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                  (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 2000
                        Volume 4 Number 20
                        Produced Jan. 1, 2000


        *******NEW NEW NEW    FORMAT   NEW NEW NEW*********
        |                                                 |
        |->THE BRIEF EXPLANATION SECTION has been made    |
        |  BRIEFER. We now have STOP signs in this section|
        |        STOP                       STOP          |
        |  which warn the reader where the reading gets   |
        |  technical--this will allow smoother reading    |
        |                                                 |  NEW
NEW     |->We also have QUESTION hilights which focus     |
        |  on how the LISTS we use are produced.          |
        |                                                 |
        |->The INFORMATION on the mailing list, its goal  |
        |  and its methods has been shortened and updated |
        |                                                 |
NEW     |->Within the next month the RULES LIST we use    |  NEW
        |  will be updated and posted at the bottom       |
        |  of each digest.                                |
        |                                                 |
        |->Thanks to everybody for their suggestions on   |
        |  readability. Please keep the comments and      |
        |  questions coming.                              |
NEW     |                                                 |
        |->I am still working on editing volume 3 for a   |  NEW
        |  a FREE DOWNLOAD. Sorry for the delay. I am also|
        |  changing the Calendar page on the web to simply|
        |  indicate our regular features. You will always |
        |  get TWO issues per week but I am not committing|
        |  myself to WHEN in the week these issues will   |
        |  go out                                         |

             NEW                NEW              NEW

Verses/Topics Discussed in This Issue with quicky explanations
          EL =: a) TO b) ON (eg he smote the Philistine ON his
          head), c) BECAUSE (eg I'll go down to my grave BECAUSE
          of my sons death), d) WITH (eg don't take a woman WITH
          her sister, e) MORE/FROM (eg You prostituted more than
          Canaan), f)IN (eg Bury me IN the cave
          YIKHAT = DETERIORATION.Rashi derives this as follows: a)
          Many roots beginning with a YUD have the same meaning as
          the last two letters of the root; b) KHH = Rot/Rust;
          Hence c) YKH = Deterioration. Rashi on Prov clearly
          states that DETERIORATION is meaning

    ------------APOLOGIES FOR ERRORS IN v4n19 HEADERS----------

    Last Thursday the QUICKIE INTRODUCTION to the digest had
    incorrect summaries of the postings (Computer error). But


    I am posting here in Volume 4 number 20 the the QUICKIE
    INTRODUCTIONS to these postings in Volume 4 Number 19.
    If you erased Number 19 you can visit the website and get
    the corrected version.

          A standard symbolic technique is to communicate an
          abstract concept using a GOOD EXAMPLE. eg The Psalmist
          said(113-7) 'He lifts poor from the dust' (clearly God
          helps people not in the dust also). In our verse
          DEGRADATION is indicated by PROSTITUTE.

v1b48-7 has 4 verses as follows
        The NOUN, ROAD is repeated twice(She died on ROAD, I buried
        her on ROAD). Repeated nouns generalize the concept. Thus
        the 2nd ROAD refers to BEING OUT IN THE OPEN, VULNERABLE.
        Jacob buried Rachel in the open to inspire vulnerable people

        The word CVRATH ARETZ=MEASURE OF LAND=The standard measure
        of land that could be SIEVED(CVRAH)=PLOWED in one day. We
        show that Rashi agreed with the Midrash Rabbah using
        semantic rules. ALIGNMENT of 1-35-16 vs 1-48-7 helps shed
        further light.

        The word CVRATH ARETZ=MEASURE OF LAND=The standard measure
        of land that could be SIEVED(CVRAH)=PLOWED in one day. We
        show that Rashi agreed with the Midrash Rabbah using
        semantic rules. ALIGNMENT of 1-35-16 vs 1-48-7 helps shed
        further light.

        You can say TO A PLACE by eithr a) Using a PREFIX LMD=TO
        (LMITZRAYIM), b) Using a SUFFIX HAY(Mitzraymah). The
        suffix HAY has a connotation of going to the OUTSKIRTS
        of the place while the PREFIX LAMED indicates going to
        the heart of the place

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

 GOALS: To grammatically defend all 8000 Rashis on Chumash.
 METHOD:Every Rashi will be defended with a LIST of comparable cases
 INTENDED AUDIENCE: Laymen, Academicians, Rabbis, Yeshiva students

 COMMENTS,QUESTIONS: EMail to address below; (minor edits may occur)
 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:Always given unless 'anonymous' is explicitly asked
 (UN)SUBSCRIBE: Email to above with keyword "(UN)subscribe"

 JOURNAL REFERECE: Pshat & Drash, TRADITION, Win 1980, R Hendel
 NOTATION: eg v2b1-8 refers to Ex(Book 2) Chap 1 Verse 8 Rashi b(#2)
 SPECIALS:...on Rambam,Ramban,Symbolism,Pedagogy,Daily Questions

          EMAIL: RJHendel@Juno.Com,rashi-is-simple@shamash.org,

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v1b49-29

 v1b49-29 Bury me TO my fathers:RASHI:Bury me WITH my fathers
 v1c37-35 I'll go down TO my son:RASHI:I'll go down BECAUSE of him
 v2b6-13 God commanded Moses TO the Jews:RASHI:commanded ON the Jews
 v3-18-18 Don't take a woman TO her sister:RASHI:WITH her sister
 v4b13-30Calev quieted the nation TO Moses:RASHI:By talking ON Moses

 v1b49-29 Bury me TO my fathers:RASHI:Bury me WITH my fathers
 v1c37-35 I'll go down TO my son:RASHI:I'll go down BECAUSE of him
 v2b6-13 God commanded Moses TO the Jews:RASHI:commanded ON the Jews
 v3-18-18 Don't take a woman TO her sister:RASHI:WITH her sister
 v4b13-30Calev quieted the nation TO Moses:RASHI:By talking ON Moses

The verse literally says
        >Bury me (Jacob) TO my fathers
Rashi explains that the Hebrew word
        >EL normally translated as TO
can also mean
        >EL= WITH
So the verse really means
        >Bury me (Jacob) WITH my fathers
So indeed, Rashi Is Simple.

Ramban does not DISAGREE with Rashi but AMPLIFIES him.
Ramban points out that the Hebrew word EL in the exact same
sentence, one phrase later, says
        >Bury me,....TO the cave
Clearly this should be translated
        >Bury me ....IN the cave
So that we translate
        >EL = IN
Ramban goes on and finally states that
        >EL has many meanings.

We are certain that the Ramban does not disagree with Rashi
since the Ramban uses examples which Rashi himself commented on!
For example Rashi, Radack, and Ramban all bring 3-18-18
        >Don't take a woman WITH (EL) her sister
as an example that
        >EL can mean WITH.
Thus it is clear that the Ramban is merely clarifying Rashi.

        |QUESTION 1:                                      |
        |==========                                       |
        |How would you find all the meanings of EL?       |
        |What tools would you use? How would you find     |
        |examples?                                        |

        | QUESTION 2:                                     |
        | ==========                                      |
        | Using your answer to question 1, how many       |
        | meanings are there to EL? How would you justify |
        | your answer?                                    |

{LIST1} below contains examples from Rashi, Ramban and Radack
on the multiple meanings of EL. Although this is accepted by
all grammarians nevertheless many people are surprised that
EL does not always mean TO. {LIST2} further summarizes {LIST1}
and presents all 6 meanings of EL--
        >EL = TO--eg God spoke to Moses
        >EL = ON--eg He smote the Philistine ON his head
        >EL = because--eg He named him NoHonor BECAUSE of the defeat
        >EL = with--eg Don't take a woman WITH her sister
        >EL = in -- eg they buried her IN the cave
        >EL = FROM/MORE--eg You prostituted MORE than Canaan

From a deeper perspective there is a difference in pedagogy here.
Ramban believes that
        >You teach by gathering together all cases
while Rashi believes that
        >You teach each case separately. When the student is
        >ready (s)he will organize the cases themselves

Both approaches have validity. Ramban's approach may be called
        >TOP DOWN
The Ramban starts with the TOP-the whole principle,and then
develops it on each particular verse.

By contrast, Rashi's approach is
        >DOWN UP
Rashi starts with each particular case. It is then the students
job to gather them together and see a comprehensive total theory

Both these approaches are used in teaching and both have validity
(Roughly speaking, different students learn better from different

        |       STOP!               STOP!              |
        | The remainder of this section is technical!  |
        | On a FIRST reading you may wish to scroll to |
        | the next section which begins with the word  |
        | VERSE: You can scroll quickly by using the   |
        | FIND feature in the main menu of your browser|
        | or word processor (FIND "VERSE:"). More      |
        | ambitious readers (or on a 2nd reading) are  |
        | encouraged to continue for many more         |
        | interesting details and lists.               |

I am a bit startled at the Ramban who stated
        >Rashi interpreted BURY ME **WITH** my fathers
but did not so interpret the next clause.
Does the Ramban think the next clause means
        >BURY ME **WITH** the cave.
In fact a better translation is
        >BURY ME **IN** the cave.
Many of the examples that the Ramban brought are translations of
        >EL = IN
Hence I am at a loss why EL=IN should have a bearing on EL=WITH!!
Note that Rashi could NOT have translated
        >BURY ME **IN** MY FATHERS
Perhaps that is Rashis point--that EL can have many meanings
        >TO   - NORMAL Meaning
        >IN   - BURY ME IN   THE CAVE
        >ON   - The famine happened ON ACCOUNT of Saul
See the LISTS below.

At any rate the above is a mere technicality. The Ramban is
clear that
        >EL can have many meanings.
Rashi is clear on this point also but scatters the many meanings
over his commentary. As we indicated this is a difference in
pedagogy not in content.

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Meanings of the Hebrew word EL. SOURCES: Ramban on this
        verse; Rashi on a variety of verses (you have to laboriously
        read thru all Rashis); RDK in the book of ROOTS. The last
        column, WHO, cross references the Rishon involved--R=Rashi,
        N=RambaN, K=RadacK--thus "RNK"   on 3-18-18 means that all
        3 Rishonim, Rashi, Radack and Ramban use 3-18-18 as an
        example  that EL = WITH}

VERSE    MEAN TEXT                                               WHO
======== ==== ================================================== ===
4-1-1    TO   God spoke TO Moses
2S21-1   ON*4 The famine happened ON ACCOUNT of Saul             R
1S4-21   ON   She named her son NoHonor ON ACCOUNT of the defeat R
1-37-35  ON   I'll go down to my grave BECAUSE of Josephs murder R
2-6-13   ON   God commanded Moses CONCERNING the Jews            R
4-13-30  ON   Calev quieted the nation AGAINST Moses*5           R
1S-17-49 ON   He smote the Philistine ON his head                  K
2S-2-9   ON   He gave him reign on Gilad and Shuri                 K
1S26-14  ON   Who is it that calls ON (ABOUT) the King             K
1-49-29  WITH Bury me WITH (EL) my fathers                       R K
3-18-18  WITH Don't take a woman WITH her sister                 RNK
Jos11-19 WITH They didn't make peace WITH the Jews                 K
2S18-27  WITH He is a good man and comes WITH good news *4         K
1-23-19  IN   They buried them IN the cave *1                     NK
2-25-21  IN   And IN the ark give the Two Tablets                 NK
1S-10-22 IN   ..behold, Saul is hidden IN the utensils            NK
1-37-36  IN   And the Medanim sold him IN Egypt *3                 K
Jos5-3   IN   Joshua circumcised them IN the ..valley              K
Ez44-30  IN   Give .. so you will have blessings IN your house     K
1-41-57  FROM They came to buy food FROM Joseph *2                 K
Ez15-29  MORE You prostituted more than the Canaanites             K

*1 'Bury IN the cave' also occurs in 1-49-29
*2 RDK also suggests 'They came TO Joseph to buy food' using
   an inversion of the sentence
*3 The verse (in my opinion) could also read
        >The Medanim sold him TO the Egyptian (Empire)
*4 RDK points out that the preposition ON can mean both
   RDK also gives 3 mores meanings
        >BECAUSE + ON
        >B when it means WITH (But these are all covered here)

*5 In other words he quieted the people by beginning
        >Is this the only thing that Moses did to us
   At that point they quieted expecting to hear more complaints
   He then continued
        >He took us out of Egypt
        >gave us the Manna
        >So he can help us conquer Israel

{LIST2} {A list of the 6 meanings of EL. SOURCE: We simple took
        {LIST1} and selected one row for each distinct meaning
        with one good example. Note how EL=AL=PHYSICALLY ON or
        EL=AL=PHYSICALLY BECAUSE, because AL itself has two

VERSE    MEAN TEXT                                               WHO
======== ==== ================================================== ===
4-1-1    TO   God spoke TO Moses
1S4-21   ON   She named her son NoHonor ON ACCOUNT of the defeat R
1S-17-49 ON   He smote the Philistine ON his head                  K
3-18-18  WITH Don't take a woman WITH her sister                 RNK
1-23-19  IN   They buried them IN the cave                        NK
Ez15-29  FROM You prostituted more than the Canaanites             K



RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v1d49-10

        v1d49-10 and to him belongs the YIKHAS of nation


        v1d49-10 [Moderator: This is a long Rashi..I am
        condensing it and summarizing the basic idea]

        YIKHAS=The gathering of nations (cf Isa11-10)

        In Prov30-17 ..despise the YIKHAS of the mother-

        YIKHAS=The gathering of wrinkles in old age

        [Rashi spends some time showing the Y of YIKHAS
        is part of the root but concludes that it could
        have equally said KHIIYATH AMIM. Rashi also cites
        some Talmudic uses of the word]

The Hebrew word YIKHAT occurs only twice in Tnach
        >1-49-10    The YIKHAT of nations
        >Prov30-17  The YIKHAT of the mother
When there is such a small statistical base we expect
controversy since there is no LIST to prove any position.

Nevertheless Rashi has an ingenious method to prove his position
which incorporates several features of other Rishonim positions.

In volume 2 Number 25 we have seen about a dozen examples where
a root beginning with YUD has the same or similar meaning to
the last two letters of the root without the YUD. Thus
        >YAL and ALH both mean to curse
        >YAZ and AZ both mean to behave brazenly
        >YSHMM and ASHMM both mean to destroy
    | QUESTION 1:                                      |
    | ===========                                      |
    | How would you make a list to prove that the      |
    | meaning of a [YUD-2-3] verb can be obtained from |
    | the meaning of its last two letters?             |
    | What sources would you use?                      |
See {LIST1} for about a dozen examples.

Using this principle Rashi extends the list of verses with
to the list of verses with
        KHH = dull, rotting, rusting
Thus we have the Biblical phrases
        >the DECAY of teeth
        >the RUSTING of iron

So Rashi is Simple, elegant and beyond controversy. If
        >KHH = Decay/rust
and if
        >YKH = KHH
Then we must have
        >YKH = decay/rust
Thus Rashi translates
        >...despises the OLD WRINKLED MOTHER
        >...the WORN OUT NATIONS will surrender to King Mesiah

In other words Rashi says
        >MOTHER'S YIKHAT = accumulation of wrinkles in old age
Similarly Rashi would interpret 1-49-10
        >the nations will surrender themselves to King Mesiah
        >when their strife and failures accumulate

This completes our analysis. For those interested in a technical
scholarly discussion see the 4 way controversy in {LIST3} on the
meaning of YKH. We have that
        >Rmbn: YKH =  weak (like Rashi)
        >RDK: YKH = Obedience
        >Ibn Ezra: YKH = Assemblage
Rmbn gives a fascinating list of occurences of YKH in Talmud and
Midrash.  For further comments see the COMMENTS ON RASHIS FORM

        |       STOP!               STOP!              |
        | The remainder of this section is technical!  |
        | On a FIRST reading you may wish to scroll to |
        | the next section which begins with the word  |
        | VERSE: You can scroll quickly by using the   |
        | FIND feature in the main menu of your browser|
        | or word processor (FIND "VERSE:"). More      |
        | ambitious readers (or on a 2nd reading) are  |
        | encouraged to continue for many more         |
        | interesting details and lists.               |

We have suggested that Rashi translates
        >YKH = Accumulated rotting
To be precise in Proverbs Rashi says
        >The wrinkles that ACCUMULATE & are WORN OUT in old age
But on Genesis Rashi says
        >wrinkles that ACCUMULATE
        >nations that ACCUMULATE

This leads Ramban to suggest that Rashi believed that
since that is all he mentions in Genesis. However in light of
Rashis EXPLICIT statement in Genesis that
        >YKH = KHH
and in light of Rashis EXPLICIT statement in Proverbs
        >accumulate AND WORN OUT
we argue that Rashi really held the same position as the
Ramban.(Note that in any event Rashi is not that clear
in his commentary on Genesis as he was on Proverbs)

This verse illustrates another example in which
        >Rashi in Nach illuminates over Rashi in Torah
        >Rashi is precise with lists but not as precise in form
        (For he should have said both ACCUMULATED and WORN OUT
        in Genesis the way he did in Proverbs SOURCE: Browse
        thru the book of ROOTS, LETTER YUD. The RADACK himself
        explicitly gives some of these pairs).

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Roots beginning with YUD that have the same meaning
        as the Last two letters of the Root *4.SOURCE: Browse
        thru the book of ROOTS, LETTER YUD. The RADACK himself
        explicitly gives some of these pairs  }

=====  =====  =========== ===============================  ========
YAL    ALH    Curse/swear YAL and ALH have similar meaning      *1
YZM    ZMM    Plot        The meanings of YZM ZMM are equal     *1
YTV    TOV    GOOD        Two Roots with one meaning            *1
YAZ    AZZ    Brazen      YAZ AZZ have the same meaning         *1
YAT    ATH    Enwrap      YAT ATH have the same meaning         *1
YShM   ShMM   Destroyed   YShM has a meaning of ShMMaH          *1
YAV    AVH    Desire                                            *2
YGR    GOR    Fear                                              *2
YZN    ZON    Weapons                                           *2
YLCh   HLCh   Walk                                              *3
YChD   EChD   Unique/One                                        *3
YRA    RAH    SEE/REVERE                                        *3
YShN   ShNH   OLD/REPEAT                                        *3

*1 The RDQ explicitly says the two roots have the same meaning
*2 The RDQ translates each root the same way (but does not
   explicitly connect them
*3 The two roots do not have identical meanings but do have
   similar meanings. Thus something UNIQUE is ONE of a king.
   Similarly to REVERE someone is to constantly see him/her
   before you in your mind (cause-effect). Similarly a person
   (or object) becomes WORN OUT by REPEATED USE.

*4 (As I have explained many times Rashi is
not rejecting the 3-letter root theory For Rashi believes that
GRAMMATICAL FORM is determined by 3 letter roots. Nevertheless
SEMANTIC MEANING of roots can be determined by a decomposition into
a one letter and 2 letter root. By one-letter and two-letter roots I
mean a 3 letter root with 2 or 2 weak letters.)

{LIST2} {All verses with root KHH or YKH. SOURCE: The Konkordance}

ROOT    VERSE           PHRASE
====    =====           ======
YKH     1-49-10         The YIKHATH of nations
YKH     Prv30-17        The YIKHATH of the mother
KHH     Jer31-28*1      The YIKHATH of teeth
KHH     Ecc10-10        YIKHATH of iron

*1 Same phrase occurs in Jer31-29 and Ez18-2

{LIST3} {4 approaches to the meaning of YKH in 1-49-10. As seen
        above the Rashi-Ramban approach seems the most logical
        since it is based on an enhanced list}

RISHON     MEANING      1-49-10               Prv30-17
======     =======      =======               ========
RDK        Obedience    Obedience of nations  Obedience of mother*1
IBN EZRA   ASSEMBLAGE   United nations        Mother-son gatherings
RMBN       WEAKNESS     when nations are weak mothers admonitions*2
RASHI      DULLNESS     when nations are dull when mother is dull*2

*1 So the verses mean "To Messiah will belong the obedience of
nations"; "..despise the obedience to mother"

*2 Ramban cites Talmudic usages---KHH is used to denote REFUTATIONS
of arguments which WEAKEN the logical stand of the other person.
Hence he interprets Prv30-17..."despising the motherly admonitions"
Rashi is consistent and interprets YKH=ACCUMULATED DULLNESS--in
other words the child despises the mother when she is old and all

Volume 2 Number 25, v5-4-25


RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

                        End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*