Rashi-Is-Simple Mailing List
                        (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 1999

                        Volume 2 Number 12
                        Produced Jun, 04 1999

Topics Discussed in This Issue
V4A10-36 SHVH has 4 meanings: Repent, Return, Tranquil, Rebel
v4-12-9 God teaches mannars: Talk to people before punishing them
v4a12-6 God says PLEASE when a request contradicts a previous one

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

                        ***     READING TIPS    ***

        * VERSE:
        * RASHI TEXT:

        ANSWER: Use your FIND menu
        For example: FIND VERSE:
                takes you to the beginning of the next section.
                takes you to the brief explanation of Rashi.

        Yes. Use your FIND menu.
                "FIND #*#*#*#"  takes you to the next posting

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE:  v4a10-36

        v4a10-36 Please be tranquil with Israel, Oh God,..


  The Hebrew word SHVAH means TRANQUIL
                A similar verse is Isa30-15--"with
                tranquility and leisure will you be saved"


  The RDK in his comprehensive book, ROOTS, lists 4 meanings to ShVH

--To REPENT (e.g. & when he repents he will be healed (Isa6-10)
--To RETURN (eg & the rainwater will not return to heaven.Is55-10
--To be TRANQUIL(eg with tranquility/leisure you'll be saved Is30-15
--To REBEL (eg repent, rebellious children Jer 3-14)

This is summarized in {LIST1} with further examples in {LIST2}

Which one of these 4 meanings applies here. Clearly 4-10-36 does
not mean
        >>Rebel, God, against Israel

Nor does it mean
        >>Repent, God, from Israel.

It might mean, as it is popularly translated,
        >>Return, God, to Israel.

But this also doesn't make full sense--return from where?

So Rashi is Simple. He says the correct explanation:
        >>Be tranquil, oh God, with Israel.

Rashi supports this interpretation with a comparable verse, Isa30-15
where ShVA means tranquil. But Rashi does more. Not only does this
verse have the same WORD (SHVA) it also has the same CONCEPT--for
both verses, Isa30-15 and 4-10-36, speak about having God in our
midst in an atmosphere of tranquility.

This theme occurs in several other verses and Rashis {LIST3}. As
an example 3-26-6 promises not only that we will have peace but
that we won't even have to see armies (such as armies from other
nations passing thru our land to their destinations). In other
words we will not only have peace but tranquil peace (Rashi).

This completes our explanation of Rashi. But as is our custom we
attempt to show a unified meaning behind the 4 meanings of SHVA;
this is presented in {LIST4} and briefly summarized here. (Those
readers with limited time resources may comfortably skip to the
next posting)

The underlying meaning of SHVA is a return to ones primal self.
So TRANQUILITY is a return to ones natural state without worries.
REPENTANCE is a return to ones natural state FROM A STATE OF SIN.
Thus repentance is return to the self from sin while tranquility
is a return to the self from a non-sinful state.

On this last point there is a rich literature in both Chasidus and
Rav Kook (The Lights of Repentance). Rav Kook for example sees an
underlying harmonious unity between Yom Kippur when we come closer
to God from a sinful state and Simcath Torah when we come closer to
God from a non sinful state.

Finally SHVAH doesn't mean any REBELLION but a rebellion is which
every little thing bothers you. It is sort of like a "KEEP THE
NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN" mentality where anything peculiar must be kept

There are many verses to support this but the clearest comes from
    >>For the ShVH of gullible people will kill them and
    >>the TRANQUILITY of the thickheaded will destroy them.

Note in the verse how SHVH is parallel to TRANQUILITY. We in fact
have a remarkable 2 way controversy beween Rishonim here: Based
on the parallism the obvious translation of SHVH is TRANQUILITY,
a position held by IBN EZRA. On the other hand, Rashi, Ralbag,
and RADACK see the two halves of the verse as CONTRASTS, not
PARALLELS, and they interpret SHVAH as REBELLION.

But our way of taking the unified meaning shows that there is no
controversy!!! Both Rashi, Radack, Ralbag, and Ibn Ezra would have
to agree with the way we suggest taking it:
        >>The obsessive,gullible desire for tranquility ends up
        >>destroying and killing certain types of people
        >>(because obsession with tranquility has to lead to
        >>rebellious non moral behavior (when you start fighting
        >>with everyone that mars in any way your tranquility).

Indeed, the true art of understanding controversies among Rishonim
is to explain the underlying concepts in such a way that the
controversy vanishes.


We have several times commented how Rashi avoids superficial
techniques like Gematrias and ALWAYS focuses on concepts.

In this verse, Rashi explains the word SHVH in 4-10-36 by
citing a verse, Isa30-15. Not only does this verse have the
same WORD it also has the same CONCEPT--namely of God being
with us in tranquility. As already pointed out this is a theme
in Rashi which occurs in several verses {LIST3}

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

  {LIST1} {The 4 meanings of SHVH, courtesy of RDK *1}

MEANING         SAMPLE TEXT                              VERSE
=======         ===========                              =======
To repent       when he repents he will be healed        Isa6-10
To Return       the rainwater will not return to heaven  Is55-10
To be tranquil  with tranquility/leisure you'll be saved Is30-15
To rebel        repent, rebellious children              Jer 3-14

*1 Actually according to RDK there are 3 meanings--he combines
REPENT and RETURN into one meaning. But I thought it simpler
to show examples of each one

{LIST2} {Of Sample verses illustrating the 4 meanings of Shva}

MEANING         SAMPLE TEXT                              VERSE
=======         ===========                              =======
To repent       when he repents he will be healed        Isa6-10
To repent       A redeemer will come to the repentent    Isa59-20
To Return       the rainwater will not return to heaven. Is55-10
To Return       we returned our lost money to you        1-44-8
To return       ..don't return Isaac to Canaan           1-24-6
To be tranquil  with tranquility/leisure you'll be saved Is30-15
To be tranquil  God will make you tranquil from exile *1 5-30-3
To be tranquil  And you, thru God will be tranquil       Hos12-7
To rebel        repent, rebellious children              Jer 3-14
To rebel        Your rebelliousness will rebuke you      Jer2-19
To rebel *2     for after I rebelled I regretted         Jer31-19


*1 RDK cites a delightful controversy between earlier Grammarians
on whether SHVH means RETURN or TRANQUILIZE here

*2 RDK points out that some people translate this as

{LIST3} {Of Verses stating we need BOTH peace and tranquility}

=====           =======
Isa30-15        We could win the war (not thru military alliances
                but) thru tranquility with God (See whole chapter)

4-10-36         God should be with us IN TRANQUILITY

3-26-6          Not only will we have peace but we will not
                have to see any armies (Rashi)

4-6-24:26       Rashi emphasizes that we will have not only
                possessions but they will be protected from
                theft (by God)--this is the same theme as
                3-26-6, that what we have--peace or possessions
                will be protected by God.

Hos12-7         And you, thru your God will you be tranquil

{LIST4} {Of the underlying unity in all 4 meanings of SHVH *1}

=======         =================================================
Return          Return
Repent          Return to ones natural self but FROM STATE OF SIN *2
Tranquil        Return to ones natural self from NON SINFUL STATE *2
REBEL           Overemphasis on being oneself to the extent that
                one does not tolerate other opinions *3

*1 We emphasize that this list is extra. One can understand Rashi
even if one doesn't accept the ideas presented in this list

*2 We cited both chasidus and Rav Kook above and Rav Kooks
wonderful book, the Lights of Repentance. We also cited Rav Kooks
analysis of the underlying unity in Yom Kippur and Simcath Torah.
On Yom Kippur we come closer to God by removing sin; Yom Kippur
resembles a surgeon removing a tumor; On Simcath Torah we come
closer to God from a non sinful state; Simcath Torah resembles
a doctor helping a patient achieve maximum health.

*3 Again we cite the delightful verse in Prov
----For the SHVH   of gullible people will kill them and
----the TRANQUILITY of the thickheaded will destroy them.

Note in the verse how SHVH is parallel to TRANQUILITY. We in fact
have a remarkable 2 way controversy beween Rishonim here: Based
on the parallism the obvious translation of SHVH is TRANQUILITY,
a position held by IBN EZRA. On the other hand, Rashi, Ralbag,
and RADACK see the two halves of the verse as CONTRASTS not
PARALLELS and they interpret SHVAH as REBELLION.

But our way of taking the unified meaning shows that there is no
controversy!!! Both Rashi, Radack, Ralbag, and Ibn Ezra would have
to agree with the way we suggested taking it:
        >>The obsessive,gullible desire for tranquility ends up
        >>destroying and killing certain types of people
        >>(because obsession with tranquility has to lead to
        >>rebellious non moral behavior (when you start fighting
        >>with everyone that mars in any way your tranquility).

Indeed, the true art of understanding controversies among Rishonim
is to explain the underlying concepts in such a way that the
controversy vanishes.


  The Lights of Repentance, Rabbi Kook.

RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v4-12-9

       v4-12-9 And God was angry at them and He went away
       v1a3-14 And God said to the snake since you did this


Only after he told them their sin (in verses 6-8) did He decree
their sentence. How much more so must humans who are angry first
tell the people they are about to punish WHY they are being
punished and why they are angry with them.

From here (that God spoke to Adam and Eve before punishing
them but not the snake) we learn that you don't try and see
merit in someone who attempts to get others to sin since the
person who tried to get others to sin would say "They should
have listened to God not to me"


  Rashi is Simple and clear. There is nothing bothersome in
  4-12-9. Rather Rashi is simply deriving a moral lesson from the

  In passing, as {LIST1} shows, God always tells people when he
  punishes them WHY he punishes them. Thus he told Kayin why
  he was punishing him even though it was obvious that he was
  being punished because of the murder of Hevel. Similarly
  God told Noach and Abraham about the destructions of the Flood
  and Sedom and Gemorrah.

  We might add, that this principle that Rashi learns from this
  verse is in fact a LEGAL guideline in Judaism: A person who
  bears a grudge against someone must first tell him openly
  what is bothering him. This is a Biblical commandment
  (See 3-19-17 and Rambam, Character Laws, 6:6).

  Rambam ingeniously brings in a negative example of this
  principle: Avshalom did NOT give Amnon an argument after Amnon
  raped Avshaloms sister. The keeping silent about his justifiable
  grudge built up till Avshalom killed Amnon. This in turn later
  resulted in a civil war (2S13-22, 2S13-28).

  Someone might ask me: Why don't you say that something
  was bothering Rashi? Namely, the fact that even though God
  was angry he first spoke to Aaron and Miryam in a calm

  The answer to this question lies in {LIST1}---for we see from
  {LIST1} that God always talks to people before releasing his
  anger. Consequently nothing SHOULD be bothering Rashi. The
  fact that one verse has a problem is irrelevant because all
  the other verses do not have problems. Furthermore the
  principle involved is a Jewish law. Thus it is preferable to
  simply say that Rashi was deriving a moral lesson.

  In fact the real question is not "Why did God delay his anger
  till speaking to people before punishing them" but rather
  "Why is it that God punished the snake (for seducing Eve into
  eating from the tree of knowledge) WITHOUT speaking to him

  Indeed, 1-3-11 and 1-3-13 show that God spoke to Adam and Chava
  So why didn't he speak to the snake?

  Rashi answers this question by reviewing {LIST1} and noticing
  that only evil sinners are spoken to before punishment but not
  those who suggest sin. Rashi then explains why those who
  recommend sin are worse than murderers (like Kayin) or other
  sinners: Because the people who recommend sin have a standard
  argument that "
        >>I didn't sin...we were talking about it...they
        >>should have listened to God (not to sin) and not to me.

  Although this Rashi is elementary nevertheless it illustrates
  all the important principles when dealing with lists:

  1st) One should always make a list--do not be content with
  learning something from one verse (that God delayed his anger
  till he spoke to them) but rather seek out comparable

  2nd) Use negative examples. Thus in this verse we claim that
  it is proper to speak about why one is angry, as God spoke
  to Aaron-Miryam before punishing them. A negative example
  by contrast, shows how it is improper to not speak about
  why one is angry as happened when Avshalom did not speak
  about his anger at Amnon for raping his sister and ended up
  killing him.

  3rd) Seek out the exceptions. Try and explain them. Thus
  the full principle is that one should speak about what is
  bothering one UNLESS the person's sin was that he tried to
  get someone else to sin (as the snake tried to get Eve to

  This set of principles is summarized in {LIST2}.


LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Of people spoken to before being punished}

PERSON          SIN             SPOKEN TO       PUNISHED IN VERSE
======          ===             =========       =================
Adam            Ate from tree   1-3-11          1-3-17
Eve             Ate from tree   1-3-13          1-3-16
Snake           Recommended sin *1              1-3-14
Kayin           Killed Hevel    1-4-9           1-4-11
Pharoh          Tortured jews   2-1
Amnon           Raped Tamar     *2              2Sam13-28
Aaron-Miryam    Slandered Moses 4-12-6          4-12-10
Bilam           Cursed Jews *3  4-22-20 *3      4-22-22

*1 The snake was punished even though he wasn't spoken to first
*2 Avshalom never spoke to Amnon 2S13-20. His pent up anger
   was a mistake since it led to murder

*3 Actually his sin was that he wanted to Curse the Jews.
   The assertion that God 'spoke' to him in 4-22-20
   is not at all obvious and is a story in its own right
   However for purposes of this list it does fit in.

{LIST2} {Of check points when making a list}

ITEM                                    EXAMPLE
====                                    =======
Did you try and find                    Finding other cases where
comparable examples                     God delayed punishment till
                                        he spoke to them

Do you have negative examples           God DID speak to Miryam
                                        before punishing her. But
                                        Avshalom did not speak to
                                        Amnon when he raped his
                                        sister. The pent up
                                        emotions resulted in
                                        Avshalom committing murder

Were there exceptions                   The snake was not spoken to
Did you explain them                    before being punished. This
                                        is because the snake tried
                                        to seduce someone else(Chava
                                        into sinning (eating from
                                        the tree of knowledge).



RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v4a12-6

       V4A12-6 & God said: PLEASE (NA)  hear my side
       v1a22-2 & God said: PLEASE take your son (for sacrifice)
       v2-11-2 & God said: PLEASE speak to the nation


  The word NA denotes PLEASE.

[Moderator: Rashi gives supplementary material on some verses
which can be found in the COMMENTS ON RASHI'S FORM SECTION]


  There are exactly 8 verses in the Torah where God uses the word
  PLEASE {LIST1}. As can be seen God only uses PLEASE when the
  action He is about to do is UNEXPECTED.

  For example:God promised NEVER AGAIN to bring a flood on the world
  (1-8-21). Therefore when He went down to Sedom and Gemarrah to
  see if they deserved destruction He APPEARED to be contradicting
  his promise.

  Because of this apparent contradiction to a previous prophecy
  God said PLEASE let us descend. The connotation seems to be
  that this descent will be PLEASING to you and not contradict
  any previous prophecies. (In fact God had only promised not
  to destroy the WHOLE world; He had not promised not to destroy
  individual cities).

  All 8 verses may be interpreted similarly. As another example
  in 1-22-2 God says to Abraham to PLEASE take your son and offer
  him as a sacrifice. This APPEARS to contradict the Biblical
  promise that Abraham will have many descendants from Isaac
  (1-13-15, 1-15-8, 1-17-6, 1-21-12). Therefore God used the
  word PLEASE to emphasize that the sacrifice of Isaac would
  ultimately be PLEASING to him and consistent with previous

  Similarly for 2-11-2. God had said explicitly in 1-15-13 that
  the Jews would be tortured in Egypt, God would judge the
  Egyptians and the Jews would then leave with great wealth.

  However the Egyptians continuously rebelled against God. So
  it APPEARED that they would not give the Jews anything (and
  in fact the Jews left in a hurry without even time to bake
  their bread (2-12-34))!! So it would not have surprised us
  if the Egyptians gave them nothing. Therefore God said PLEASE
  ask them for gifts and God made the Jews GRACEFUL in the eyes
  of the Egyptians (2-11-3) so that they got the wealth. Thus
  verse 2-11-2 uses the word PLEASE to denote that the outcome
  of this prophecy would be PLEASING & consistent with previous

  Finally re 4-12-6: It explicitly says that Miryam slandered
  Moses, that God heard (4-12-2), & that God was angry(4-12-9).
  Furthermore God knew that Miryam had no defense since Moses
  was very humble (4-12-3). So we would have expected an
  immediate punishment WITHOUT a trial or judicial process.

  Nevertheless God says PLEASE listen to my side and asks them
  if they have a defense. (Rashi on 4-12-9 points out that
  the emphasis is that God gave them judicial process).

  I think the conceptual emphasis here is that Miryam was
  punished thru the attribute of JUSTICE rather than thru the
  attribute of LORDSHIP. God's LORDSHIP would not have
  required explaining reasons. But God's JUSTICE would require
  an explanation (Cf 5-12-17:18--Despite God's power God LOVES
  JUDICIAL PROCESS for the orphan and widow--thus the word
  PLEASE in 4-12-6 emphasizes that this prophecy of God loving
  JUSTICE would be fulfilled even though from God's anger we
  would have expected otherwise).

  {LIST1} similarly reviews all other occurences of PLEASE by God
  As indicated in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT section this list was
  compiled in a Chumash and Rashi shiur I gave a few years ago
  at Young Israel of the Mainline in Bala Cynwyd Pennsylvania.

  Having presented the above analysis, that PLEASE denotes
an action by God that we would not expect because of other
prophecies or recent events that seem to contradict it
let us look at the supplementary
material said by Rashi in each verse:

1-22-2: Please take your son as a sacrifice so that people
        should not say the first 9 tests of Abraham weren't
        worth anything

        Our way of taking this is "Since Abraham could rely
        on the Biblical promise that he will have many
        descendants the other tests were easy to pass; this
        PROPHECY was a real test

        Thus both Rashi's language and our approach amount
        to the same thing: There was a previous prophecy
        promising that Abrahams descendants would be known
        thru Isaac. On the one hand this seemed to contradict
        the present prophetic request to sacrifice Isaac while
        on the other hand it also explains why the other tests
        weren't real tests (since Abraham had a prophecy to
        rely on to know that he wasn't really giving anything

        The reason we have chosen to emphasize this
        contradiction is because this is consistent with
        the other 7 times that PLEASE is used.

2-11-2  Please ask for gifts so that people should not say
        that I (God) fulfilled the first two clauses of
        my prophecy to Abraham (A sojourner will your
        descendants be in a land not belonging to them
        and they will be tortured) but not the last two
        clauses (and the nation that tortures them I will

        This is fully consistent with the way we have taken it
        that people did not expect to get any wealth from
        the Egyptians.

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

  {LIST1} {Of ALL verses where God says PLEASE. As can be seen
           God uses PLEASE in those situations where the
           listener would NOT expect what God provided. Thus
           PLEASE has a connotation of LET THIS BE PLEASING
           TO YOU even though you don't think it will happen.
           There are only 8 verses where God uses PLEASE in the
           5 books of Moses}

VERSE   TEXT                                WHY PLEASE IS USED
=====   ====                                ==================
1-22-2  Please take your son for sacrifice  God promised him many
                                            descendants so how
                                            can He now command to
                                            sacrifice him

4-12-6  Please listen to My side            Even though I am a King
                                            & have the capacity to
                                            punish you immediately
                                            nevertheless I am
                                            following judicial

2-11-2  Please speak to the Eyptians        Even though My plagues
                                            have hurt the nation &
                                            it appears that you will
                                            be lucky to just leave
                                            (without wealth)
                                            nevertheless I am
                                            arranging for the
                                            Egyptians to give you

2-4-6   Please place your hand in your..    Even though you asked me
                                            for great miracles
                                            nevertheless this 2nd
                                            miracle will give you
                                            a sickness (Leprosy)
                                            which I will then remove

1-31-12 Please look ..(at all the sheep) *1 Even though Laban keeps
                                            on swindling you & you
                                            don't think you will get
                                            anything nevertheless I
                                            am seeing that you get
                                            good pay

1-15-5  Please look to heaven & count stars Even though you have no
                                            children and it appears
                                            you will not have many
                                            descendants nevertheless
                                            you will

1-18-21 Let Us please look at Sedom/Gmarrh  Even though I promised
                                            never to bring another
                                            flood to destroy the
                                            world nevertheless I can
                                            still destroy this city

1-13-14 Please look around..this land yours Even though you let LOT
                                            chose the choicest part
                                            of the land nevertheless
                                            this land will one day
                                            be yours


*1 Technically this was said by an angel but we have
   nevertheless still included it in the list.



The contents of this posting were developed at a Chumash and
Rashi shiur that I gave at the Young Israel of the Mainline
in Bala Cynwyd (My present Chumash and Rashi shiur is at
the Lower Merion Synagogue)

My approach there was to
--let the students pick out a Rashi they wanted to explain.
--let the students try and find comparable cases
--I would then use the Konkordance to help them find all cases
--I would then ask the students what they thought was common

At the time the students successfully explained 6 of the 8 verses
(All but 1-18-21 and 4-12-6) in terms of the paradigm of
God uses PLEASE when the promise is something NOT EXPECTED
because of some other promise or recent activities that seem
to contradict it"

RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

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e.g. v5b2-1 means as follows:
        The "v"         means           verse
        The "5"         means           Deuteronomy--the 5th book
        The "2"         means           The 2nd chapter
        The "1"         means           The 1st verse
        The "b"         means           The second rashi on that
                                        verse ("we rounded mount

Similarly v5-2-1 would mean Dt 2:1 and probably refer to all
Rashis. (These conventions start with issue 14---beforehand
the notation is similar and will be updated retroactively
in the future)

Asterisks (*,#) in a list usually refer to footnotes that follow it
Parenthesis with the word List and a number--[LIST3] refers to
LISTS in the LIST section of each posting.

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* will provide logical explanations to all 8,000 Rashis on Chumash.
* the preferred vehicle of explanation is thru list of verses and exceptions
* These postings will be archived in Shamash in Quartuplet
        -- By Volume and Number
        -- By Verse
        -- By Grammatical Rule
        -- By quicky explanation
* Rashi-Is-Simple should prove useful to
        layman, scholars, rabbis, educators, and students
* Although this list is orthodox we welcome all logical
 provided they are defended with adequate examples.

For further information on the character of this list
* read your welcome note from Shamash
* read PESHAT and DERASH: TRADITION, Winter 1980 by Russell Hendel

                End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest

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