4 stages of teenage IMMATURITY:#1 of 1
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#                  Dec 14, 2000                           #
#          Rashis 455-457 Of 7800 (5.9%)                  #
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This DAILY RASHI series is derived from the Rashi is Simple
mailing list. From time to time we present verbatim postings
from this list

Tonight we present a short nifty compact posting from

The posting has 3 Rashis which describe Josephs immaturity
as a teenager. This posting has tremendous implications for
outreach programs.

All the commentators want to know how Rashi derived what he
did. Read below for a simple explanation.
(NOTE: The above URL will not be available till SUNDAY)

                --GRAND SUMMARY--

VERSE: Gn37-02b

RASHIS COVERED: Gn37-02b Gn37-02c Gn37-02d

Rashi frequently makes derivations from either
--->GRAMMAR< or the
--->MEANING< of words.
However Rashi can equally make derivations from the
--->CLIMACTIC DEVELOPMENT< of a sequence of phrases.
In such a case the proper approach to Rashi is to identify his
derivation as coming from the sequence of phrases. (It is
wrong in such a case to seek a derivation based on meaning
and or grammar)

The Bible in Gn37-02 describes Joseph as an immature person.
The Bible clearly identifies the 4 stages of immaturity.
They are compactly presented in the following LIST
=================== ========================= ==================
17 years old
shepard("the gang") Sees the world as cliques Wild party life*1
Behaves like a kid  Fixs hair up constantly*2 Sees world racially
with Bilhah Zilpah  Low self esteem*3         Sees world sexually

*1 Shepards are typically LONERS who hang around in cliques.
   The immature person has no self esteem and hides his
   inadequacy by BELONGING to a gang. One of the characteristics
   of the gang is the >WILD PARTY< life. (Rashi exaggerates this
   and speaks about eating live animals but as the sifsay
   chachamim, a commentator on Rashi explains, it refers to
   eating slaughtered animals at barbeques before the animals
   were totally dead---so it refers to the wild party life)

*2 >Behaves like a teenager< usually refers at the least to
   flirtatious behavior.

   Furthermore the teenager sees the world as composed
   of cliques; the teenager is not yet aware of >talent<
   because (s)he has not developed any. Hence the teenager
   sees the world as based on WHO you know rather than
   WHAT you know.

*3 Immature people frequently have low esteem. They therefore
   hang out with >slave people< since they expect rejection
   from others. Furthermore because they have no accomplishments
   in their life immature people frequently see the world
   sexually--they think all actions have sexual goals.

We can now answer the question that all the commentators ask.
Where did Rashi derive that Joseph was slandering people by
---saying they were interested in sex
---eating animals before they are completely dead
---making fun of slaves

Rashi is Simple! Rashi was simply following the Biblical
development of the description of Josephs immaturity.
---Joseph behaved like a kid and saw the world sexually
   Favors were done primaraly for sexual reasons and
   do not have intrinsic value
---Joseph hung out with (gangs of) shepards and saw the
   world order as based on CLIQUES and not on merit
---Joseph hung out with slaves--because of his low
   self esteem and lack of accomplishment he could not
   see the world as based on merit--rather he saw all
   rejection as based on >CLASS<
---Joseph hung out with Gangs (of Shepards) and lived
   the wild party life.

The above basically defends the Rashi--In summary Rashi
was following the Biblical description of Immaturity.
Rashi simply gave typical examples of immature people

In closing we point out that the ultimate goal of the
Bible was to show how this immature person, Joseph,
rose above his immaturities and became Vice President
of the most powerful empire in his world


#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*