Rashi-Is-Simple Mailing List
                        (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 1999

                        Volume 4 Number 16
                        Produced Dec. 18, 1999

Topics Discussed in This Issue
          (a)DEFICIENT SPELLING=deficiency (eg not all
          conquer(1-1-28),not all need a sign(1-9-12),or
          deficient-not-nice people(1-23-16,1-25-24 vs 1-38-27)).
          (b)DEFICIENT SPELLING=a combinations of 2 words (eg
          common& distinguished=temporary appointment-(1-23-10))


#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

                        ***     READING TIPS    ***

        * VERSE:
        * RASHI TEXT:

        ANSWER: Use your FIND menu
        For example: FIND VERSE:
                takes you to the beginning of the next section.
                takes you to the brief explanation of Rashi.

        Yes. Use your FIND menu.
                "FIND #*#*#*#"  takes you to the next posting

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v1$1-14
        [NEW] [Added to v1z1-14 in V3n23]

        3c23-40 Take Lulav Leave(S)
                RASHI: "LeavS" is written DEFICIENTLY
                    Only one lulav is taken (which
                    has many leaves)

        3z26-42 I'll remember the convenant with JacoOb
                RASHI: "JacoOb" is written FULL.
                 Recall that JACOB = EXILE
                 Hence FULL JACOB=FULL EXILE and includes

        5f1-13  ..& I'll put them as leaders
                RASHI: "Le ders" is written deficient.
                Even though they LEAD/HEAD the nation
                nevertheless they are held RESPONSIBLE
                for sins/omissions of the nation
                (So that their leadership is DEFICIENT
                and has an element of subservience)

        2a3-15 ..This is my name forever
                RASHI: "Forev r" is written deficiently.
                Gods name should be hidden (it is not

        2c23-2 ..and don't answer a dispute by following
                a majority opinion not grounded in logic
                RASHI: The word "DISPUTE" in Hebrew (RIV)
                is spelled deficiently ("RV") and can
                therefore be read as RAV--in other words--
                "and don't answer (disagree) with the
                RAV=Head of court".

                This deviant meaning of the sentence
                (which doesn't fit in with the rest
                of the sentence) is so interpreted
                because of the deficient spelling which
                suggests an added nuance (don't disagree
                with the court head). The simple meaning
                of the text is as I have indicated above

                And the reason the talmudic sages added
                such a queer interpretation is because
                of the deficient spelling which justified
                extracting an extra nuance from the verse

        2b31-18 ..God gave to Moses when he was finished
                RASHI: The Hebrew word for FINISHED(CLH)
                is spelled deficiently making it appear
                like the word KLH = BRIDE. Moses couldn't
                learn the WHOLE Torah in 40 days; hence
                the Torah was given to him the way a bride
                is given to a groom.  (Another point of
                the analogy is that just as a bride has
                24 types of ornaments so must a Rabbi know
                the 24 books of the Bible)

        The basic idea developed in volume 3 number 23 is that ALL
        deficient spellings in the Bible are interpreted in two
                >there is some DEFICIENCY in the thing NAMED
                >the word is READ IN TWO WAYS
        We now apply these two methods to the half dozen verses
        brought above.

                >take the LULAV LEAVS
                >Take ONE Lulav with MANY leaves
        because it is spelled deficiently. (OTherwise it would mean
        take many lulavs (eg 2) with many leaves)

           >I will PLACE leaders on you
           >The leaders PLACED on you will bear your responsibility
        In other words their so called
        is deficient since it is
           >The leaders who are responsible not the people
           >The leaders are subservient to the people in 1 respect
           >'Their leadership is DEFICIENT'

                >This is My(Gods) name forever(ALM)
        can also be read
                >Treat my name with respect by HIDING (ALM) IT
                (Hence the INEFFABLE NAME OF GOD)

          >God gave Moses when he was finished (CLH)
        can be read
          >God gave Moses the Torah like the gift of a bride(CLH)
        The analogy
                >Torah = Bride
        is then expounded in various ways.

                >Don't answer a dispute(RIV) by blindly following
                >the majority
        Can be read
                >Don't override the opinions of the court leader
                >simply because everyone else disagrees with him
        In fact Jewish law requires that capital case
        opinions/briefs begin with the younger members of court
        (The head of court holds his opinion till the end)

        Notice how Rashi explicitly states in 2c23-2 that
                >The reason Chazal interpreted this verse
                >in such a strange way is because of the
                >deficient spelling

        $LISTS--See {LIST1} Below

        [END OF NEW]

        [> The reader can either
                >>skip the rest of the posting if they remember it
                >>or reread it for review
         > The {LIST1} of all verses with DEFICIENT/FULL spellings is
         >augmented below. Its perusal will help you judge the
         accuracy of our suggested two part interpretation]

        v1-23-16 And Ephron was a common person of the Chitites

        v1b25-24 And behold she (Rivkah) had twins

        v1b38-27 And behold she (Tamar) had twins

        v1-9-12 I will give my rainbow as a "sign"

        v1-1-28 ...and you (the humans) will conquer the land

        v1-25-6 and to the sons of the concubines he(Abraham)
                gave presents

        v1z1-14 Let there be lights in the skys (Sun and moon)

        v1z6-2 And the Judges saw the women when they were good
                looking and took them (for themselves)

        v1b16-5 May God judge between me and you

        v1c18-1 And Abraham was sitting..

        v1a23-10 And Ephron was sitting...

        v1-23-16 The word Ephron is spelled DEFICIENTLY because
                he was a deficient person (not nice)

        v1b25-24 The word Twins by Rivkah is spelled deficiently
                since Esauv came from her who was a deficient-
                wicked person. By contrast the word Twins by Tamar
                is spelled full because both children were nice

        v1b38-27 The word Twins by Rivkah is spelled deficiently
                since Esauv came from her who was a deficient-
                wicked person. By contrast the word Twins by Tamar
                is spelled full because both children were nice

        v1-9-12 The word GENERATIONS is spelled deficiently--since
                not ALL generations need a sign (to protect them
                from a flood) since some generations are totally

        v1-1-28 The word AND YOU WILL CONQUER HER is spelled
                deficiently because not all people CONQUER land.
                Usually men do and not women.

        v1-25-6 The word CONCUBINES is spelled deficiently. There
                was a deficiency in the CONCUBINES--there were 2
                marriages but only 1 woman since Abraham remarried

        v1z1-14 The word LIGHTS is spelled deficiently. It can be
                consequently be read as both LIGHTS and CURSE. This
                is because change of weather (sun-moon) can be both
                a BLESSING and CURSE.

        v1z6-2 The word GOOD LOOKING is spelled deficiently. The
                deficient spelling looks like a verb form (To put
                on Makeup(2R9-30)). This shows the ugliness of
                their practice that even at those times in a woman's
                life when they were trying to make an impression by
                putting on makeup (eg by their weddings) the Judges
                would go in and take them

        v1b16-5 The Hebrew word BETWEEN YOU AND ME is spelled
                FULL. This is the ONLY time in the whole Bible when
                this word is spelled FULL. The FULL form looks like
                it is saying BETWEEN ME AND YOU(HAGAR) rather than
                BETWEEN ME AND YOU (ABRAHAM). This shows that Sarah
                was fighting with everybody and had picked on Hagar
                a great deal. In fact we see from the Angels promise
                of another conception and birth 1-16-11 that she
                apparently had miscarried (apparently from Sarahs
                mistreatment of her).

        v1c18-1 The word SITTING is spelled DEFICIENTLY so that it
                appears to say HE HAD SAT (but was no longer sitting
                eg he STOOD UP). Thus when God came to Abraham he
                began to get up but God told him to sit (because
                Abraham was sick). God also promised that His
                standing vs Abrahams sitting would be a symbol to
                future Jewish generations since according to Ps82
                when Judges sit in judgement God stands there.

        v1a23-10 The word WAS A COMMON PERSON is spelled deficiently
                appearing to read HAD BEEN A COMMON PERSON. Thus
                since EPHRON was making deals with Abraham the
                community appointed Ephron with a temporary
                appointment (So that he was both a COMMON person
                that was (temporarily) DISTINGUISHED).


We have gathered all 11 Rashis in Genesis dealing with FULL and
DEFICIENT spellings. Recall that every Hebrew word has Vowel
sounds like OH and EE. If for example, corresponding to the EE
sound there is a YUD then we say that the word is spelled FULLY.
If however there is an EE sound but no YUD then we say that the
word is spelled DEFICIENTLY.

Reviewing the 11 Rashis on DEFICIENT/FULL spellings {LISt1}
we see TWO CLEAR APPROACHES to them.

--APPROACH 1---The spelling DEFICIENCY indicates a DEFICIENCY
For example the person EPRHON has his named spelled DEFICIENTLY.
This indicates that he was a DEFICIENT-NOT NICE person. In fact
1-23 shows that EPHRON bragged alot on how he would sell burial
plots to Abraham for nothing and then turned around and charged
him in the finest currency. So Rashi Is Simple--Ephron was
a DEFICIENT person.

Similarly by using the ALIGNMENT method {LIST3} on the births
of RIVKAH and TAMAR we see that

>v1b25-24  & behold there were  TW NS in her belly
>v1b38-27  & behold there were  TWINS in her belly

by Rivkah(1-25-24)(who had the wicked Esauv and Jacob) the
word TWINS is spelled DEFICIENTLY (Which we have mimicked
in English with the missing I). By contrast by Tamar who had
two righteous children the word TWINS is spelled FULL.

There is even an English phrase about not-nice people
        >he is missing something
In Hebrew we express this with a DEFICIENT spelling indicating
        >a missing letter.

Some other examples of
        >DEFICIENT spelling = some type of DEFICIENCY
        >1-28-1 Adam is told to CONQUER the world but
        the word conquer is spelled deficiently--not all people
        conquer (eg men usually conquer not women)

        >1-9-12 God gives Noach a sign for all GENERATIONS but
        the word generation is spelled deficiently--not all
        generations need a sign (Since some are totally righteous
        and not in need of a sign)

        >1-25-6 The word concubines is spelled deficiently;
        The suggestion given is that although there were
        TWO concubines there was only ONE woman.
        Rashi suggests that Abraham
        remarried Hagar after Sarahs death.

This completes the review of the approach where
        >a deficient spelling = some indication of deficiency

---APPROACH 2---the 2 word approach
By using a deficient spelling we sometimes make the word appear
to spell something else. In such a case we have 2 words in one.
Very often this is taken to enhance the meaning of the verse
with extra nuances.

Perhaps the simplest example is 1-16-5
        >May God Judge between me(Sarah) and you (Abraham)
said when Hagar gave birth but Sarah could not.

As {LIST2} shows the Hebrew word
        >BETWEEN ME(Sarah) AND YOU(Abraham)
is always spelled deficiently with one exception---(1-16-5)
when it is spelled full. The fully spelled word looks like
it has a feminine suffix
        >BETWEEN ME (Sarah) and YOU (Hagar)
Thus Rashi Is Simple. Sarah was angry and taking it out on
everybody---she first fought with Hagar and then blamed Abraham
for letting the situation go on.  Further comments on this Rashi

Some other examples of this TWO WORD approach are v1z1-14
        >Let there be lights (Sun and moon)
The deficiently spelled word LIGHTS looks like the word to
curse. This also makes alot of sense. The changing climate--
sun and moon---can bring both good and bad. Both health and
sickness can be attribued to the sun and moon.

Verse 1-6-2 reads
        >When the Judges saw the pretty women they took
        >whomever they wanted
But the word for PRETTY is spelled deficiently making it
look like the VERB meaning to put on makeup (2R4-13).
So Rashi hilights the vulgarity of the judges
        >Even when the women were putting on makeup (eg
        >because they were going seriously with someone)
        >even then the judges would take them (knowing
        >full well that the women in question were
        >interested in someone else)

The remaining examples in {LIST1} deal with the word TO SIT
which when spelled deficiently looks like it is saying TO HAVE
BEEN SITTING. This occurs by Abraham and Ephron.

The explanation of this SITTING-WAS SITTING by Abraham is as follows
A person who stands, WAS SITTING but is NOT NOW SITTING.
A person who IS SITTING is obviously not standing. So a
person who BOTH SIT and SAT could be a person who started
to get up and then sat down. So we assume that Abraham
started to get up (out of respect to God) but God told
him to remain sitting and He (God) would stand. The profound
philosophical implications of this are discussed in the

Similarly by Ephron we analyze as follows--
YSHAV can mean in Hebrew a COMMON PERSON (eg 2R4-13).
A distinguished person is NOT COMMON NOW but WAS COMMON. By
contrast a NON DISTINGUISHED person IS COMMON NOW. Since Ephron
is called both we conclude that he received a temporary
appointment---he was a common person who LOOKED distinguished
but really wasn't (So the LOOKED and ACTUAL cause the WRITTEN
and SPOKEN forms of SIT-SAT).


We make 3 comments

1) Hagars miscarriage
The MAIN point of Rashi is that
        >Sarah and Hagar had a fight
This can be derived from the double word appearance of
It can also be derived from te explicit verse
        >return to your mistress and suffer under her(1-16-9)
Rashi simply goes a step further--what he says is probably
true but is not needed for our analysis. Rashi points out
that it says
        >behold you WILL become pregnant and give birth(1-16-11)
Since her becoming pregnant had started the whole fight
between Sarah and her (1-16) it follows that if she became
pregnant again then she must have miscarried (apparently due
to stress from her fight with Sarah).

At any rate the interpretation of the DEFICIENT/FULL spelling
is supported by 1-16-9 that shows that Sarah and Hagar had
a fight.

2) God Stands while Abraham sits
Rashi cites Judicial process--the judges sit and God stands.
This is supported by the verses in Ps82.

But Rashi obtained this verse from Genesis Rabbah which gives
the example of Kriath Shma (The people are sitting reciting
the shma and God is standing). Such a concept reflects
the Biblical verse
        >and you shall study the law in YOUR sleeping and
        >WAKING ( 5-6-6)

In other words, the Torah should be studied under ordinary
life circumstances.

So too..if Abraham was sick then it would be unnatural to stand
and therefore Abraham was serving God in HIS circumstances.

3) Need for creativity
Note the element of creativity needed to discover a concept like
        >Temporary appointment
which combines features of both the PAST and PRESENT tense.
It is this creativity element which lends a midrashic flavor
to the analysis. Nevertheless, the idea that
        >DEFICIENT spelling = 2 words at once
is a clear rule of grammar and style that is used in all

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {All 11 Rashis in Genesis dealing with DEFICIENT/FULL
        [NEW] Deficient spellings from the other 4 books (except
        for Numbers) have been added
        As can be seen 2 methods are used to
        deal with this deficiency. Either (a) the deficiency
        in spelling indicates some deficiency (like not being
        a nice person) or (b) the deficiently spelled word can
        be read differently suggesting that 2 words apply to
        the same situation (So Eg Ephron's temporary appointment
        showed a combination of his being a COMMON PERSON and
        a DiSTINGUISHED person at the same time). Further
        details are given in the footnotes}

VERSE    METHOD    WORD-1   WORD-2        Nature of DEFICIENCY
======== ========= =======  ============  =========================
1-23-16  Deficient                        not a nice person *1
1b25-24  Deficient                        not a nice person *1 *2
1b38-27  Deficient                        both were nice people*1*2
1-9-12   Deficient                        Not all need a sign
1-1-28   Deficient                        Not everyone conquers
1-25-6   Deficient                        2 marriages but 1 woman
3c23-40  Deficient                        MANY leaves; ONE lulav*-1
3z26-42  Full                             Full exile==redemption
5f1-13   Deficient                        LEADER but RESPONSIBLE*-2
1z1-14   2 words   Sunlight Curse         Weather can help/hurt *3
1z6-2    2 words   Good     Put makeup    Pretty at time of makeup*6
1b16-5   2 words   me-you   me-her        Sarah had hurt Hagar *4
1c18-1   2 words   sitting  sat           Began to get up&sat down*5
1a23-10  2 words   common   distinguished temporary appointment *5
2a3-15   2 words   forever  hidden        God's name is ineffable*-3
2c23-2   2 Words   dispute  Rabbi/head*-4 Don't override Court head
2b31-18  2 Words   Complete Bride*-5      Torah received like bride


*-1 In other words if the verse had been written normally
        >We would take MANY lulavs each with MANY leaves
    while now that it is written deficiency
        >we take ONE lulav with MANY leaves
    Thus the PLURALITY of the LULAVS is deficient (it refers
    to one lulav)

*-2 Most leaders blaim subordinates for errors.
    However Jewish leaders get blamed for subordinates of errors
    Hence the
        >Placement of leaders
        >since the leaders can sometimes be blamed

*-3 Thus we read two sentences
        >Gods name is forever
        >Gods name is hidden (ineffable)

*-4 Thus we read two sentences
        >Don't answer a dispute to follow a majority
        >Don't answer a court-head to follow a majority
    (Hence opinions in trials always start from the younger
    court members and go up till the head of Court is reached)
    Rashi himself points out that Chazal are NOT intending this
    to mean the simple meaning of the text. Rather
        >They gave this other interpretation because of the
        >deficient spelling (which Justifies a dual interpretation)

*-5 Thus we read two sentences
        >God gave Moses the tablets WHEN HE WAS FINISHED
        >God gave Moses the tablets LIKE THE GIVING OF A BRIDE

*1 In these 3 examples the DEFICIENCY is in the PERSON--
they weren't nice people The deficiency of Rivkahs son
ESAUV is well known in Tnach. The deficiency of Ephron can
be seen by his bragging--do--nothing nature---he keeps on
saying how he will give the field for nothing and then
takes the field for its full value in the best currency (1-23)

*2 Note that Rashi uses the ALIGNMENT method here{LIST3}.
Both verses speak about the birth of twins yet one uses
a deficient spelling and one uses a full spelling. In
one case both twins were righteous while in the other case
one of the twins was wicked (or deficient). In this case
the explantion of the deficiency PRECEDED the actual deficiency.

*3 In other words the changing climate (sun & moon) can
lead to colds. On the other hand the sun also aids in growth.
So the sun aids both growth and destruction.

*4 That Sarah seriously hurt Hagar is clear from the
explicit statement
        > return to your mistress and SUFFER under her(1-16-9)
Rashi simply points out the likely possibility that the stress
caused by Sarah towards Hagar (the "evil eye") caused a
miscarriage (which is the reason for the promise of another
conception and birth(1-16-11)). However the main point of the
verses is that Sarah was angry at BOTH Hagar and
Abraham and Hagar suffered under her. Note how Rashi uses the
alignment method here---every other BETWEEN ME AND YOU in the
Bible is spelled deficiently {LIST2}

*5 A person who stands, WAS SITTING but is NOT NOW SITTING.
A person who IS SITTING is obviously not standing. So a
person who BOTH SIT and SAT could be a person who started
to get up and then sat down. Similarly by Ephron we analyze
as follows: YSHAV can mean in Hebrew a COMMON PERSON (eg 2R4-13).
A distinguished person is NOT COMMON NOW but WAS COMMON. By
contrast a NON DISTINGUISHED person IS COMMON NOW. Since Ephron
is called both we conclude that he received a temporary
appointment---he was a common person who LOOKED distinguished
but really wasn't (So the LOOKED and ACTUAL cause the WRITTEN
and SPOKEN forms of SIT-SAT).

Note the element of creativity needed to discover a concept like
        >Temporary appointment
which combines features of both the PAST and PRESENT tense.

*6 In other words the Judges waited till the women would "dress
themselves up" and then took them. Rashi hilights the vulgarity of
the practice by emphasizing that most woman "dress themselves up"
when they are going seriously with somebody (eg when they are about
to get married).

{LIST2} {Of verses containing the words BETWEEN ME AND YOU. The
        Hebrew word BETWEEN ME AND YOU is always spelled
        DEFICIENTLY except in one instance. We therefore interpret
        1-16-5 as indicating that Sarah fought with 2 people--with
        both Abraham and Hagar}

1-16-5          FULL
1-13-8          DEFICIENT
1-17-7          DEFICIENT
1-23-15         DEFICIENT
1-31-44         DEFICIENT
1-31-48         DEFICIENT
1-31-49         DEFICIENT
1-31-50         DEFICIENT
1-31-51         DEFICIENT
1S20-23         DEFICIENT
1S20-42         DEFICIENT
1S24-13         DEFICIENT
1S24-16         DEFICIENT
1R15-19         DEFICIENT
2C16-3          DEFICIENT

{LIST3} {Of the two verses, both written in the same language, that
        indicate that Rivkah and Tamar had twins. One of Rivkahs
        children, Esauv, was wicked and hence the deficiently
        spelled TWIN which we mimic in English with a missing "I"
        --TW NS.However both of Tamars children were righteous so
        the spelling is full}

VERSE     TEXT                                        TWIN-1 TWIN-2
========  ==========================================  ====== ======
v1b25-24  & behold there were  TW NS in her belly *1  Esauv  Yaakov
v1b38-27  & behold there were  TWINS in her belly *1  Peretz Zarach


*1 To mimic the Hebrew we spell TWIN without the letter "I" to
indicate a deficient spelling.

        v4a17-25 in V2n18 (Discusses v3a26-42--Jacob spelled full)
        v1z1-14 in v3n23 (Has Genesis verses with deficient
        [END OF NEW]
        v1b1-14 These 3 verses were discussed last issue
        v1-1-28 We now bring all Rashis on Deficient spelling
        v1b6-2  in Genesis


RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

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e.g. v5b2-1 means as follows:
        The "v"         means           verse
        The "5"         means           Deuteronomy--the 5th book
        The "2"         means           The 2nd chapter
        The "1"         means           The 1st verse
        The "b"         means           The second rashi on that
                                        verse ("we rounded mount

Similarly v5-2-1 would mean Dt 2:1 and probably refer to all
Rashis. (These conventions start with issue 14---beforehand
the notation is similar and will be updated retroactively
in the future)

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* will provide logical explanations to all 8,000 Rashis on Chumash.
* the preferred vehicle of explanation is thru list of verses and exceptions
* These postings will be archived in Shamash in Quartuplet
        -- By Volume and Number
        -- By Verse
        -- By Grammatical Rule
        -- By quicky explanation
* Rashi-Is-Simple should prove useful to
        layman, scholars, rabbis, educators, and students
* Although this list is orthodox we welcome all logical
 provided they are defended with adequate examples.

For further information on the character of this list
* read your welcome note from Shamash
* read PESHAT and DERASH: TRADITION, Winter 1980 by Russell Hendel

                End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest

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