JOB - The Complete Solution To Suffering
| JOB                                |
|(c) Jan 2003 RashiYomi Incorporated |
| Posting 9 of 25                    |
| Jan 15, 2003                       |
| In Memory of Abraham Hendel        |
| Translated by Dr Russell Hendel    |

My mother, Perl Hendel, recommends I switch to a
once-every-2 week schedule--or 2 a month. Since
we have 16 postings left we will complete the
translation of Job in Nov 2003 to coincide with
the 1st Yarzheit of my Father.

Hi Did you just probably wont fully
understand these postings unless you read the
introduction and former chapters. You have to sign
up to get a yahoo id. You can then visit the Job
archives at--

Write if you have any problems.

Today we translate chapter 15 which
according to the outline contains
- DIALOG 1 '
- The attempted solution to suffering by
Eliphaz Hataymani.

This is our first ROUND 2 chapter.It appears
to me that that ROUND 2 and ROUND 3 do not contain
NEW solutions to suffering but rather DEEPER
expositions of the previous attempted solutions
to suffering.

Accordingly I identify Chapter 15, Eliphazs second
answer to Job, with Chapters-4-5, Eliphazs 1st
solution to suffering (See posting 3). Some
phrases of Chapter 4-5 are repeated verbatim here.

We first present BOTH
- the previous one sentence solutions to suffering
- Jobs rebuttal of these attempts
We also hilight the contrast and similarity between

Eliphazs 1st solution and 2nd solution

ELIPHAZ: Suffering comes to teach & improve
JOB: SUFFERING improves;but PAIN prevents improvement

BILDAD: Suffering comes from sin;Success from observance
JOB: But national tragedies affect righteous/wicked alike

TZORFAR: Suffering comes to encourage more Learning
JOB: Mans life is too short; he cant learn that much more

ELIPHAZ(ROUND 1): Suffering comes to teach and improve
ELIPHAZ(ROUND 2): Suffering/happiness is INNER not OUTER

Here is the MAIN sentence for this round
MAIN:(ROUND 1): Suffering comes to teach and improve
JOB: SUFFERING improves;but PAIN prevents improvement
MAIN:(ROUND 2): Suffering/pleasure is INNER not OUTER

answer partially answers

Eliphaz claimed that suffering comes to improve.
Job claimed that you cant improve while in pain.
Eliphaz answers this in round 2 by pointing out
that suffering is inner. True, Job suffered. But
he had a good life till his suffering and he still
could talk---so he wasnt in total pain--he could
learn a little--when he learned the reason for his
suffering and improved he would go back to his
former life.

In other words---Eliphaz not only reiterated his
former position but also answered Jobs rebuttal!

We apply our 3 fold
to Chapter 15(See posting 1 for
an explanation of this approach)

Here are the 3 sections of this chapter.

MAIN:(ROUND 2): Suffering/pleasure is INNER not OUTER
Jb15-02:06 You are your own problem
Jb15-07:17 Who the hell are you that you
---------- think you can outsmart God(ie prove innocence)
Jb15-18:35 Suffering/pleasure is inner not outer

On a technical point, the reader can of
course recognize chapter subsections by content.
However the reader can also recognize chapter
subsections by KEYWORDS which introduce these
subsections. The sections of this chapter begin
with the Hebrew Keywords HE, HA, ASHER

Let us now review the 3 individual sections

---------------- 1st SECTION -----------------------------
MAIN:(ROUND 1): Suffering comes to teach and improve
JOB: SUFFERING improves;but PAIN prevents improvement
MAIN:(ROUND 2): Suffering/pleasure is INNER not OUTER
Jb15-02:06 You are your own problem
(Jb15-02) Do wise men respond with emotions
--------- ----------- fill their diaphragms with wind
(Jb15-03) ----------- argue with non supported arguments
--------- ----------- ----- with useless words
(Jb15-04) (If that isnt enough)
--------- Yet you also abrogate fear of God
--------- ------------ produce despising-God speeches
(Jb15-05) Your sins lead your mouthings
--------- --------- picking smooth talk
(Jb15-06) Your mouthings will incriminate you, not me
--------- Your lip service with testify against you

---------------- 2nd SECTION -----------------------------
MAIN:(ROUND 1): Suffering comes to teach and improve
JOB: SUFFERING improves;but PAIN prevents improvement
MAIN:(ROUND 2): Suffering/pleasure is INNER not OUTER
Jb15-07:17 Who the hell are you that you think you can outsmart God
(Jb15-07) Are you Adam (who sinned)?
--------- --- you born before the worlds Great leaders(Who sinned)?
(Jb15-08) --- you in Gods counsel (That you think you are so
--------- --- you in possession of Wisdom leaks?
(Jb15-09) What do YOU know that WE dont know
--------- ----------- understand that we dont have
(Jb15-10) Established and mature thinkers -- are among us
--------- People mightier in years than your father
(Jb15-11) Isnt it enough for you the good God gave you
--------- ---------------------- how he punishes you gently
(Jb15-12) WHAT are you thinking (and)
--------- ------------ hinting from
(Jb15-13) THAT you burst out in emotion before God
--------- & uttered (Blasphemous) words
(Jb15-14) Who is man that he should win (God in an argument)
--------- How should someone born of woman acquit himself
(Jb15-15) God doesnt even trust his holy agents
--------- --- see fault in angels
(Jb15-16) How much more so someone despicable
--------- ---------------- someone who gulps blasphemies like water
(Jb15-17) Let me liven up your thoughts by sharing with
--------- you visions that I will tell you

NOTE the almost identical phrases between Jb04-17:19 and
Jb15-14:16 As indicated we regard round 1 as a
continuation and deepening of ROUND 2

Note the controversy in Jb15-16
RASHI: Isnt it enough that God was gentle with you
------ and gave you good all these years
MTUZUDOTH: Isnt it enough that God let your sin

In other words the controversy is whether the word
L-A-T means GENTLE or HIDDEN. This seems like a serious

However we reiterate the point we made in the first
posting: Our GOAL is to provide an OVERALL understanding
of the Chapter. The OVERALL Theme here is as indicated:
GOD. We are not concerned with the details of every phrase
We have selected one interpretation but our real point is

---------------- 3rd SECTION -----------------------------
MAIN:(ROUND 1): Suffering comes to teach and improve
JOB:SUFFERING improves;but PAIN prevents improvement
MAIN:(ROUND 2): Suffering/pleasure is INNER not OUTER
Jb15-18:35 Suffering/pleasure is inner not outer
(Jb15-18) (I tell you) what Scholars tell
--------- (----------) unhidden lessons of teachers
(Jb15-19) Only these scholars understand the world
--------- No stranger has ever won a debate against them
(Jb15-20) All days of the wicked ------------are anxiety filled
--------- all numbered years of the powerful ------------------
(Jb15-21) The voice of fear is in their (wicked) ears
--------- even in times of peace (fear of ) plunder comes on him
(Jb15-22) He(the wicked) cant believe of a return from the darkness
--------- his expectations are for attack
(Jb15-23) his pacings-back-and-forth are on food--where is my next
--------- his only certainty is eventual death
(Jb15-24) He is frightened by tribulations
--------- it grips him---like an (overthrown) King destined for exile
(Jb15-25) FOR he(the wicked) knows that he started up with God
--------- ----------------------------- he tried to outsmart God
(Jb15-26) ----------------------------- he made a brazen run on God
--------- -----------------------------
(Jb15-27) FOR he(the wicked) covered his face with fat(From
--------- until the fat became flabby & wrinkled
(Jb15-28) AND IF he(wicked) build up cities in rural areas
--------- ---------------------------- uninhabited houses
--------- ---------------------------- marked for demolition
(Jb15-29) THEN he will not stay long enough to become rich
--------- ---- ---------------------------- to make connections
--------- ---- he will not stay long enough to plant their completion
(Jb15-30) (FOR HE(The wicked)) will never cease worrying about
--------- his small projects will be dropped at the first crisis
--------- or they(his small projects) will be verbally terminated
--------- (because of the wickeds lack of expectation)
(Jb15-31) The rif-rafs wouldnt believe -- EMPTY
--------- FOR (indeed) the wicked will end up EMPTY
(Jb15-32) --- He (the wicked) completes his life before his time
--------- --- his shoots not yet being mature
(Jb15-33) --- his unripened fruit trampled like grapes
--------- --- his flowers forsaken like (dropped oily) olives
(Jb15-34) For flatterer gangs are in reality loners
--------- An (inner) fire burns their homes
(Jb15-35) The wicked CONCEIVE trouble
--------- ---------- give BIRTH to crime
--------- ---------- and they GESTATE deceipt

Stay tuned next week for Jobs rebuttal of this 2nd exposition
of the 1st solution to suffering.