The Hebrew >KI< has 7 meanings:#7 of 8
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
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The Hebrew word >KI< primarily means >BECAUSE<. A famous
midrash says >KI< has 4 meanings.

However we who speak English must use caution.
I have counted 7 English translations.

By completing this unit the reader will become proficient
in how >KI< is used and will be able to apply these
translations to new verses.

In todays unit we show that >KI< can mean >WHEN< or >IF<
The meaning >IF< is one of the 4 meanings listed
by Chazal.

This module comes from the following digest in the
Rashi-is-Simple series

For a short summary see
http://www.RashiYomi.Com/h9n4.htm (Available Sunday)
http://www.RashiYomi.Com/h9n5.htm (Available Sunday)

For many examples see

For further special cases see

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*


  In the following examples the Hebrew word >KI<
  means >WHEN<  or >IF<*1 *2
EXAMPLE 15: Ex34-09a
God walk with us: then IF we sin you can forgive us

EXAMPLE 16: Nu05-20a
...and IF you have sinned...

EXAMPLE 17: Dt32-03a
WHEN I call the name of God give praise

EXAMPLE 18: Dt32-36a
WHEN God judges his nation..then He will say

EXAMPLE 19: Gn40-14a
========== that IF & WHEN you remember me I'll be saved*3

*1 There are of course many verses where >KI< means
   >WHEN<. But these are 2 main verses where Rashi
   makes a comment.

*2 I feel obligated to mention the important Malbim
   that when a paragraph introduces a whole hypothetical
   situation then
   ---the first >IF< of the paragraph uses the Hebrew >KI<
   ---the remaining >IFs<  of the paragraph use the Hebrew >IM<

   For example Lv04 is the chapter on >SIN OFFERINGS<
   We then have the following sequence of sin offerings
   ---Lv04-01:12  >KI<    (if) a    High Priest   sins
   ---Lv04-13:21  >IM<    (if) the  congregation  sins
   ---Lv04-22:26  >ASHER< (if) the  King          sins
   ---Lv04-27:31  >IM<    (if) the  individual    sins
   ---Lv04-32:35  >IM<    (if) the  individual    sins

   This is a peach of a principle which seems to have been
   neglected. More can be said (like the anomalous >ASHER<
   is Lv04-22) but the above will suffice for now.

*3 We follow the interpretation of the Sifsay Chachamim
   commentary on Rashi who interprets Gn40-13:14 as one sentence

   >In another 3 days Pharoh will remember you and restore you
   (from prison) to your former post of personally serving him
   (The restoration from prison will be so complete that) WHEN
   (& if you do me a favor &) you mention me to Pharoh I will
   be saved from Prison<

   The strange construction >WHEN & IF< comes from the two
   words >KI< = >WHEN< and >IM< = >IF< and is similar to our
   English phrase >WHEN & IF<.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*