13 Methods for inferring meaning:#14 of 32
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 June 8th, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 785-787 Of 7800 (10.1%)                 #
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#    Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,      #
#  (c) 1999-Present, RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President  #
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           I will be at a conference in
           New Mexico next week. Therefor
           the next RashiYomi will appear Thursday

           Perhaps YOU can use the time to browse the
           RashiYomi Calendar at


           A few comments on what you LIKE MOST
           and/or DISLIKE most would help

           As you know, I deliberately factored in
           a 20% vacation factor when I started
           Rashi yomi. We will indeed finish in
           time for Ayelet Kings Bat Mitzvah as

I decided its time for a longer unit.

This unit will focus on a major Rashi task--explaining

Explaining the MEANINGS of WORDS is more than looking
something up in a dictionary. There are METHODS to
explaining WORDS.

Thus in this module we will explore HOW Rashi determines
the meanings of words -- that is, we will explore WHAT

For the next few days we will explore HOW objects
can be named by a distinguishing property.

This module comes from the following reference  in the
Rashi-is-Simple series. Many further cross references
are presented on that page.


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 35: Ex25-04a
EXAMPLE 36: Ex25-04b
EXAMPLE 37: Gn49-11d

An object can be named by a PROPERTY even though the rest of
the object is NOT mentioned. Thus a REVOLVER does not refer
to anything that revolves but rather refers to the type
of gun that has a REVOLVING CYLINDER. Everyday examples
and Rashis are presented below.

(1) REVOLVER is a GUN with a REVOLVING cylinder
(2) The STAND is FURNITURE on which you STAND stings
(3) The FLOPPY is a DISK you can FLOP around (unlike a hard drive)
(4) A TIE is a GARMENT that you wear by TIEING it
(5) The SWEATER is that GARMENT which makes you SWEAT
(6) A LAPTOP is that COMPUTER that you can hold in your LAP
(7) A ROCKER is that CHAIR that ROCKS when you sit on it
(8) A TOY GUN is a TOY that LOOKS like a GUN (but is not a gun)*5
(9)BATHROOM is a ROOM where people stand NAKED *5
(10)A SKYSCRAPER looks like it is SCRAPING the SKY*5
(11)The BREAKFAST meal, BREAKS your FAST after an entire evening

Here are some examples from Rashi

(12)  "BLUE" is thread died BLUE (Ex25-04a)
(13) "RED" is thread died RED (Ex25-04b)
(14) "SEDUCE" is an attractive dress worn by women (Gn49-11d)

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#