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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Nu13-18a

RASHIS COVERED: Nu13-18a Nu13-18b Nu13-19a Nu13-19b Nu13-20a

======================== THEME-detail-THEME Style ===============

Nu13-18:20 relates Moses request to the spies to scout Israel
-- Seek the LAND -- is it STRONG-WEAK, MANY-FEW
-- Seek the LAND -- is it GOOD-BAD
-- Seek the CITIES- are they FORTIFIED-OPEN
-- Seek the LAND -- is it FAT-THIN
Note the skillful use of KEYWORDS (LAND-CITY-LAND). They create
an A-B-A pattern.The KEYWORD rule then suggests that this forms a
paragraph. The Rabbi Ishmael Style rules then require that the
WHOLE paragraph be interpreted around the middle clause: Are
the cities FORTIFIED. Further details are presented below.


Some Rashis deal with GRAMMAR or MEANING. But other Rashis
deal with STYLE.

In modern writing we indicate style using BULLETS, BOLD,

The Biblical author did not use BULLETS or BOLD but had
other vehicles to indicate GROUPING and EMPHASIS. One
such vehicle was the skillful use of KEYWORDS.

In particular if KEYWORDS are presented in an A-B-A
pattern then the Biblical Author is indicating
-- that the A-B-A verses form ONE UNIT(A paragraph)
-- that A is the paragraph THEME while B are the
   paragraph DETAILS
The reader is then requested to interpret the whole
paragraph as a unified whole.

In the VERY BRIEF SUMMARY we have shown that the 5
clauses in Nu13-18:20 have
-- an A-B-A pattern (LAND CITY LAND)
-- a central theme of FORTIFIED CITIES vs OPEN CITIES
Rashi interprets all 5 clauses around this theme.

Without seeing Rashi
-- LINE UP the verses in an A-B-A format
-- try and reinterpret all 5 clauses around the central theme
Then read Rashis solution. This will enhance your
appreciation of him.Details are presented in the list below*11
VERSE            GENERAL                    DETAILS
================ ========================== ==================
See the LAND     Is it STRONG-WEAK
------------     Is it SMALL-BIG
See the LAND     Is it GOOD-BAD*2
See the CITIES*2                            FORTIFIED-OPEN*1
See the LAND     Is it FAT-THIN
------------     Does it have a TREE

*1 Rashi uses the alignment method here
   STRONG    --- WEAK
   SMALL     --  BIG
   GOOD      --  BAD
   FAT       --  THIN

   Notice the 5 groups. Four of these groups are CLEARLY
   opposites (STRONG-WEAK etc.). Hence the remaining group
   FORTIFIED-CAMPS should also be interpreted as OPPOSITES.
   So the word CAMPS here would mean OPEN CAMPS without
   a FORTRESS. Again the motivation for this Rashi(Nu13-19a)
   is the ALIGNMENT of the pairs. (See Rashi on Nu13-18b--
   in my opinion Nu13-18a and Nu13-18b is one long Rashi)

*2 Note how the keywords LAND vs CITY creates an A-B-A pattern
   In general the THEME-DETAIL-THEME form indicates that
   -- all the clauses are GROUPED together as one paragraph
   -- the DETAILS are generalized to conform to the theme.

   In other words the terms STRONG-WEAK or SMALL-BIG should be
   interpreted as WITH-FORTIFICATION vs WITHOUT. How?Rashi notes
   that a FORTIFIED CITY setup reflects a dependence on
   FORTIFICATION while an OPEN-CITY setup reflects dependence
   on the military might of the inhabitants.

   To be consistent I would therefore suggest that ALL the
   other pairs are interpreted in terms of fortresses.
   SMALL # PEOPLE            <--> No need for Fortification
   GOOD=natural resources    <--> No need for reserves to protect
   FAT LAND=Natural resources<--> No need for fortification

   In summary Moses asked the one theme
   -- Do the people tend towards FORTRESSES or OPEN CITIES
   But signs of OPEN cities include
   -- Small towns (Emphasize development not defense)
   -- Many resources (No need to protect them with fortresses)
   -- Rich fertile land(No need to protect them with fortresses)

   See Rashi Nu13-19b. I have generalized his approach to
   ALL the phrases

------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------------

*10 As just indicated the keywords LAND-CITY-LAND in
    -- study the LAND
    -- study the CITIES
    -- study the LAND
    Form a paragraph unit.

    But there is one verse AFTER this unit

    Note that the SINGULAR is used
     Does the land have a TREE
     Does the land have TREES

    These two facts
    -- that this question is asked AFTER the paragraph
    -- that TREE is SINGULAR
    led Rashi to interpret TREE as a symbolic question.
    Do the people (Symbolized by plants) have a LEADER
    (Symbolized by tree) to protect them with guidance
    or prayer or some combination thereof

    The symbolism of people by PLANTS and TREES is
    explicitly stated in Dt20-19
    For man is the TREE OF THE FIELD

    Several Biblical verses exploit this plant metaphor eg
    Ps92-13     The righteous GROW like a tree
    Dan04-07:15 The mighty nation = A Prosperous shady Tree
    Ju09-06:21  The war of the OLIVE, VINE, THORN..etc
    Ps80        The famous LILY Psalm: Jews=The luscious vine
    EZRACH      This word means ESTABLISHED TREE or CITIZEN

    Thus such an interpretation is reasonable within
    Biblical Hebrew.

*11 The A-B-A form resembles the GENERAL-SPECIFIC-GENERAL
    style of Rabbi Ishmael. Examples of this style may be found
    at http://www.RashiYomi.com/example7.htm. The Rabbi Ishmael
    style guidelines require reinterpreting the DETAILS
    with a partial generalization so as to resemble the
    GENERAL clauses. Thus we now have 2 viewpoints on the
    A-B-A form
    --- it uses KEYWORDS to indicate a THEME-DETAIL-THEME

    --- it indicates a STYLE that requires partial

    These viewpoints complement each other

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 14 Number 7

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 14 Number 7