#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Lv01-01a

RULE: The Hebrew root K-R-A can have up to 8 meanings depending
on the connecting word. In particular the verse

        Lv01-01 "And he PAGED (KRA EL) to Moses

denotes that when God prophesized to Moses he did so gently
and respectfully with preparation. (By contrast non jewish
prophets received sudden prophecies*1)

(1-2) K-R-A can mean to NAME someone (as naming a child)
(1) KRA(no preposition) means to Name based on an EXISTING attribute
   Gn19-22 He called the city small because it was small

(2) KRA ETH means to Name based on a HOPE for something
Gn30-24 She called his name  More saying may I have more children

(3-5) KRA can mean to READ (as in reading a book)
(3) KRA (no preposition) means  e.g. browsing a book
2King22-10 And Shafan READ (the book)before the king

(4) KRA B means reading the WHOLE book
Dt17-19 And he(the king) shall always READ it

(5) KRA ETH means reading with ACCEPTANCE
Jos8-34 Joshua READ (KRH ETH) the Torah.
Apparently this is a reading with the intent to ACCEPT the Torah

(6-8) Finally KRA can denote CALLING someone
(6)KRA L means To Summon
Ju16-25 ..SUMMON Samson from the prison

(7)KRA EL means To Page (More respectful than Summon)
Lv01-01  "He PAGED Moses and spoke to him.."
1S26-14 "& Avner said:Who are you that PAGES the king"

(8) KRA ETH means To Invite
1King01-10  But he did not INVITE Solomon his brother

*1 Here is a {LIST} of 3 methods by which God prophesized
people. Note how God prophesized respectfully to Moses by
Paging him first but spoke Suddenly and by accident to other


METHOD          VERSE           TEXT
------          -----           ----
Paging          3-1-1           And God Paged Moses & then spoke to
Suddenly        4-12-4          And God spoke suddenly to...
By Accident     4-23-4          And God "happened" to Bilam
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 1 Number 20

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 1 Number 20