   his miracles<. We conclude that circumcised people can
   more easily endure a God-prophet dialogue.

*4 Note how at one point Manoach says >We will die because we
   saw God<. Thus there is awe of prophecy. But this awe does
   not lead to >FAlling on ones face< if one is circumcised.

*5 The Rashis on these verses present the theory that >falling
   on ones face< (during God-prophetic dialogues) only occurs
   among non-circumcised people.

   Prophecies involving >DIALOGUE< between God and Prophet
   where there is a >FALLING IN FACE< even though
   --prophet is circumcised.

   In these prophecies a >TRAUMATIC EVENT IS MENTIONED<
========  ===============================================
Nu16-19   God says he will destroy Korach congregation
Nu16-04a  Korach rebellion*1
Nu20-06   Merivah Water rebellion
Lv09-24   And a fire came down and consumed the sacrifice*2

*1 Rashi explains that this was the 4th incident of rebellion
   of the Jews and he no longer had excuses to defend them
   The other 3 cases are as follows

   ===============   =================================
   The Golden calf   Their leader was absent
   Food complaint    They were hungry
   Spy rebellion     They were afraid of war

   But at the Korach rebellion they had leadership, food and
   there was no war. Hence Moses was afraid and >Fell on face<

*2 Of course there is no Trauma here. I would simply suggest
   that >a fire consuming the sacrifice meat< symbolizes
   God(the Spiritual) taking over mans physical life (Symbolized
   by fire eating meat).

   Hence the fire coming down and eating the meat was in effect
   redeeming their uncircumcised nature (and since in effect
   they were uncircumcised they >fell on their face<)

   A full appreciation of this defense requires justifying
   the symbolic analysis of sacrifices. For a defense of
   Rav Hirsch's symbolism see the paper on Genesis-1 at

COMMENT: Gn17-17a
======== ========
COMMENT: Rashi cites the Aramaic translation which compares
2 verse where prophets >laughed at a prophecy<.

-Gn17-17 Abraham >LAUGHED< that a 100 year old would give birth
-Gn18-12 Sarah >LAUGHED< that she would give birth

The Targum translated the two verses differently

-Gn17-17 Abraham was >HAPPY(ie laughed)< he would give birth
-Gn18-12 Sarah was >SKEPTICAL(ie laughed)< she would give birth

We can now explain why the Targum did this. First as we just
showed >FALLING ON ONES FACE< is an expression of>SUBMISSION,AWE<
Hence Gn17-17 which says >And Abraham fell on his face and
laughed< could not be speaking about >LAUGHING=MOCKING< since
this would be inconsistent with >FALLING ONE ONES FACE< which
denotes >AWE SUBMISSION<. Therefore the Targum interpreted this
use of >LAUGHING< to mean >BEING HAPPY<.

By contrast there is no >FALLING ONE ONES FACE< mentioned in
Gn18-12. Hence it could mean >Sarah was happy(laughed)< or
>Sarah was skeptical(laughed)<. To decide which interpretation
is best we compare the uses of >SPEAKING TO ONES HEART<.

An ancient Midrash points out two styles
-->speak >TO< ones heart< refers to GOOD acts
-->speak >IN< ones heart< refers to BAD acts
This usage is justified by the LIST below which comes from my
Winter 1980. Using it we see that we have to interpret
>And Sarah laughed IN herself< as meaning >Sarah was skeptical<.

Thus we have justified the Targums different interpretations
for the same word. Note, how this justification required 2 LISTS
--the LIST of verses with >FALL ON ONES FACE<
--the LIST of verses with >SPEAK TO/IN ONES HEART<
Only after examining these LISTS can we be sure of the simple
meaning of the verse.

Verses showing that 2 different styles are used
--speak >TO< ones heart is used by righteous acts*1
--speak >IN< ones heart is used by wicked acts*2
VERSE    TEXT OF VERSE                         STYLE    ACT IS?
=======  ===================================== ======== =========
Gn08-21  God promising not to destroy world    TO heart Righteous
Gn24-45  Eliezer when finding a wife for Isaac TO heart Righteous
Dt30-01  Repentance                            TO heart Righteous
1Sam27-1 David when fleeing from Saul          TO heart Righteous
Gn27-41  Esuav thinking to kill Jacob          IN heart Wicked
Dt07-17  Doubting God can help you conquer     IN heart Wicked
2Sm6-16  And Mical despised David              IN heart wicked
1K12-26  Yaravam afraid he'd lose his reign    IN heart wicked*3

*1 eg and God said TO his heart > I will not destroy the world<
*2 eg and Esauv said IN his heart >I will kill my brother<
*3 Note the 3 way contrast
   --Abraham >Fell on his face< denoting submission & awe
   --He said IN his heart-can a 100 year old give birth?
     denoting a bad thought
   --he laughed--denoting that he rejected the bad thought
     and was happy on Gods promise.

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 8 Number 3

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 8 Number 3