#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 November 19th, 2001                     #
#          Rashis 1093-1095 Of 7800 (14.0%)               #
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This module studies Rashis treatment of classical grammar.
In other words how did Rashi treat the rules you find in
modern LEARN-HEBREW textbooks

In Todays unit we continute exploring meanings  of the
word TO. TO can mean ON or ACCOUNT OF. Today we see that
TO can also mean ON in the sense of FOR. (ACCOUNT OF looks
to the PAST while FOR looks to the FUTURE). The examples
below will further clarify this.

Todays unit comes from the following postings

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 107: Gn28-15c The Hebrew word LAMED can mean FOR
EXAMPLE 108: Ex14-14c The Hebrew word LAMED can mean FOR
EXAMPLE 109: Dt01-30a The Hebrew word LAMED can mean FOR

The Hebrew letter LAMED when suffixed to a word
means TO.

Rashi simply points out that TO can also be
translated as FOR. The LIST below gives many
examples. Rashis strongest proof comes from Gn28-15c

Gn28-15 canNOT be translated with LAMED meaning TO:
I (God) wont desert you (Jacob)
Until I fulfill what I promised TO you
Indeed, God had not yet spoken to Jacob!

Therefore we must interpret Gn28-15c as
I (God) wont desert you (Jacob)
Until I fulfill what I promised(to Abraham)FOR you

Here is a LIST of verses where LAMED is better
translated as meaning FOR. Besides bringing Rashis
on verses in Chumash we also bring supporting verses
from other books of the Bible.

Here is the LIST. It will be continued over the
next few days.
VERSE Text of verse with TO(LAMED) translated as FOR
Gn28-15c ....till I give what I promised FOR you*4
Ex14-14a God will fight FOR YOU
Dt01-30a God will fight FOR YOU
Job13-08 Will you (Job) fight FOR God
Ju06-31 Will you fight FOR this idol-god
*4 Rashi uses this as a proof that TO must sometimes
   mean FOR.Indeed you cant interpret this verse
   For I (God) will not desert you (Jacob)
   Until I fulfill what I promised TO you
   because God had not yet spoken to Jacob

   Therefore we must interpret this verse as
   For I (God) will not desert you (Jacob)
   Until I fulfill what I promised to Abraham FOR you

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#