Rabbi Ishmael-5 Methods:#10 of 14
 #      10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE              #
 #            Mar 15-Apr 30, 2000                          #
 #         Rashis 1-14  Of 7800 (0.2%)                     #
 #                                                         #
 #      Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,    #
 #             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
 #             http://www.shamash.org/rashi                #
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 #Permission to reprint with this header but not for profit#
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 #      WARNING: READ with COURIER 10 (Fixed width) FONTS  #
This series is devoted to the 2 dozen Rashis that deal
with the Rabbi Ishmael rule of
        >two complementary verses

It turns out there are 5 ways that Rabbi Ishmael deals with
        >two complementary verses

In part 1 we showed the method of
        >2 verses = 2 ASPECTS of the same entity
        >ISRAEL sent a delegation to Edom
        >MOSES sent a delegation to Edom
        >MOSES as the representative of Israel

A reader completing the reading of this dozen-example-module
will have minimum proficiency in appreciating how this rule
of Rabbi Ishmael works (If this module works out we will
try and develop modules for the other 12 principles).

This material is printed with permission of the author,myself
Those who wish to see complete details may visit the Rashi
Website at
You may browse, subscribe, or ask questions there.

In this issue we introduce a new principle
    >2 contradictory verses can indicate MULTIPLE NAMES of ONE ITEM

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
In todays posting we show how
        >2 verses can CALL the same item by DIFFERENT names
Rashi gives examples from v2b1-16 and v5-3-9 which show how
        >CHERMON, a city conquered by the Jews
        >The Hebrew word for BIRTH STOOL
can have multiple etymologies.

VERSE:  v2y40-35

        v2b1-16 Look on the (OBSTETRIC-)-BIRTH-TABLE

        v5-3-9 The Zidonim nation call CHRMON, SIRYON

        v5b40-22 On the THIGH of the Temple, in the North


        v2b1-16 'Look on the (OBSTETRIC-)-BIRTH-TABLE'
        The obstetric birth table is on the one hand called
                >the STONES
        while on the other hand it is call(cf Is66-9,Is37-3,Hos13-13
                >the BREAKTHRU
        [Moderator: The 3 verse citations above come from
        RDK book of roots.RDK suggests that the BIRTH TABLE is
        named from the root
        because this root also means
        and therefore it refers to the
        By contrast I would suggest that the BIRTH TABLE is named
        by the root
        because this root also means
                >BREAK THRU
        As in the breakthrus of a business deal or
        dream(1-41-57,Jud7-15)Rashi does not take sides]

        Rashi explains that the BIRTH TABLE can EQUALLY be called by
                >What it is made of (STONES)
                >Its emotional impact (birth pangs)
                >Its functional goal (The BREAK THRU)
        Rashi cites Jer18-3 as where they call the craftsman's table
                >The STONES
        proving that something can be name just by what it is made

        v5-3-9 The ZIDONIM nation call CHRMON, SIRYON
        By reviewing 5-3-9 and 5-4-48 we see that this
        city was called 4 names
        The Bible explicitly lists the nations that called each name
     >BASHAN          called it          CHRMON
     >TzIDONIM        called it          SRYON
     >EMORY           called it          SNIR
        If we constructed a list of cities from the Bible it is rare
        style to BOTH give many names and ascribe authorship of
        these names to various countries.

        Rashi therefore suggests that the multiple names and
        authorships is to show the greatness of the conquests---
        even though this city was desired by many nations
        nevertheless God helped us to conquer it.

        v5b40-22 'On the THIGH of the Temple, in the North'
        The word
                >The SIDE.

In reviewing these Rashis we have a short but succinct description
of the 5 basic ways words are named
        >BY FORM: eg the PENTAGON has the SHAPE of a pentagon
        >BY FUNCTION: eg the UNs purpose is to UNITE NATIONS
        >BY SUBSTANCE: eg the LINOLEUM is a floor MADE OF linoleum
        >BY CAUSE/DESCRIPTION:eg the SUNSET occurs when the SUN SETS
        >BY EMOTIONAL IMPACT: the HARDSHIP is HARD to bear

        |QUESTION 1:                                         |
        |===========                                         |
        |Can you make a list of words illustrating the above |
        |principles of naming? The words can come from       |
        |English or Hebrew. What tools would you use? Neither|
        |CD Roms,Konkordances or dictionaries would help you |
        |You have to use your mind. See {LIST1| below for a  |
        |a partial answer.                                   |


LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {Words, their meaning and how the word is named. For
        example both the pentagon and UN deal with war related
        matters--but the pentagon is named by its SHAPE/FORM
        while the United Nations is named by its FUNCTION.
        Similarly both HEARING AIDS and GLASSES help you
        perceive. But GlASSES are named by what they are made
        of (glass) while HEARING AIDS are named by their function
        This list can only be compiled using human thought.
        CD ROms and konkordances would not help}

WORD            MEANING              HOW IS WORD NAMED
==========      ==================== ============================
Pentagon        War Building         By its shape/form
Thigh           side                 FORM: Same position as thigh
Head            Top                  FORM: Same position as head
Well            eye                  FORM: Looks like an eye
Linoleum        Floor                SUBSTANCE
Iron            Irons clothes        SUBSTANCE
Plaster         Binds materials      SUBSTANCE
glasses         helps you see        SUBSTANCE
Hearing aid     helps you hear       FUNCTION
Television      Tells vision         FUNCTION
Can Opener      Opens cans           FUNCTION
typewriter      writes in type       FUNCTION
Binder          Holds files together FUNCTION

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*