JOB - The Complete Solution To Suffering
| JOB                                |
|(c) Dec 2003 RashiYomi Incorporated |
| Posting 24 of 25                   |
| Dec 30, 2003                       |
| In Memory of Abraham Hendel        |
| Translated by Dr Russell Hendel    |

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The book of Job naturally divides
into 25 units---this is the 22nd. We
plan to do 3 postings in the last
week finishing the translation on
Dec 31st.

It is a central doctrine of Judaism that God
is Just. It is similarly a central doctrine
that God INFORMED man of this justice. In fact,
a 6-part Solution to Suffering that is completely
satisfactory intellectually may be found in the
last 8 chapters of Job. The solution to suffering
presented is as follows:

----------------- FINAL SOLUTION TO SUFFERING ------------
------------God uses dreams to prevent man
------------from excessive indulgence
-------------- God doesn't kill wicked immediately;
-------------- God waits for prayer for guidance
------------- Our actions thoughts and complaints
------------- mold our personality and gradually
------------- change it; we must therefore see
------------- all acts of God as meaningful
----------- God uses PAIN to prepare man for PROPHETIC encounter
(Jb38,Jb39) (God #1) Pain prepares for growth-personality
--------- Pain prepares for growth-leadership-personality
------ Purpose of absolute pain is
----- to separate from (a) sexual ties (b) national ties

We shall discuss each of these 6 points separately
in its place. Todays posting is most instructive
After all--it is GODS statement about why GOD uses pain!!!

The Dialog naturally divides into two parts(In passing
the chapter markings in the English are clearly out of

God mentions 5 areas of life where GROWTH PAINS are normal
and expected. These 5 areas are
-- Balancing the indulgence/abstention emotions of marriage
-- Growth from teenager to manhood
-- Political leadership of a country
-- Growth from humanness to Prophet
-- Intellectual research
Each of these 5 areas is KNOWN for requiring pain. But
they certainly are not problems of "evil". For example,
most teenagers, do not leave organized religion because
of growth pains during the teenage years. Most young couples
do not rebel because of adjustment pains during the first
years of marriage.

God outlines 10 personality types--thus the energetic
worker (The horse) or the Conqueror (The Lion) etc.
Again acquiring a personality requires pain. Yet no
one complains.

Perhaps the classical secular example would be Beethoven's
deafness. His deafness enabled him to become a great
composer--thus his possible complaints about the pain
of his deafness could be answered by the compensating
musical creativity he acquired. In the religious area
the classical example would be Rav Saadia Gaons
incarceration/exile for 7 years---this led him to
write his monumental BELIEFS and DOUBTS. Again the possible
complaints about the pain of his exile could be answered
by the compensating creativity.

Some comments are in order before proceeding

Comment #1 - Use of symbolism
The literal translation of the book would require
-- Have you Job commanded the DAWN?
-- Have you Job given the HORSE its strength?

Does this really answer evil? Genesis 49 and Shagal's
windows are well known. Isn't it more meaningful to
interpret HORSE as ENERGETIC WORKER. Then Gods statement
-- Have you Job given the ENERGETIC WORKER his personality
The use of GrowthPain to create a personality DOES have
relevance to the problem of suffering.

Similarly the Hebrew word for DAWN and TEENAGER are
one and the same (TEENAGERness is the DAWN of life).
Doesn't it make more sense to translate

-- Have you Job ever made a TEENAGER INTO A MAN

Thus I don't think I am deviating from the intent of the
book--furthermore I think I am making the book clearer
and punchier. Anyway--I present my translation to the
reader and let him/her judge.

COMMENT #2 - Translation niceties
e.g. I translate the Hebrew RaaM as BUFFALO. I certainly
don't think there were Buffalos in the middle east.
However I believe this conveys the "feeling"
of the passage. It is a sort of poetic license.
(A fuller translation would have copious footnotes)

COMMENT #3 - Chapter divisions
The chapters naturally divides into 5 PAINFUL areas
of life and 10 personalities. This would suggest
chapter breaks different from the King James translation

COMMENT #4 - Is this an answer
There is an unfortunate classical fallacy
in reading the book of Job. Some people
hold that if they are not FULLY satisfied
then there is no point in reading the book.

Not so! God's first answer does come from GOD!!!!
It has relevance!!!! Rav Saadia Gaon and Beethoven
both used the idea of GROWTH THRU PAIN in their
lives. Many people can SOMETIMES incorporate these
ideas in their live.

True--Job argues with God---he repeats the answer
he already gave his friends---I AM IN SEVERE PAIN--
accepts this challenge since God responds with a
2nd (and final!) solution to suffering.

But the reader should carefully read this chapter
and study its ideas. All of us go thru teenager-ness..
all of us go thru marriages...many of us go thru
research, leadership...many of us have personalities...
why not use these ideas in our daily lives.

Here is the outline of todays posting.

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-02:03) Fight like a man, JOB
(Jb38-04:11) #1/5-Balancing Solid/Water SEXual emotions
(Jb38-12:15) #2/5-Raising a TEENager to manhood
(Jb38-16:21) #3/5-Running a COUNTRY-masses,death,NewLife
(Jb38-22:27) #4/5-PROPHECY - Coldness - prophetic light
(Jb38-28:35) #5/5-Intellectual/Scientific RESEARCH
(Jb38-36:38) #1/10 The COCK - (The intuitive)
(Jb38-39:40) #2/10 The LION - (The Conquerors)
(Jb38-41:41) #3/10 The RAVEN - (The poor)
(Jb39-01:04) #4/10 The MOUNTAIN GAZELLES - (Reproducers)
(Jb39-05:08) #5/10 The WILD-ASS - (The Non-Habited)
(Jb39-09:12) #6/10 The BUFFALO - (The Strong)
(Jb39-13:18) #7/10 The OSTRICH - (The Selfish)
(Jb39-19:25) #8/10 The HORSE - (The Worker)
(Jb39-26:26) #9/10 The SOUTH-BIRDS - (The Migrator)
(Jb39-27:30) #10/10 The EAGLE - (The Leader)

As already indicated---Jobs friends attacked
him for either sinning or not doing enough.
By contrast God urged Job to GROW--become
something he was not yet. Job could attain
personalities or leadership.

Here is the detailed translation.
(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-02:03) Fight like a man, JOB
(Jb38-02) (God says)
(Jb38-02) Who are you, Job,
(Jb38-02) Giving cliches of dark advice
(Jb38-02) without thinking
(Jb38-03) Stand up like a man
(Jb38-03) I will ask - you tell me

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-04:11) #1/5-Balancing Solid/Water SEXual emotions
(Jb38-04) Where were you Job when I founded solid emotions
(Jb38-04) Tell - if you really understand it
(Jb38-05) WHO gave balance to sex-if you know it
(Jb38-05) WHO fitted it (sex) with boundaries
(Jb38-06) WHO sunk in the foundation stones
(Jb38-06) WHO threw the corner-stone
(Jb38-07) ---------------------------
(Jb38-07) WHEN the twinkle arousals sing in nightly despair
(Jb38-07) .. Followed by a Divine awakening
(Jb38-08) .. the sea-sexual emotions are covered with doors
(Jb38-08) .. As it (love) crawls from a womb
(Jb38-09) WHEN a love cloud dresses (the couple)
(Jb38-09) ---- darkness bandages them
(Jb38-10) ------------------------------
(Jb38-10) (Was it not I,God)
(Jb38-10) I break a portion for it
(Jb38-10) I place locks and doors
(Jb38-11) I say: Till here you can come but no more
(Jb38-11) In this boundary you can place high-love-waves

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-12:15) #2/5-Raising a TEENager to manhood
(Jb38-12:15) #2/5-Raising a TEENager to manhood
(Jb38-12) Have you even ordered the dawn of life
(Jb38-12) - Assigning teenagers to their niche
(Jb38-13) - Allowing them to stake out a territory
(Jb38-13) - Removing evil from their turf
(Jb38-14) - Stamping their territory as theirs
(Jb38-14) - Standing up for themselves like a uniformed person
(Jb38-15) - Depriving the wicked from their help
(Jb38-15) - And breaking the power of the haughty

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-16:21) #3/5-Running a COUNTRY-masses,death,NewLife
(Jb38-16) (A description of political leaders)
(Jb38-16) Have you come to the thickets of the seas
(Jb38-16) Have you walked in unexplored multitudes
(Jb38-17) Have you been exposed people on deathbeds
(Jb38-17) Have you seen the gates to hell
(Jb38-18) Have you understood the virgin plains
(Jb38-18) Tell: If you knew all of it
(Jb38-19) Do you know on which paths, prophets live
(Jb38-19) ----------- where the rif-rafs live
(Jb38-20) That you can take them to their quarters
(Jb38-20) That you can understand their houses side paths
(Jb38-21) Do you know when people are giving birth
(Jb38-21) Do you know how long they will live

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-22:27) #4/5-PROPHECY - Coldness - prophetic light
(Jb38-22) Have you come to the cold(abstention)storages
(Jb38-22) -------- see the storages of hail
(Jb38-23) Which I use in time of trouble
(Jb38-23) ----------- on a day of fighting and war
(Jb38-24) Do you know what path prophetic light will travel
(Jb38-24) ...When it begins its sunrise on a land
(Jb38-25) Who is it who
(Jb38-25) --------- tributaried an attic for prophetic downpour
(Jb38-25) --------- pathed the thunders of prophecy
(Jb38-26) give knowledge to a country without real men
(Jb38-26) ...------- --------- to a wilderness without real men
(Jb38-27) ...------- holocausts OR
(Jb38-27) ...------- sproutings, and verdant places

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-28:35) #5/5-Intellectual/Scientific RESEARCH
(Jb38-28) (Unanswered questions and their solutions are sudden)
(Jb38-28) Does knowledge have a father
(Jb38-28) Do cliches have mothers
(Jb38-29) Do unanswered questions have pregnancies
(Jb38-29) Does unanswered(cold) knowledge have a birthdate
(Jb38-30) The unanswered absorbs all our time
(Jb38-30) .......... as ice covers the sea of knowledge
(Jb38-30) .......... capturing the sea surface
(Jb38-31) Do you adorn the starlight of intuition
(Jb38-31) ------ unravel the thick cords
(Jb38-32) Do you bring forth strange ideas when needed
(Jb38-32) ------ guide withering ideas needing fixing up
(Jb38-33) Do you understand the laws of knowledge
(Jb38-33) Can you police knowledge on earth
(Jb38-34) Do you yell at the clouds of knowledge
(Jb38-34) when you have too much from the knowledge fountain
(Jb38-35) Do you send away the lightning of intuition
(Jb38-35) (And even if you did) do they go away
(Jb38-35) (And even if you did) do they (even) answer you

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-36:38) #1/10 The COCK - (The intuitive)
(Jb38-36) Who places wisdom in the adrenals
(Jb38-36) Or who gives the COCK understanding
(Jb38-37) Who (else) knows how to account wisely the heavens
(Jb38-37) Who (else) knows when the heavenly tides sleep
(Jb38-38) ---------------- when daylight dust becomes a mass
(Jb38-39) ---------------- when daylight clods become one

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-39:40) #2/10 The LION - (The Conquerors)
(Jb38-39) IS IT YOU who gives the Lion its snatches
(Jb38-39) --------- who fills the lairs of mountain-lions
(Jb38-40) RATHER they crouch in their dens
(Jb38-40) Like sitters in a booth waiting for booty

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb38-41:41) #3/10 The RAVEN - (The poor)
(Jb38-41) Who gives the Raven his hunt
(Jb38-41) when his children cry to God
(Jb38-41) wandering without food

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb39-01:04) #4/10 The MOUNTAIN GAZELLES - (Reproducers)
(Jb39-01) Do you know the gestation periods of wild-gazelles
(Jb39-01) ------ keep track of the pregnancy of hinds
(Jb39-02) ------ audit their months till filled
(Jb39-02) ------ tell them it is time to give birth
(Jb39-03) RATHER (Their birth process is natural)
(Jb39-03) ------ They crouch
(Jb39-03) ------ till their young burst forward
(Jb39-04) ------ their young mature
(Jb39-04) ------ they multiply in the fields
(Jb39-04) ------ They leave (their parents)
(Jb39-04) ------ and don't return

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb39-05:08) #5/10 The WILD-ASS - (The Non-Habited)
(Jb39-05) (The wild ass was never domesticated)
(Jb39-05) Who has let a wild-ass free
(Jb39-05) --- --- loosened its reigns
(Jb39-06) FOR
(Jb39-06) --- His house is the jungle
(Jb39-06) --- His dwelling place is the desolate
(Jb39-07) --- He laughs at walled civilization
(Jb39-07) --- He doesn't recognize the tumult of daily-drive
(Jb39-08) (RATHER)
(Jb39-08) --- his pasture lies in mountain extensions
(Jb39-08) --- (There) he can seek every verdure

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb39-09:12) #6/10 The BUFFALO - (The Strong)
(Jb39-09) Will the Buffalo work for you
(Jb39-09) Will he sip water at your troughs
(Jb39-10) Will you bind plow-bars on him
(Jb39-10) (And even if you did)
(Jb39-10) Would he field your valleys
(Jb39-11) CAN YOU DEPEND on him because of his strength
(Jb39-11) CAN YOU LEAVE to him your needs
(Jb39-12) CAN YOU BELIEVE he will produce seed
(Jb39-12) CAN YOU EXPECT full granaries from him

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb39-13:18) #7/10 The OSTRICH - (The Selfish)
(Jb39-13) The wing of the Ostrich spreads
(Jb39-13) But are her grace and feathers real wings?
(Jb39-14) Because
(Jb39-14) ------she abandons her eggs on the ground
(Jb39-14) ------------------ them to warm on the dust
(Jb39-15) Forgetting that
(Jb39-15) ----------- feet will trample them
(Jb39-15) ----------- wild animals will gallop on them
(Jb39-16) She thus hardens her heart
(Jb39-16) ... for she children go to strangers
(Jb39-16) ... her labor efforts are for nought
(Jb39-16) ... this doesn't even bother her
(Jb39-17) For God made her forget wisdom
(Jb39-17) ------- did not apportion to her understanding
(Jb39-18) (She only cares about herself)
(Jb39-18) At the proper time she can rise high
(Jb39-18) laughing at (pursuing) horses and riders

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb39-19:25) #8/10 The HORSE - (The Worker)
(Jb39-19) DO YOU give the horse Might
(Jb39-19) DO YOU dress him with confidence
(Jb39-20) DO YOU give him recognition of respect
(Jb39-20) DO YOU give him the capacity to instill fear
(Jb39-21) ----
(Jb39-21) (For the horse can equally)
(Jb39-21) Dig in a valley
(Jb39-21) Play in horse-races
(Jb39-21) Go to battle
(Jb39-22) He laughs in a scary situation
(Jb39-22) He himself is not frightened
(Jb39-22) He doesn't falter when seeing death
(Jb39-23) EVEN WHEN there soars on him
(Jb39-23) ... arrows, cannons, swords, battering rams
(Jb39-24) NEVERTHELESS he gallops the earth
(Jb39-24) .....with anger and energy
(Jb39-24) .....and does not believe the enemy battlecry
(Jb39-25) .....on each battle cry he says AH
(Jb39-25) .....he arouses for even distan't battles
(Jb39-25) .....(against) the might of Kings & Generals

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb39-26:26) #9/10 The SOUTH-BIRDS - (The Migrator)
(Jb39-26) Is it from your teachings that
(Jb39-26) ...birds wing their feathers
(Jb39-26) ...spreading their wings southward

(GOD-#1) Pain enables Growth,leadership & personality
(Jb39-27:30) #10/10 The EAGLE - (The Leader)
(Jb39-27) Is it by you(r) order that The Eagle
(Jb39-27) -------------- soars high
(Jb39-27) -------------- Makes her nest high
(Jb39-28) -------------- Perches on mountain rock
(Jb39-28) -------------- ------- on jagged caves
(Jb39-29) -------------- (From There --)
(Jb39-29) -------------- Digging for food
(Jb39-29) -------------- Scanning the distances
(Jb39-30) -------------- Giving booty to her young
(Jb39-30) -------------- Being present at all cadavers