#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Gn21-09a

RULE: The Hebrew root Tz-Ch-K, when used in the PIEL, intensive
tense, is a term denoting a mockery, teasing and/or
degradation. It is usually pejorative.The root only occurs 10 times.


  In the following verses Tz-Ch-K refers to SEXUAL TEASING

======= ===== ===== ==============================================
Gn39-17 TzChk Sex   This slave came to TEASE with me(Potiphera)
Gn39-14 TzChK Sex   You brought a slave to TEASE with us?
Gn26-8  TzChK Sex   Isaac and his wife were PLAYING (sexually)*3

  In the following verses Tz-Ch-K refers to making fun of, MOCKERY

Ju16-25 ShChK Mock  Call SAMSON and let him be a MOCKERY before us
Ju16-25 TzChK Mock  And Samson was a MOCKERY before them
Gn19-14 TzChK Mock  He looked like he was MOCKING them

   Tz-Ch-K refers to wild physical activity,a BRAWL
2Sa2-14 ShChK Brawl Let the soldiers PLAY A WAR GAME
Ex32-06 TzChK Brawl And they (at the Golden calf) made a BRAWL*2
Gn21-09 TzChK Brawl Ishmael and Isaac were playing*1
2Sa6-21 ShChK Brawl And I will DANCE WILDLY before God*3

*1 Rashi.

*2 Rashi. Note that the interpretation of Ex32-06 as referring
to murder is supported by the explicit other verse Ex32-18

 "And (Moses) Said: It is not the shouts of people upset nor is it
 the shouts of a victory but rather it is the shouts of shouting(a
 brawl)". Please examine the verse yourselves.

This helps establish that a murder took place. The fact that
CHUR was killed is guessed at because we never find him
mentioned again. NOTE: Rashi did NOT derive the fact that
Chur was killed from the absence of his name---rather Rashi
derived that someone was killed from the above explicit verse
Ex32-18 and the use of the term BRAWL.

*3 Although this verse looks like it is saying that Isaac and
Rivkah were "playing" nevertheless the connective word used
is "slept OF" (vs the usual "Slept WITH")--this suggests that
it was a teasing behavior.

2Sam6-21 "I will dance wildly before God" does not look perjorative
Perhaps the dance symbolically made fun of Gods enemies. Michals
protests also seem to indicate that the dance was not appropriate
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Volume 4 Number 4
Volume 4 Number 5

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 4 Number 4 Volume 4 Number 5