#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 October 21th, 2001                      #
#          Rashis 1024-1029 Of 7800 (13.2%)               #
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#  (c) 1999-2001, RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President     #
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   ENGLISH RASHI:       http://www.mnemotrix.com/metsudah
   THE WHITE PAPERS:    http://www.RashiYomi.Com/white.htm
This module studies Rashis treatment of classical grammar.
In other words how did Rashi treat the rules you find in
modern LEARN-HEBREW textbooks

Today we study more a rule of style. Rashi answers the
following question: How do you indicate that an
activity was done for personal reasons?

Todays unit comes from the following postings

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 38: nu10-02a Make FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, trumpets
EXAMPLE 39: nu10-02b Make FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, trumpets
EXAMPLE 40: nu13-02b Send FOR YOUR OWN SAKE spies
EXAMPLE 41: ex18-27a Yethro returned him FOR PERSONAL REASONS*1
EXAMPLE 42: ex25-02a Take FOR MY NAME gifts for the Temple
EXAMPLE 43: ex25-08a & Make FOR MY SAKE a temple

Sometimes an activity is simply done while at other times it
is done and dedicated or focused on a particular perons. Todays
posting deals with how we indicate such a dedication.

Ex25-02a Take FOR ME gifts for the Temple

Thus the taking was not just a physical act but rather a
physical act that was dedicated to God and the temple.
This dedication is indicated by the capped words FOR ME.

The LIST below presents half a dozen Rashis where FOR ME
indicates a DEDICATION or PERONAL FOCUS. The footnotes
further amplify how this word, FOR is used.
Nu10-02a Make FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, trumpets*1 Treat you like king
Nu10-02b Make FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, trumpets*2 He donates money
Nu13-02b Send FOR YOUR OWN SAKE spies If you want send*3
Ex18-27a He returned home FOR PERSONAL REASON Founded a society*4
Ex25-02a Take FOR MY NAME gifts for Temple Dedication*5
Ex25-08a & Make FOR MY SAKE a temple Dedication*6
*1 FOR YOU indicates a PERSONAL element here: The nation would
   blow the trumpets and treat you like a king

*2 FOR YOU indicates a PERSONAL aspect here: He would have to
   supply the funds for them.

*3 FOR YOU indicates a PERSONAL aspect here. God had already
   promised the Jews Israel. Therefore Moses could send spies
   IF HE WANTED (FOR YOU) to assure the people who doubted.
   It was HIS (FOR YOU) decision

*4 He didnt just return home but rather returned home for
   PERSONAL REASONS. Rashi suggests that Jethro returned home
   to found a Society Who Recognized God (Recall Jethro, Moses
   father-in-law was impressed by the great miracles which God
   had done). Rashis suggestion is motivated by EXPLICIT
   OTHER VERSES. Compare the following 3 verses
   Ju01-16 ...the sons of KANI MOSES FATHER IN LAW settled..
   Ju04-17 ..Yael the wife of FRIENDS OF KANI
   Ju04-11 ..he fled to the HOUSE OF THE FRIENDS OF KANI
   Thus we infer that FRIENDS OF KANI was a sort of society
   or tribe founded by Kani, explicitly identified with Moses
   father-in-law. Apparently Yethro impressed by Gods greatness
   (Ex18-11) founded a society. Hence the FOR in Ex18-27.

*5  In other words we have an act plus a dedication

*6  In other words we have an act plus a dedication
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#