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                  (C) Dr Russell Jay Hendel, 2000

                        Volume 7 Number 9
                        Produced Aug 24 2000


Verses/Topics Discussed in This Issue with quicky explanations

Dt11-26a     The Torah uses Newspaper style: It first gives
             a terse HEADLINE and then later gives DETAILS

Dt14-13a     A comparison of the 2 chapters on Kosher birds
             shows 4 minor differenceS emanating from different

Dt13-09a     5 different levels of mercy are described
             BEFORE, DURING and AFTER a criminal act or trial

Dt11-27a     The Hebrew word ASHER(That) can also mean IF
             Half a dozen examples are brought

Rashis covered in this issue
======== ==============  =================
Dt11-26a RabbiIshmael    First the Headlines, then the details
Dt11-28a RabbiIshmael    First the Headlines, then the details
Dt06-06a RabbiIshmael    First the Headlines, then the details
Gn02-08a RabbiIshmael    First the Headlines, then the details
Ex01-11b RabbiIshmael    First the Headlines, then the details
Lv03-09a RabbiIshmael    First the Headlines, then the details
Lv01-02c RabbiIshmael    First the Headlines, then the details
Dt14-13a DOUBLE PARSHAS  Align 2 chapters on Kosher birds
Dt13-09a CLIMAX          5 different levels of mercy described
Dt13-09b CLIMAX          5 different levels of mercy described
Dt13-09c CLIMAX          5 different levels of mercy described
Dt13-09d CLIMAX          5 different levels of mercy described
Dt13-09e CLIMAX          5 different levels of mercy described
Dt11-27a SPECIAL WORDS   The Hebrew word ASHER(that)can mean IF
Nu33-55a SPECIAL WORDS   The Hebrew word ASHER(that)can mean IF
Dt11-27a SPECIAL WORDS   The Hebrew word ASHER(that)can mean IF
Gn06-04d SPECIAL WORDS   The Hebrew word ASHER(that)can mean IF
Dt18-22a SPECIAL WORDS   The Hebrew word ASHER(that)can mean IF
Gn30-38c SPECIAL WORDS   The Hebrew word ASHER(that)can mean IF
Gn41-55b SPECIAL WORDS   The Hebrew word ASHER(that)can mean IF

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                        RASHI IS SIMPLE

 GOALS: To grammatically defend all 8000 Rashis on Chumash.
 METHOD:Rashis are defended with LISTS of comparable cases
 INTENDED AUDIENCE: Laymen, Academicians, Yeshiva world

 COMMENTS,QUESTIONS: EMail to address below
 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:If you want to ask anonymously please ask
 (UN)SUBSCRIBE: Email to addresses below with "(UN)subscribe"

 JOURNAL REFERECE: Pshat & Drash,TRADITION, Win 1980,R Hendel
 NOTATION: eg Gn01-02a refers to Rashi "a" on Genesis 1:2
 SPECIALS:...on Parshah,Rambam,Ramban,Pedagogy,Symbolism
 RASHI-IS-SIMPLE RULES Complete set of rules on bottom

        EMAIL: RJHendel@Juno.Com, rashi-is-simple@shamash.org,
        WEB:   http://www.RashiYomi.Com/
#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
VERSE: Dt11-26a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt11-26a Dt11-28a Dt06-06a Gn02-08a
                Ex01-11b Lv03-09a Lv01-02c

RULE: In Volume 7 Number 4 we enunciated the following rule
about Biblical style. First an example:
a) "Don't muzzle an OX"--RASHI: Don't muzzle ANY ANIMAL
b) "Offer sacrifices from ANIMALS--from CATTLE-SHEEP"
    RASHI: **ONLY** cattle and sheep(no other animals)
           can be brought for sacrifices

Why is it that "OX" is generalized to ANY animal while
CATTLE and SHEEP are taken exclusively--ONLY cattle and
sheep can be offered--no other animal? Here is the rule:

a1) If the Bible gives only an example then it SHOULD be
    generalized(Thus "Dont muzzle an OX" is generalized
    to ANY animal)
b1) If the Bible gives first a GENERAL statement and then
    an example then the example SHOULD NOT be generalized
    Thus "Offer sacrifices from animals--from cattle and
    sheep"--but not from other animals.

An alternative formulation of case "b" is that the Bible
may first give a "headline"--a brief chapter heading--and
then give details.
   (DETAILS) "Sacrifices are being accepted from cattle/sheep"

EXAMPLES: (Many come from Volume 7 Number 4)

  In the following examples two verses function

1) Dt11-26a (HEADLINE) I give you today BLESSINGS,CURSES
   Dt11-27  (DETAILS) The blessing: if you listen to God..
   Dt11-28  (DETAILS) The curse: If you don't listen..

NOTE: As the sifsay chachamim points out the Details are
scattered throughout the Bible

2)   Gn02-08a
     Gn01-27 And God created Man
     Gn02-07:09 And God created man FROM earth and placed
             him in the Garden of Eden and placed their trees

     RASHI: It **looks** like there are two stories of creation
        The 1st creation in Gn01-27 and the 2nd creation in

        Actually however, following Rabbi Eliezers
        (Son of Rabbi Yosi the Galileean) who had 32 styles
        by which to interpret the Bible we see Gn01-27 as a
        sort of HEADLINE that HYPERLINKS to Gn02-07 which gives
        the story in complete detail (How God made him--where
         he put him etc

  In the following example Rashi explains the 2nd of a
  repeated sentence by inserting the words "THAT IS". In
  other words the the 2nd repetition EXPLAINS and CLARIFIES
  the 1st statement

(3) Dt06-06a You should love your Lord God (BY)
             placing the Torah on your heart and making
             sharp summaries

    RASHI: In other words the ONLY way to love God is by
           placing the Torah on your heart and making
           sharp summaries *1

*1 This Rashi (and the corresonding Rambam Foundations of
   Torah 2:1) are sometimes seen as homiletic and not the
   simple meaning of the text. But in reality they are
   the simple meaning of the text--for this paragraph has
   a GENERAL-PARTICULAR form: Love thy Lord thy God BY learning

(4) Ex01-11b The Egyptians placed TAXES on the Jews...:
             (THAT IS) They built cities*2
    RASHI: Thus the taxes consisted of labor to build cities
    (ie the taxes and cities are NOT 2 items but one and
    the same)

*2 Rashi also explains the word TAXES (this word is well known)

(5) Lv03-09a Offer Its "fat"--THAT IS The tail

(6) Lv01-02c If you offer sacrifices then offer them from
             the Animals--THAT IS, from Cattle and sheep
    RASHI: Thus the only animals that can be offered for
        sacrifices are cattle and sheep

(7) Dt11-28a "If you don't listen to Gods commandments"
             "and you deviate from Gods path"
             "to serve other gods and worship them"

    RASHI: Thus "Deviate from Gods path" (or "Don't
    listen to commandments" are like headlines. The
    details are "worshiping other Gods." In other
    words the only way to violate **ALL** of Gods
    commandments is to worship idolatry.

I have already explained the principle of CLIMAX--a set of 3
or more Biblical phrases **should** be interpreted as
climactically developing towards a Goal. I have also
explained that this principle of CLIMAX corresponds to
the Rabbi Ishmael prinicple of DETAILS-GENERAL---that is
we view the first few phrases as DETAILS leading to a climax

So an alternative explanation of Dt11-28a is

a) First you don't listen to Gods commandments
b) Then you deviate FROM Gods path(you don't do some Mitzvh)
c) Then you get involved with other religions.

RASHI: Part (c), Worshiping idols is deviating from ALL of
Gods path. Part (b) deals with deviating FROM Gods path.

Even though we have presented 2 interpretations of this Rashi
my own personal opinion is that there is too much
of a jump from (b) to (c)---you don't violate a few
commandments and then worship idols. So I prefer the 1st
explanation given above.

RULE USED: RabbiIshmael

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VERSE: Dt14-13a

We compare the 2 chapters on Kosher birds In each case the
Bible lists the names of the non-kosher birds. There are
4 differences as shown. Rashi explains two. We explain the
remaining 2 using similar methods
Dt14-11:18 Nesher Peres Azniah Raah Ayah Dayah-species
Lv11-14:19 Nesher Peres Azniah Daah Ayah-------species
                               *1        *2

Dt14-11:18 Orayv-species Bat-Yaanah Tachmas Shacaf Naytz-species
Lv11-14:19 Orayv-species Bat-Yaanah Tachmas Shacaf Naytz-species

Dt14-11:18 cos         yanshuf tinshameth kaath rachama shalach
Lv11-14:19 cos shalach yanshuf tinshameth kaath racham
               *3                                    *4 *3

Dt14-11:18 chasidah anafah-species doochifat atalef
Lv11-14:19 chasidah anafah-species doochifat atalef

*1aNote that Raah and Daah differ only in one letter.
   Further note that "R" and "D" (Resh and Dalet) in Hebrew
   have almost identical written symbols(So they easily

*1b RAAH=SEE==A bird who sees(scans) far
   AYAH=ISLAND=A bird who eg hangs around islands
   (So apparently it hangs around Islands and sees afar to
    get its food)
   So RAAH(See) and AYAH(Island) name the bird by two
   different attributes

*2 AYAH and DAYAH sound alike
   Note how the word "species" seems to make AYAH and DAYAH
   correspond (AYAH-species vs DAYAH-species)

RASHI: The 3 names here, RAAH, AYAH, DAYAH all refer to the same
       bird. The Torah listed all possible names so that no one
       should claim "Well in my dialect we don't call it by that
       name and hence the bird is not prohibited to me

       Note how Rashi exhausted 3 methods of name-confusion

       Names that are WRITTEN similarly (Raah-Daah (RESH DALET)
       2 attributes with the same MEANING (SEE--ISLAND)
       Names that SOUND alike (AYAH-DAYAH)

While Rashi does not explain the other 2 differences in the
chapters we can explain them using his methods

*3     RACHAM vs RACHAMA--They name the same bird--one is
       masculine and one is feminine.

*4    Note how the SHALACH bird is placed in different groups
      in the two chapters. Possibly the taxanomic classification
      of this bird is different in different places. Thus one
      locale considers the SHALACH as belonging to the KOS
      YANSHUF class while another locale considers the bird
      as belonging to the KAATH-RACHAM class.

      Thus the law would be that a bird is prohibited independent
      of HOW you classify it.

SUMMARY: A bird is prohibited independent of 5 different
         ways of naming. Here are the 5 ways

{LIST} {Different ways of looking/naming birds}

----------------  ---------------------- ------------------------
WRITTEN           Names look alike       RESH vs DALET(Raah,Daah)
SOUND             Names sound alike      AYAH vs DAYAH
MEANING           2 different attributes SEE FAR;ISLAND BIRDS
GRAMMAR           masculine-feminine     RCHAM RACHAMA
TAXANOMY          Which group            SHALCH


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VERSE: Dt13-09a

The Bible is speaking about someone who tries to get you to
worship idols. This is a crime punishable by death.The Bible warns
against having mercy on such a person. It lists 5 levels of

3 or more similar Biblical phrases **should** be interpreted
climactically as developing towards a goal. This climactic
requirement, in and of itself, justifies determination of
meaning of ambiguous phrases and their reinterpretation.

TEXT: (Talking about a person who asks you to worship idols)
Dont acquiesce
Dont listen
Dont pity
Dont care
Dont cover up

So without the principle of climax we would say that the verse
simply emphasizes not to have pity on him. But with the
principle of climax we interpret these 5 similar phrases as
climactically leading up to a description of not having ANY

Dt13-09a "Dont acquiesce"---eg
  Dont debate him about idol worship--but bring him to court
Dt13-09b "Dont listen to him"--(when he pleads for mercy)
               Dont WARN him---he **does** know what he is doing
Dt13-09c "Dont pity him"--dont avoid a trial
Dt13-09d "Dont care about him"--dont advocate defenses during trial
Dt13-09e "Dont cover up"---dont cover up prosecution arguments

Dt13-09a ie Don't think "It is only a verbal crime--I will debate
         with him..and when he retracts his sin will be cancelled
Dt13-09b ie Don't argue that "It is only a verbal crime--he had
         a bad day and eg I am obligated to help people with
         bad days Let me warn him that I will squeal---perhaps
         he will retract"
Dt13-09c ie Dont argue that "It is only a verbal crime"--maybe
         we should just ignore it; Maybe we should avoid the
Dt13-09d Don't argue in trial that "In other capital cases we
         always encourage bias towards defense so let us do
         the same here"
Dt13-09e Dont say (after an acquital) that I will keep quiet
         about an appeal to reverse and convict him(since in
         other capital cases it is prohibited to reverse an

Rashi hilights that the trial of the person who advocates
idolatry is different then all other capital crimes. In fact
Rashi lists several Biblical verses showing that we normally
do the above things in cases. That is we DO try and talk him
out of the crime; we do listen to his passions and warn him and
if he then retracts we do NOT bring him to trial.
we do try and acquit. We do NOT reverse acquittals even
if there was a court error. Here are the Biblical commandments
that Rashi lists (Also cited by Rambam in Courts Chapter 11)

LOVE THY NEIGHBOR LIKE THYSELF--so eg if someone wanted to kill
     someone you would and should try and talk him out of it
     save someone who is about to die or sin
AND THE COURT SHALL SAVE---so in capital cases we always
     try and save the accused (Cf Rambam Courts 11)
DONT KILL ACQUITTED PEOPLE (even if the court erroneously
     acquitted him).

SUMMARY: Typical of Biblical methodology we infer 5 levels
of mercy from a commandment NOT to have mercy. Here are
the 5 levels of mercy on a proposed wicked act

1) ACQUIESCE-------DEBATE pros and cons of act
2) LISTEN TO HIM---WARN him of consequences
3) MERCY-----------Dont bring to TRIAL (eg "out of court")
4) PITY------------Bias court proceedings towards DEFENSES
5) COVER UP--------If accidentally acquitted dont REVERSE trial

Again as mentioned, except for (3), all these things are done
during a capital-crime trial. (In passing many people are
surprised to learn that Jewish Law is biased towards defense!!
Did you know that

--conviction in a capital case requires a majority of 2 while
  acquital   in a capital case requires a majority of 1

--law/rabbinic students who advocate defenses are promoted to bench
  law/rabbinic students are prohibited from advocating conviction!

--an erroneous court decision of conviction should be reversed
  an erroneous court decision of acquittal can NOT be reversed)

COMMENT: Again we emphasize that the words used by the BIble
---acquiesce, listen, mercy, pity cover-up--these words are
all synonyms. However it is the principle of CLIMAX that
requires me to be specific in these 5 words and refer them
to 5 periods of time from crime to execution

-MERCY--------BEFORE COURT (Dont bring to court)
-PITY---------DURING COURT (Advocate defense)
-COVER UP-----AFTER  COURT (reverse decision)


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VERSE: Dt11-27a

RASHIS COVERED: Lv04-01 Nu33-55a Dt11-27a Gn06-04d
                Dt18-22a Gn30-38c Gn410-55b

RULE: The Hebrew word ASHER, which means THAT, can also mean IF
ASHER generally means IF vs THAT if it
a) doesn't modify a word (eg the sentence begins with that)
b) it has an IF--THEN form
RADACK in his book ROOTS lists "IF" as one of the meanings
of ASHER and cites  the first two examples.

EXAMPLES (In all these verses ASHER is translated as "IF")
1) Lv04-01 IF a person sins (no Rashi) *1

2)Nu33-55a IF you don't conquer the land THEN
                IF you leave these people to live THEN
                        they will be thorns in your eyes ON
                             the land that you dwell in*2

3)Dt11-27a "I give...A blessing: IF you listen to Gods words*3

4)Gn06-04d IF the giants came to women THEN
                their offspring were giants like them*4

5)  BACKGROUND: The Bible is speaking about a False prophet
   who must receive a death penalty. The Bible discusses
   how we known that a prophet is false.

Dt18-22a How do we know what God didn't command?
     IF he says something in the name of God and it doesn'thappen
     THEN he spoke willfully and you should not be afraid of him*5

6) Gn30-38c
     Jacob placed the spotted sticks in the water containers:
     IF sheep came to to drink opposite other sheep THEN they
      became aroused *6

     Egypt came to Pharoh for bread and Pharoh said go to Joseph:
        IF he tells you anything THEN do it

      RASHI: He asked them to circumcise*7

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*1 There is no Rashi...but this is the classical example
of a chapter that begins with "IF you do such and such..."
but uses the word ASHER(THAT)

*2 SIFSAY points out that the above Biblical sentence lacks the
word THEN. Hence Rashi had to indicate where the IF part of
the sentence begins and where the THEN part of the sentence
begins(This is a big theme in modern computer languages)

The simple meaning of the sentence is that "If you Jews
have mercy on the Canaanites and eg live outside of Israel
and say 'let us live in harmony with the Canaanites and not
kill them' then these Canaanites will be 'thorns in your eyes'
and attack you. Therefore you must kill them off.

*3 ie IF you listen to Gods words THEN you will obtain a

   Reversal of the IF and THEN parts of a sentence
   happens in modern computer languages (eg PERL)

*4 We interpret this ASHER as IF since it is not modifying
   any noun

*5 There is more to this Rashi since there is an extra phrase
   in the verse which we will discuss next week.

*6 The Emphasis is on sheep among sheep aroused by
        wood with spots--There is no need for the more
        complicated interpretation of the sifsay chachamim

*7 As the sifsay chachamim says this statement of Rashi
   that "Joseph asked them to circumcise" drives all the
   commentators up a wall. Sifsay chachamim suggests that
   Rashi learned this from the word "SAY"

   But the simplest explanation comes from interpreting
   the word ASHER as IF. Not "That which he says do" but

   "IF he says something, THEN do it."

   Rashi simply picks an extreme example and suggests that
   Joseph demanded they circumcise...since Joseph married
   an Egyptian and wanted to bring his children up as Jews
   we suppose that he demanded that everyone circumcise.

   Also a 'natural' reaction to Joseph having been placed in
   jail for a dozen years because of his bosses' wife's
   advances would be to try and curb Egyptian desire--and this
   is what circumcision symbolizes.

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    A: NEW MEANINGS--(eg)"on the face of"=during the lifetime
       Volume 2 Number 9, http://www.rashiyomi.Com/Nu04-04a.htm

    B: SPECIAL WORDS--(eg)ACH=USUALLY;USUALLY observe shabbath!
       Rashi Yomi Summaries,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ach-6.htm

    C: SYNONYMS--(eg)AMR=to speak; DBR=to cite or to quote;
       Volume 2 Number 1, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Lv20-02a.htm

    D: WORD MEANINGS-Thermos(TzNTzNTh)=doubly(TZN TZN) Cold(TZN)
       Volume 1 Number 9,23,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex31-15a.htm

    E: UNIFIED MEANINGS-PAAM=Repeated action:To Ring,Hammer,Step
       Volume 1 Number 3,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn41-08a.htm

       Volume 3 Number 22,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn04-09z.htm

    G: USAGE(NEW GRAMMAR)--(eg)INFINITIVE="be involved in";
       Volume 5 Number 24,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex13-03a.htm

    H: ROOT+PREPOSITION--(eg)ChZK B="to hold";ChZK M="overpower"
       Volume 1 Number 7,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex04-04a.htm

    I: THE SENTENCE--2 verses can make 1 sentence-eg Dt02-16:17
       Volume 3 Number 7,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt19-06a.htm

    J: STYLE--REPETITION denotes Endearment;eg 'Jacob Jacob'
       Volume 1 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Gn46-02a.htm

        Double Noun page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/DN.htm

    L: PRONOUNS-(eg)IMCHAH=with you; ITCHAH=Accompanying you;
      Volume 3 Number 13,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Ex22-24c.htm

    M: OTHER VERSES--Aaron SAW(Ex32-05)...the brawl(Ex32-18)
       OTHER VERSE page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/ov.htm

       Volume 2 Number 20,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt15-08c.htm

    O: DOUBLE PARSHAS-'he WILL pray'-'he WON'T pray';So Optional
       Volume 3 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt24-14a.htm

    P: CLIMAX-(eg Dt19-11)(a)Hate, (b)spy, (c)confront,(d)Murder
       Climax Page, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Climax.htm

    Q: OVERALL STRUCTURE-growing nails=despisement(from context)
       Volume 3 Number 8,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt21-11a.htm

    R: SPREADSHEETS-What is the marriage loophole in inheritance
       Volume 2 Number 23,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Nu36-03a.htm

    S: MORAL LESSONS/REASONS-God explains BEFORE punishing;
       Volume 2 Number 12,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Nu12-09a.htm

    T: RabbiIshmael-(eg)"When an OX gores";(Or ANY animal gores)
       Volume 4 Number 21,http://www.RashiYomi.Com/Dt25-04a.htm

                        End of Rashi-Is-Simple Digest
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