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  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
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VERSE: Nu20-01z

In Nu20-01b we saw how Rashi and the Sages had 3 approachs
to the themes in consecutive paragraphs. We showed
3 methods of connecting consecutive paragraphs last time
--The 1st paragraph CAUSED the 2nd
--The 1st paragraph was a MERIT enabling the 2nd
--The 2nd paragraph holds EVEN THOUGH the 1st holds

We now deal with the 4th method---the 2 paragraphs have
a common theme.

In the following examples, Rashi sees a COMMON THEME in
consecutive paragraphs.  However, to fully appreciate Rashi
we must not only superficially see this common theme in the
GIVEN TWO paragraphs, we must also see this common theme in

EXAMPLE Nu13-02a
Let us take a simple but clear example. On Nu13-02a Rashi
notes that the story of the SPIES comes right after the
story of MIRIAM being punished with Leprosy.

On a superficial level Rashi says
      "Both MIRIAM and the SPIES spoke SLANDER. Miriam spoke
      slander against Moses (Nu12-02). Similarly the SPIES
      slandered Gods promise to take us into Israel(Nu14-32)
Rashi even hilights this correspondence by ironically noting
      "The spies should have learned from Miriam what happens
      to people who slander"

But on a deeper level we note that a great deal of the book
of Numbers deals with the sin of SLANDER. We easily see
BOTH before and after Nu13-02a stories of slander

{LIST1} {Incidents of SLANDER in the book of numbers}

REF  INCIDENT OF SLANDER                            VERSE
==== ============================================== ==========
Nu11 The people SLANDER God's food,the Manna,as bad Nu11-06:07
Nu12 Miryam SLANDERS Moses as being too haughty     Nu12-02:03
Nu13 The spies SLANDER Israel                       Nu14-32
Nu16 Korach SLANDERS Israel                         Nu16-03
Nu20 Moses INSULTS/SLANDERS the Jews                Nu20-10
Nu21 The people SLANDER the MANNA (again)           Nu21-05
Nu22 Bilam attempts to CURSE the Jews               Nu24-08

Furthermore EACH of the above incidents of slander was
accompanied by a specific punishment. Here is a list of

{LIST2} {List of punishments for SLANDER}

===  =============  ====================  ==========
Nu11 Jews           The Manna             Vomiting disease
Nu12 Miriam         Moses                 Leprosy
Nu13 Spies          Land of Israel        Death
Nu16 Korach         Moses                 Earthquake/Fire
Nu20 Moses          Jews                  Can't go to Israel
Nu21 Jews           Manna                 Snake attack
Nu22 Bilam          Jews                  Lost life in War

Thus the true understanding of Nu13-02a is not that Rashi
is being "cute" in pointing out the irony of "If the spies
had payed attention to what happened to Miriam they
wouldn't have been punished"---rather the true understanding
of Rashi is that Rashi is pointing out that the WHOLE book
of NUMBERS is dealing with slander which is a horrible sin
which is always punished.

The above example should prove typical of how to approach
Rashi in this matter. We now give the list of examples where
Rashi points out a commonality of theme. In each Rashi we
show how this theme permeates an entire book or chapter,
not just 2 or 3 verses. The footnotes detail this development

{LIST0} {Rashis noting a common theme to two consecutive
        chapters. Please see the footnotes to see how
        all surrounding chapters deal with the common
        theme. For convenience we repeat the example
        brought above dealing with slander}

=== ======== ===============  ===============  ================
*13 Nu13-02a Slander          Miryam on Moses  Spies on Israel
*14 Nu26-64a Entry to Israel  Census           Girl inheritance
*15 Nu27-12a Entry to Israel  Girl inheritance Joshua and Moes
*16 Nu15-41d Important Laws   Idolatry         Sabbath
*17 Dt33-07a Repentance       Reuven           Judah
*18 Nu08-02a Temple gifts     Gold vessels     Service
*19 Ex17-08a God cares for us Water-Manna      Defeat of Amalek
*20 Ex21-01a A Just life      The Altar        Monetary Law
*21 Nu20-01b Atonement        Red Heiffer      Miryam's death

*13 We have already explained that much of the book of numbers
    deals with incidents of slander {LIST1} and punishments
    for incidents of slander {LIST2}.

    Thus Rashis real point is not so much that the incident
    of the spies came after the incident of Miriam but
    rather that the whole book of Numbers deals with this

    Rashi will typically summarize a technical abstract
    point by noting some irony or pun. In this case
    Rashi says "If the spies had listened to Miriam
    they wouldn't have failed".

{LIST1} {Incidents of SLANDER in the book of numbers}

REF  INCIDENT OF SLANDER                            VERSE
==== ============================================== ==========
Nu11 The people SLANDER God's food,the Manna,as bad Nu11-06:07
Nu12 Miryam SLANDERS Moses as being too haughty     Nu12-02:03
Nu13 The spies SLANDER Israel                       Nu14-32
Nu16 Korach SLANDERS Israel                         Nu16-03
Nu20 Moses INSULTS/SLANDERS the Jews                Nu20-10
Nu21 The people SLANDER the MANNA (again)           Nu21-05
Nu22 Bilam attempts to CURSE the Jews               Nu24-08

{LIST2} {List of punishments for SLANDER}

===  =============  ====================  ==========
Nu11 Jews           The Manna             Vomiting disease
Nu12 Miriam         Moses                 Leprosy
Nu13 Spies          Land of Israel        Death
Nu16 Korach         Moses                 Earthquake/Fire
Nu20 Moses          Jews                  Can't go to Israel
Nu21 Jews           Manna                 Snake attack
Nu22 Bilam          Jews                  Lost life in War

*14 Rashis real point is that all of the surrounding
*15 chapters deals with the PREPARATION TO ENTER

    Again Rashi expresses this as a pun---"The census
    was taken because of the spies who did NOT want
    Israel while the following paragraph dealing
    with the inheritance rights of the daughters
    of Zlafchad deals with girls who DID want
    land in Israel"

    Despite the cuteness the deeper approach is to
    view the entire set of chapters as dealing
    with the preparations for entering Israel

{LIST3} {Chapters dealing with preparations for
         entering Israel}

========== ===============================================
Nu26-52:56 Laws of inheritance upon entry into Israel
Nu26-57:65 No more deaths from spy sin;punishment complete
Nu27-01:11 Inheritance laws in families without men
Nu27-12:23 Moses appoints Joshua to succeed him
Nu28-01:39 The holiday sacrifices (Unites Jews in Israel)
Nu31-01:54 Moses' final defensive battle (Nu31-02)
Nu32-01:42 Request of Gadites to have land outside of Israel

*16 As Rashi explicitly says
        "This entire chapter deals with laws which are EQUAL
        in importance to the whole Torah and all of Judaism"
    See {LIST4}

{LIST4} {Commandments equal in importance to the whole Torah}

=========  ========  ===================================
Nu15-22:31 Idolatry  Acceptance of God is fundamental
Nu15-32:36 Sabbath   Acknowledging Gods creation
Nu15-37-41 Tzitzith  Helps remember ALL commandments(Nu15-40)

*17 Rashi--the master of puns and coincidences. Rashi notes
    that Reuben repented from the sin of inteferring with
    his fathers marital life. Rashi notes
        "Reuben repenting from his sin encouraged Judah
        to repent from his sins (of recommending selling
        Joseph and of sentencing Tamar to death)"

    Actually, Rashi suggests that the WHOLE chapter of Dt33
    is organized by the theme of repentance. Those tribes
    that are known for their repentance are listed first
    while those who are not so well known are listed later
    See {LIST5}

{LIST5} {Ordering of Dt33 by the common theme of repentance}

Tribe   What sin did they abstain/repent from
======  =====================================
Reuben  He inteferred with his fathers marital life (Gn49-04)
Judah   He repented from trying to execute Tamar(Gn38-26)
Levi    This tribe did not sin with the Golden calf(Ex33-26)
Bnyamin Binyamin never sinned(see our explanations of Gn45-14)
Joseph  Joseph outgrew his immaturity & became king(Gn37-02)

*18 Rashis point is that
        --the other tribes brought RESOURCES for the temple
          such as animals for sacrifices and vessel
        --by contrast the priests contribute SERVICES to the

*19 Rashi again makes some puns and associations
        "I (God)just gave you the Manna and you think I don't
        care for you. So I will let Amalek attack you and
        then you will have to pray to me and be aware that
        I do care for you"

   But Rashis real point is that ALL the surrounding chapters
   (not just 2) deal with Gods care for the Jews {LIST6}

{LIST6} {Chapters showing Gods care for the Jews}

========== ============================================
Ex13-17:22 God takes us out of Egypt
Ex14-01:25 God splits the sea to save us from Egypt
Ex14-26:31 God drowns the Egyptians in the sea
Ex15-22:26 God sweetens sour water for the 600,000 Jews
Ex16-01:36 God provides the Jews with Manna food
Ex17-01:16 God saves the Jews from Amalek

*20 Again Rashi by way of pun notes that the Parliament sat
    IN the temple and "therefore the altar is mentioned
    near the Judicial code"

    But Rashi is not connecting JUST 2 chapters but rather
    Rashi is connecting a whole sequence of chapters dealing
    with laws that enable us to live a just & good life
    See {LIST7}

    Some hilights are as follows: While Ex23 deals with
    the laws for HOLIDAYS and the 7th YEAR nevertheless
    the emphasis in Ex23 is on letting the STRANGER
    and POOR have a respite(eg Ex23-09, Ex23-12)

    Furthermore the ALTAR was an intrinsic part of the
    Judicial code--for all law is based on the backup
    of court procedures which in turn is based on the
    oath. If a person took an oath falsely he had
    to bring a sacrifice (Lv05). Similarly if a
    person robbed a convert who had no children
    then he needed a sacrifice to atone (Lv06).
    Thus the altar was an intrinsic part of the
    judicial code.

{LIST7} {Chapter deals with living a just & good life}

========== ==============================================
Ex20-01:14 God gives the 10 commandments
Ex20-15:23 Altar atones for oaths & certain theft(Lv05:06)
Ex21:22    God gives us the Monetary Judicial Code
Ex23       God gives holidays & 7th year to help the poor

*21 Rashi superficially notes that both the Red Heiffer and
    the death of the righteous (ie Miryam) atones. But on
    a profound level the surrounding chapters are all
    dealing with atonement. See {LIST8} which is greatly
    curtailed but gives much food for thought.

{LIST8} {Chapters dealing with atonement}

========== ===============================
Nu17-01:05 The robs of the rebellion ATONE
Nu17-06:15 The Ketoreth offering ATONES
Nu17-16:28 The flowering sticks ATONE
Nu18-01:20 The Priestly gifts ATONE
Nu18-21-32 The Levite gifts ATONE
Nu19-01:22 The Red Heiffer ATONES
Nu20-01:29 The death of the Righteous(Miriam,Aaron,Moses)ATONES
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 6 Number 22

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Volume 6 Number 22