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VERSE: Nu07-19b

====================== OVERVIEW OF SYMBOLIC METHODS ============

 Nu07-12:17 describes the gifts that each prince brought when
 the Temple was first consecrated in the Wilderness.

 Rashi suggests that the proper way of understanding this gift
 is to use symbolic methods: The Temple gifts, according to
 these methods, symbolize the totality of human-Jewish history

 I emphasize that such an interpretation should be regarded as
 the simple straightforward meaning of the text. To appreciate
 this viewpoint we must first give an overview of symbolic

 Rav Hirsch in his basic essay, GROUNDLINES OF JEWISH SYMBOLISM,
 asks the following fundamental questions:
 * Are we ever FORCED to symbolically interpret a Bible narrative
 * If we are so FORCED then how do we interpret it

 I have summarized this beautiful 100 page essay in 4 delightful
 pages with 2 tables: I highly recommend reading my Genesis 1
 paper at URL: http://www.RashiYomi.Com/gen-1.htm I now present
 a very brief summary.

 RULE: One is FORCED to interpret a Biblical narrative as
 symbolic when the following five criteria hold
 * There is a chapter/paragraph with many DIVERSE items
 * These items use words with clear SYMBOLIC meaning
 * The Symbolism is inferred from FUNCTION,FORM,ROOT,ASSOCIATION
 * There is a simple UNIFYING THEME declared in the chapter
 * The theme is CONSISTENT with the symbolism of the items

 RULE CONTINUED: Under the above 5 circumstances one is
 forced to interpret the Narrative symbolically. The
 interpretation is then governed by the unifying theme along
 with the symbolism of the items which follows from FUNCTION

 Multiple approaches are allowed PROVIDED they meet the above
 5 criteria. In practice usually only 1 or 2 interpretations
 are discovered.

 Examples are presented in the table below.

 A reader who wishes to do more indepth study should read
 these chapters with any standard Hebrew or English
 translation to appreciate that the symbolism is natural
 and follows naturally. Some further details are also
 presented in my article

======= =======  ============  ============ ====================
Ecc12*1 Old Age  Grinders      Teeth        Function(Teeth grind
Ecc12   Old Age  Closed doors  Constipation Form(Cant come out)
Isa11   Peace    Wolf & Sheep  Co-Existence Biblical usage*2
Ps80    Exodus   Tree shoots   Infants      Same hebrew root*3

*1 Ecc12-01 states
   Remember your Creator while you are still young
   lest you wait till the age when you have no desire(Old age)

*2 That is, throughout the BIble, WOLF and SHEEP symbolize the
   AGRESSOR and SIMPLE FOLLOWER. There are many verses
   supporting this. One good example is Ps23 which portrays
   God as leading the individual, the faithful sheep.

   The 4 Biblical verses in which WOLF occurs symbolizes
   aggresion (Jer05-06, Ez22-27, Zeph03-03, Hab01-08).

   Thus in this case I am aware of the symbolism of WOLF
   because of its BIBLICAL USAGE (Note the contrast to the
   other examples in the table where symbolism is inferred
   from a common FORM, FUNCTION or linguistic ROOT)

*3 Ps80-08:13 talks about the VINE that God took from
   Egypt. The VINE was well taken care of, but now enemies
   are plundering it. The Psalmist asks God to have mercy
   on the vine.

   In describing the vine the Psalmist says that it had
   -- good roots (=Israel established in its land)
   -- plenty of shade(=commerce benefits to surrounding nations)
   -- strong boughs(=Leaders)
   -- sea centered branches (=happy teenagers)
   -- river centered shoots (The Hebrew YNK means INFANT/SHOOT)


=================== OVERVIEW OF SYMBOLISM OF Nu07 ==============

 We follow the guidelines of symbolism presented in the above
 LIST. We now verify the 5 criteria.An overview of the symbolism
 is then presented in the LIST. Details of each section of
 the SYMBOLISM is presented in the following lists.
 Here are the 5 criteria.

 CRITERIA 1: A chapter with many diverse items

 The gifts consisted of
 * Bowl---weight of 130
 * Cup---weight of 70
 * Spoon--weight of 10

 Offerings of
 * Ox
 * Ram
 * Sheep
 * He Goat
 * Ox Pair

 Peace offerings of
 * 5 Rams
 * 5 ELDER Goats
 * 5 YOUNG Sheep

 CRITERIA 2: Items with Well known symbolic meanings

 The symbolism of the animals is inferred from Biblical usage
 and is well known in Biblical poetry
 * Ox   = CO-Worker
 * Ram  = Leader
 * Sheep= Follower
 * Goat = Resistance
 * Old  = Mature
 * Young= Young and inexperienced

 It would take us to far afield to cite many verses for this
 symbolism. However I can refer the reader to Gn49 which
 shows that it was taken for granted that animals symbolize
 personalities in the Bible.


 As already mentioned the animal symbolism comes from Biblical

 The symbolism of OLD=MATURE and YOUNG=INEXPERIENCED comes

 The symbolism of 10 and 70 is also well documented throughout
 the Bible
 * 10 symbolizes the 10 commandments
 * 70 refers to the 70 nations

 I dont believe the symbolism of 130 is well known. However
 the symbolism of 10 and 70 is well known and we will interpret
 130 by a Biblical association consistent with 10 and 70. This
 is done below

 Finally we use the principle of FUNCTION to interpret BOWL, CUP
 and SPOON -- they correspond to 3 levels of containers.

 CRITERIA 4: A unifying theme

 The chapter is clearly talking about the consecration of the
 temple -- an important moment in Jewish history. Thus the

 Rav Moshe HaDarshan therefore suggests that the UNIFYING

 CRITERIA 5: The unifying theme is consistent with the symbols

 This correspondence is presented in the following LIST
 with further details in footnotes and the following lists
HISTORY ITEM    Items in Nu07          SYMBOLISM
=============== ====================== ==========================
WORLD STRUCTURE Cup of 70,spoon of10*1 70 Nations:Jews(decalogue)
WORLD LEADERS   Ox,Ram,Sheep,Goat,2 Ox Patriarchs, Joseph,Moses*2
JEWISH NATION   Rams,Goats,Sheep*3     Leaders,Support,Followers

*1 The BOWL, CUP, SPOON symbolize the WORLD which CONTAINS
   people. The cup of weight 70 symbolizes the 70 nations
   The spoon of weight 10 symbolizes the decalogue & Jews

   Thus we have 3 epochs in human history:
   --its beginning (The world--the bowl)
   --the 70 nations (The Cups)
   --The Jews       (The spoons)

*2 I think the symbolism of the Leaders is clearest.
   The Ox, Ram, Sheep etc symbolize the major Jewish leaders
   such as the Patriarchs Moses etc

*3 The Jewish nation consists of Priests, Levites and
   Israelites which correspond to Leaders, Followers
   and ordinary Jews. We will further develop this



  Recall that the fundamental theme of the chapter was


  Hence the BOWL-CUP-SPOON correspond to 3 levels of the
  world (Where the world is seen as a Bowl that holds people)

  The LIST below shows that these 3 levels of WORLD STRUCTURE are
  -- introduction of Prophecy (by Adam)
  -- introduction of coexistence(70 nations of Noach)
  -- introduction of Mosaic prophecy (The Jews)

  Here are the details
=============== ===== ======= =========== =======================
Prophecy        Adam  Bowl*1  130(silver) Prophet marriage at 130
Cosmopality     Noach Cup*2   70(silver)  70 nations
Mosaic Prophecy Moses Spoon*3 10(gold)    10 Commandments

*1 Nu07-19b Nu07-19c
   As I have shown in http://www.RashiYomi.Com/gen-1.htm, Adam
   was not the first PERSON but rather the first PROPHET.
   Thus Adam introduced the idea of Prophecy into the world

   Adam is so to speak the father of the world which is
   symbolized by the BOWL.

   Although Adam was always a prophet he lived with
   non-prophet girlfriends for quite a while until
   he realized that only a female prophet could satisfy
   him. He in fact remarried at 130 when he had his first
   child after the expulsion from Paradise.

   The above can be justified by a rich variety of Rashis
   (such as Gn02-23a, Gn04-25a -- some of these are on
   the Rashi website: It would take us too far afield to
   summarize the defenses of all these Rashis here)

   The above is contained in Nu07-19b and Nu07-19c. Note
   that we have avoided the Gematria of Rashi. We reach
   Rashis SAME conclusion but have replaced the logic with
   a sounder emphasis on FORM-FUNCTION
   (the Bowl/world contains)

   We have also beefed up the weak association of 130
   and Adam. The BOWl-CUP-SPOON corresponds to 3 levels
   of world structure. The 70 and 10 are clear. And
   hence the 130 and Bowl refers to Adam.

*2 Nu07-19d Nu07-19e
   If Adam introduced Prophecy to the world, then Noach
   introduced Cosmopality & Heterogeneity. The 70
   nations that comprise the world are all mentioned in
   Gn10 as coming from Noach. Noach saw that the only
   way to avoid world destruction (The flood) was for
   different people to agree to live with each other.
   As such Noach was the percusor of the Patriarch
   Isaac; he was even the percusor of Democracy!

   The number 70 as symbolizing the 70 nations of the
   world is famous thoughout Talmudic-midrashic

   If the world is symbolized by a BOWL then each nation
   is a CUP dipped into the BOWL. Hence the CUP vs
   the BOWL is an apt symbol of Noach vs Adam

   Our identification of nations with Prophet types
   may appear peculiar in a secular world.  But the
   fundamental belief of the Torah is that every nation
   has its Prophet and a Prophetic Vision whose force
   guides that nation (even if the nation does not
   explicity acknowledge it).

   (Do not be surprised at the assertion that the world
   is guided by prophecy. For thus we find that famous
   aetheists like Bertrand Russell and Hitler, may the
   name of the wicked rot, acknowledged God in their
   writings. Russell explicitly has dreams about God.

   The above is contained in Rashis Nu07-19c and Nu07-19d
   Again we have replaced the Gematria of Nu07-19c with
   a firmer argument based on FORM and FUNCTION. Rashis
   argument concerning the position of ONE will be
   explained when we explain Nu07-15a: Roughly speaking
   Rashi suggests that ONE can mean either ONE or
   UNIQUE depending on its position in the sentence
   (Thus we could have 1 SILVER BOWL or the UNIQUE

*3 Nu07-20a Nu07-20b Nu07-20c
   Of course everyone knows that 10 symbolizes the 10
   commandments. If the world is the BOWL and its nations
   are CUPS then MOSAIC PROPHECY is the SPOON by which
   the BOWL fills the CUPS.

   Again I have replaced the Gematrias in Rashi with
   an emphasis on symbolism thru function and form.
   I have also added the (Messianic) idea that
   the SPOON (Jews) feed the CUP(70 nations) from
   the WORLD BOWL.

============= Ox,Ram,Sheep..SYMBOLIZE Patriarchs etc ============

 This LIST is straightforward. After describing world structure
 we now describe World LEadership. The 5 most famous leaders
 are selected

=========== =============  ==================  ==================
Abraham     1 Ox*1                             Co Worker with God
Isaac       1 Ram*2                            Leader of people
Jacob       1 Sheep*3      Elevation Offering  Follower
Joseph      1 Goat*4       Sin offering        Resistance
Moses/Aaron 2 Oxen*5       Peace Offering      Societal Harmony

*1 Nu07-21a
   The OX in the sacrifices symbolizes the Co-Worker. This
   best describes Abraham who was a Co-Worker with God in
   spreading Gods teaching over the world.

   Note how the association between OX and ABRAHAM is
   conceptual and fundamental vs accidental. True, Rashi
   says Abraham is symbolized by an Ox because he served
   an Ox in Gn18-07. So what?!?! Does it really enhance
   Rashis or the Bibles honor if symbols are so flimsy?

   Rather a more satisfying approach is that Abraham
   always (not just once) was a co-worker with God like
   an Ox in a field. One nifty example of Abraham being
   a coworker is Gn18 where exalted angels appeared
   as wandering Arabs while Abraham gave them food
   (Symbolizing that Abraham, like God, could give
   direction to Angels).

   This approach, looks at examples --
   (like Abraham serving the angels -- as ARCHETYPICAL
   vs exclusive. It is called the method of
   ARCHETYPICAL EXAMPLES (in my Article, Peshat and
   Derash (Tradition, Winter 1980).)

*2 Nu07-21b
   The Ram in the sacrifice literature always symbolizes
   the leader (like the Animal Ram who leads). Indeed,
   the Bible vividly portrays Isaac as leading Jacob
   and Esauv---by balancing power in the world

   Again Rashi picks on an archetypical example of
   Isaacs leading, by using the Akeydah -- The Knife
   about to cut Isaac symbolizes Esauv(Knife) about
   to destroy the Jews (Isaac) who are saved thru
   their belief in prophecy (The angel stops them)

*3 Nu07-21c
   It is well known that Jacob symbolizes the Exile.
   Indeed Jacob had an Exile life---he was double
   crossed in his job, had to work to marry the woman
   he loved, had his sons trying to murder each other,etc

   The exile is symbolic of the sheep-follower
   existence. Thus paradoxically, Jacob was the LEADER
   of all FOLLOWERS.

   Again, I view the example brought by Rashi -- the
   sheep that Jacob watched when he worked for his
   crooked father-in-law -- as an archetypical example
   of the Exile experience (Working for crooked bosses)

   The three Patriarchs are associated with the Elevation
   offering -- they lead the way UP to God

*4 Nu07-22a
   The goat universally symbolizes STUBBORNESS. The goat
   is frequently used in the sin offerings, since to resist
   sin one must be stubborn. Joseph is the LEADER of
   stubborness -- he stuck to his belief that his brothers
   would one day bow down to him -- he stuck to this
   belief despite being murdered by his brothers, being
   sold into slavery, being double crossed by his masters
   wife, and being thrown into prison. He indeed is the
   model of goat like stubborness.

*5 Nu07-23a
   I think the symbols here are obvious
   * The number 2 corresponds to 2 leaders: Moses & Aaron
   * The OX symbolizes Co-Workers: Moses & Aaron worked
     with God by delivering prophecies to the Jewish people
   * The PEACE OFFERING symbolizes societal harmony between
     God, Priest and Jew. Of all characterizations of the
     Torah none is more poignant than PEACE -- the purpose
     of THE LAW is to hear both sides and resolve
     controversies in a manner that appeal to all sides.


 We review the following symbols

FOLLOWER    SYMBOLIZING               Nu07-32b
=========== ========================= =====================
Priests     Multiple leader types     5 Rams*1
Levites     Multiple supporters types 5 Elder goats*2
Israelites  Multiple follower types   5 Young sheep*3

*1 Recall that RAMS symbolize LEADERSHIP (Since they lead
   the flock). Similarly the Priests symbolize LEADERSHIP
   as it explicitly says, THE LIPS OF THE PRIEST WATCH

   5 here, symbolizes THE HANDFUL -- multiplicity. Not
   just LEADERSHIP but all TYPES of LEADERSHIP. As an
   example, the Bible in its 5 books shows the
   multiplicity of leadership types. Thus ABRAHAM in
   Genesis, MOSES in Exodus, AARON in Leviticus, KALEV
   in Numbers (Who lead the opposition to the spys) and
   JOSHUA in Deuteronomy (Who SUCCEEDED Moses) all denote
   different types of leaders.(It is for this reason, in
   my opinion, that Rashi mentions the 5 books of the
   Bible since 5 symbolizes multiplicity)

*2 The Levites traditionally symbolize the SUPPORT of
   the priesthood (E.g. Nu18). The Levites SUPPORT the
   priests by RESISTING attacks on the Priesthood and
   holiness. The classical example of this is the Levite
   resistance to the production of the Golden calf and
   their execution of those who served it(Ex32-26:27).

   I have translated the Hebrew ATUDIM as ELDER GOATS
   vs GOATS. This follows RADACK in his book ROOTS
   who translates ATUD as an ELDER GOAT while by
   contrast SEIR is a YOUNGER GOAT. ELDERNESS here
   would denote the maturity of experience gained
   by years.

   Again the number 5 symbolizes HANDFUL and multiplicity;
   like the multiplicity of resistance exhibited by Levi
   in the 5 books of the Bible: In Genesis, Levi declared
   war on a city to save a raped sister; in Exodus, Levi
   executed those who worshipped idols; in Leviticus,
   Moses the Levite helped inaugurate Aaron; in Numbers,
   Levy opposed the heresy of the spies; while in
   Deuteronomy, the Levites are instructed to
   help guard the Torah.(Again I believe Rashi cited
   5=5 Books of Bible, to indicate 5=multiplicity).

*3 Sheep in the Bible traditionally indicate followers
   Young sheep would indicate inexperienced followers--
   simple folk. Again 5 indicates HANDFUL/MULTIPLICITY
   --in other words all types of young sheep.


It was the custom of Rabbi Shimon Son Yochai, the so called
Holy Lamp, and founder of the FRIENDS OF THE SAGES, that when
he completed an especially profound lecture he would say
Praise be Him who chose the Sages of Israel and their Learning
I think it obvious here that Rav Hirsch has opened up for us
new vistas in Biblical interpretation and understanding.

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 10 Number 10

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Volume 10 Number 10