#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Lv19-23a

RASHIS COVERED: Lv19-23a Dt10-16a Ex06-12a

===================== ARAYL = INACCESSIBLE ======================

The Hebrew root Ayin-Resh-Lamed occurs several times in the
Bible. Rashi identifies its fundamental meaning as UNUSABLE
Thus Rashi consistently explains that
-- ARAYL TREES means trees whose fruit are PROHIBITED
-- ARAYL LIPS means a person who cant TALK
-- ARAYL EARS means a person who doesnt LISTEN
-- ARAYL HEART means a person who doesnt CARE
-- ARAYL can mean POISON--something that renders you unusable
Finally ARAYL can refer to NON-CIRCUMCISION. Rashi explains
that the foreskin makes the organ APPEAR closed up & unusable

One of Rashis main 6 goals is the explanation of words the
same way a dictionary does. For a brief explanation of
Rashis 6 goals visit
- http://www.RashiYomi.com/rules-01.htm

For a list of words that Rashi explains (The RashiYomi
dictionary) visit
- http://www.RashiYomi.com/words.htm

Here is the list of uses of ARAYL. The footnotes justify
that words can be named by appearance.
VERSE     WHAT IS ARAL  This means the following is UNUSABLE
========= ============= =========================================
Lv19-23a  ARAYL trees   Cant eat their fruit
Ex06-12a  ARAYL lips    Cant talk
Jr06-10   ARAYL ears    Doesnt listen
Jr09-25   ARAYL heart   Doesnt care
Dt10-16a  ARAYL heart   Dont care
Chb02-16  POISON        Prevents all activity
Gn34-14   UNCIRCUMCISED Looks like organ is CLOSED UP*1

*1 Of course an UNCIRCUMCISED organ is NOT unusable. Rather,
   the foreskin makes it appear CLOSED UP and this CLOSED
   UP appearance makes it  APPEAR unusable.

   For the idea that words can extend meaning based on their
   FORM or the FORM of their activity we cite the following
   list from http://www.RashiYomi.com/naming-8.htm

 -The following Candellabrah parts were named by
  their FORM--what they looked like.

 -Other Rashis (besides from the candellabrah) on naming
  by FORM are added to this list

 -Rashis on naming by ACTIVITY FORM are added to this
  list (e.g. SURFING THE WEB)
 (1) Ex25-31d The THIGH of the Menorah means its Bottom
 (2) Ex40-22a On the THIGH of the temple in the north
 (3) Ex40-22b On the THIGH of the temple in the North
 (4) Lv01-11a On the THIGH of the Altar
 (5) Ex25-31f A BUD looks like an "elongated cup"
 (6) Ex25-31g The FRUIT looks like a fruit)
 (7) Ex25-31h The FLOWER ornament has the FORM of a FLOWER
 (8) Lv13-03b The color WHITE comes from CLOUD (Cloud white)
 (9) Ex28-32a The MOUTH-HEAD of a garment is its NECK
 (10)Ex28-33a POMEGRANATES means in the SHAPE of POMEGRANATES
 (11)Ex30-23a HEAD perfumes means DISTINGUISHED perfumes
 (12)Ex25-04a BLUE is thread died BLUE
 (13)Ex25-04b RED is thread died RED
 (14)Ex28-04d TASHBAYTZ refers to a CHECKERED appearance ROBE(SHVATZ)
 (16)Lv13-55d PChTheTh(Deep wound)=Looks like a pit
 (17)Lv13-18a SHCHIN (Boil-deep wound)=Looks like a pit

 Other examples of common objects named by FORM or the
 FORM OF THE ACTIVITY are the following

 (101) The shape, pentagon gives rise to the building, pentagon
 (102) Storm=ALOT of raindrops,
     gives rise to Brainstorm=ALOT of ideas
 (103) "Surf the seas"=BUMPY journey gives rise to
     "surf the web" = BUMPY lookup
 (104) The fruit, cherry gives rise to the the color, cherry
 (105) Loud=ALOT of noise, gives rise to a
     Loud dress=ALOT of noticeability

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 14 Number 21

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 14 Number 21