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                  (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 2000

                        Volume 6 Number 24
                        Produced Jul 20, 2000


Verses/Topics Discussed in This Issue with quicky explanations

WEEKLY PARSHAH We cover over half a dozen Rashis in this
         weeks Parshah from Chamishi & Shishi. These Rashis
         beautifully illustrate how to use {LISTS},
         how to construct them, how to compare them,
         and how to derive laws from them.

Nu20-29c A question about Rashis language. We explain
         a difficult Rashi without having to resort to
         textual emendations in Rashi that other commentators

Rashis covered in this issue

=====    ====            =================
Nu20-29c WORD MEANINGS   Ki has 6 meanings:Because,That,if..
Nu28-18a DOUBLE PARSHAS  Rashi compares phrases prohibiting work
Nu28-24a DOUBLE PARSHAS  Rashi compares offerings on Psch/Succth
Nu29-26a DOUBLE PARSHAS  Rashi compares holiday names in Lv,Nu
Nu28-31a DOUBLE PARSHAS  4 verses requiring "unblemished" aligned
Nu29-06a DOUBLE PARSHAS  Compare 4 verses with "daily offering"
Nu29-11a DOUBLE PARSHAS  Compare 4 verses with "daily offering"
Nu29-11b DOUBLE PARSHAS  Compare 4 verses with "daily offering"

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#

                        RASHI IS SIMPLE

 GOALS: To grammatically defend all 8000 Rashis on Chumash.
 METHOD:Rashis are defended with LISTS of comparable cases
 INTENDED AUDIENCE: Laymen, Academicians, Yeshiva world

 COMMENTS,QUESTIONS: EMail to address below
 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:If you want to ask anonymously please ask
 (UN)SUBSCRIBE: Email to addresses below with "(UN)subscribe"

 JOURNAL REFERECE: Pshat & Drash,TRADITION, Win 1980,R Hendel
 NOTATION: eg Gn01-02a refers to Rashi "a" on Genesis 1:2
 SPECIALS:...on Parshah,Rambam,Ramban,Pedagogy,Symbolism
 RASHI-IS-SIMPLE RULES Complete set of rules on bottom

        EMAIL: RJHendel@Juno.Com, rashi-is-simple@shamash.org,
        WEB:   http://www.RashiYomi.Com/

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VERSE: Nu28-24a

The verse states "Like the above (numbers of)
you should do each day for 7 days"

Here is a beautiful application of double parshahs.
-Both Passover and Succoth have 7-8 days.
-Both holidays require bringing sacrifices
The Bible says the following.

Nu28-24a   Passover "Bring the same sacrifices all 7 days"
Nu29-17-34 Succoth  "Bring a different number each day"

Thus Rashi simply CONTRASTS Passover and Succoth so that
we should appreciate the content of the verse
--On Succoth we have a different number of sacrifices each day
--On Passover we bring the same number of sacrifices each day

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VERSE: Nu29-26a

>Verse: Nu29-26a "And the holiday of FIRST FRUITS"
>RASHI: The holiday of FIRST FRUITS refers to SHAVUOTH
        It is so called because of the DUAL-BREAD offering
        that is offered on that holiday(Lv23-15:22) which
        is the first offering of the new harvest

Rashi appears to derive the meaning of FIRST-FRUIT holiday
from the DUAL BREAD offering. Actually this is not the case.
Rashi derives the meaning of the FIRST-FRUIT holiday from
the correspondence of the two {LISTS} of holidays in Leviticus
and Numbers. They are as follows

{LIST} {Holidays in Leviticus and Numbers. The correspondence
        shows that "1stFruit" holiday is Shavuoth. Technically
        this type of double list is called an INNER JOIN since
        the {LISTS} are lined up based on a common field}

----------  -------   -------    -------
Passover    Lv23-04   Passover   Nu28-16
Shavuoth    Lv23-15   1stFruit   Nu28-26  ####
New Year    Lv23-23   NewYear    Nu29-01
Yom Kippur  Lv23-26   YomKippur  Nu29-07
Succoth     Lv23-33   Succoth    Nu29-12

Thus we clearly see that "1st Fruit holiday" corresponds
to Shavuoth.

In conclusion Rashi did not derive the meaning of 1st fruit
holiday from a play on words---rather Rashi derived the
meaning of 1st fruit holiday from the above correspondence.
AFTER Rashi derived the meaning of the term Rashi THEN
proceeded to explain WHY 1st fruit holiday was so called

Note that our approach uses {LISTS} and is superior to
the "What is Rashis question" approach. For the "What is
bothering Rashi" approach would undoubtedly point out that
eg FIRST FRUITS were ALSO brought on PASSOVER (cf Dt26-01:11)
and therefore "1stFRUIT" holiday could equally refer to
PASSOVER or SHAVUOTH. One then spends time trying to figure
out a la Rashi why it refers to Shavuoth vs Succoth.

However our approach is simple and straightforward--Rashi
does not have to have a problem. Rather Rashi has to have
a list. The {LIST} in a straightforward manner suggests
a correspondence and it is this correspondence which
creates meaning. After the meaning is established Rashi
tries to justify it. This is the proper approach
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VERSE: Nu28-31a

The Bible is discussing the sacrifices. After listing
the sacrifices it lists the requirement of being
unblemished. It says

-------  -------------------------------------------------
Nu28-19  They will be unblemished for you
Nu28-31  They will be unblemished for you WITH THEIR LIBATIONS
Nu29-09  They will be unblemished
Nu29-13  They will be unblemished for you
                                  *1      *2

*1 Neither Rashi(nor I) can account why the phrase "for you"
   is absent in Nu29-09

*2 The extra phrase "WITH THEIR LIBATIONS" clearly implies
   that both the sacrifices as well as the libations must
   be unblemished

The sifsay Chachamim mentions various other differences
in the above list such as the order of words and sentences.
However the above analysis will suffice to understand Rashi

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VERSE: Nu29-06a


Nu28 and Nu29 present the sacrifices that must be offered
on the holidays.  On each holiday, after listing the
sacrifices that must be offered it continues
        And you shall offer these sacrifices BESIDES
        the regular daily sacrifices. Let us compare
        the language used

Nu28-23 Besides                the daily offering .. do these
Nu28-31 Besides                the daily offering .. do these
Nu29-06 Besides the new moon & the daily offering
Nu29-11 Besides the YomKipur & the daily offering
                *1                                   *2

*1 Why is "the new moon" and "the YomKippur" offering
   mentioned in Nu29-06 and Nu29-11

   On Passover(Nu28-23) and Shavuoth(Nu28-31) there is only
   one extra sacrifice--they daily offering--so that is all
   that is mentioned

   But on Yom Kippur and Jewish New Year there are 2 other
   sacrifices that have to be brought.  (a) the daily
   sacrifice and (b) the new moon sacrifice (Since the
   the Jewish New Year MUST fall out on the 1st of the month)
   and the YomKippur sacrifice (Since the Yom Kippur has
   its own set of sacrifices mentioned in Lv17)

   So Rashi is Simple--the holidays with 2 extra sacrifices
   to be brought have two extra sacrifices mentioned.

*2 Rashi simply points out that the phrase "do these also"
   is elliptically left out of the bottom two verses.
   No reason is given by Rashi why this phrase is left out

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VERSE: Nu28-18a

RULE: There are 4 phrases used to denote the prohibitions
of doing work on festivals/holidays. These 4 phrases
correspond to how much work is prohibited for each


  In the following holidays the phrase

  This means ALL work is prohibited

---------- --------
Sabbath    Ex31-15a  (Rashi)
Yom Kippur Lv23-32

  In the following holidays there is only a requirment
  to bring special holiday sacrifices. The Bible does
  not prohibit work*1

  Therefore it is prohibited to do strenuous work or
  work where there is monetary loss in delaying
  it till after the holiday (but its ok to eg sew)

----------------- ----------
Passover Days 2-6 Nu28-24
Succoth  Days 2-7 Nu29-17:35
Jewish New Year   Lv23-25

     In the following holidays the following phrases
       (a) SABBATH*2
       (b) Holy day
       (c) ALL work should not be done
     Therefore we
     (a) are allowed to cook (explicitly said Ex12-16)
     (b) are prohibited to do work; and EVEN prohibited
     (c) from work like sewing a torn garment*3

---------------  -------
Passover  Day 1  Nu28-18
Passover  Day 7  Nu28-25
Shavuoth         Nu28-26
Succoth   Day 1  Nu29-12
Succoth   Day 8  Nu29-35

*1 But the phrases SABBATH & "DON'T DO WORK" do not occur
*2 But the repeated phrase "Sabbath of Sabbaths" doesn't occur
*3 This comes from the word "ALL". We summarized about 40
   Rashis on the word "ALL" in Volume 6 Number 20. There
   are 4 main meanings (a) ALL cases without EXCEPTION (b)
   all PARTS (c) ALL SUBGROUPS & (d) EVEN cases you would
   have thought otherwise.

   The argument runs as follows. On Nu28-18 it says
   "ALL work should not be done on the 1st day of Passover"
   I know from Ex12-16 that we can cook on Passover.
   I also know that on the 2nd-6th day of Passover it only
   requires festival sacrifices but the Bible does NOT
   prohibit work.

   THEREFORE I might have thought that on the 1st of Passover
   that activites like sewing---ie non strenuous work which
   prevents damages---is permissable (and on the intermediate
   days of Passover there eg might be a requirement of singing
   praises to God but there is no prohibition of any work since
   the Bible does not mention any prohibition of work!)

   HENCE the Bible says ALL work should not be done. Thus
   we infer that EVEN activities like sewing and gardening
   which are non strenuous and which prevent loss are
   prohibited on the first day of Passover.
   However these activities are permitted on
   the intermediate days of Passover (when strenuous or
   non-loss work is prohibited).

   In developing this interpretation Rashi agrees with
   Rambam Laws of Holidays 7:1 who does not consider
   the prohibition of work on the intermediate days as
   Rabbinic or Biblical but rather the Rambam
   classifies the intermediate day prohibtion of work
   have also answered the MGID MISHNAHs question on
   holidays 7:1

*4 The {LIST} developed above could not have been made
   with a CD-ROM but requires human thought. Indeed
   the {LIST} is constructed by taking all verses
   with SOME prohibition of work. Thus the query is
   SEMANTIC (based on meaning) not SYNTACTIC(based on

*5 Note how there is only ONE Rashi dealing with the ALL
   in "ALL work should not be done" But to properly
   understand that Rashi we must apply it to many more

*6 I have left out the NEW MOON--the NEW MOON
   (a) has a special sacrifice
   (b) has no prohibition of work
   (c) is not called a FESTIVAL (CHAG)
   Therefore it is completely permissable to do work
   (In passing the RAMBAM on Holidays 7:1 says that
   the intermediate days are called HOLY DAYS--in
   actuality they are NEVER called HOLY DAYS but
   they are called FESTIVALS).

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VERSE: Nu20-29c

QUESTION: Someone from Baltimore asked me at Shabbath lunch
this week to explain the wording of Rashi on Nu20-29c.

VERSE: Nu20-29c & the nation saw THAT(ki) Aaron died
RASHI: "The Hebrew word "ki" means "THAT" in this sentence.
       This is one of the four main meanings of "ki" which
       can denote WHERE (AY) (or HOW) an activity took place
       (Do not be surprised that KI can mean THAT since) we
       find that the word IF (im) can also mean THAT"*1

Thus Rashi is explaining the meaning of words.
I think Rashi reads very smoothly as translated above. I
have inserted some parenthetical phrases to smooth the
transition.  Rashi also gives some verses supporting this
usage. We include these examples in the lists below which
come from http://www.RashiYomi.Com/gn41-49a.htm on the
Rashi website and from the cross-referenced Volume 4 Number 1
We explain there that there are 6 meanings to the Hebrew
word "ki". These are exhibited in {LIST2} while examples
of verses where "ki" or "im" mean THAT occur in {LIST1}

{LIST1} {Examples from Rashi where "ki" means THAT}

VERSE    TEXT where "im" or "ki" means THAT
======== =====================================================
Nu20-29d And the nation saw THAT Aaron had died
Gn43-07d Did we know THAT he would ask us to bring him
Gn24-33a I will not eat until the time THAT I speak
Gn24-19a I'll water your animals until THAT time THAT they stop
Job21-4  THAT I speak to God (without answer) is why I'm upset

{LIST2} {Meanings of KI. See {LIST1} for further examples. Note
        that there are more than the traditional 4 meanings
        that Chazal claim}

MEANING  TEXT--Translation of "ki" is CAPPED
=======  =================================================
Gn18-15 She denied laughing BECAUSE she was afraid
Gn31-16 He ate our possessions EXCEPT what God left us
Gn18-15 And they said, No! RATHER we'll stay on street
Ex34-09 IF the Jews are stiff necked then forgive them
Gn43-07 Did we know THAT he would ask us to bring him
Gn29-15 IS being a relative an excuse to charge you nothing

*1 Rashi goes into more detail. Rashi explains that the
   word BECAUSE denotes a relationship between TWO
   sentences (and hence does not apply in this verse)
   He uses this fact to refute the aramaic translation

   On the other hand the word "THAT" (as in "They saw
   THAT Aaron died") introduces a speficity in the
   activity of the sentence.
          >"They saw"--
          >WHAT did they see?--
          >"They saw THAT AAron died".
   Rashi metaphorically refers to this capacity of "ki" to
   denote specificity by using the words WHERE (which denotes
   specificity in space) and THAT (Which denotes specificity
   in general)

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    A: NEW MEANINGS--(eg)"on the face of"=during the lifetime
       Volume 2 Number 9, http://www.rashiyomi.Com/Nu04-04a.htm

    B: SPECIAL WORDS--(eg)ACH=USUALLY;USUALLY observe shabbath!
       Rashi Yomi Summaries,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ach-6.htm

    C: SYNONYMS--(eg)AMR=to speak; DBR=to cite or to quote;
       Volume 2 Number 1, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Lv20-02a.htm

    D: WORD MEANINGS-Thermos(TzNTzNTh)=doubly(TZN TZN) Cold(TZN)
       Volume 1 Number 9,23,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex31-15a.htm

    E: UNIFIED MEANINGS-PAAM=Repeated action:To Ring,Hammer,Step
       Volume 1 Number 3,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn41-08a.htm

       Volume 3 Number 22,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn04-09z.htm

    G: USAGE(NEW GRAMMAR)--(eg)INFINITIVE="be involved in";
       Volume 5 Number 24,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex13-03a.htm

    H: ROOT+PREPOSITION--(eg)ChZK B="to hold";ChZK M="overpower"
       Volume 1 Number 7,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex04-04a.htm

    I: THE SENTENCE--2 verses can make 1 sentence-eg Dt02-16:17
       Volume 3 Number 7,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt19-06a.htm

    J: STYLE--REPETITION denotes Endearment;eg 'Jacob Jacob'
       Volume 1 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn46-02a.htm

        Double Noun page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/DN.htm

    L: PRONOUNS-(eg)IMCHAH=with you; ITCHAH=Accompanying you;
      Volume 3 Number 13,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex22-24c.htm

    M: OTHER VERSES--Aaron SAW(Ex32-05)...the brawl(Ex32-18)
       OTHER VERSE page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/ov.htm

       Volume 2 Number 20,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt15-08c.htm

    O: DOUBLE PARSHAS-'he WILL pray'-'he WON'T pray';So Optional
       Volume 3 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt24-14a.htm

    P: CLIMAX-(eg Dt19-11)(a)Hate, (b)spy, (c)confront,(d)Murder
       Climax Page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Climax.htm

    Q: OVERALL STRUCTURE-growing nails=despisement(from context)
       Volume 3 Number 8,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt21-11a.htm

    R: SPREADSHEETS-What is the marriage loophole in inheritance
       Volume 2 Number 23,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Nu36-03a.htm

    S: MORAL LESSONS/REASONS-God explains BEFORE punishing;
       Volume 2 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Nu12-09a.htm

    T: RabbiIshmael-(eg)"When an OX gores";(Or ANY animal gores)
       Volume 4 Number 21,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt25-04a.htm

                        End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest
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