#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 December  4th, 2001                     #
#          Rashis 1122-1125 Of 7800 (14.4%)               #
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   ENGLISH RASHI:       http://www.mnemotrix.com/metsudah
   THE WHITE PAPERS:    http://www.RashiYomi.Com/white.htm
This module studies Rashis treatment of classical grammar.
In other words how did Rashi treat the rules you find in
modern LEARN-HEBREW textbooks

It is exciting but we are finally completing this GRAMMAR
module. We will publish a grand summary showing 5 types of
GRAMMAR comments that Rashi provides insight on. In the
last few days we will cover about a dozen left over Rashis.

Today we cover Rashis on NOUN GENDER.

Todays unit comes from the following postings


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 138: Lv13-08c NEGA  is a masculine Hebrew word
EXAMPLE 139: Lv13-08d TZARATH is a feminine Hebrew word
EXAMPLE 140: Lv13-15a BASAR is a masculine Hebrew word

Unlike English, words in Hebrew have Gender. Thus for example
if you want to say IT IS SUCH AND SUCH you would have to use
the Masculine or Feminine form of IT (He vs Hu). Similarly when
using verbs you have to use the masculine vs Feminine form

THE TEXT Lv13-06:08
The priest will examine the PLAGUE again on the 7th day
-- if the PLAGUE became weaker
----- and the PLAGUE didnt spread
-- then the GROWTH is pronounced pure....
-- But if the PLAGUE did spread again after the PRIEST saw it
------ then it will be seen again by the priest
-------- IF the priest sees that the GROWTH spread in the skin
-------- THEN the priest shall pronounce IT(Masculine) unclean
-------- for IT (feminine) is LEPROSY

Note the 3 words in the above paragraph
-- GROWTH is feminine
-- PLAGUE is masculine
-- LEPROSY is feminine

Hence to make consistent with the gender the last 3 lines are
interpreted as follows

-- The priest sees that the GROWTH has GROWN (Feminine)
-- and the priest pronounces IT(the PLAGUE-masculine) unclean
-- for IT (Feminine) is LEPROSY

In other words the pronoun IT could refer either to
-- the PLAGUE (masculine)
-- the GROWth (feminine)
-- The LEPROSY (feminine)

Because of this confusion Rashi had to clarify the referents
of the changing genders.

The LIST below brings other verses to support the notion that
-- PLAGUE is masculine
-- FLESH is masculine
-- LEPROSY is feminine
BaSar Gn02-24 ONE flesh Masculine Echad vs Achath
Basar Gn06-12 HIS way Masculine HIS way vs HER way
Basar Ps145-21 All flesh will bless Masculine YeVRyCh-TeVRyCh
Basar Lv13-15a the flesh is unclean Masculine Tamay vs Temayah
NeGa Ps91-10 plague wont get near Masculine Yikrav vs Tikrav
NeGa Lv14-48 plague was cured Masculine Nirpah vs Nirpeah
NeGa Lv14-48 plague didnt spread Masculine PaSaH vs PaSeThaq
Nega Lv14-43 plague sprouted Masculine PaRach vs PaReCha
Tzrat Lv13-08 It is Leprosy Feminine Hee vs Hu
Tarat Lv13-11 It is an old leprosy Feminine Hee vs Hu
Tarat Lv13-12 the Leprosy sprouts Feminine Tifrach vs Yifrach
Tarat Lv13-12 the Leprosy covers Feminine KiTheTha vs Kisah
nt> #*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#