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VERSE: Lv26-10b

======================== Lv26-10b ==============================

One of Rashis 5 main goals is the explanation of meaning
the same way a dictionary explains meaning. Rashi had a
variety of vehicles to explain meaning.

God promises us that WE SHALL HAVE TO REMOVE THE OLD

Such a promise does not seem meaningful until we realize
that this relates to a situation of PLENTY--when we have
PLENTY we might for example remove the OLD for the NEW.
Thus the verse is understood as really saying that we will
have PLENTY.

This is an example of the poetic technique of METONOMY
-- indicating meaning by related items.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =======================================
RASHI SUBRULE CLASS      8 Methods of Naming
SEE BELOW                LIST871d
List of idioms using     Metonomy (eg Remove old for new=plenty)

========================= LIST871d =============================
List of idioms using     Metonomy (eg Egypt=Egyptians)
======== ============== ========================================
Lv26-10b old for new    Sign of PLENTY(have to remove old for nu
Lv26-04  thresh->harvst Sign of PLENTY-threshing seasn in HARVST
Gn25-22e Seek GOD       Seek PROPHETIC ADVICE of God*8 *10
Ex18-15b Seek GOD       Seek PROPHETIC ADVICE of God*8 *10
Ex18-09a He SHARPED*11  Mirth at SHARP word or TWINGED from pain
Ex14-24a MORNING WATCH  Guard Duty at DAWN*7
Ex14-25c EGYPT-the land Egyptians-the people*6
Gn49-09c ABOVE plunder  REMOVED from plundering (Above it)*5
Gn49-05b VIOLENT TOOLS  Criminal behavior*4
Gn45-18b FAT of land    BEST of land
Gn45-08a FATHER to Phrh FRIEND/ADVISOR to Pharoh
Gn43-34a He gave LIFTS  LIFTED THEIR SPIRIT-i.e. gifts
Gn41-35b HAND of Pharoh DOMAIN of Pharoh*2
Gn24-18a pitchr on HAND she lowered pitcher on her ARM
Gn37-26b COVER blood    CONCEAL murder
Gn37-26b cover BLOOD    conceal MURDER
Ex30-13c HOLY coins     Coins used in HOLY TEMPLE matters
Dt18-01c FIRES of God   SACRIFICES offered on temple Fire
Dt29-19a SMOKING anger  Anger that makes person HOT
Gn13-02a Abraham HEAVY  Abraham-s assets NUMEROUS
Gn13-02a ABRAHAM heavy  ABRAHAM-S ASSETS numerous

*1 Many examples in this list come from previous
   list in the metonomy series (LIST871a,
   LIST871b, LIST871c)

*2 See LIST871e for 6 Rashis mentioning this HAND=DOMAIN

*3 See LIST871f for verses where NSA means GIFT

*4 Rashi citing the Midrash Rabbah states
   Your violence is something you VIOLATED
   from Esauv (You are killing like Esauv)

   But I see no reason to see this Midrash
   as the PRIMARY simple meaning of the
   verse. The PRIMARY meaning of the verse
   is that Shimon and Levi were criminals
   The Midrash is simply adding a pun to this

*5 See LIST871g for some examples

*6 This is a common metonomy that occurs in English
   (eg America-Americans etc).

   Rashi is cute here: He EXPLAINS the metonomy
   When the soldiers die at sea their loved ones
   back in Egypt also suffer and in effect are
   smitten by God
   Rashi does not contradict the metonomy--he
   simply shows why it is convenient to identify
   the LAND and PEOPLE.

*7 The night was traditionally divided into three
   times of Guard duty. The GUARD DUTY near dawn
   was called the MORNING WATCH (Cf Ju07-19 for
   confirmation that there was a BEGINNING WATCH, MIDDLE

*8 The phrases SEEK GOD, SEEK IN GOD, occur in several
   verses and denote SEEKING ADVICE OF GOD. Compare for
   example (1S09-09, 1K22-08 or even 2K01-03 (Seeking
   advice of idolatrous gods). For alternate meanings
   see note *10.

------------------------ LONGER FOOTNOTES -------------------

*10 On Gn25-22e there is a delightful Ramban Rashi controversy
    Ramban points out that SEEK GOD can mean PRAYER. Rashi
    holds it means PROPHETIC ADVICE. I brought about a dozen
    verses which clearly show that
    - SEEK GOD can and does refer to PRAYER
    - SEEK GOD can and does refer to PROPHETIC ADVICE
    - SEEK GOD can and does refer to BOTH Prayer/Prophecy
    Hence I regard Ramban not as disagreeing with Rashi but
    rather as complementing him. For further details see

*11 Clearly the Hebrew YeeChad comes from the root CHAD
    which means SHARP. Rashi brings two opinions
    - It means HE SHARPED (Mirthed at a SHARP WORD)
    - It means HE TWINGED (Upset at PAINFUL news)

    But Radack brings STRONG support that CHAD means
    mirth. Indeed, in other verses, CHAD does mean
    MIRTH (As in eg Neh08-10 or P021-07).

    This controversy between Rashi and Radack
    can be resolved Grammatically. The grammatical
    form of VaYeeChad (Chirik, Patach) could come from
    - INTENSE MODE of 1-2-Hey roots(Cheth-Daleth-Hey) or
    - PASSIVE MODE of 1-2-2 roots(Cheth-Daleth-Daleth)

    In the intense mode CHAD means MIRTH(Radack)

    But in the PASSIVE MODE it would correspond to
    RECEIVING (PASSIVE!) a SHARP twinge at hearing
    bad news.

    Hence the controversy is on the root and mode
    of the word.

    This explanation makes both viewpoints respectable
    since Rashi would concede that CHEDVAH which
    definitely comes from Cheth-Daleth-Hey means
    MIRTH; Rashi could still maintain that Yee-Chad
    means TWINGED since it comes from a different root

    Rashi also points out that the translation
    TWINGED would show that despite Jethros
    happiness he still felt sorry for the Egyptians
    thus showing the conflict between his past(non-jew)
    and future (friend of Jews)
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Volume 21 Number 24

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 21 Number 24