#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Nu20-17b

RASHIS COVERED: Nu20-17b Nu20-17c Nu20-18a

================================= Nu20-17b =====================================

Rashi frequently makes powerful inferences from the alignment
of ALMOST similar verses. The minor variations between these
almost similar verses suggests nuances and differences or
even meaning. We call this the Rashi rule of ALIGNMENT

When Rashi identifies two cases from the ALIGNMENT we call
this the Rashi subrule of TWO CASES

When Rashi infers nuances from the variations betweent the
almost similar verses we call this the Rashi subrule of

When Rashi infers MEANING from the ALIGNMENT of almost
identical phrases we call this the Rashi SUBRULE of MEANING.

EXAMPLE 5 Requests to pass thru foreign lands
There are 5 requests by Moses to allow passage thru
foreign lands. They are aligned as follows
Dt02-06         Dt02-27:28       Nu21-22         Nu20-17b      Nu20-19
purchase food   purchase food    No fields       No fields     *2
purchase water  purchase water   No wells        No wells      purchase water
                                                 *1            if I/animals drink
                Go your path     Path of King    Path of King  Highway
                no deviation                     No deviation  *3
This alignment emphasizes 3 nuancs
*1 Alignment emphasizes promise that both
   - people
   - animals
   would not violate territory

*2 Alignment suggests
   - negative--I will not eat/drink your property
   - positive--I will stimulate your economy by buying goods*10

*3 Alignment suggests both
   - avoidance of direct taking of food
   - avoidance of negligent taking of food (go thru highway and animals
   deviate into nearby fields)

LIST308u below summarizes this alignment.

Example 2: Nu20-18a
The alignment of Nu20-16 and Nu20-18b reveals two
approaches to obtaining goals
Nu20-16  JEWS God heard our voice  when we cried to the Lord
Nu20-18a EDOM Dont pass            lest I come with the sword.
Differs  *1   *2                   *3
*1 ALignment shows difference between JEWS and EDOM

*2 Alignment shows method use to achieve national goals

*3 Jews rely on PRAYER; Edom relies on SWORD*10

LIST308v summarizes this alignment.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =========================================================
SEE BELOW                LIST308u
Align 4 verse sets       with requests to pass foreign lands
-----------------------  -------------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST308v
Align 2 verses           Describing power (Prayer vs military)

=========================== LIST308v =============================
Align 2 verses           Describing power (Prayer vs military)
======== ==== ==================== ===============================
Nu20-16  JEWS God heard our voice  when we cried to the Lord
Nu20-18a EDOM Dont pass            lest I come with the sword.
Differs  *1   *2                   *3

*1 ALignment shows difference between JEWS and EDOM

*2 Alignment shows method use to achieve national goals

*3 Jews rely on PRAYER; Edom relies on SWORD*10

--------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES -------------------------

*10 Rashi notes the echo back to the Biblical blessing to
    Edom's progeniture, Esauv,
    And by your sword shall you live, and shall
    serve your brother; and it shall come to pass
    when you shall have the dominion, that you shall
    break his yoke from off your nec


=============================== LIST308u ========================================
Align 4 verse sets       with requests to pass foreign lands
Dt02-06         Dt02-27:28       Nu21-22         Nu20-17b      Nu20-19
=============== ================ =============== ============= ==================
purchase food   purchase food    No fields       No fields     *2
purchase water  purchase water   No wells        No wells      purchase water
                                                 *1            if I/animals drink
                Go your path     Path of King    Path of King  Highway
                no deviation                     No deviation  *3

*1 Alignment emphasizes promise that both
   - people
   - animals
   would not violate territory

*2 Alignment suggests
   - negative--I will not eat/drink your property
   - positive--I will stimulate your economy by buying goods*10

*3 Alignment suggests both
   - avoidance of direct taking of food
   - avoidance of negligent taking of food (go thru highway and animals
   deviate into nearby fields)
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 26 Number 13

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 26 Number 13