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  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Gn24-07a

To create emphasis the Bible will sometimes repeat identical
verses or phrases and place a minor difference in them. This
minor difference is then perceived as something deliberately
emphasized, thus justifying a study of its nuances. We call
this the method of >ALIGNMENT< or the method of >DOUBLE

This chapter of the Bible discusses how Abraham sent Eliezer
to get a wife for Isaac. Abraham made Eliezer take an oath
not to get a 3rd world nation(Canaanite) wife. Throughout
the chapter, God is referred to in several ways.

References to God in Gn24
======= ============================ ===========================
Gn24-03 God Lord of Heaven and Earth Abraham makes Eliezer swear
Gn24-07 God Lord of Heaven           Abraham says he has faith
Gn24-40 God whom I served            Eliezer repeats story
                     *2        *1

*1 Before Abraham came only religious people spoke about God
   Abraham encouraged non-religious people to speak about God
   Hence when God makes Eliezer swear he does so in the name
   of the God of both the spiritual people (Heaven) and the
   physical people(Earth) since Abraham was sending him to
   physical people (Rashi on Gn24-07a)

*2 On the one hand Eliezer did not want to brag >My great
   master who introduced God to the physical people< on
   the other hand Eliezer did not want to make Abraham
   sound distant from everybody >my great spiritual master<
   So instead Eliezer struck a middle of the road path
   >My master who serves God< (This interpretation comes
   from Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch).

Rashi explicitly compares Gn24-03 and Gn24-07. Rashi also
explicitly explains the difference.

However as we have emphasized in this list many times---
it is not enough to read Rashis problem and solution. One
must make a >LIST< of all similar problems. One must then
apply Rashis methodology to the >WHOLE< list even if
Rashi did not explain every member of the list. We call
this the >WORKBOOK< method since Rashi only gives one
example while the reader must supply the rest

Thus in this example it is not enough to explain the
difference between Gn24-03 and Gn24-07 (>God of Heaven<
vs >God of Heaven and Earth<). One must also explain the
difference between Gn24-40 and Gn24-03 (>God of Heaven<
and >God whom I have served<). This is Masterfully done
by Rashi Hirsch

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 8 Number 9

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 8 Number 9