13 Methods for inferring meaning:#6 of 32
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  May  30, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 762-763 Of 7800 (9.8%)                  #
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I decided its time for a longer unit.

This unit will focus on a major Rashi task--explaining

Explaining the MEANINGS of WORDS is more than looking
something up in a dictionary. There are METHODS to
explaining WORDS.

Thus in this module we will explore HOW Rashi determines
the meanings of words.

In todays unit we see how Rashi infers meaning from
CONTEXT--from its usage in other verses.

This module comes from the following references in the
Rashi-is-Simple series.


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 15: RASHI: Ex27-19b YaThaYD = Tent Peg
EXAMPLE 16: RASHI: Ex35-18a YaThaYd = Tent Peg

  The hebrew word YaThaYD in Hebrew has two meanings:
   * It can refer to a TENT PEG--something pointed that you
     hammer into the ground
   * It can refer to a weaving PEG (on which the loom is set up)

   Ex25 thru Ex27 describes the Mishkan including its many skin
   coverings Hence it would make sense that PEGS refer to TENT
   PEGS. This in fact is consistent with calling the Mishkan the
   MEETING TENT(eg Lv01-01)

   But the Hebrew word for PEG, YaThaD also can mean a weaving
   PEG.*1 Perhaps, then, the tent pegs were simply HEAVY OBJECTS
   whose weight prevented the tent-skins from flopping in the

   Rashi answers his own question by bringing supporting verses
   showing that whenever PEG is used with a TENT it refers to a

   RADACK in his book roots also explains YaThayD as a tent peg
   that is hammered in. However unlike Rashi Radack simply states
   this as fact. Radack does not suggest any other possibility*3

   By bringing in the other meaning of YaThayD (Weaving Peg) we
   enrich our understanding of Rashi. Hence Rashi-is-Simple:
   There are 2 meanings to YaThayD so indeed both interpretations
   are possible.However by examining verses were see that YaThaYD
   when used with tents means a a tent-peg that is hammered in.*4

   Rashi here is analyzing meaning based on its usage in other
   verses This corresponds to the Rabbi Ishmael rule of

   The usage of the tent pegs is summarized in the footnotes *5
VERSE     Text of Verse:YATHAYD refers to a tent peg hammered in
========= =======================================================
Isa33-20  Tent...its PEGS will not be dislodged
Dt23-14   PEG ..to dig and cover bathroom remains
Ju04-21   She HAMMERED the PEG into his head (& killed him)
Isa54-02  widen your tent/lengthen its CORDS/strengthen its PEGS
Ex27-19b  the pegs for the Mishkan and Courtyard were Copper

*1 e.g. Ju16-14

*2 Rashi only brings Isa33-20. But the other verses that I have
   brought in the above list are consistent with this theme.

*3 To be fair Radack does bring BOTH meanings of Yathayd and
   includes the verse mentioned in footnote #1. However Radack
   does not mention the possibility that the Yathayd in the
   Mishkan refers to the weaving peg. Rashi does mention this
   possibility and then resolves it by looking more closely at

*4 Rashis language APPEARS less definite. Rashi states
   I dont know if Yathayd refers to a tent peg or weaving peg

   Rashi concludes
   These verses (brought in the list) help SUPPORT me

   My opinion however is that Rashi conclusively believed that
   Yathayd means tent peg. I in fact once heard from Rav Shalom
   Kaminetsky that everytime the Rambam says IT APPEARS TO ME
   it doesnt mean that Rambam had doubts--rather Rambam was
   certain of the law but he had no explicit tradition and
   source for the law. So too I would suggest that Rashi here
   is certain but has no explicit source for his interpretation.


#*#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi, 2001 Inc. Dr. Hendel President #*#*#*#*#