#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Gn32-23a

a) The Hebrew word >CHILDREN (YeLaDauV)< denotes both
   males and females

b) The Hebrew word >SONS (BANAUV)< denotes only males.

The Bible very rarely uses the word >CHILDREN< (It occurs
in only 4 verses and is used to emphasize BOTH males and
females). The word >SONS< is more normal. Wherever
you find the word >SONS< you find next to it either
---words denoting >DAUGHTERS< or
---topics that are traditionally male (like burial, war..)

Examples are presented in the LIST below.

Gn28-23a says that >Jacob took his 11 CHILDREN<
Rashi on this verse says >Where is Dinah, his daughter and
12th child? We must therefore assume that Jacob hid Dinah
so that she shouldnt get involved with Esauv<

DISCUSSION: Most people erroneously think that the Midrash
is derived from the emphasis on >11< children. Actually
this Rashi is derived from the rare word >CHILDREN< which
occurs only 4 times in the Bible and is always used to
emphasize BOTH male and female children.

Hence we conclude that the Bible excludes the one female
daughter, Jacob had, Dinah. It is then reasonable to conjecture
that Jacob hid Dinah so that she shouldnt get involved with
Esauv. (In fact the Midrash Rabbah from which Rashi gets his
ideas, criticizes Jacob: >If Dinah was forward and got involved
with men maybe it would have been better to let her marry
Esauv who probably needed a forward woman<) More can be said
on this topic but right now we are only concerned on the
difference between >CHILDREN< and >SONS<

This list contains the only 4 times that the word >CHILDREN<
is used. In these verses there is an emphasis on BOTH male
and female. Then there are verses where it says >SONS and
DAUGHTERS< or >SONS and HOUSEHOLD<. Finally there are verses
where it just says >SONS< because the topic is male dominated
such as WAR, BURIAL etc

   These are the only verses in the Bible using the word CHILDREN
   There is an emphasis on BOTH male and females

VERSE     TEXT OF VERSE                        WHY MALE & FEMALE
========  =================================    =================
Isa29-23  Jewish CHILDREN will sanctify God    Martyrdom*1
Zac13-03  False prophet CHILDREN are smitten   Any false prophet
Job38-41  The Ravens CHILDREN ask for food     Both male/female
Gn32-23a  Jacob took his 11 CHILDREN           MALE & Female

*1 Rashi (on Isa) says that >SANCTIFY GOD< refers to Martyrdom
   It is well known that during the middle ages not only men
   but women were also forced to commit martyrdom though each
   gender used to commit martyrdom for its own unique reason

        Here are sone verses containing the phrase
========  =================================
Gn07-07   Noach came to the ark: his SONS & WIFE & wives children
Gn18-19   In order that Abraham command his SONS & HOUSEHOLD
Gn31-17   and he fled..he took his SONS & WIVES
Gn32-01   And Laban got up ..& kissed his SONS & DAUGHTERS
Gn37-35   And all his SONS & DAUGHTERS got up to comforted him

        Here are sone verses containing the phrase
VERSE     TEXT OF VERSE                       WHY MALE & FEMALE
========  =================================   =================
Gn25-09   His SONS buried im                  Burial by men only
Gn50-13   His SONS carried & buried him       Burial by men only
Gn30-35   ..and He gave the flock to his SONS Shepards-men only*1
Gn49-01   Jacob called his SONS               Estates-men only*2
Ex28-41   & Dress Aaron & his SONS(priesthood Priest--men only*3

*1 Of course the BIble calls RACHEL a >SHEPARDESS< so there are
   obviously female shepards. But in Labans household only the
   men were allowed managerial jobs.

*2 Jacob was giving his last will and testament & instructions
   Under Jewish Law women do not inherit when there are men

*3 The verse is speaking about dressing Aaron and his sons in
   the garb of priesthood. Only male priests were allowed to
   perform the service.

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 8 Number 13

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 8 Number 13