#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Nu31-03b

========================= Nu31-03b ============================

One of Rashis 10 main tasks is to explain grammar the same way
a dictionary explains grammar.  There are various aspects to
grammar. Today we study how NOUNS VERBS and ADJECTIVES
transform.  (For example from the NOUN flower, we obtain
the VERB, to flower).

EXAMPLE Nu31-03b
The Hebrew root Cheth-Lamed-Tzade means ARMED (Soldiers)
From this we obtain the VERB--TO ARM (Similar to English)

Hence Rashi translates Nu31-03b
ARM from amongst you soldiers for the army; they will
turn on Midyan to deliver the revenge of God against
Midyan [because of their act of war on you]
LIST050d summarizes examples of NOUN-VERB transforms
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ====================================
SEE BELOW                LIST050d
List of words with       NOUNS becoming VERBS

======================= LIST050d =============================
List of words with       NOUNS becoming VERBS
NOUN-VERB  VERB Means                              TYPE
========== ======================================= ===========
To ARM     Make someone ARMED*11                   Create
To Plant   Creation (planting) of plants           Create
To record  To Create a record                      Create
To milk    To Create(bring forth) milk             Create
To fire*1  To Create a fire(e.g.in a furnace)      Create
To build   To Create a building                    Create
To worm    To produce/bring forth Worms*2          Create
To BORDER  To make borders*3                       Create
EMBROIDER  Make embroidery*4                       Create
---------  ------------------------------------    --------
To Young   Remove / cut the young grapes*9
To dust    Removal of dust *5                      Remove
To UpRoot  To remove the roots(from the ground)    Remove
To DeFrost To remove the frost                     Remove
Blood*6    To remove the blood (ie to KILL)        Remove
---------  ------------------------------------    --------
To hammar  Do Standard activity done with hammar   Standard
To screw   Do Standard activity done with screws   Standard
To fan     Do Standard activity done with a Fan    Standard
To Dough   Do standard activity with DOUGH*7       Standard
To Fly     FLYING-Standard activity of Housefly    Standard
To COAT    To place coat on and tighten it*8       Standard
---------  ------------------------------------    --------
ToBe Able  ABILITY=STATE of TO BE ABLE             STATE*10

*1 eg To FIRE a furnace

*2 Ex16-20b

*3 Ex19-12a

*4 Ex28-39a EMBROIDER the pants of LINEN
   means make them embroidered

*5 Nu04-13b

*6 Lv17-04a

*7 As we have explained it TO DOUGH would mean
   to BAKE. Actually we need another step. A verb
   can refer to its ACTIVITY FORM. So the 2 steps are
   - DOUGH becomes TO DOUGH=to BAKE
   - TO DOUGH becomes TO SWELL (form of DOUGH rising)
   See LIST814a for more details

*8 Ex29-05a

*9 Lv19-10a

------------------------ LONGER FOOTNOTES -----------------

*10 Abstract State

*11 Nu31-03b
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
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Volume 26 Number 18

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 26 Number 18