13 Methods for inferring meaning:#17 of 32
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 June 15th, 2001                         #
#          Rashis 792-793 Of 7800 (10.2%)                 #
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I decided its time for a longer unit.

This unit will focus on a major Rashi task--explaining

Explaining the MEANINGS of WORDS is more than looking
something up in a dictionary. There are METHODS to
explaining WORDS.

Thus in this module we will explore HOW Rashi determines
the meanings of words -- that is, we will explore WHAT

For the next few days we will explore HOW objects
can be named by a distinguishing property.

This module comes from the following references in the
Rashi-is-Simple series. Many further cross references
are presented on that page.


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

Recall we are studying how Rashi analyzes the objects
that are named by a PROPERTY vs by WHAT THEY ARE. Thus e.g.

(*)  BLUE is not anything blue but rather
      a THREAD died BLUE (Ex25-04a)
(*)  RED is not anything RED but rather a
      THREAD died RED (Ex25-04b)
(*) SEDUCE doesnt refer to any type of seductive activity but
    rather refers to an attractive dress worn by women (Gn49-11d)

Let us now look at more examples


EXAMPLE 42: Ex16-16a
 In Ex16-16a Rashi simply explains that the Hebrew word
 OMER is the name of a dry measure. The word OMER in
 Hebrew means a BUNDLE (as in Ruth2-7) or the activity

 Thus BUNDLE is a fitting word for a dry measure.

 A similar example might be the Hebrew SEAH which
 means a BURDEN or to CARRY A BURDEN and also
 refers to a BIG DRY MEASURE.

 Hence,Rashis comments on the Hebrew word OMER in ex16-16a
 is an example of how something was named by a PARTICULAR
 ATTRIBUTE (Like a bundle) vs by a GENERAL CATEGORY(measure).
 OMER is not any measure but a big enough measure that
 you BUNDLE it (The OMER measure was the BUNDLE of food
 needed for one day -- see footnote *1 for details)

EXAMPLE 43: Ex16-36a
 In Ex16-16a Rashi just gave the GENERAL idea that
 the Hebrew word OMER means SOME dry measure.

 But then in in Ex16-36a Rashi further explains that
 OMER is equal to the volume of 43.2 eggs
 See the footnote, *1, for some interesting pedagogical
 and dietary comments.

----------------------------- NOTES ----------------------------
*1 Rashi used the teaching technique known as
   when explaining the meaning of a word Rashi might first
   indicate the GENERAL category(ie a type of MEASURE,
   Ex16-16a) and then later indicate its PARTICULAR
   meaning(ie its exact volume - Ex16-36a)

   Here are the volumes of Hebrew words denoting measure
 * One egg = The volume of one egg = smallest unit of measure
 * REVIITH = Volume of 1.5 eggs    = Like American CUP
 * LOG     = Volume of 6 eggs      = Like American QUART
 * KAV     = Volume of 24 eggs     = Like American GALLON
 * OMER    = Volume of 43.2 eggs   = Food needed for 1 DAY
 * HIN     = Volume of 72 eggs     = Like a POT (3 gallon)
 * SEAH    = Volume of 144 eggs    = Like a FLOUR BAG(6 gal)
 * AYFAH   = Volume of 432 Eggs    =
 * COR     = Volume of 4320 Eggs

Note how most of these words seem plausible in meaning:
I will not try and argue why BUNDLE means 43.2 eggs
while SEAH=144 eggs. Rather I will suffice with pointing
out that the words for MEASURE mean HOLLOW/BUNDLE/BURDEN etc

In http://www.RashiYomi.Com/h5n1.htm we go a little beyond
Rashi and indicate WHY the Bible bothered indicating the amount
of Manna each day. Presumably the Bible indicated the
recommended food amounts needed each day.

I used the modern DASH diet, a highly recommended diet, which
advocates roughly per meal, as presented below. In
making this correspondence I assume e.g. that a medium
size fruit like an apple,pear, orange LOOKS like the volume
of 2 eggs. Here is the DASH DIET per meal
3 servings of bread    = 1.5 cups    = Volume of 3 eggs
2 Fruits               = 2 cups      = Volume of 4 eggs
2 Vegetables           = 1 Cup       = Volume of 2 eggs
1 Cup of milk          = 1 Cup       = Volume of 2 eggs
Tablespoon of oil      = negligible
1 Serving of fish/meat = 1 Cup       = Volume of 2 eggs
Occasional nuts        = negligible
----------------------                 --------------------
GRAND TOTAL per meal                   Volume of 13 eggs

GRAND TOTAL per day                    Volume of 39 eggs
TORAH VOLUME OF OMER                   Volume of 43.2 eggs

Agreement between GRAND TOTAL and OMER seems satisfactory

Thus the Torah, by informing us that Jews ate one OMER of
Manna per day, might have simply indicated to us what the
recommended quantity of food per day is.

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#