13 Methods for inferring meaning:#26 of 32
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 June 26th, 2001                         #
#          Rashis 816-818 Of 7800 (10.5%)                 #
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I decided its time for a longer unit.

This unit will focus on a major Rashi task--explaining

Explaining the MEANINGS of WORDS is more than looking
something up in a dictionary. There are METHODS to
explaining WORDS.

Thus in this module we will explore HOW Rashi determines
the meanings of words -- that is, we will explore WHAT

In the next few days we study how Rashi identified the names
and specific meanings of the priestly garments.

This module comes from the following reference in the
Rashi-is-Simple series.

http://www.RashiYomi.Com/ex28-04a.htm (Up Sunday)

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

 Ex28-04 mentions 6 Priestly garments which must be made.
 Rashi explains what each of these garments are. His analysis
 of meaning sheds light on the methodology of inferring meaning

EXAMPLE 68: Ex28-04b AYFOD A Belt-dress

   Rashi points out that AYFOD is a rare word. From the context
   it apparently refers to some type of garment.
   Rashi brings several proofs from other verses that
   shed light on the meaning of AYFOD.
  2Sam06-14  David was BELTED with a linen AYFOD   Like a belt
  Lv08-07    Moses placed ON HIM the AYFOD         Garment
  Ex28-27    The SHOULDER STRAPS of the AYFOD      Garment

These verses show that the AYFOD was a GARMENT (worn ON HIM)
and that it FUNCTIONED like a BELT. Hence Rashi identified it
 With the skirt-like-Robe that horse riders wear. The skirt
 covers the back down to the ankles (according to Rambam down
 to calves) and covers some of the front (according to Rambam
 it only covers back) and is tied over ones garments.

In this word,AYFOD, Rashi is deriving meaning by looking at many
verses and inferring characteristics. This is the same approach
that e.g. Rashi used to justify the meaning of SHDF
http://www.RashiYomi.Com/ex14-21z.htm which we covered a few
issues ago.

I now add some insights of my own.
Following the Rashi-Hirsch method of regarding a PREFIX ALEPH
to a root as meaning PERSONAL we would regard AYFOD as a
REDEEMING-ME. Perhaps a better name would be MyDignity--it
would be a garment that provides extra protection of modesty--
for example if I am horseback riding and my clothes tear I
would be exposed. In such a case the AYFOD protects me from
accidental tears.

Such a view is consistent with the emphasis on modesty in the
temple (e.g. a priest did not climb on steps to the altar so
that the leg splits should not expose his nakedness in the

Such a view is also consistent with Rashis Aramaic citations
be consistent with the idea that they are protective garments
to cover up unexpected exposures.

Some examples of roots beginning with Aleph that mean PERSONAL
AHV (love) = a GIVING (HV) of ONESELF(Aleph)
ASHM(Guilt)= a desolation(SHM)of the SELF(Aleph)
CONSUME(ACHL)=Destruction (CLS) for one SELF(Aleph)
AVD(Lost) = Isolated (BD) from the SELF(ALEPH)

Note that it would be wrong to say that Rashi had a tradition
and ALSO supplemented it by deriving from verses. Rashi makes it
clear that THERE WERE NO TRADITIONS. Also note that the above
explanations answer the Chizkuni who comments that such a garment
with 28-ply threads would be very heavy and cumbersome. The
answer to Chizkuni is that it was a conflict between CONVENIENCE
and MODESTY and in the Temple Modesty always wins.

EXAMPLE 69: Ex28-04a CHOSHEN   Ornament   Worn on heart*4

   Rashis statement that the CHOSEHN was sort of like an ORNAMENT
   that was WORN ON THE HEART can be derived almost explicitly
   from its description in Ex28-15:30.

   The Bible there explicitly describes the CHOSHEN as
   ---embroidered from gold,azure,turquoise,pink(Ex28-15)
   ---as being 9 inches by 9 inches (Ex28-16)
   ---as being linked above to shoulder straps(Ex28-25)
   ---as being linked below to the AYFOD belt(Ex28-27)

   Hence it is a colored small cloth worn between shoulder
   and belt -- so Rashi-is-Simple and calls it an ornament
   worn on the heart.

EXAMPLE 70: Ex28-04e MITZNEFET A Hat*5

   Cf Lv08-09 He placed the MTZNFT on his HEAD
   This Proves that the MITZNEFET is a head gear

   The torah calls this object by two names in two verses
   ---in Lv08-13 it is called a MIGBAATH  - a hat
   ---in Ex28-04 it is called a MITZNEFET - something spun around
   Thus we conclude that it FUNCTIONS as a hat and is PLACED ON
   by SPINNING. (For other examples of words with two different
   names see the Rabbi Ishmael Method of Controdictory verses
   at http://www.RashiYomi.COm/ri-14.htm.)

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#