JOB - The Complete Solution To Suffering
| JOB                                |
|(c) Nov 2002 RashiYomi Incorporated |
| Posting 2 of 25                    |
| Nov 26,2002                        |
| In Memory of Abraham Hendel        |
| Translated by Dr Russell Hendel    |


Today we translate chapter 3 which according
to the outline contains
- A statement by Job

Before giving the actual translation we state
our PHILOSOPHY OF TRANSLATION. A good translation
takes place in 3 stages:
-- A One sentence summary of the whole chapter
-- A 3-6 sentence of major chapter subtopics
-- A word by word translation.

Let me explain the reason for this approach. Job
is filled with
- difficult Hebrew words of unknown meaning which
occure once in Job or infrequently in the Bible
- difficult sentences whose translation are unknown

A person reading the book of Job might erroenously
think they dont understand the book because they
dont understand a few dozen obscure Hebrew words.

Therefore the proper approach is
- to understand the chapter as a WHOLE
- to understand the chapter SUBTOPICS
- to understand MOST of the words and sentences

A person who fulfills this 3 fold approach---
of the 24 units in Job, can truthfully say they
UNDERSTAND the book of Job.

Historically, of all the commentaries on Job,
this 3 fold approach is very close and similar
to the approach of the the great French commentary,
Gersonides, known as the RALBAG

We now apply this 3 fold approach to Chapter 3.

The ONE SENTENCE summary of this chapter is Jobs
statement that
The sufferer would be better off dead

This chapter naturally has
4 subtopics as follows:

MAIN SENTENCE: The sufferer would be better of dead
Jb03-01:08 My birthdate should be erased
Jb03-09:11 I shouldnt have been born
Jb03-12-22 I should die now
Jb03-23:25 I am continuously frigthened

On a technical point, the reader can of
course recognize chapter subsections by content.
However the reader can also recognize chapter
subsections by KEYWORDS which introduce these
subsections. For example Jb03-09, Jb03-12 and
Jb03-25 all begin with the Hebrew keyword: KI
(which roughly means BECAUSE)

The Hebrew keyword KI functions here as a

We now complete the translation of chapter 3 by
listing each SECTIONs TOPIC SENTENCE followed by
a complete translation of that section. The reader
will notice (if they check the original Hebrew)
that they arent bothered by the fact that they
dont understand EVERY WORD AND PHRASE. Rather,
the OVERALL COMPREHENSION gives the reader a
sense that they understand the chapter as a whole.

----------------- THE 1st SECTION -----------------
MAIN SENTENCE: The sufferer would be better of dead
Jb03-01:08 My birthdate should be erased
- Lost be the day on which I was born
- -------- the night that announced: A man is conceived
- THIS DAY: should be dark
- --------God should not seek it above
- --------no rays should shine on it
- --------Darkness & death should redeem it
- --------a cloud should dwell on it
- --------it should be frightening like a midday heat
- THIS NIGHT: should be taken by blindness
- ----------- should not be in the calendar
- ----------- should not be counted in any month
- THIS NIGHT: should be expelled
- ----------- no humming should come in it
- ----------- should be cursed by cursors of days,
- ----------- those prepared to arouse mourning
- ----------- its evening stars should be dark
- ----------- it should futilely hope for light
- ----------- one shouldnt see the flutterings of its dawn

----------------- THE 2nd SECTION -----------------
MAIN SENTENCE: The sufferer would be better of dead
Jb03-09:11 Why was I born
- WHY couldnt I have died while in womb
- for then I would never have seen suffering
- WHY couldnt I have been a miscarriage
- WHY couldnt I have died immediately after death
- WHY were laps waiting for me
- WHY were breasts created to nurse me

---------------- THE 3rd SECTION -----------------
MAIN SENTENCE: The sufferer would be better of dead
Jb03-12:22 Death relieves and ends suffering
- But NOW: I should die
- ----------------- rest in peace
- ----------------- sleep
- I would rest with
- - Kings
- - national advisors
- - those who build up desolate lands, or with,
- - rich princes with large bank accounts,or with,
- - miscarried foetii,who never existed,
- - infants who never saw daylight
- THERE (in death)
- - The wicked stop cutting jobs
- - the weary rest
- - together with prisoners they find quiet
- - and even slaves are free of masters
- Why give light to sufferers
- -------- life to the bitter
- -------- ---- -- those who wait for death
- -------- ---- -- seeking it more than treasure.
- Even those who lead pleasure lifes,
- rejoice, when someone with a hidden path,
- whom God has prevented, finds death

--------------- THE 4th SECTION -------------------
MAIN SENTENCE: The sufferer would be better of dead
Jb03-23:25 I am continuously frigthened
- My SIGHS come as frequently as meals
- My SOBS spill forth like water
- The FEARS I fear materialize
- my APPREHENSIONS come to me
- I dont have tranquillity
- I dont have rest
- I dont have saiety
- but rather have anger/bitterness