Rabbi Ishmael-5 Methods:#3 of 14
 #      10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE              #
 #            Mar 15-Apr 30, 2000                          #
 #         Rashis 1-14  Of 7800 (0.2%)                     #
 #                                                         #
 #      Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,    #
 #             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
 #             http://www.shamash.org/rashi                #
 #                                                         #
 #Permission to reprint with this header but not for profit#
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 #      WARNING: READ with COURIER 10 (Fixed width) FONTS  #
This series is devoted to the 2 dozen Rashis that deal
with the Rabbi Ishmael rule of
        >two complementary verses

It turns out there are 5 ways that Rabbi Ishmael deals with
        >two complementary verses

In part 1 we showed the method of
        >2 verses = 2 ASPECTS of the same entity
        >ISRAEL sent a delegation to Edom
        >MOSES sent a delegation to Edom
        >MOSES as the representative of Israel

A reader completing the reading of this dozen-example-module
will have minimum proficiency in appreciating how this rule
of Rabbi Ishmael works (If this module works out we will
try and develop modules for the other 12 principles).

This material is printed with permission of the author,myself
Those who wish to see complete details may visit the Rashi
Website at
You may browse, subscribe, or ask questions there.

In this issue we show another example of how
        >2 verses indicate 2 STAGES of the same process

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

v2-28-37 and v2-39-30 give about 5 different (contradictory)
descriptions of the PRIESTLY MASK (TZITZ). This is because
the Torah is trying to describe a
To illustrate this let us discuss the PRIESTLY MASK.

Consider the MASKS of say Robin (Batman and Robin) or Zorro.
The mask goes across the forehead and is tied by two strings
attached at both ends. (Imagine the two strings tied in back)
Robin and Zorro wore their masks over their eyes while the
the Priest wore the make ON HIS FOREHEAD.

Now augment this mask with two items. First have a 3rd string
which attaches to the top of the mask, goes over the head
and is tied in back to the traditional two strings that masks

Further suppose that Zorro or Robin is wearing a hat. Then
the mask with its 2 side strings and the extra string that
goes over the head will now also go over the hat.

If we look at this set-up
        >Robin or Zorro is wearing a hat
        >he puts a mask on his forehead
        >the mask has two side strings which are joined at back
        >there is a 3rd string which goes over the hat,
        >is tied to the other 2 strings in back
        >and is tied to the top of the mask
then Rashi Is Simple---we can now easily say
        >the hat is ABOVE the mask (it is)
        >the mask is ABOVE the hat (because of the extra 3rd string
        >the mask HANGS from the string (that is the 3rd string)
        >the strings (on the side) HANGS from the mask
In fact this is exactly how the PRIESTLY MASK looked. The MASK
        >had written on it the words HOLY TO GOD
        >it was attached by azure threads in 3 places
        >it went over the PRIESTLY TURBAN (hat).

As indicated the complications in these verses happened because
the Torah was trying to describe
        >a PICTURE
Accordingly I have created a new interpretive category called
This refers to Rashis, especially in the portions of the Torah
dealing with the Tabernacle and Sacrifices where Rashi tries
to VERBALLY DESCRIBE A PICTURE---the approach to such Rashis
must be different than the approach to other Rashis. In effect
Rashi is looking for a PICTORIAL MODEL that fits all the verses.
There are now many books and websites containing pictures and
these make certain Rashis simpler.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*