#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 November 16th, 2001                     #
#          Rashis 1086-1088 Of 7800 (13.9%)               #
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This module studies Rashis treatment of classical grammar.
In other words how did Rashi treat the rules you find in
modern LEARN-HEBREW textbooks

As we close this grammar module I bring odds and ends
of the grammatical rules. Today I bring 3 Rashis on
plurality agreement. These Rashis focus on singular
verbs for plural subjects.

Todays unit comes from the following postings

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 99:  Lv05-24b Return principle & its fifthS(Many fifthS)
EXAMPLE 100: Gn14-14c Attack as one unit; then Divide & conquer
EXAMPLE 101: Ex19-02b Jews encamped as one unit for Torah receipt

Like many languages, Hebrew has a way of differentiating
the SINGULAR and PLURAL. Thus in English APPLE has a
different meaning than APPLES.

THE TEXT Lv05  Nu05
If a person take an oath about witheld wages (and then confesses)
he must pay the principle and add on its fifthS (and also bring
a sacrifice)*6

Notice the plural word fifthS. The talmud gives situations
where a person might have to return many fifths

EXAMPLE 1: I deny owing $40 so I must pay $10 fine
---------  I then deny a second time. So I pay a 2nd $10 fine
In this example I pay 2 fifths.

EXAMPLE 2: I deny owing $40 so I must pay a $10 fine.
---------  I pay the $40 and deny owing the $10.
So I pay $2.50 (a fine on the fine). Thus I
pay 2 fifthS (The fifth of 40 and the fifth of 10)

Rashi was not being picky about an EXTRA LETTER.
Rather Rashi was being picky about the GRAMMATICAL PLURAL
which is indicated by the extra letter. By using a
mediating parameter (plural) Rashi becomes mature and deep
rather than being superficially picky on the extra letter.*7

The above example showed an object and attribute that
differed in plurality (PRINCIPLE,FIFTH). Other examples
differ in subject-verb plurality agreement and are
governed by the following RULE

When talking about a group of people--
(a) You use a SINGULAR verb to indicate that the group acted as
an organized whole under one leader
(b) You use a PLURAL verb to indicate that the group acted as
a collection of individuals.

This list provides examples of Rashis where there is lack
of agreement in plurality. The footnotes clarify how
Rashi treats this plurality disagreement. In this list
VERSE1 is in PLURAL while VERSE2 is in singular. Both VERSES
deal with the same TOPIC, yet one uses a singular for a group
while the other uses plural for a group. The last column
and the footnotes explain why.
Lv23-15 Lv25-08 Counting The Court counts the Jubilee*1
Jud9-34 Jud9-34 Attacks Attack(Singulr),Divide(plural),conquer*2
Gn14-15 Gn14-14 Attacks Attack(Singulr),Divide(plural),conquer*3
Ex19-02 Ex19-02 Camping Receipt of Torah was by UNIFIED NATION*4
Lv05-24 Lv05-24 Payment Only 1 PRINCIPLE;But maybe many FINES*5
*1 (Example 1)
    Lv23-15  Plural           Count the Omer
    Lv25-08   Singular         Count the Jubilee years

  The Jubilee was counted by the court on behalf of the
  community (hence the singular verb). The Omer was counted
  by the whole community (no organization)

*2 (Example 2)
   Jud9-34  Singular         The General (Avimelech) arose
   Jud9-34  Plural           His 4 CaptainS arise

   These examples refer to a unified military effort under
   one general(single verb) followed by a division of troop
   (divide and conquer)(plural verb)

*3 (Example 3)
   Gn14-14  Singular         And He pursued till Dan & Divided
   Gn14-15  Plural           And THEY smote and THEY pursued

   These examples refer to a unified military effort under
   one general(single verb) followed by a division of troop
   (divide and conquer)(plural verb)

*4 (Example 4)
   Ex19-02   Plural   Camp in Refidim
   Ex19-02   Singular Come to Mount Sinai to receive Torah

   The receipt of the Torah was done thru leadership(Moses)
   The camping and other activities was done as a collection of
   tribes.(In the main posting we show 4 levels of understanding
   Rashi). An analysis of the Ex19-02 also shows variation in
   singular plural

*6 Note:all fifthS are 25%: E.g. A $10 fine on a
   $40 debt is 1 fifth of the total amount of $40 and $10--
   That is it is one fifth of the terminal amount(Principle
   plus fine).

*7 Note the subtlety: The main intention of the verse is
   to tell us to bring a PRINCIPLE and FIFTH. But a secondary
   intention is to tell us to bring, IF NECESSARY, many
   fifths. Such mingling of PRIMARY and SECONDARY intentions
   is common in Biblical verses (though it looks strange to
   modern readers who are used to smoother texts)
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#