Rashi-Is-Simple Mailing List
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                  (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 2000

                        Volume 5 Number 15
                        Produced Mar, 10 2000


Verses/Topics Discussed in This Issue with quicky explanations
          Words are named by FORM (eg Pentagon), FUNCTION (eg
          United nations), SUBSTANCE (eg the PLASTER), CAUSE
          (Sunset), EMOTIONAL IMPACT (eg HARDship).The BIRTHSTOOL
          is named AVNAYIM because it is MADE of STONE, ShVR,
          because of the PAIN, ShVR =baby breaks thru
          CHMASH=20% or ARMED. The reason we translate '20% of the
          because the PREVIOUS VERSE **Explicitly says** that the
          Jews were afraid of war! Hence God wouldn't have exposed
          them to weapon requirements

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

                        RASHI IS SIMPLE

 GOALS: To grammatically defend all 8000 Rashis on Chumash.
 METHOD:Every Rashi will be defended with a LIST of comparable cases
 INTENDED AUDIENCE: Laymen, Academicians, Rabbis, Yeshiva students

 COMMENTS,QUESTIONS: EMail to address below; (minor edits may occur)
 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:Always given unless 'anonymous' is explicitly asked
 (UN)SUBSCRIBE: Email to above with keyword "(UN)subscribe"

 JOURNAL REFERECE: Pshat & Drash, TRADITION, Win 1980, R Hendel
 NOTATION: eg v2b1-8 refers to Ex(Book 2) Chap 1 Verse 8 Rashi b(#2)
 SPECIALS:...on Rambam,Ramban,Symbolism,Pedagogy,Daily Questions
 RASHI-IS-SIMPLE RULES...Complete set with examples ON BOTTOM

          EMAIL: RJHendel@Juno.Com,rashi-is-simple@shamash.org,

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE:  v2y40-35

        v2b1-16 Look on the (OBSTETRIC-)-BIRTH-TABLE

        v5-3-9 The Zidonim nation call CHRMON, SIRYON

        v5b40-22 On the THIGH of the Temple, in the North


        v2b1-16 'Look on the (OBSTETRIC-)-BIRTH-TABLE'
        The obstetric birth table is on the one hand called
                >the STONES
        while on the other hand it is call(cf Is66-9,Is37-3,Hos13-13
                >the BREAKTHRU
        [Moderator: The 3 verse citations above come from
        RDK book of roots.RDK suggests that the BIRTH TABLE is
        named from the root
        because this root also means
        and therefore it refers to the
        By contrast I would suggest that the BIRTH TABLE is named
        by the root
        because this root also means
                >BREAK THRU
        As in the breakthrus of a business deal or
        dream(1-41-57,Jud7-15)Rashi does not take sides]

        Rashi explains that the BIRTH TABLE can EQUALLY be called by
                >What it is made of (STONES)
                >Its emotional impact (birth pangs)
                >Its functional goal (The BREAK THRU)
        Rashi cites Jer18-3 as where they call the craftsman's table
                >The STONES
        proving that something can be name just by what it is made

        v5-3-9 The ZIDONIM nation call CHRMON, SIRYON
        By reviewing 5-3-9 and 5-4-48 we see that this
        city was called 4 names
        The Bible explicitly lists the nations that called each name
     >BASHAN          called it          CHRMON
     >TzIDONIM     called it          SRYON
     >EMORY          called it           SNIR
        If we constructed a list of cities from the Bible it is rare
        style to BOTH give many names and ascribe authorship of
        these names to various countries.

        Rashi therefore suggests that the multiple names and
        authorships is to show the greatness of the conquests---
        even though this city was desired by many nations
        nevertheless God helped us to conquer it.

        v5b40-22 'On the THIGH of the Temple, in the North'
        The word
                >The SIDE.

This is part III in the series of Rashis dealing with the principle
        >Two verses that say the similar things in
        >a complementary mannar
In Volume 5 Numbers 12,13 in postings v2-40-35 and v2z40-35
we have presented 3 principles with many examples. Thus
2 similar verses can describe
        >2 aspects of the same entity were described in 2 verses
The simplest example is 4-21-21 vs 5-2-26 which describes
        >ISRAEL as sending agents to Edom
        >MOSES as sending agents to Edom
Clearly MOSES is simply the REPRESENTATIVE of Israel. In other
words ISRAEL has two aspects or two components
        >the nation itself
        >the designated representative
and it is these 2 aspects which are mentioned in the verses.
2 Similar verses can describes
        >two STAGES of some process
For example the LEVITES came to LEARN Temple service at
25 but did not start working till 30.(4-8-24,4-4-3)
Two similar verses can
        >change a words meaning from restrictive
        >to broad
For example in 5-15-17 vs 3-25-10--the statement that slaves go
out in the Jubilee implies that the Biblical verse
        >the slave shall work FOREVER
must be interpreted restrictively
        >WORK FOREVER = a Long time = One jubilee

We have left two further principles. In todays posting we show
        >2 verses can CALL the same item by DIFFERENT names
Rashi gives examples from v2b1-16 and v5-3-9 which show how
        >CHERMON, a city conquered by the Jews
        >The Hebrew word for BIRTH STOOL
can have multiple meanings.

In reviewing these Rashis we have a short but succinct description
of the 5 basic ways words are named
        >BY FORM: eg the PENTAGON has the SHAPE of a pentagon
        >BY FUNCTION: eg the UNs purpose is to UNITE NATIONS
        >BY SUBSTANCE: eg the LINOLEUM is a floor MADE OF linoleum
        >BY CAUSE/DESCRIPTION:eg the SUNSET occurs when the SUN SETS
        >BY EMOTIONAL IMPACT: the HARDSHIP is HARD to bear

        |QUESTION 1:                                         |
        |===========                                         |
        |Can you make a list of words illustrating the above |
        |principles of naming? The words can come from       |
        |English or Hebrew. What tools would you use? Neither|
        |CD Roms,Konkordances or dictionaries would help you |
        |You have to use your mind. See {LIST1| below for a  |
        |a partial answer.                                   |


LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Words, their meaning and how the word is named. For
        example both the pentagon and UN deal with war related
        matters--but the pentagon is named by its SHAPE/FORM
        while the United Nations is named by its FUNCTION.
        Similarly both HEARING AIDS and GLASSES help you
        perceive. But GlASSES are named by what they are made
        of (glass) while HEARING AIDS are named by their function
        This list can only be compiled using human thought.
        CD ROms and konkordances would not help}

WORD            MEANING              HOW IS WORD NAMED
==========      ==================== ============================
Pentagon        War Building         By its shape/form
Thigh           side                 FORM: Same position as thigh
Head            Top                  FORM: Same position as head
Well            eye                  FORM: Looks like an eye
Linoleum        Floor                SUBSTANCE
Iron            Irons clothes        SUBSTANCE
Plaster         Binds materials      SUBSTANCE
glasses         helps you see        SUBSTANCE
Hearing aid     helps you hear       FUNCTION
Television      Tells vision         FUNCTION
Can Opener      Opens cans           FUNCTION
typewriter      writes in type       FUNCTION
Binder          Holds files together FUNCTION

        v2-40-35 This posting is part of a multi-part series
        begun in v2-40-35 in volume 5 number 12
        v2z40-35 Volume 5 Number 13


RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

VERSE: v2c13-18

        v2c13-18 ..the Jews went up from Egypt CHAMUSHIM
                [Moderator: Rashi's goal is to translate this Hebrew

        v2d13-17 ..lest the Jews regret leaving Egypt when
                they see war


        v2c13-18 'The Jews went up from Egypt CHAMUSHIM'
        There are 2 possible explanations of CHAMUSHIM

        Explanation a
        'The Jews went from Egypt ARMED'
        That is we translate
                >CHAMUSHIM = ARMED
        Precedents for this translation
                >CHAMUSHIM = ARMED
        occur in Jos1-14, Jos4-12, Jud7-11

        Explanation b
        'Only a FIFTH of the Jews left Egypt'
        That is we translate
                >CHAMUSHIM = FIFTH
        Of course it is well known that
                >CHAMESH = FIVE
        According to this explanation 4/5 th of the Jews died in
        Egypt (those who were not worthy) and only a fifth went up

        [Moderator: There are many other items in Rashi but in terms
        of meaning these are the main ones. Also note---in accordance
        with the principles that we are following---that we will
        defend Rashi's 2nd explanation (Exlanation b). We will
        show why Rashi rejected explanation a]

        v2d13-17 'Lest the nation be afraid when they see war'
        Indeed we learn this from 4-14-4
                >And the Jews said let us make leaders and
                >return to Egypt
        (Because the spies had said 4-13-33
                >..and the inhabitants of the land were giants
                >who made us look like grasshoppers)
        (Indeed if the Jews were SO AFRAID AFTER seeing all the
        miracles (because God took them out in a round about manner)
        how much more so would they have been afraid if they
        saw the WARRIOR-GIANTS FIRST when they left)

The verse says
        >And the Jews went up from Egypt, CHAMUSHIM
The problem is
        >How do we interpret CHAMUSHIM

        >CHAMESH = 5,
occurs about 500 times in Tnach.
However there are 10-12 other occurences where it does not mean 5.
It is these 10-12 other occurences that must be analyzed
(In passing we note the amusing fact that in English the English
has 3 meanings
        >a glass of liquor
        >a musical interval
        >a proportion)

        | QUESTION 1:                                   |
        | ===========                                   |
        | How would you find the 10 times where the     |
        | root ChMSh occurs in Tnach but does not       |
        | directly mean 5. What tools would you use?    |
        | After finding these 10 occurences what meaning|
        | would they have? {LIST1} below has answers    |

These 10-12 verses suggest 3 possible other meanings of CHAMESH--
        >CHAMESH=A FIFTH(20%)--(3-5-16)..and he shall pay
        >       an additional fifth (of the robbery)(as a fine)

        >CHAMESH=the FIFTH rib(2Sam4-6)..and he stabbed him at
                the place of the FIFTH rib (by the liver)

        >CHAMESH = ARMED (Jos1-14)..and you will go ARMED
                before your brothers
RADACK, with his usual encyclopedic charm explains that
      >CHAMESH=ARMED=girded with weapons hanging from the FIFTH RIB
This would correspond to a type of 'chest revolver' that some
detectives wear. I would suggest that
      >CHAMESH=ARMED=divided into 5 flanks
since it is the nature in war to divide the army into several flanks
according to the military motto, DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Thus Jos1-14
would mean
   >You will go in 5-flank military formation before your brothers
(See Jud9-34 for a 4-flank military formation--such multi-flank
formations are normal). In summary there are 3 possible other
meanings to

Before explaining Rashi we must first intensify the question against
him. Indeed, if
(a)there are other verses where
(b) and if the Aramaic translation states
(c) and if it is consistent with the text to state
        >the Jews went out ARMED
then why doesn't Rashi simply adopt this meaning of CHAMESH
Notice how the above 3 criteria---a,b,c--are the criteria currently
used in academic journals
        >internal usage of the word in other parts of the language
        >external consistency with other languages (like Aramaic)
        >textual consistency
So the question remains,
        >Why didn't Rashi simply translate CHAMESH=ARMED

We answer this question using the technique of
We have emphasized many times in this email list that very
difficult Rashis can frequently be made simple by this technique
Indeed it says one verse previously in 2-13-17
        >that God did not let the Jews go by way of the
        >philistines even though it was a quicker road since

So it explicitly says that
        >the sight of war would scare the Jews
So it is inconceivable that God should ask the Jews to arm!!!
So Rashi-is-Simple and translates 2-13-18
        >and 20% of the Jews went up from Egypt, (the other
        >80% died in Egypt).
In other words, it is the
        >OTHER VERSE
that prompts Rashi to intepret
        >CHAMESH = 1/5 th--a proportion
        >CHAMESH = Armed

In a similar manner Rashi uses the technique of
on 2-13-17,
        >lest the Jews regret when they see war
In fact 4-13-33 says that the spies reported that
        >the inhabitants of Canaan were warriors that made us
        >look like grasshoppers
and IMMEDIATELY in says 4-14-4 it says
        >and the Jews said, let us chose a leader and return
        >to Egypt
As Rashi wryly notes
        >If AFTER all the miracles God showed the Jews, they
        >nevertheless wanted to return to Egypt because of
        >the sight of war, then, how much more so BEFORE
        >seeing these miracles that the Jews would become
        >afraid from the sight of any war-type items (even
        >weapons...for indeed, people who are afraid also
        >remain afraid when given weapons since their fear
        >is rooted in a fear of possible failure)
Further comments may be found in the COMMENTS ON RASHI'S FORM

We make 3 comments

#1) Where did the Jews get weapons for their wars
Rashi in discussing the first possible translation of Chamesh
        >Chamesh = Armed
points out that IF they went up armed then it would account
for where the Jews obtained weapons for their various wars
(Such as the war against Amalek, 2-17-8:15)

However, based on Is2-4
        >they will make their swords into field cutters
        >and their spears into tree-scrapers
I would simply say that the Jews could fight wars with agricultural
instruments and house utensils (Indeed that is how the Warsaw
uprising fought).

#2) Why did 80% of the Jews die in Egypt
Donna/Ross Quartermaine originally brought up this fascinating
question that we have been discussing
        >Why does Rashi say that 80% of the Jews died in Egypt
Although I have answered this question technically I have not yet
answered this question philosophically.

Needless to say the full philsophical discussion of good and evil is
beyond the scope of this email group. Nevertheless in the spirit
of this email group I would like to offer other examples of
        >God redeeming us after a significant percentage die

        |QUESTION 2:                                            |
        |===========                                            |
        |Can you help answer Donna's question? Can you find     |
        |other examples of redemption where a large percentage  |
        |of Jews died and only a small percentage were          |
        |redeemed?  How would you find such a list? What tools  |
        |would you use? A partial list is presented below in    |
        |{LIST2}. A word of caution: Such a list only           |
        |establishes a pattern--it does not explain anything.   |
        |Nevertheless it offers us insight into the nature of   |
        |God's redemption.                                      |

#3) Rashi vs the Academic World
As pointed above many academic scholars would say that the
simple meaning of the verse is that CHAMESH-ARMED. Indeed, they
would claim that criteria for academic scholarship requires
        >usage of the same term elsewhere in the language
        >nearby eastern language translations (Aramaic)
        >Possible textual meaning
Rashi however based himself on
        >textual consistency--'The Jews were afraid of war'
Thus the ultimate question is
        >Does textual consistency take precedence over
        >identical uses of the term and other languages
It seems that Rashi has a strong case---at any rate academic
scholarship has never answered Rashi. This is an important
point in assessing Rashi's simplicity.

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {The 10-12 verses where the Hebrew root
         does not mean 5. To obtain this list you must not
         only use a CD ROM or a Konkordance; you must also
         look up on EACH verse how the commentators explain
         the verses. A further useful source is the RADACK's
         book, ROOTS. This marvelous book is more than a
         dictionary---it contains many verse references,
         lists all meanings of Biblical words, ocassionally
         gives etymologies, and frequently cites alternative
         meanings. As can be seen these verses show 3
         alternative meanings of CHAMESH
                >CHAMESH = 5th, 50, 5 parts
                >CHAMESH = 5th Rib (Place of liver)
                >CHAMESH = ARMED }

=====    =======          ==============================
1-41-34  Divide into 5ths Divide Egypt into 5ths
1-47-26  20%              Pay 20% tax
3-5-16   20%              Pay 20% fine
2K1-9    50               You and your '50'
2-13-18  a 5th *1         Only a 5th of Jews went
Jos1-14  Armed *2         You will go armed
Jos4-12  Armed            And they went armed
Jud7-11  Armed *3         Went to the armed men
2S2-23   5th Rib(by liver Avner stabbed him by liver
2S3-27   5th Rib          and he stabbed him by liver
2S4-6    5th Rib          and he stabbed him by the liver
2S20-10  5th Rib          and he stabbed him by the liver

*1 Some commentators interpret this as ARMED. As we
        showed, the problem with such an interpretation
        is SEMANTIC--the very previous verse says that
        the Jews couldn't be exposed to War because
        they were scared...how then could they have
        gone out armed?

*2 According to Radack,
        >CHAMESH = ARMED = Girded with weapons around 5th rib
   I suggested
        >CHAMESH = ARMED = a 5-flank column formation
   (cf Jud9-34 for a 4-flank formation )

*3 We should mention 1K6-31 which could mean
        >The 5-boarded door
        >armed (arms on door)
   NOTE: This verse is not brought by MENDELKORN in the
   'obscure meaning section' of his konkordance but is
   brought by RADACK.

{LIST2} {Redemptions by God where many people died. This list
        cannot be produced by CD-ROMS. Instead one must use
        ones knowledge of the Bible and Biblical prophecies}

Incident         Percentage Dying        Verses
================ =================       ==========
Exodus           80%                     2-13-17:18
Enter Israel     50% *1                  4-14-26:45
1st Exile        90%                     Isa6-13
Coming of Mesiah 67%                     Zac13-8

*1 Only the men died (cf the explicit 5-2-16)


        To Donna Quartermaine for asking the question.

RULE CLASSIFICATION {See the web site for comparable examples}:

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

                        THE 2 DOZEN RASHI-IS-SIMPLE RASHI RULES

        A: WORD MEANINGS--(eg)"on the face of"=during the lifetime
           (v2n6,v4-3-4), http://www.shamash.org/rashi/v4-3-4.htm

        B: SPECIAL WORDS--(eg)ACH=USUALLY;USUALLY observe shabbath!
           (v2n6, v4-1-49),http://www.shamash.org/rashi/v4-1-49.htm

        C: SYNONYMS--(eg)YShV=RESIDE; GARTI='INNED'--temporary say
           (v1n1, v1-32-5), http://www.shamash.org/rashi/v1-32-5.htm

        D: UNIFIED MEANING--(eg)Tz Ch K = (a) laugh, OR (b) mock
           (v4n4, v1-21-9), http://www.shamash.org/rashi/v1-21-9.htm

        E: NEW MEANINGS--(eg)HEAD-MOUTH of garment = HEM of Garment



        H: ROOT+PREPOSITION--(eg) BCH AL=cries about,BCH ETH=mourn

        I: SEMANTIC RULES--(eg) WAGES="ENDoF"="END oF Work Day';

        J: STYLE--(eg)REPETITION denotes Endearment;'Abraham,Abraham

        K: DOUBLE NOUNS--(eg)HIT HIT by sword ('even without sword')

        L: PRONOUNS--(eg) sanctify OTHO = sanctify ONLY IT;

        M: OTHER VERSES--(eg)STONE(3-25-13)=BALANCE STONES(3-19-36)

        N: EXTRA SENTENCES--(eg)he'll dress his measurement=TAYLORED

        O: DOUBLE PARSHAS-'he WILL pray'-'he WON'T pray';So Optional

        P: CLIMAX-(eg 5-19-11)(a)Hate, (b)spy, (c)confront,(d)Murder

        Q: OVERALL STRUCTURE-growing nails=despisement(from context)

        R: STAGES-learn HUMAN marital frequency from ANIMAL ratios

        S: MORAL LESSONS/REASONS-God spoke before punishment;we too

        T: RabbiIshmael-(eg)When an OX gores; OR ANY animal gores;

        U: SYMBOLISM-'WASHING his clothes in wine'=PLENTY of wine;

        V: PICTURES--(eg) The TZITZ was like a HELMET over a turban

        W: TABLES/SPREADSHEETS---To appear

                        End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*