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                  (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 2000

                        Volume 7 Number 13
                        Produced Sept 9, 2000


Verses/Topics Discussed in This Issue with quicky explanations

v9-9-8a  Gilbert Issard asks for reconciliation of
         Gmarrah Beracoth 63b with the last digest

v9-9-8b  John Loike is still not convinced that Rashi
         doesn't always mean what he says---So I have
         A strong proof given from this weeks Parshah
         See posting Dt21-22b with SEVERAL examples

Dt21-10a        Rashi learns the type of war involved from
                an OTHER VERSE

Dt21-14b        The Hebrew root Ayin-Mem-Resh means BUNDLE
                and TO BUNDLE SOMEBODY (ie to abuse somebody)
                Other examples are presented

Dt21-22a        How do you prevent bad marriages/children

Dt22-01b        The Hebrew root Ayin-Lamed-Hey means
                CONCEAL, IGNORE, and AVOID

Dt21-21a        By 4 executions it says "ALL PEOPLE SHOULD SEE"

Dt21-22b        A fascinating in depth exercise in RabbiIshmael
                rules. When do you generalize and when do you
                become specific?

Rashis covered in this issue
======== ==============  =================
Dt21-10a OTHER VERSES    Rashi infers type of war Dt20-12:16
Dt21-14b UNIFIED MEANING "To bundle" someone means to abuse
Dt21-22a CLIMAX          How do children/marriages become bad
Dt22-01b ROOT+PREPOSITION Ayin-Lamed-Hey means ignore,avoid,...
Dt22-03a ROOT+PREPOSITION Ayin-Lamed-Hey means ignore,avoid,...
Dt21-21a DOUBLE PARSHAS  "Let ALL people see"said by 4 executions
Dt19-20a DOUBLE PARSHAS  "Let ALL people see"said by 4 executions
Dt07-13a DOUBLE PARSHAS  "Let ALL people see"said by 4 executions
Dt21-22b RabbiIshmael    When do we Generalize Biblical examples?
Dt21-17b RabbiIshmael    When do we Generalize Biblical examples?
Lv07-26a RabbiIshmael    When do we Generalize Biblical examples?
Dt18-03b RabbiIshmael    When do we Generalize Biblical examples?
#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

                        RASHI IS SIMPLE

 GOALS: To grammatically defend all 8000 Rashis on Chumash.
 METHOD:Rashis are defended with LISTS of comparable cases
 INTENDED AUDIENCE: Laymen, Academicians, Yeshiva world

 COMMENTS,QUESTIONS: EMail to address below
 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:If you want to ask anonymously please ask
 (UN)SUBSCRIBE: Email to addresses below with "(UN)subscribe"

 JOURNAL REFERECE: Pshat & Drash,TRADITION, Win 1980,R Hendel
 NOTATION: eg Gn01-02a refers to Rashi "a" on Genesis 1:2
 SPECIALS:...on Parshah,Rambam,Ramban,Pedagogy,Symbolism
 RASHI-IS-SIMPLE RULES Complete set of rules on bottom

        EMAIL: RJHendel@Juno.Com, rashi-is-simple@shamash.org,
        WEB:   http://www.RashiYomi.Com/

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
VERSE: v9-9-8a

From: "Gilbert Issard" 
To: Russell J Hendel 
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 00:15:18 +0200
Subject: Re: Volume 7 Number 12


I am a bit surprised by your interpretation of TODAY on that
verse. Isn't it contradictory with berakhot 63b ? I thought
that Rashi was following  berakhot on that one.

Best Regards

On 6 Sep 2000, at 0:43, Russell J Hendel wrote:

> ---------------------
> Dt27-09b    Why do about a dozen verses use the word TODAY
>             Rashi shows 5 usages to the word TODAY
>             (This goes with next weeks Parshah)

Gilbert Issard
Let me do the following: I will state
--the verse
--the gmarrahs literal interpretation (Also Rashis)
--my statement last week
I will then show how all 3 of the above are the same

THE VERSE: Gather and listen Jews: TODAY you have become
           a nation to your God

THE TALMUD: (But this was said 40 years AFTER the reception of
             the torah on Mount sinai where they became a
             nation. So the verse means....)

             Gather and listen Jews: EVERY DAY SHOULD BE LIKE
             THE DAY you became a nation to God

MY EXPLANATION: Gather and listen Jews: For you have FRESHLY
                (RECENTLY) become a nation to your God

EQUIVALANCE OF 3:Notice how I explicitly identify the Talmuds
             statement "EVERY DAY SHOULD BE LIKE THE DAY"
             with the concept of FRESHNESS or RECENTNESS

Is this acceptable, Gilbert?

In my article PSHAT & DRASH: Winter 1980, I explain that the
goal of Biblical explanation should be to find a SEMANTIC
MODEL for a Biblical explanation---that is to find a WORD
or CONCEPT that accurately captures the picture given by

In this case I suggest that the word FRESHNESS or RECENTNESS
captures the idea that "EVERY DAY SHOULD BE LIKE THE DAY"

I am also suggesting that Chazal's interpretations are really
not "extra exegesis" but rather reinterpretations of familiar
words by investing them with extra nuances.

Gilbert, (and others), let me know if the explanation now
sounds better.

Russell Hendel; Moderator Rashi is Simple

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VERSE: v9-9-8b

FROM: John Loike 
RE: Rashi doesn't always mean what he says

BACKGROUND: Recall that I had presented the 4 Rashis on the
punishment of "CUT OFF" as a proof. On 3 of them Rashi simply
gives the folklorish explanation "CUT OFF means a) no children
b) dies young c) exile" It is only on the 4th Rashi that Rashi
identifies the "CUT OFF" punishment with "GOING TO HELL". Hence
I (rightly) conclude that Rashi did not mean what he said on
the first 3 Rashis since Rashi himself contradicts them on
the 4th Rashi

I furthermore suggest that Rashi, when he is not saying what he
means is instead being empathic with beginning students; Rashi
shows them initial guesses and generalizations that they would
make---that way when they come to the true explanation they
appreciate it more. This is a pedagogic technique.

Here is Johns message
The statement that Rashi doesn't mean what he says is really
rash You will have to bring much stronger examples to prove it.


No problem John. See posting Dt22-21b in this digest for a
list of strong examples where Rashi directly contradicts the
accepted halachah. I suggest that one of Rashis techniques was
to cite "The beginning or opening laws or midrashs of a gmarrah"
and then have the teacher fill in the REST of that midrash or
Gmarrah. I think I have strong proof for this point of view
since the opening laws or midrashs in the examples I cite are
not accepted as halachah.

Russell Hendel; Moderator Rashi is Simple

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VERSE: Dt21-10a

Rashi learns meaning from an OTHER VERSE

RULE: When conducting a war: If surrender is rejected then
--Dt20-12:14 - For most nations--->kill all except women-children
--Dt20-16------From 7 nations----->kill all

In Dt21-10a it speaks about a war where we capture captives

Hence we must be in the Dt20-12:14 version of war--the so called

*1 Since there is a Biblical obligation to conquer the 7
   nations (eg Ex34-11 and many others) we call the Dt20-16
   war, the OBLIGATORY wars. By contrast the Dt20-12:14 wars
   are called PERMISSIVE wars since there is no obligation
   to go to war.

RULE USED: Other Verses

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VERSE: Dt21-14b

Dt21-14b ...if you don't want to keep the captured woman then
         let her go...YOU MAY NOT USE/ABUSE (AMR) HER

RASHI: The Hebrew worb Ayin-Mem-Resh means USE/ABUSE (use in an
       abusive manner)

The NOUN Ayin-MeM-Resh means BUNDLE (as in Dt24-19)

Thus we have identified the meaning of the word "TO BUNDLE"
with the FORM of the verb ("SHOVING AROUND LIKE A BUNDLE")
Here is a {LIST} of comparable usages

{LIST} {Words named by their FORM of motion}

WORD       FROM         BECAUSE
----       ----         -------
Abuse      Clean(D-Ch)  You 'toss it around' during cleaning
Abuse      Crush        You 'continuously hit' during crushing
Coalition  Tie          The coalition 'ties' together
Surf Net   Surf sea     You go to and fro in a chaotic manner
Abuse      Bundle       You 'toss it around' when you bundle


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VERSE: Dt21-22a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt21-22a Dt21-14a

Rashi discusses the CLIMACTIC development of the paragraphs
in the chapter

--You capture a foreign woman
--You find her attractive
--You have an affair with her
--You bring her into your house
--you end up hating her (if you hate her then let her go)

RASHI: Such a 'sequence' is normal. The attraction of a
temporary affair with a 'foreigner' frequently wears off
and turns to hatred.

---You take a captive woman(Whom you end up hating)
---You have 2 wives...a 'real one' and a 'despised one'
---You have a rebellious son
---a capital crime is committed against God

RASHI: Such a sequence is normal. Marriage to a hated woman
whom you found momentarily attractive frequently leads to
dual affairs, children who rebel and hate you, and who
ultimately grow up and rebel against God. (The rape of Tamar
by Amnon in 2Sam13)

As we have pointed out many times every instance of CLIMAX
teaches you OUTREACH. Thus

--The way to stop hatred towards wives is not to get involved
in temporary affairs based on passion.

--The way to stop children from growing up to be criminals
is not to marry woman you hate


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VERSE: Dt22-01b

RASHIS COVERED: Dt22-01b Dt22-03a

The Hebrew root Ayin-Lamed-Hey has 3 meanings

The root Ayin-Lamed-hey never occurs in the KAL mode
It occurs in 3 other modes

{LIST} {Three meanings of the root Ayin-Lamed-Hey}

MODE           MEANING   EXAMPLE                        VERSE
----           -------   -------                        ------
Passive(NFAL)  Concealed Nothing is CONCEALED from you  1R10-3
Hifil          Ignore    They IGNORED the Shabbath      Ex22-26
Hitpael        Avoid*1   Don't AVOID your relatives     Isa58-7

*1 I use the words IGNORE and AVOID as follows:
   IGNORE means eg to not see something
   I use AVOID to mean to continuously see it and
   turn the other way The following verses seem to justify this

{LIST} {Verses meaning AVOID vs IGNORE. There are only 5
        verses in the Bible where Ayin-Lamed-Hey is used
        in the Hitpael}

-----    -----------
Is58-7   Don't (keep on) AVOIDING your relatives
Ps55-2   Don't (keep on) AVOIDING my prayers*1
Job6-16  My friends double crossed me like a flowing river
         that gets covered by ice and AVOIDED by snow*2
Dt22-01b Don't continually AVOID loss articles *3
Dt22-03a Don't continually AVOID a stray animal*3

*1 cf Thr3-56---Don't hide (HIFIL) from my prayer
   vs Ps55-2----Don't AVOID my prayer

   Apparently one speaks about avoiding CONTINUAL prayer
   while the other speaks about avoiding a ONE TIME PRAYER

   Presumably after the destruction of the 1st temple people
   were so depressed that they cried out to God for help but
   didn't continue to pray---this shows the pathos of their

*2 A very pithy picture...the snow CONTINUOUSLY falls and
   attempts to COVER UP/CONCEAL the ice and water. Thus
   we have a process of continual AVOIDANCE.

*3 Actually Rashi just says "Don't deliberately avoid"
   I have conjectured that the HITPAEL form is for continual
   avoidance while the HIFIL form is for IGNORING/FORGETTING

   There is support for this conjecture in several laws.
   For example Rambam Murder 13 states that when you see
   someones lost donkey within about 0.1 mile you must help
   (Hence a prohibition of continuously avoiding/seeing
   the animal would make sense)

   Similarly Rambam Theft and Loss 14 speaks about "Seeing
   an object fall and waiting till the owner gives up hope
   and then taking it"

   Technically in such a case you have not violated the
   commandment to return a lost article (because the owner
   gave up). But you **have** violated the law not to
   avoid looking at it (Which you are CONTINUOUSLY doing)

   It is still possible that there is a 'better' distinction
   between the HITPAEL and HIFIL usage of Ayin-Lamed-Hey. Any
   reader who has a suggestion is welcome to submit it


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VERSE: Dt21-21a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt21-21a Dt19-20a Dt7-13a

Rashi compares the following 4 paragraphs dealing with
death penalties

{LIST} {4 sins, receiving death penalty where it says
        "and EVERYBODY will SEE and FEAR (and not do Evil)"}

-------  --------------------------   ---------------------------
Dt13-12  Person seduces to idolatry   all JEWS will listen/fear
Dt17-13  Rebellious elder             whole NATION listen/fear
Dt19-20  False witnesses              LEFTOVER PEOPLE listen/fear
Dt21-21  Rebellious son               all JEWS will listen/fear

So Rashi-is-Simple
---The execution REQUIRES PUBLICITY*1
---The execution should be done on the festivals when the
   whole country is there*2

*1 All death penalties require PUBLICITY (So that if someone
   knows a defense they should come forth--eg Rambam Courts
   Chapters 11-13)

   Since PUBLICITY is only mentioned by 4 death penalties and
   we learn it for ALL death penalties I assume we use the
   method of GENERALIZATION (BINYAN AV). Something said for
   one example is true for all examples (See Rashi Pesachim 6)

*2 But according to Rambam Courts Chapters 11-13 we do NOT
   delay executions for any purpose (even if she was pregnant
   and even if he was offering a sacrifice).

   How then can we reconcile this with the statement that
   the execution is done by the Holidays (So all Jews should
   see it).

   Presumably Rashi only holds this by a rebellious elder
   The question then arises as to why this law--that we wait
   till the festival is not generalized to all cases.

   Possibly Rashi emphasized the fact that in the other
   cases it says 'all JEWS will see and fear' while by
   the rebellious elder it says 'the whole NATION will see
   and fear'.

   This would justify
   a) Generlizing the other 3 cases to all capital cases
      The execution must be publicized

   b) Delaying the rebellious elder case till the whole
      NATION can see it.

   This is also part of the Rabbi Ishmael rules
   "If an example--like publicizing the rebellious elder death--
    is part of a general rule---like the rule to publicize all
    and that example 'left' the rule---because it says the WHOLE
                      NATION vs ALL JEWS by the rebellious elder
                     thus requiring delayal till the festival---
    then you cannot apply the new rule---delaying till festival--
    unless the verse explicitly returns the excepted example
    back to the general class.


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VERSE: Dt21-22b

RASHIS COVERED: Dt21-17b Dt21-22b Lv07-26a Dt18-03b

a) If the Torah gives only an EXAMPLE then
   the example should be generalized

   eg Dt25-04 "Dont muzzle an OX" implies
   "Dont muzzle ANY ANIMAL

b) But If the Torah gives a GENERAL CLASS & EXAMPLE then
   the example should NOT be generalized

   eg Lv01-02 "Offer sacrifices from ANIMALS-from OXEN"
   implies that ONLY oxen can be brought for sacrifices

1) Dt21-22b

   A person who is EXECUTED is hung (GENERAL STATEMENT)
   since he has DESPISED God        (DETAILED STATEMENT)

   So only those criminals liable to a death penalty who
   have also DESPISED God are hung (ie the idolater and
   the blasphemer)

   (NOTE: There are 36 people who are executed for their
   sins. Of these 36 people,2--the idolater and the
   blasphemer--are also HUNG after their execution.
   The above verse is used to teach which of the 36
   executed people are hung)*2

2) Dt21-17b

   He shall give his 1st born, double inheritance (GENERAL)
   among the things found by him                  (DETAILS)

   So eg the 1st born (of say 2 children) gets 66% of
   the fathers estate but only 50% of the fathers bonds
   (Because bonds aren't ASSETS that 'are found by him')

3) Lv07-26a

   Do not eat BLOOD      (GENERAL)

   So only BIRDS and ANIMAL-BLOOD is prohibited.
   But the blood of FISH and GRASSHOPPERS is permitted

4) Dt18-03b

   These are the laws for those who offer SACRIFICES (GENERAL)
   ..whether OXEN or SHEEP                           (DETAILS)

   So the above laws ONLY apply to OXEN and SHEEP
   not to BEASTS or BIRDS

*1 There are several RabbiIshmael rules that require
   generalization---for example DETAILS-SPECIES or
   Each of these requires generalization but of a
   different degree. It would take us too far afield
   to give details now so we are simply noting it.

*2 This is a peach of an example for those who want
   to learn Rabbi Ishmael Rules as well as those like
   Dr Loike who want proof that Rashi doesn't always say
   what he means

2a The Talmud Sanhedrin 45 uses this verse to discuss the
   RabbiIshmael rule of GENERAL-DETAIL. To be brief the
   Talmud points out 2 items

   ---In applying the GENERAL-DETAIL rule we must distinguish
   if the GENERAL-DETAILS are right next to each other as in
   Lv01-02 "Offer ANIMALS-Offer OXEN" or if they are separated
   by phrases as in this verse "An executed person is hung...
   bury him on that day...he has despised God" Thus the
   (despised God) are separated

   ---Although there is agreement that the example should be
   made specific and not generalized there is controversy on
   HOW SPECIFIC it should be made

   ---We could say ONLY executed people EXACTLY LIKE those
   who despise God (blasphemer)--this would include the idolater

   ---We could say ONLY executed people LIKE those that despise
   God (this would include all stoned people)

   However we do not FULLY GENERALIZE the example
   ---We do not say EVERY PERSON EXECUTED is hung

   The reader may be rightly confused
   "First you say that GENERAL-DETAIL is not generalized and then
   you quote several opinions that maybe it is generalized. Which
   is it?"

   But that is the nature of Talmudic controversy. My job here
   is to show you what Rashi is doing. Rashi is, despite the
   confusion, simple--he is dealing with the EXAMPLE ("for he
   despised God"). How far to go with dealing with this EXAMPLE
   is complicated and the subject of Talmudic controversy.

2b We now answer John Loikes question--How can I give strong
   proof that Rashi does not mean what he says"

   SIMPLE! The law is that ONLY the blasphemer and idolater
   are hung. But Rashi does not say that! He cites the opinion
   that all executed people are hung! (This law is reached
   thru the "laws of decision" which indicate in controversies
   whose opinion we follow--so Rashi could NOT have believed
   what is wrote).

   However This law ("all are executed") is in fact the
   beginning of the Talmud in Sanhedrin. I have no choice but

   Here are some other examples where Rashi cites the BEGINNING
   with the EXPECTATION that the whole will be cited

   EXAMPLE 2: We cite the VERSE, SIFRAH and RASHI

   VERSE:  Lv06-32b "....this law applies to ALL SIN OFFERINGS"

   SIFRAH: Rabbi Akivah says "ALL" extends the law to ALL
   offerings. To this his colleagues demur "How can ALL SIN
   OFFERINGS" mean ALL OFFERINGS (We never find ALL extending
   a law outside its class). Rather ALL SIN OFFERINGS includes
   the GUILT OFFERINGS (Which are just like the SIN OFFERINGS)
   This last opinion is the accepted law.

   RASHI: "ALL" extends the law to all OFFERINGS

   Notice how Rashi cited something that is not accepted as
   law and also is illogical (How can ALL SIN OFFERINGS mean

   Again I conclude that Rashi intended that this be continued
   by the teacher

   EXAMPLE 3: On Ex32-13a Rashi gives 2 reasons why the
   "merit of the patriarchs" is mentioned in prayer.

   But as I showed in the longer Digest posting these 2
   reasons are the opening paragraphs of a whole chapter
   in Exodus Rabbah (I believe 44). As I also showed there
   the first paragraph is quite illogical but nevertheless
   Rashi cited it instead of the more logical continuations
   Obviously Rashi EXPECTED the teacher to cite the whole

RULES USED: RabbiIshmael

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    A: NEW MEANINGS--(eg)"on the face of"=during the lifetime
       Volume 2 Number 9, http://www.rashiyomi.Com/Nu04-04a.htm

    B: SPECIAL WORDS--(eg)ACH=USUALLY;USUALLY observe shabbath!
       Rashi Yomi Summaries,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ach-6.htm

    C: SYNONYMS--(eg)AMR=to speak; DBR=to cite or to quote;
       Volume 2 Number 1, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Lv20-02a.htm

    D: WORD MEANINGS-Thermos(TzNTzNTh)=doubly(TZN TZN) Cold(TZN)
       Volume 1 Number 9,23,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex31-15a.htm

    E: UNIFIED MEANINGS-PAAM=Repeated action:To Ring,Hammer,Step
       Volume 1 Number 3,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn41-08a.htm

       Volume 3 Number 22,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn04-09z.htm

    G: USAGE(NEW GRAMMAR)--(eg)INFINITIVE="be involved in";
       Volume 5 Number 24,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex13-03a.htm

    H: ROOT+PREPOSITION--(eg)ChZK B="to hold";ChZK M="overpower"
       Volume 1 Number 7,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex04-04a.htm

    I: THE SENTENCE--2 verses can make 1 sentence-eg Dt02-16:17
       Volume 3 Number 7,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt19-06a.htm

    J: STYLE--REPETITION denotes Endearment;eg 'Jacob Jacob'
       Volume 1 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn46-02a.htm

        Double Noun page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/DN.htm

    L: PRONOUNS-(eg)IMCHAH=with you; ITCHAH=Accompanying you;
      Volume 3 Number 13,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex22-24c.htm

    M: OTHER VERSES--Aaron SAW(Ex32-05)...the brawl(Ex32-18)
       OTHER VERSE page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/ov.htm

       Volume 2 Number 20,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt15-08c.htm

    O: DOUBLE PARSHAS-'he WILL pray'-'he WON'T pray';So Optional
       Volume 3 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt24-14a.htm

    P: CLIMAX-(eg Dt19-11)(a)Hate, (b)spy, (c)confront,(d)Murder
       Climax Page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Climax.htm

    Q: OVERALL STRUCTURE-growing nails=despisement(from context)
       Volume 3 Number 8,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt21-11a.htm

    R: SPREADSHEETS-What is the marriage loophole in inheritance
       Volume 2 Number 23,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Nu36-03a.htm

    S: MORAL LESSONS/REASONS-God explains BEFORE punishing;
       Volume 2 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Nu12-09a.htm

    T: RabbiIshmael-(eg)"When an OX gores";(Or ANY animal gores)
       Volume 4 Number 21,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt25-04a.htm

                        End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest
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