Rashi-Is-Simple Mailing List
                        (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 1999

                        Volume 2 Number 3
                        Produced Apr. 30 1999

Topics Discussed in This Issue
v0430 Highlights
v3a24-10 WENT OUT=Went out of his mind (like in English)
v3-23-30 The CRTh punishment (cut off) means going to HELL
v3c23-40 Hadasim are called CORD TWIGS because they are braided
v3z21-1 Errata from previous issue
v3b21-18 TRANSLATIONS:CHRm=Face is sunken nosed (like a net)..

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
* v0430 Highlights

        * VERSE
        * RASHI TEXT
        Use your FIND menu (e.g. FIND VERSE takes you to next verse
        Use FIND #*#*#*#--this takes you to the next posting
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VERSE:  v3a24-10

        v3a24-10 And a jew WENT out of his mind
        v4b16-1  And Korach TOOK A HOLD OF HIMSELF


   v3a24-10 The word 'WENT' means"Went out of his mind" (Rabbi Levi)

   He went out of his mind because he started making fun
   of the above Chapter (3-24):"Most people want fresh
   bread but the bread in the temple could stay a week"
   (So it shows a lack of respect)(Rav Berechya)

   He went out of Moses court where he had made a claim
   for Danite property based on his maternal descent.
   When Moses rejected his claim (because property rights
   are paternal not maternal) he went and blasphemized.
   (Unspecified baraitha opinion)

  'And Korach TOOK A HOLD OF HIMSELF' means
  He asserted himself to stand up to Moses (v4-16-2).

  The phrase TAKE A HOLD OF ONESELF is similar to a Aramaic
  translation: He SEPARATED HIMSELF (from the community to
  have a fight).

  A comparable phrase is Job-15-12 -- Why do you "TAKE YOUR
  HEART" = Assert yourself to fight with God.

  Another nuance of TAKE is TO SPEAK (as in the English
  phrases "To market" or "To advertise"?)(The idea being that
  you do not PHYSICALLY TAKE the person but PERSUADE HIM
  to join your point of view--thus you want to get a 'take'
  on him)

  The classical approach to Rashi is to state the PROBLEM and
  and then show how Rashi found a SOLUTION.

  In 3-24-10 the PROBLEM is that the verb "WENT OUT" is used
  without any context of FROM where he went out of or TO where
  he went.

  The solution Rashi posits can be amply illustrated with an
  English analogy: He WENT means "He **WENT** out of his mind".
  So Rashi Is Simple.

  Many words referring to spatial activities can also refer to
  psychological attributes. This duality can be beautifully
  confirmed by using comparable English phrases.

  How so? LKCh means to TAKE and is usually a transitive verb (You
  take SOMETHING). But in 4-16-1 it is used to TAKE A HOLD OF
  ONESELF--so the verse means: "And Korach decided to TAKE a hold
  of himself (ie get a GRIP on himself) ..and He stood up to Moses"

  Similarly, YTzH means to GO OUT. In SONGS-5-6 it refers to being
  in love--the closest English phrase would be "To go bananas".
  See the rest of Songs-5 for confirmation of this nuance

  Similarly GVH means to RAISE. But when applied to a person it
  can mean to become HAUGHTY (e.g. Isa 3-16).

  So indeed, Rashi is Simple: The word WENT OUT here means he

  This is partially supported by the absence of an indication
  of FROM where he went out or TO where he went. However
  as {LIST2} shows it **is** stylistically permissable to use the
  verb WENT OUT without indicating EITHER a FROM or a TO.

  The real source of this Rashi is NOT the problem but rather
  {LIST1} which shows that MOTION verbs can refer to PSYCHOLOGICAL

  There are some other material in Rashi which, as we shall see,
  is speculative and has nothing to do with the verses.
  Rashi brings 2 other opinions.
        b) He WENT out of the teaching of 3-24 (which claims that
        the Temple bread can sometimes be a week old)

        c) He WENT out of court.

  Since these two opinions use the word WENT it APPEARS that Rashi
  is giving 3 approaches to the meaning of WENT: He went
        a) out of his mind,
        b) out of the teaching of the above chapter.
        c) out of court

  Actually however there are no precedents for interpretations (b)
  and (c)--they cannot (as far as I know) be backed by lists.

  Thus the proper approach is to the interpretation of the verse
  is to say that there is only ONE interpretation:
                WENT OUT        =       WENT OUT OF HIS MIND

  However this raises the additional question: WHY? Why did he
  go out of his mind? On this question we have 2 answers:
        b) He thought one of the Biblical (temple)
                laws did not make sense;
        (c) he lost a court case.

  The reasons for these two opinions has nothing to do with
  the verse: They are just reasonable conjectures on why
  people go out of their mind.

  My custom when teaching Chumash and Rashi is to ask the class:
  "Give reasons why you think someone would lose their minds".

  I assume losing court cases would be high on everyones list.
  Religious doubt (not understanding certain laws) would
  probably be also high.

  In summary: Rashi interprets WENT OUT to mean He WENT OUT OF
  HIS MIND. He then lists two conjectures on why he went out
  of his mind: a) Lost of a court case and b) religious doubt.
  Rashi does not learn this from any grammatical problem He
  rather learns this from the right to interpret MOTION verbs

  Rashi in 4-16-1 gives, NOT another explanation of this verse,
  but rather another NUANCE of the verb TO TAKE: Visually, it
  can mean "To talk" "To Market" (Compare the English phrase
  "To TAKE someone over to ones side").

  This is similar to the technique used here in Rashi Is Simple
  to list all meanings of a verb. {LIST3} provides such a list.

  Rashis emphasis in bringing this other meaning of LKCh is
  because this other meaning (to talk) is also a PSYCHOLOGICAL
  nuance like the meaning TO ASSERT.

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

  {LIST1} {Use of Motion verbs to refer to psychological attributes}

VERB    PSYHCOLOGICAL           ENGLISH                 SAMPLE
        MEANING                 PHRASE                  VERSE
====    =============           ==========              ======
Take    Assert oneself          Take a hold of oneself  4-16-1*1
                                Get a grip on oneself

Go out  Fall in love            Go bananas over         Songs-5-6*2

Raise   Arrogance                                       Isa-3-16

Go out  Become insane           Go out of ones mind     3-24-10

Take    Talk *3                 TAKE him to our side    4-20-25


*1 Job-15-12 is a comparable verse (TAKE YOUR HEART=ASSERT YOURSELF)
  (Rashi). Also see 2S18-18 Abshalom Asserted himself and made
  a monument to himself during his lifetime (RDK).

*2 (Cf the other English phrase "I can't take it without you" which
  uses the word TAKE instead of GO OUT. Indeed the rest of Songs-5
  seems consistent with this for they ask her (when she says "I
  am going bananas...I can't take it"--they say "Why is your lover
  different than other lovers (that you pester us to find him)")

*3 In other words: TAKE does NOT mean PHYSICALLY TAKE but VERBALLY
  PERSUADE (Verbally take)

{LIST2} {Partial list of verses where WENT OUT is used but there
        is no explicit explanation of where he went FROM or
        where he WENT TO}

VERSE           TEXT
========        =========================================
2-16-4          The nation WENT OUT and gathered manna *1
5-31-2          I can't go OUT and COME IN (I am old)
1-15-14         And then they will GO OUT with riches *1
2-15-20         And all the women WENT OUT after her *1
Ez-37-1         And God took me OUT, by prophecy     *1


*1 Although e.g. in 1-15-14 it does not explicitly say
        FROM WHERE they went out it is clear from
        context--it says "Your children will be
        sojourners in a foreign land...and they will
        go out..."

        This is also true in the other verses (e.g.
        God took me OUT...and RESTED ME IN THE VALLEY
        --so by context it is as if it said: God
        took me out TO THE VALLEY.

        The odd thing about 3-24-10 is that besides
        there not being a FROM and TO there is not
        even a CONTEXT which suggests FROM where
        or TO where they came.

        However the simple meaning of the text is
        not based on this problem but rather on {LIST1}--
        the use of motion verbs to denote psychological

{LIST3} {List of meanings of LKCh = Take--courtesy of RDK/RASHI}

MEANING                 SAMPLE VERSE
                        WHERE THIS
                        MEANING OCCURS   TEXT
=======                 ==============   ==============
Physically take         5-4-2            Took you out of Egypt
Death (taking of soul)  1-5-24           And God took his soul
Assert                  4-16-1           Korach asserted..
Talk/Persuade           4-20-25 *1       Persuade him to go
The "Take" or portion   4-31-12          The BOOTY and captives
Barbeque thongs         Isa-6-6          barbeque thongs
Teaching                5-32-2 *1        Don't despise my teachings
Business                Neh-10-32        All business and deals
Pulsating fie *2        2-9-24           Pulsating fire


*1 Some people might think that the idea of TAKE=TALK is due to
Rashi not RDK. But RDK has the idea of TAKE=TEACHING (a verbal
activity). So these two authorities are basically in agreement!
In fact from Prv-7-21 (She seduced him with her SPEECH) it
would appear that LKCh means primarily PERSUASIVE SPEECH and
not teaching (Explicitly brought down by the RDK).

*2 The word PULSATING FIRE comes from LKC=Take-because pulsation
  likes like fire trying to escape and then being TAKEN IN



RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

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VERSE:  v3-23-30

        v3-23-30 ..and I will place in hell those who violate


  The punishment of BEING CUT OFF mentioned for various sins
  is really a punishment of going into hell.

  Thruout the Bible certain sins are marked with a punishment

  In 3-23-30 the punishment is denoted with the ROOT, AVD
  which means TO LOSE.

  Note that Rashi KNOWS the meaning of CUTTING OFF (KRTh) and
  LOSE (AVD). He however does not know how to apply it to
  the punishment of the sinner. What for example does it mean
  that a "soul will be LOST from its nation". In other words
  what does the WHOLE PHRASE "lost from its nation" mean.

  As {LIST2} shows AVD also means HELL. Thus Rashi Is
  Simple. v3-23-30 does not mean "and the soul will be lost
  to its nation" but rather means "..and the soul will go
  into hell"

  There is one more subtlety here: In many other places the CUTTING
  OFF punishment KRTh is mentioned without any further explanation
  In 3-23 both the verbs KRTH=CUT OFF and AVD=LOSS are mentioned.
  Since AVD also means HELL it is legitimate not only to
  interpret AVD,v3-23-30 as "WILL GO TO HELL" but also to interpret
  all KRTh this way. More specifically Rashi is EXPLICITLY
  suggeting that all verses with CUT OFF FROM HIS NATION should
  be translated as HE WILL GO TO HELL.


LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:
* {LIST1} {Partial lists of verses with punishment of KRTh=cut off}

vERSE WITH CUTOFF               SIN
=================               =========================
1-17-14                         Circumcision
3-17-14                         Eating blood
2-30-38                         Making temple perfume
3-20-18                         Sleeping with a menstruant
3-20-6                          Ov/Yidon worship

* {LIST2} {LIST of meanings of ROOT AVD}

=======                 =============
to lose--lost article   3-5-22
to destroy              Thr-2-9  *1
hell                    Prv-27-20

*1 The meaning DESTROY vs LOSE seems to be associated more with
the PIEL, intensive tense.

* There is an academic article somewhere in the literature (I
  honestly forget where) which distinguished two types of

  Thus a "toy gun" is NOT a gun while
  a "machine gun" IS a gun.

  There are many ways of looking at this distinction. For the
  purposes of this posting we look at it as the distinction
  between the meaning of a word BY ITSELF or IN A PHRASE.


RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE:  v3c23-40

        v3c23-40 Take an Ethrog, Lulav ... and CORD TWIG


 CORD TWIGS = HADASIM (because the twigs looked twisted like a cord

  Rashi Is Simple. He is simply giving the dictionary
  translation of the word. He is telling us that CORD TWIGS
  refer to HADASIM.

  It is important to emphasize that Rashi is NOT DERIVING the
  meaning of the word: He is not LEARNING from the phrase CORD
  TWIGS that it refers to HADAS---Rashi knows the 4
  fruits used on Succoth from Tradition.  Rather Rashi here
  is giving the ETYMOLOGY of the word CORDS.

  As to the etymology itself {LIST1} shows many examples of
  an object (noun) becoming an attribute (adjective) by naming
  things that LOOK LIKE IT. Thus we have the color "cherry red"
  from "cherry",or the 'Pentagon' building from the shape 'pentagon'

  We now give another possible point of view but then reject it.
  We use the following analogy:

  A foreigner comes to my house and I tell him that towels are
  kept in the BATHROOM. Even if he never heard the word before
  he can easily recognize that
  This is called LEARNING FROM CONTEXT. I believe it is estimated
  that 50% of all meanings are learned not by tradition or in
  the classroom but by context.  In this case the foreigner uses
  the combination of the DERIVATION and the fact that there are
  only a finite number of rooms in the house.

  So too...even if I didn't know what CORD TWIGS refers to I
  do know they are some type of PLANT---so I can be certain that
  they are the type of plant that looks like a cord.

  However if this point of view was correct we would expect some
  controversy -- we would expect the naming of several plants
  that look like cords. Since there is unanimous agreement on
  what the CORD PLANTS are we prefer the TRADITION-EYTMOLOGY
  approach first mentioned.

  The idea that controversy only occurs in Derivations but not
  in traditions is explicitly stated by the Rambam in his
  great introduction to the Mishnah.


LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Creation of new meaning: Things that LOOK LIKE
           the original word}

=============                   ===========
The fruit, cherry               The color, cherry
The shape, pentagon             The building, pentagon
Loud=alot of noise              a Loud dress=alot of noticeability
Storm=alot of raindrops         Brainstorm=alot of ideas
Surf the seas=bumpy journey     surf the web = bumpy lookup



RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

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To: "'Russell J Hendel'" 
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:09:06 +0300
Subject: RE: Volume 2 Number 2


You wrote:

# TAMAY = Contact with the dead--e.g. going to a funeral parlor
## DESECRATED PRIESTS = The descendant of a priest and a relation
        prohibited on a priest (like a priest and a divorcee)
### Of course, the TAMAY priest can give Birth to children. But
        they do not have PRIESTLY status.

I think you meant the third line to read:

### Of course, the DESECRATED PRIESTS can give Birth to children. But
        they do not have PRIESTLY status.


Tizke L'Mitzvot,

[Moderator: Correct...As I indicated I am rewriting the early
issues of Rashi Is Simple. I am also correcting minor
errors that occur. This error will be connected next week.

I am also correcting some spelling errors caught by
another Rashi Is Simplist

Feel free to make stylistic comments about anything.
All comments will be posted anonomously (unless you indicate
the desire to have them acknowledged)]

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: 3b21-18

       3b21-18 A blemished priest shall not offer: blind,lame...
       3c21-18 CHrm...SRA...

  3b21-18 CHRm = Sunken nose between the two eyes
  3c21-18 SRA  = e.g. one of the 2 eyes is bigger than the other
        (Or in any organ pair one is bigger than the other)
  3a21-20 GBN  = Eyebrows are long and leaning on skin
  3b21-20 DK   = Spot in the eye
  3c21-20 TVLL = Streak cutting the pupil
  3c21-21 LCHm = Any food

  CHRM = A Net. It can also refer to encircling/capturing an enemy
         In this verse it refers to having a sunken nose between
         your eyes (So the face has the apparence of a 2 holed NET)

  SRA = To elongate; and can easily refer to one organ being
        longer than the other {LIST2}

  GVN=  GV by itself means an individual eyelash.
        But as I will suggest below GBN is a separate root.
        This separation of roots helps solve some of the
        uncertainties in the Radack (who lists both the
        Mesorah meaning of long lying eyelashes and the
        alternative meaning of HUNCHBACK)

        GVN means cheese. So GBN when applied to eyelashes
        would denote a clumpy cheese like appearance (lots
        of long eyelashes lying around--(I however have not
        seen an explicit source which introduces the idea
        of clumpiness)). However GVN also means RUGGED
        mountain terrain (looks like cheese).

        A person with long lying eyelashes would indeed
        have a rugged cheese like appearance around his
        eyes. (See {LIST3} for a thourough discussion)

  DKK = Thin. DK = Spot

  BLL = Mix. TVLL = a Streak mixed with the pupil

  LCHm= Bread specifically and any food generally.
        We have already seen how certain words (e.g. day) can
        have general and specific meanings (day=12 hours, day=
        24 hours).See {LIST4} for a collection of nouns (objects)
        with this dual meaning.


LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Meanings of root CHRm--courtesy of RDK
                The unifying meaning is NET *1}

MEANING         VERSE           TEXT
=======         =====           ====
Net             Hab-1-15        He will drag it into his net
Temple dedicate 3-27-28         Any dedication to God *2
Destroy*3       5-20-17         Destroy them
Sunken nose     3-21-18         Sunken nosed *4

*1 Note for purposes of this list (ie Justify Rashi Is Simple) we
  note that Rashi was simply giving dictionary meanings.
  Nevertheless I have routinely reviewed other meanings of
  verbs in the hope of making these etymologies more obvious.
  This however is my own research and has no bearing on the
  simplicity of Rashi. I have also occasionally shown how
  Rashi expects us to sometimes to do more research (Workbook
  methods) than he has given.

*2 So DEDICATE means a "CATCH for GOD" or "NETTED FOR GOD"
  The word has a connotation that like a fisherman making a big
  catch and becoming ecstatic so to a person making a good catch
  in life and desiring to dedicate it to God has made a CHRm,

*3 I would suggest that it really means to 'destroy like FISH.'
   That is to NET (=encircle and trap) and Let die (like fish
   in a net).  We are, because of Nazi Germany more use to the
   "Cattle car" metaphor. But as Eccl-9-12 shows, the FISH
   IN THE NET metaphor was used in the Bible.

   Note that the "destroy" meaning of NET seems to occur only
   in the HIFIL.

*4 The sunken nose face looks like a 2 holed net.

{LIST2} {Occurences of SRA--only 3 times in Tnach}

VERSE           TEXT
=======         =====
3-21-18         Stretched organ (one is bigger than the other)
3-22-23         Stretched organ (one is bigger than the other)
Isa-28-20       For the bed is to small to be (even) stretched

{LIST3} {Meanings of root with GV-GBN--courtesy of RDK
        As will be seen the RDK frequently gives 2 meanings,
        showing his uncertainty. I however have a simple
        solution based on the two forms GB vs GBN
        See below for details}

====    =====    =======
GV      Ez43-13  Backbone of the altar *1
GV      Ps129-3  Human backbone        *1
GV      3-14-9   Eyelash               *1

GBN     Job10-10 Cheese *2
GBN     3-21-20  Long lying eyelashes *3
GBN     Ps68-17  Rugged mountains *4
GBN     3-14-9   Eyelash *3

*1 Note that these 3 meanings all
        * are associated with the form GV
        * have a meaning of backbone
  Thus the BACKBONE of the altar; The human backbone;
  and the individual eyelash which LOOKS like a bone
  sticking out from the eye.

*2 GBN is listed as a separate root by the RDK.
   It means cheese and by transfer would mean any
   rugged like terrain. So we have a

         a) rugged eyelash appearance
        (Eyelashes long and lying about)

        b) rugged mountains with a cheese
        like terrain (clumpy).

*3 RDK lists these two meanings but does  so in the ROOT GV
    Since he lists it in the root GV he lists the meaning of
    GVN = Hunchback. Why does RDK classify these in GV?
    Because GV means Eyelashes and therefore RDK thought
    that GBN which is an eyelash sickness belongs with GV.

    My solution is simple. GV means an INDIVIDUAL eyelash
    which looks like a backbone and belongs therefore in
    ROOT GV. By contrast the eyelash sickness looks like
    cheese, a COLLECTION of clumped eyelashes and belongs
    in GBN. By reclassifying the roots we avoid problems
    and ambiguity

    Note also that my solution helps avoid deviating from
    the Mesorah and interpreting GBN as hunchback.

*4 RDK classifies this BOTH in GV and GBN. In GV he
    apparently takes this as meaning CHEESE LIKE TERRAIN
    --a rugged clumpy (like cheese) mountain

    But in GAV he takes this to mean a LOW MOUNTAIN (like
    a hunchback).

    Again I would suggest simply classifying this root
    as GBN and thereby avoiding all problems.

{LIST4} {Partial list of nouns (objects) with narrow and general

WORD                    NARROW MEANING          BROAD MEANING
====                    ==============          =============
Day                     12 hour period          24 hour period
Bread                   Bread                   Any Food
Man (ISH)               Male                    Any person
E-L-H-I-M               God                     Any Judge
Candellabra             Main shaft              Whole candellabra*1

*1 Cf 2-25-31 (broad meaning) vs 2-25-34 (narrow meaning). We have
  a whole posting on the Menorah where this is developed in length.
  (e.g. v2a25-31)



RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

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they can be published as is or with editing)

e.g. v5b2-1 means as follows:
        The "v"         means           verse
        The "5"         means           Deuteronomy--the 5th book
        The "2"         means           The 2nd chapter
        The "1"         means           The 1st verse
        The "b"         means           The second rashi on that
                                        verse ("we rounded mount

Similarly v5-2-1 would mean Dt 2:1 and probably refer to all
Rashis. (These conventions start with issue 14---beforehand
the notation is similar and will be updated retroactively
in the future)

Asterisks (*,#) in a list usually refer to footnotes that follow it
Parenthesis with the word List and a number--[LIST3] refers to
LISTS in the LIST section of each posting.

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* will provide logical explanations to all 8,000 Rashis on Chumash.
* the preferred vehicle of explanation is thru list of verses and exceptions
* These postings will be archived in Shamash in Quartuplet
        -- By Volume and Number
        -- By Verse
        -- By Grammatical Rule
        -- By quicky explanation
* Rashi-Is-Simple should prove useful to
        layman, scholars, rabbis, educators, and students
* Although this list is orthodox we welcome all logical
 provided they are defended with adequate examples.

For further information on the character of this list
* read your welcome note from Shamash
* read PESHAT and DERASH: TRADITION, Winter 1980 by Russell Hendel

                End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest

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