JOB - The Complete Solution To Suffering
| JOB                                |
|(c) Nov 2003 RashiYomi Incorporated |
| Posting 16 of 25                   |
| Nov 1, 2003                        |
| In Memory of Abraham Hendel        |
| Translated by Dr Russell Hendel    |

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The book of Job naturally divides
into 25 units---this is the 16th. We
plan to do 10 postings in the next 2
months finishing the translation on the 18th
of Kislev, Abraham Hendels yarzheit.

Today we translate chapter 23,24 which
according to the outline contains
- Jobs refutation to Eliphaz's
latest answer to Job

Eliphaz in Chapter 22 (Digest 14)
suggested that Job sinned thru INACTION.
In other words, Job did not help enough
widows orphans and poor people and that
is the reason for his suffering.

All of ROUND 3 will focus on this issue
if Jobs sin is one of NOT DOING ENOUGH.

This is Jobs first response to this
claim. His response is simple:
-- everyone knows that certain criminals
-- GET AWAY WITH IT. There are many powerful
-- criminals in the world. Therefore there
-- is a limit to how much one can help the
-- poor and destitute (because of the inability
-- to start up with powerful people)

Here is a summary which will grow as we
go thru Round 3
ELIPHAZ(ROUND 3):Job is wicked-doesnt help enough widows
JOB (ROUND 3): Wicked powerful; I cant help everybody

Here are the 5 sections of Chapters 23,24
JOB (ROUND 3): Wicked powerful; I cant help everybody
(Job23-02:09) If only I could meet God--talk it out
(Job23-10:13) God would affirm my righteousness
(Job23-14:17) But I am frightened;dont know why I suffer
(Job24-01:16) The wicked are powerful brazen and rebellious
(Job24-17:25) God COULD kill wicked anytime;they wouldnt be missed

On a technical point, the reader can of
course recognize chapter subsections by content.
However the reader can also recognize chapter
subsections by KEYWORDS which introduce these
subsections. The sections of this chapter begin
with the Hebrew Keywords

-------------------------SECTION 1--------------------------
JOB (ROUND 3): Wicked powerful; I cant help everybody
(JOB23-02:09) If only I could meet God--talk it out
(Jb23-02) I am still bitter with complaint
(Jb23-02) My hands--heavy from my groaning
(Jb23-03) If only someone would tell me -
(Jb23-03) ----- If I KNEW (where He is)
(Jb23-03) ----- I would FIND Him
(Jb23-03) ----- I would COME to His Home
(Jb23-04) ----- I would PREPARE my DEFENSE
(Jb23-04) ----- My mouth filled with ARGUMENTS
(Jb23-05) ----- I would (at least) KNOW His answer
(Jb23-05) ----- I could UNDERSTAND what He tells me
(Jb23-06) Would He argue with me by Power?
(Jb23-06) Surely not! He would respect my arguments
(Jb23-07) Before Him the righteous are allowed to speak
(Jb23-07) I would be acquitted permanently from Him
(Jb23-08) But
(Jb23-08) If I go FORWARD - He is not there
(Jb23-08) ------- BACKWARD- I cannot see him
(Jb23-09) When He works on my LEFT - I cant grab Him
(Jb23-09) He Dons (workclothes) on my RIGHT - I cant see Him

----------------------SECTION 2-----------------------------
JOB (ROUND 3): Wicked powerful; I cant help everybody
(JOB23-10:13) God would affirm my righteousness
(Jb23-10) (Why am I so anxious for meeting Him)
(Jb23-10) Because He knows my path with Him
(Jb23-10) If He tested me (then)
(Jb23-10) --------------- I would come out like Gold (For)
(Jb23-11) --------------- my footsteps follow his strides
(Jb23-11) --------------- His path I have watched - no deviation
(Jb23-12) --------------- His lips command - I dont depart
(Jb23-12) --------------- More than daily bread - I watch His sayings
(Jb23-13) With (only) one (word) - no one can answer Him
(Jb23-13) As He desires - so it happens

----------------------SECTION 3-----------------------------
JOB (ROUND 3): Wicked powerful; I cant help everybody
(JOB23-14:17) But I am frightened;dont know why I suffer
(Jb23-14) He will certainly complete the judgement assigned to me
(Jb23-14) Many such deliberations are before Him
(Jb23-15) Therefore I am frightened in His presence
(Jb23-15) I examine and become afraid of Him
(Jb23-16) The ALMIGHTY has SOFTENED my heart
(Jb23-16) The SUSTAINER has made me ANXIOUS
(Jb23-17) For He has not (promised) to cut off (punishment) before
(Jb23-17) ------------------------- to cover (my sins) before darkness

----------------------SECTION 4--------------------------------
JOB (ROUND 3): Wicked powerful; I cant help everybody
(JOB-24-01:16) The wicked are powerful brazen and rebellious
(Jb24-01) Why are the times (of sin) not hidden from God
(Jb24-01) ----------- days (of punishment) not seen by those who
Know Him
(Jb24-02) (Those)
(Jb24-02) ----- who OVERTAKE borders
(Jb24-02) ----- who STEAL flocks and graze them
(Jb24-03) ----- who LEAD away the donkeys of orphans
(Jb24-03) ----- who TAKE as pledges the oxen of widows
(Jb24-04) ----- who PUSH the poor from the road
(Jb24-04) ----- who TIE UP the rural people
(Jb24-05) Those
(Jb24-05) ----- who are like animals in a desert
(Jb24-05) ----- whose daily jobs is to snatch
(Jb24-05) ----- whose bread for family is earned in a wilderness
(Jb24-06) ----- who (brazenly) cut threshings in a field
(Jb24-06) ----- who (brazenly) steal (already) stolen vineyards
(Jb24-07) (Those)
(Jb24-07) ----- who stalk without clothes
(Jb24-07) ----- no coats for the cold
(Jb24-08) ----- their bodies moistened by mountain dew
(Jb24-08) ----- who unabashingly find shelter under mountain clefts
(Jb24-09) (Those)
(Jb24-09) ------- who steal ORPHANS from the breasts
(Jb24-09) ------- --- -----(clothing pledges) from the POOR
(Jb24-10) ------- till the POOR walk without cloths
(Jb24-10) ------- till the ORPHANS starve and bear servitude
(Jb24-11) ------- They steal oil while they are making them
(Jb24-11) ------- Those that press wine are left thirsty(From theft)
(Jb24-12) ------- Screams come from populous cities
(Jb24-12) ------- dead souls cry for help
(Jb24-12) But God - He doesn-t do a thing
(Jb24-13) Those
(Jb24-13) ------- who rebel against the light of prophecy
(Jb24-13) ------- who dont know Gods ways
(Jb24-13) ------- who dont sit in Gods paths
(Jb24-14) ------- whose 9to5 are murders
(Jb24-14) ------- ----- ---- murders of the helpless
(Jb24-14) ------- ----- night-shifts are theft
(Jb24-15) ------- ----- evenings are guarded for adultery
(Jb24-15) ------- Thinking: no certainty of what you saw at dusk
(Jb24-15) ------- (Thus they use evening) to mask their identity
(Jb24-16) ------- They plot their entry by eve to houses
(Jb24-16) ------- so that they can stay over day
(Jb24-16) ------- and not have to leave by day

---------------------SECTION 5----------------------------------
JOB (ROUND 3): Wicked powerful; I cant help everybody
(JOB24-17:25) God COULD kill wicked anytime;they wouldnt be missed
(Jb24-17) (Job continues with the theme from Jb24-01)
(Jb24-17) (Why does God hide the day of death)
(Jb24-17) To these people death and day are the same
(Jb24-17) For they live in constant fear of death
(Jb24-18) Their lives are like light objects on water rapids
(Jb24-18) They have no portion in the land
(Jb24-18) (As the rapids go) They dont stop to view the vineyards
(Jb24-19) (And after they fall off the waterfall from the rapids)
(Jb24-19) Heat waves and desert sun steal the snow waters
(Jb24-19) (So to) Hell steals (the memories of) sin
(Jb24-20) Their mothers who bore them forget them
(Jb24-20) They are sweat only to the worms who eat them
(Jb24-20) They will not be remembered again
(Jb24-20) Their iniquity is broken like a growing tree that was
(Jb24-21) (Like a) Depressed barren women
(Jb24-21) (whose depression prevents her) from giving birth
(Jb24-21) And the widows (of these criminals)
(Jb24-21) Would not be helped if their husbands died sooner
(Jb24-22) For God pulls the mighty with His hands
(Jb24-22) He stands up--and they have no life to believe in
(Jb24-23) (True) It is He who gives them security to depend on
(Jb24-23) But His eyes are ever on their ways
(Jb24-24) So that they are high but for an instant
(Jb24-24) and then they are not there
(Jb24-24) They are softened
(Jb24-24) like all others they are then ripe for snatching
(Jb24-24) Like the heads of sheaves they wither
(Jb24-25) And if this is not so
(Jb24-25) --- who will refute me
(Jb24-25) --- who will place my words to nought