Rashi-Is-Simple Mailing List
                        (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 1999

                        Volume 4 Number 17
                        Produced Dec, 22 1999

Topics Discussed in This Issue
          Roots whose 2nd letter is Chet=Roots with a weak
          letter(called two letter roots by
          rashi):a)BCHR=Choose=BRR, b)BCHL=Fright=Confusion=BHL,c)
          MChTz = Crush = Squeeze=MTzTz  e) RCHV=Spatiousness =
          Alot (RVH) of space;f)PZZ=Glittering Gold=Fizzing water=PChZ
          (a)A 3 letter root punctuated with a PATACH PATACH
          refers to a noun(eg NAAR=the lad);(b) if punctuated with
          a KAMATZ-PATACH it refers to a verb (eg NoAR=to grow
          up);(c)if punctuated with two kamatz itrefers to a
          verb-object(eg HoMoM=pulverize them 5-7-23
          Three cases of verbs: a) 1-2-H  root AND causative
          tense==>Tsazray (VaY-AY-Tiv 2-1-20), b) 1-2-H verb AND
          active===>CHIRIK (Va-YEE-tav 3-10-20); c) Yud-2-3 AND
          active ===> Tzaray (Va-YAY-Lech 1-18-33)

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

                        ***     READING TIPS    ***

        * VERSE:
        * RASHI TEXT:

        ANSWER: Use your FIND menu
        For example: FIND VERSE:
                takes you to the beginning of the next section.
                takes you to the brief explanation of Rashi.

        Yes. Use your FIND menu.
                "FIND #*#*#*#"  takes you to the next posting

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v1a49-4
        v1a49-4 ...(you Reuven) are like water fizz, (therefore)
                you will not get the extras (of the firstborn)


        v1a49-4 the "fizz" and "hurriedness" that you hurried to
                show your anger (over my living with a handmaid
                rather than your mother ) was like hurried water
                (that shows 'fizz')---therefore

There is alot of confusion over Rashis so called belief in
the two letter roots so let me briefly explain the nature of
grammar and why Rashi's approach is tenable.

Grammar has three ingredients. The first is a discovery of
pattern between
        >FORM and MEANING
Thus for example the
        >PIEL BINYAN
has a
        >FORM (eg PI KAD TI (use of Chirik and Dagesh)
as well as a
        >MEANING (usually (but not always) a more intense activity)

The 2nd element of grammar is the ability to justify it by
examples using a database query. Thus I could ask in a query
        >Present all 3 letter roots that appear with a
        >Tav Yud at end with a chirik at the beginning
I would obtain all past, 1st person,singular occurences of
Piel in Tnach and could inspect meaning to see if it was
a more intense meaning.

The 3rd element of grammar is statistical justification. For
example after defining PIEL and performing the query I could ask
        >what percent of piel verbs (with a chirik) actually
        >mean a more intense form of the activity.
Most people are surprised that there are NOT rigid statistical
requirements for grammatical rules. 50-70% agreement with a rule
may be adequate. For in such a case the rule is still useful
even if it is not 100% accurate.

We can summarize the above by asserting that
        >GRAMMAR = statistical utility in association of
        >form with meaning as evidenced by a query
Thus the fundamental thesis of this email list is that
        >all Rashis (without citation of sources) are grammatical
(If Rashi cites a source he may just believe the position can
be strongly defended without believing it is grammatical.But
if Rashi does not cite a source then what he brings is pure grammar)

Notice how the above also gives a defintion of PSHAT. The major
problem with books on pshat today is that they avoid doing
research into finding the grammatical rules of rashi and instead
go off on philosophical tangents. The real issue of Pshat is NOT
its definition but rather the challenge of finding the grammatical
rules on which Rashi based himself.

Having said all that let us examine the two letter root theory.
Recall that every Hebrew root has 3 letters. However if one of
those letters is doubled, a hay, an aleph, a yud, a vav etc
then we have a weak root. In Rashis' language
        >A 2 letter root = a weak root
It is called a 2 letter root because one of its 3 letters
frequently does not appear.

Some statistics may help. There are about 2000 Hebrew roots. About
half of these are 2 letter (or weak). Furthermore many pairs of
weak roots with the same 2 letters have similar meanings.

{LIST1} shows the relationship between 3 letter roots whose 2nd
letter is CHETH and other weak roots. Note how the meanings are
closely related. Thus we have
                >B CH L = fright = confusion = BHL
                >B CH R = Choose = choose    = BRR
                >M Ch Tz= crush  = squeeze   = MTz
Sometimes the meanings are related but not identical. Thus
we have
        >TzChN = a stinging Stench
        >TzNH = A Thorn
        >A Thorn:Touch :: Stinging Stench:Smell
        >RVH = Alot
        >RCHV = Spacious = alot of space  \

FInally we bring the pair PACHAZ and PZZ.
        >ZHV = Gold
        >PZZ = GLittering Gold
        >PCHAZ = fizz (like the white foam by ocean waves)
        >Fizz:Water :: Glitter:Gold
In other words the fizz on a water looks like the glitter on gold.
Rashi explains that Reuven despite his many good characteristics
was too hurried---he fizzed like water---if he saw something bad
(like Jacob living with a bondmaid vs Reuven's mother, Leah) he
had to do little things like mix up the beds. He fizzed with
activity and it is this which invalidated him from leadership.

In passing we should mention that 1-49-3:4 are read as one verse
        >Reuven you are         My eldest
        >                       my strength
        >                       my beginning virility
        >...                    ...
        >                       like water fizz

Finally {LIST1} brings down three other slightly controversial
examples of root relationship. We especially mention
        >MCHR = Tomorrow = The Replacement (MOR) of Today
This cute etymology is due to Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch.


LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Showing how 3 letter roots with a cheth in the
        middle come from weak roots using the other two
        letters of the 3 letter root. Some of these
        derivations are clear
                >B CH L = fright = confusion = BHL
                >B CH R = Choose = choose    = BRR
                >M Ch Tz= crush  = squeeze   = MTz
        Some of the pairs are related but not identical
                >TzChN = Stinging Stench(smell)=Thorn(touch)=TzNH
                >PCHZ/PZZ = Fizz/Sparkling Gold both glitter alike
                >R Ch V = Spacious = alot OF SPACE = RVH
        Some require poetic lisence
                >B Ch N = Tested = Well Built = BNH
                >D Ch K = to shove = to thin his space= DKK
                >M CH R = Tomorrow = REplacement(MR)of Today *2}

Root                            Root
with                            with
Cheth   Meaning                 weak
                                letter*1  Meaning
======  ===================     ========  ======================
B Ch L  Fright                  B H L     Confusion
B Ch R  Choose                  B R R     Choose
M Ch Tz Squeeze/Crush           M TzTz    Squeeze
TzCh N  Stinging Stench         TzNH      Thorn
R Ch V  Spacious                R V H     Alot
P Ch Z  Fizz                    P Z Z     Sparkling Gold
B Ch N  Tested(well built)      B N H     Build
D Ch K  Shove him               D K K     Thin his space
M Ch R  Tomorrow                M O R     Replacement of today*2

*1 Rashis actual term is
        >a root with two letters
   Some people think Rashi actually believed there were roots
   with two letters. But this is rediculous. Rashi actually
        >weak roots (eg one letter is a hay,aleph,doubled..)
        >2 letter roots
   since one of the three letters frequently disappears.

*2 Due to the Master of Nuance, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch


This above explanation was first given (by me) in 1980 in
a synagogue in Bnay Brak near the Vishnitz Hotel. We were
shmoozing before davening and I related the
        >Glittering gold = fizz
idea to a person and his son. I have since forgotten their
name (If anyone knows who they are please forward their name
or email address to me).

RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v1d49-4
        v1d49-4 ...(you Reuven) are like water fizz (PCHZ),
         (therefore) you will not get the extras (of the firstborn)

        v2a19-18 ...And Mount Sinai was smoking (ASHAN)

        v5-7-23 ..and you will PULVERIZE them (HMM)


        v1a49-4 The Hebrew word
                is punctuated with two
                        >PATACHs (pAchAz)
                showing that it is a
                By contrast the
                        >verb form
                has a
                        >Kamatz-Patach (pOchAz)
                This also explains the placement of accents
                In other words
                        >PATACH-PATACh = noun
                        >KAMATZ-PATACH = verb

        v2a19-18 The Hebrew word
                 which means
                        >WAS SMOKING
                 is a
                        >verb not a noun
                 and therefore
                 it is punctuated with
                        >Kamatz-Patach (pOchAz)
                 (All other occurences of
                  in the Tnach (Bible) are verbs.)
                  This also explains the placements of accents
                  In other words
                        >PATACH-PATACH = noun
                        >KAMATZ-PATACH = verb

        v5-7-23  The Hebrew word
                 is spelled with
                        >KAMATZ-KAMATZ (hOmOm)
                 showing that the
                        >terminal MM = The Object = Them
                 In other words
                        >HMM + 2 Kamatzs = hOmOm = pulverize THEM
                 By contrast
                        >HMM +Kamatz+Patach=hOmAm= pulverize
                 In other words
                        >Kamatz-Patach = Verb
                        >Kamatz-Kamatz = Verb-Object

Rashi is simple--he is teaching us basic grammar.
Take a simple hebrew root like
We have 3 cases

If you place a PATACH under both the 1st and 2nd letter you
obtain a
        >NOUN---the LAD
There are many such SEGOLATE nouns in Hebrew which have two
patachs. Some other examples are presented in {LIST2} they
        >ZAAM = Anger
        >TAAM = Taste
        >NACHAL = stream
        >NAAL =shoe

If you place a KAMATZ under the 1st letter but a PATACH under the
second letter you obtain a
        >VERB----to become a lad--to grow up.
This is true for the other examples in {LIST2} also. In each row
of {LIST2} we have a 3-letter root which can be either a noun or
verb depending on whether we use a PATACH-PATACH or KAMATZ-PATACH
spelling. Thus we have
        >TOAM = To taste
        >ZAAM = TO get angry
        >NACHAL = To stream down possesions(ie to inherit to someone
        >NAAL = to close or lock (the activity=verb)you do to a shoe

When the last of the three letters is a MEM we have another case;
The form
        >HOMAM(Kamatz-Patach)=a verb/activity (To pulverize)
        >HoMoM(Kamatz-Kamatz)=verb+object=to pulverize THEM
In other words the terminal MEM could be part of the verb OR
it could indicate the OBJECT of the activity/verb.

These 3 rules are illustrated in the 3 Rashis above. The rules
are compactly summarized in {LIST1}. The rule is illustrated
with noun-verb pairs in {LIST2} and is illustrated with a
variety of verses in {LIST3}. Comments on Rashi's pedagogic
methods are presented in the COMMENTS ON RASHI'S FORM section.

Rashi, the master pedagogist! To appreciate what Rashi did
let us look at an analogy in modern math teaching.

The last 10 years in math have seen changes in remedial math
textbooks according to the following simple principle
        >A Good textbook only gives Rules
        >A Remedial textbook gives rules AND possible confusions.

We consider a very simple example which everyone can try on
their calculator. If I asked someone to compute
        >Two plus three over one plus four
There would be two ways of calculating it.

We could interpret this as
        >2      +       3 / 1           +       4 = 9
Or we could interpret it as
        >(2     +       3)/ (1          +       4) = 1
Those who want can test this out on their calculators.

A good remedial textbook gives not only the rules for evaluation
of expressions but also gives pairs of easily confused examples
such as the one above.  As I mentioned, this emphasis on
        >things to avoid
as well as
has particularly cropped up in the past 10 years as educators
become aware that preventing errors requires more than teaching
rules---it requires making people aware of frequently confused
items also.

But that is exactly one major difference between Rashi and
other grammarians. Whereas traditional grammar is based on
        >LISTS and TABLES
Rashi's grammatical approach is based on
        >pairs of similar but confusing examples.
For example what is the difference between the same letters
spelled with
Why is one a NOUN, one a VERB and one a VERB-OBJECT pair. It
is skillfully selected word pairs that differ in only
one or two details that make Rashi's approach so powerful
and helpful.

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Summary of rules for distinguishing in the spelling
        of the same letters between a
                >Verb object
        The examples in {LIST1} are further illustrated
        in {LIST2} and {LIST3}}

1stLtr 2ndLtr   Noun/Verb    Word    Verse     Meaning
====== ======   ===========  ====    =======   ==============
PATACH PATACH   NOUN         NAAR    Sam1-24   A Lad
Kamatz Patach   verb         Naar    Sam1-24   Become a lad
Kamatz Kamatz   Verb-object  HMM     5-7-23    Pulverize THEM

{LIST2} {The Same 3 letters can mean EITHER
                >a verb ---if it has a KAMATZ-PATACH spelling
                >a noun ---if it has a PATACH-PATACH spelling}

WORD    VERB=Kamatz-Patach                NOUN=PATACH-PATACH
=====   ==================                ==================
Naar    Grow up                           Lad
Zaam    Be angry                          anger
Taam    To taste                          taste
Nchal   To stream possessions(inheritance Steam
Naal    Lock/close                        Shoe (something you close)

{LIST3} {A variety of WORDS that have 3 letters that are punctuated
        and refer to either
                >verb object
        The rule is summarized in {LIST1}. For each pattern several
        examples are given with a verse, word, its form and text.
        {LIST2} is derived from {LIST3} and shows the SAME 3 LETTERS
        as either a noun or verb by its punctuation}

VERSE    1stLtr 2ndLtr WORD   Noun/Verb   Text
======== ====== ====== ====== =========   ======================
v1d49-4  Patach Patach PaChaZ Noun        Like the FIZZ of water
v2a19-18 Kamatz Patach AShan  Verb        Sinai was SMOKING
Isa28-28 Kamatz Patach HaMaM  Verb        & they will PULVERIZE
v5-7-23  Kamatz Kamatz HoMoM  Verb Object they'll PULVERIZE THEM
Zach2-16 Kamatz Patach NoChal Verb        God will inherit Judah*1
1-32-24  Patach Patach NaChal Noun        they passed the STREAM
Jud3-23  Patach Kamatz NaOL   Verb        ..and he LOCKED the door
1-14-23  Patach Patach Naal   Noun        ..lace of a SHOE*2
Sam1-24  Kamatz patach Naar   Verb        become a lad (grew up)
Sam1-24  Patach Patach Naar   Noun        lad
4-23-8   Kamatz Patach Zaam   Verb        ..get angry
Isa10-25 Patach Patach Zaam   Noun        ..the anger
1Sm14-24 Kamatz Patach Taam   Verb        ..he did not taste food
Prv11-22 Patach Patach Taam   Noun        ..a women without taste

*1 INHERIT = TO STREAM ones possessions.
   So Zach2-16 means
        >God will STREAM (His Portion) to Judah

*2 The verb
        >NAAL = Close/Lock
   So the noun
        >NAAL = the Shoe = the thing that is closed/locked



RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v2a1-20

        v2a1-20 And God made it good for the midwives...


        v2a1-20 He made it good for them. There are 3 cases
        of verbs here.

 CASE 1:a)A verb whose 3rd letter is Hay;b)in the Causative mode
 Then the YUD is punctuated with a TzaRay = VaY-ay-Tiv{LIST1}
 i.e. He caused it to be GOOD FOR THEM

 CASE 2:a)A verb whose 3rd letter is Hay;b)in the active mode
 Then the YUD is punctuated with a Chirik = VaY-ee-Tav{LIST1}
 ie It was GOOD in his eyes

 CASE 3:a)A verb whose 1st letter is yud;b) in the Active Mode
 Then the YUD is punctuated with a TzaRay = VaY-ay-Lech{LIST1}
 ie he walked.

Rashi is Simple and clear with adequate lists and we have nothing
to add. See the RASHI TEXT section for the full text.

Note again how Rashi's treatment of grammar is based
        >not on lists and tables
but rather on
        >similar looking forms which differ in 1-2 details
By doing this Rashi practices remedial pedagogy and helps
avoid errors.

Thus here the
        >Tzaray form
belongs to both
        >1-2-Hay verbs in causative mode and
        >Yud-2-3 verbs in active mode

By contrast the
        >active mode
can be
        >Chirik for 1-2-hay verbs
        >Tzaray for Yud-2-3 verbs

Such a teaching methodology is consistent with advanced remedial
methods that are currently being developed and practiced.

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Use a TZARAY for verbs whose
                                a)3rd letter is Hay  (1-2-H)
                                b)is in the CAUSATIVE tense
         Use a CHIRIK for verbs whose
                                a)3rd letter is Hay (1-2-H)
                                b)is in the ACTIVE tense
         Use a TZARAY for verbs whose
                                a)1st letter is Yud(Y-2-3)
                                b)is in the ACTIVE tense}

VERSE   VERB    TEXT                                    ROOT  MODE
======= ======= ======================================= ===== ====
2-1-20  yAYtiv  God made it good for the midwives       1-2-H Cause
Th2-5   yAYriv  God caused anguish to increase in Judah 1-2-H Cause
2C36-20 yAYgel  ..caused the remnant to go into exile   1-2-H Cause
Ju15-4  yAYfel  ..caused the tails to intertwine        1-2-H Cause
1-18-1  yAYrah  ..God caused Abraham to SEE a vision    1-2-H Cause*
3-10-20 yEEtav  it was GOOD in his eyes                 1-2-H Active
2-1-20  yEErev  the nation MULTIPLIED                   1-2-H Active
Jb36-10 yEEgel  and he OPENED their ears to rebuke      1-2-H Active
2-2-12  yEEphen and he TURNED here and there            1-2-H Active
1-13-14 yEEven  and he built an altar                   1-2-H Activ*
1-28-10 yAYtzay and he WENT OUT from Beer Shevah        Y-2-3 Active
1-37-1  yAYshev and he DWELLED                          Y-2-3 Active
1-11-5  yAYred  and He went DOWN to investigate         Y-2-3 Active
1-18-33 yALlech and He LEFT when he finished speaking   Y-2-3 Active
1-4-17  yAYdah  and Kayin knew his wife                 Y-2-3 Activ*

*1 These 3 examples were not in Rashi. The rest were



RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

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of my email addresses are made with the understanding that
they can be published as is or with editing)

e.g. v5b2-1 means as follows:
        The "v"         means           verse
        The "5"         means           Deuteronomy--the 5th book
        The "2"         means           The 2nd chapter
        The "1"         means           The 1st verse
        The "b"         means           The second rashi on that
                                        verse ("we rounded mount

Similarly v5-2-1 would mean Dt 2:1 and probably refer to all
Rashis. (These conventions start with issue 14---beforehand
the notation is similar and will be updated retroactively
in the future)

Asterisks (*,#) in a list usually refer to footnotes that follow it
Parenthesis with the word List and a number--[LIST3] refers to
LISTS in the LIST section of each posting.

To review all past issues as well as to see all principles go to the
web site HTTP://WWW.Shamash.Org/Rashi/Index.Htm. You can download all
past issues from this website.

Alternatively to get PAST ISSUES goto
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* will provide logical explanations to all 8,000 Rashis on Chumash.
* the preferred vehicle of explanation is thru list of verses and exceptions
* These postings will be archived in Shamash in Quartuplet
        -- By Volume and Number
        -- By Verse
        -- By Grammatical Rule
        -- By quicky explanation
* Rashi-Is-Simple should prove useful to
        layman, scholars, rabbis, educators, and students
* Although this list is orthodox we welcome all logical
 provided they are defended with adequate examples.

For further information on the character of this list
* read your welcome note from Shamash
* read PESHAT and DERASH: TRADITION, Winter 1980 by Russell Hendel

                End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*