#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Lv19-03d

RASHIS COVERED: Lv19-03d Lv19-10c Lv23-22c Lv22-30b
                Lv19-16c Lv25-55a Lv19-34b Lv24-22a

There are 613 Biblical commandments. About 2 dozen of these
commandments conclude or have the phrase >I AM GOD<. Why?
Why are these verses singled out for this phrase?

It turns out there are 4 reasons for using the phrase
>I AM GOD< in a commandment. One of the reasons occurs when
the commandment orders respect for lower social classes. Here
is the reasoning:

Ordinarily I do commandments because of fear of social reprisal
For example I dont steal because people would punish me or steal
from me.

However there is no reason not to pick on the poor or slaves or
aliens. Therefore on these commandments it says >I AM GOD<--
& in effect says, >Even though no HUMAN will punish you,
nevertheless, I, GOD, will punish those who pick on the
helpless and reward those who respect them.<

Before presenting examples we take note of other postings on
>SPECIAL PHRASES< used only in certain commandments. eg

--ONLY 5 commandments use the phrase >FEAR GOD<

--ONLY a dozen commandments mention the >EXODUS<

--ONLY half a dozen commandments mention >REWARD FOR PERFORMANCE<


This list presents commandments which use the language
>I AM GOD< These commandments all involve >FAIR TREATMENT<
to different social classes. The ideas seem to be
-- Dont think you can pick on the poor & they are helpless.
   >I GOD<, am watching and will avenge their honor.
   For this reason it says >I AM GOD<

-- Dont think you must listen to your parents if they tell you
   to violate a commandment. For Gods commandments take
   precedence over your parents. God has more power than your
   parents and can protect and reward you.

Rashis exact language by these verses is that
-- >I am God< indicates that >I am God who can PUNISH or REWARD<
-- >I am God< indicates that both you and others are obligated
   to follow my commandments<

And we have added that this emphasis is particularly needed when
the commandments cross social class borders
========  ========= ============  =============================
Lv19-10c  Rich      Poor          I, God, will protect Poor
Lv23-22c  Rich      Poor          I, God, will protect Poor
Lv25-55a  Citizens  Slaves        I, God, will protect Slaves
Lv19-34b  Citizen   Foreigner     I, God, will protect aliens
Lv24-22a  Citizen   Foreigner     I, God, will protect aliens
Lv19-16c  Citizens  RifRafs*1     I, God, will protect rifrafs
Lv22-30b  Parents   Child*2       I take precedence over parents
Lv19-03d  Parents   Children*3    I take precedence over parents

*1 This verse contains the prohibition of slander. I have
   taken the liberty of interpreting this as applying to
   lower social classes since it is the custom to slander
   and malign people who are >rifrafs<. But even if you
   dont accept this interpretation the idea still is
   >dont slander helpless people because even if
   they dont retaliate I will<

*2 In the other commandments a person in a >TOP SOCIAL CLASS<
   like a rich person is commanded to help or treat nicely
   a person in a >LOWER SOCIAL CLASS< like the poor or slaves

   By contrast, in these commandments it is the person in
   the >LOWER SOCIAL CLASS< like children who are commanded
   to respect the people in >THE HIGHER SOCIAL CLASSES<.

   The reasoning for including the phrase >I AM GOD<, however
   is the same---even if a person above you orders you to
   violate commandments you shouldnt listen since I God
   am empowered to punish these people and reward you.

*3 Technically speaking these are commandments involving
   sacrifices. However these commandments clearly symbolically
   affirm respect for parenthood (eg one commandment says
   dont offer both child and parent on the same day thus
   showing respect for parenthood);

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 9 Number 1

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 9 Number 1