#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President,2006        |
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VERSE: Nu07-85b

RASHIS COVERED: Nu07-85b Nu07-14a Nu07-86a
                Nu07-24a Nu07-12b Nu07-03b

======================== Nu07-85b ============================

Rashi frequently makes powerful inferences from
 - that is, the word by word comparison,
of almost identical  verses.The minor variations
between these almost similar  verses suggests nuances
and differences or even meaning. We
call this the Rashi rule of ALIGNMENT

-When Rashi identifies two cases from the ALIGNMENT we call
this the Rashi subrule of TWO CASES

-When Rashi infers nuances from the variations between the
almost similar verses (or verse phrases) we call this the
Rashi subrule of NUANCES.

-When Rashi infers MEANING from the ALIGNMENT of almost
identical phrases we call this the Rashi SUBRULE of MEANING.

EXAMPLE 1: Nu07-85b
ALIGNING Nu07-85b with say Nu07-67 shows the following
about the weights of the gifts that the tribal princes
brought to the temple
VERSE   Metal  Gift         Number Attribute    Attribute Type
------- ------ ------------ ------ ------------ ------------------
Nu07-67 Silver bowl         130    weight
Nu07-67 Silver Throwing pan  70    '            Temple coins
Nu07-85 Silver bowls        130
Nu07-85 Silver Throwing pan  70
------  -----  ------------ ----   -----------  -----------------
Nu07-85 Silver UTENSILS     2400   '            Temple coins

Rashi (Nu07-85b) is remarkable simple and straightforward
From the ALIGNMENT we learn that ALL the silver utensils
had their weights measured in units of silver temple coins

LIST309t below summarizes this.

EXAMPLE Nu07-14a Nu07-86a
ALIGNING Nu07-14 and Nu07-86 we have the following
VERSE   #  Mtal Item   Weight  Weight Type     Item
------- -- ---- ------ ------- --------------- -------------------
Nu07-14 1       ladel  10 gold                 filled with incense
Nu07-85 12 Gold ladels 10      in Temple coins filled with incense
Differs *1 *2   *1     *2      *2              *3

Rashi Nu07-14a Nu07-86a) states
From the ALIGNMENT we infer that
    - the ladels were MADE of gold
    - WEIGHED 10 GOLD Temple coins*10

In understanding the above it is important to
note that the Bible in other places designates weight by
    simply saying a number. Cf the following
    Nu07-85 Each silver bowl was ONE HUNDRED THIRTY
    Nu07-73 One  silver bowl     ONE HUNDRED THIRY in weight

LIST309u summarizes this argument.

EXAMPLE: Nu07-24a Nu07-12b
Chapter Nu07 discusses the gifts of the 12 princes.
The identical gift was brought by 12 tribes. However
there is some minor variation in the language
Here are some selected excerpts
Day 1 The offerer offering Nacshon  Judah Tribe  offering of
Day 2     offered          Netanayl Ischr Prince offered offering
Day 3                      Eliav    Zvlun Prince offering of
Day 4                      Elisur   Reuvn Prince offering of
Differs *1    *2                   *1       *1    *2     *3

Rashi makes 3 straightforward comments on these verses
On the common phrases to most of the 12 gifts Rashi says

   (Rashi Nu07-24a)
   Except for the change in
   - day
   - tribe
   the description of the offerings are the same. Hence each day
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   On day so and so: Prince of such and such a tribe: So and so.
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   This is followed by identical language in all 12 tribes
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   And his offering was one silver bowl, 130 weight...
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corresponding to the differences marked by *1 above
(Rashi Nu07-12b) states
    -All other tribal offerings are
     offered by their PRINCE and LEADER.
    -Judah's offering is NOT OFFERED by a PRINCE..
    We conclude that Nacshon acted as an INDIVIDUAL---he donated his
    own money and did not, like the others, offer from tribal funds

   Hence also the extra emphasis HE OFFERED AN OFFERING...since it
   was HIS offering.

   Some further Rashi comments on difference #3 are made at
   - http://www.Rashiyomi.com/lv23-40c.htm
   - http://www.Rashiyomi.com/nu07-12a.htm

LIST309v summarizes these remarks.

EXAMPLE Nu07-03b
Comparing the gifts at the
- CONSTRUCTION of the Temple (Ex35-21:29) with the
- CONSECRATION of the Temple (Nu07-01:89) we find
---------------- --------------------------------
Gifts of men     ------
Gifts of women   ------
Gifts of princes Offerings of Princes*1
(Rashi Nu07-03b) states the obvious
  At the CONSTRUCTION of the Temple (Ex35) the
  princes so to speak sat on the side and said
  we will offer what the people don't bring. But
  the people brought almost everything(They were

  Therefore at the CONSECRATION of the Temple
  the princes brought ALL OFFERINGS and ALL GIFTS
  immediately so that the people shouldn't outdo them.

LIST314k below summarizes this argument.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ==========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST309t
LIST OF                  Verses discussing weights of Temple gifts
----------------------   ---------------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST309u
LIST OF                  Verses discussing weights of Temple gifts
----------------------   ---------------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST309v
LIST OF                  Verses presenting gifts of the 12 princes
----------------------   ---------------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST314k
List of verses with      gifts at Temple CONSTRUCTION/CONSECRATION

======================== LIST309t ================================
LIST OF                  Verses discussing weights of Temple gifts
VERSE   Metal  Gift         Number Attribute    Attribute Type
======= ====== ============ ====== ============ ==================
Nu07-67 Silver bowl         130    weight*1
Nu07-67 Silver Throwing pan  70    '            Temple coins*1
Nu07-85 Silver bowls        130
Nu07-85 Silver Throwing pan  70
------  -----  ------------ ----   -----------  -----------------
Nu07-85 Silver UTENSILS     2400   '            Temple coins*1
Differs *2     *2           *2     *1           *1

Rashi (Nu07-85b) is remarkable simple and straightforward
From the ALIGNMENT we learn that ALL the silver utensils
had their weights measured in units of silver temple coins

*2 2400=(130+70)*12. The bottom row presents a SUMMARY
   for all silver utensils (Rashi Nu07-85b)

======================== LIST309u ================================
LIST OF                  Verses discussing INCENSE LADEL gift
VERSE   #  Mtal Item   Weight  Weight Type     Item
======= == ==== ====== ======= =============== ===================
Nu07-14 1       ladel  10 gold                 filled with incense
Nu07-85 12 Gold ladels 10      in Temple coins filled with incense
Differs *1 *2   *1     *2      *2              *3

*1 - Nu07-14 relates one individual gift.
   - Nu07-85 relates the aggregate total

*2 (Rashi Nu07-14a Nu07-86a)From the ALIGNMENT we infer that
    - the ladels were MADE of gold
    - WEIGHED 10 GOLD Temple coins*10

*3 The same in both verses

-------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------------------

*10 Note the Bible in other places designates weight by
    simply saying a number. Cf the following
    Nu07-85 Each silver bowl was ONE HUNDRED THIRTY
    Nu07-73 One  silver bowl     ONE HUNDRED THIRY in weight

=========================== LIST309v ====================================
LIST OF                  Verses presenting gifts of the 12 princes
Verse   Day # Offered              Name     Tribe Status Offered
======= ===== ==================== ======== ============ ================
Nu07-12 Day 1 The offerer offering Nacshon  Judah Tribe  offering of
Nu07-18 Day 2     offered          Netanayl Ischr Prince offered offering
Nu07-24 Day 3                      Eliav    Zvlun Prince offering of
Nu07-30 Day 4                      Elisur   Reuvn Prince offering of
Differs *1    *2                   *1       *1    *2     *3

*1 There are 12 paragraphs of 6 verses each---each paragraph lists
   the offering of that tribe on that day.

   (Rashi Nu07-24a)
   Except for the change in
   - day
   - tribe
   the description of the offerings are the same. Hence each day
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   On day so and so: Prince of such and such a tribe: So and so.
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   This is followed by identical language in all 12 tribes
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   And his offering was one silver bowl, 130 weight...
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Certain other minor variations occur which are explained
   in other footnotes

*2 (Rashi Nu07-12b)
    -All other tribal offerings are offered by their PRINCE and LEADER.
    -Judah's offering is NOT OFFERED by a PRINCE..
    We conclude that Nacshon acted as an INDIVIDUAL---he donated his
    own money and did not, like the others, offer from tribal funds

   Hence also the extra emphasis HE OFFERED AN OFFERING...since it
   was HIS offering.

*3 Rashi explains that
   - God ordered this order of princes
   - Nethanel, suggested the idea of offering these sacrifices

   Rashi derives this both from
   - the ALIGNMENT
   - the REPETITION (Offered Offering)
   - The MISSPELLING of the Hebrew HIRIV

   We have discussed these Rashis at
   - http://www.Rashiyomi.com/lv23-40c.htm
   - http://www.Rashiyomi.com/nu07-12a.htm

==================== LIST314k ====================================
List of verses with      gifts at Temple CONSTRUCTION/CONSECRATION
================ =================================================
Gifts of men     ------
Gifts of women   ------
Gifts of princes Offerings of Princes*1

*1 (Rashi Nu07-03b)
   At the CONSTRUCTION of the Temple (Ex35) the
   princes so to speak sat on the side and said
   we will offer what the people don't bring. But
   the people brought almost everything(They were

   Therefore at the CONSECRATION of the Temple
   the princes brought ALL OFFERINGS and ALL GIFTS
   immediately so that the people shouldn't outdo them.

*2 Ex35-21:29

*3 Nu07-01:89
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 29 Number 22

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 29 Number 22