The 10 RashiYomi Rules
Their presence in Rashis on Parshath TeRuMaH
Volume 15, Number 23
This weeks Weekly Rashi with Hebrew/English source tables
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(c) RashiYomi Incorporated, Dr. Hendel, President, February 3rd, 2011
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The goal of this Weekly Rashi Digest is to use the weekly Torah portion to expose students at all levels to the ten major methods of commentary used by Rashi. It is hoped that continual weekly exposure to these ten major methods will enable students of all levels to acquire a familiarity and facility with the major exegetical methods. Although I frequently use my own English translations of biblical verses and Rashi comments, the Hebrew and English translations in the source tables are derived from online parshah files at who in turn acknowledges the Judaica Press Complete Tanach, copyright by Judaica Press.

    BRIEF EXPLANATION: Commentary on a verse is provided thru a cross-reference to another verse. The cross references can either provide
    • (1a) further details,
    • (1b) confirm citations, or
    • (1c) clarify word meaning.
    This examples applies to Rashis Ex26-24a
    URL Reference: (c)
    Brief Summary: The 8 boards (Ex26-25a) references the 6+2 boards (Ex26-22,23)

Verse Ex26-24a
Hebrew Verse וְיִהְיוּ תֹאֲמִים מִלְּמַטָּה וְיַחְדָּו יִהְיוּ תַמִּים עַל רֹאשׁוֹ אֶל הַטַּבַּעַת הָאֶחָת כֵּן יִהְיֶה לִשְׁנֵיהֶם לִשְׁנֵי הַמִּקְצֹעֹת יִהְיוּ:
English Verse And they shall be matched evenly from below, and together they shall match at its top, [to be put] into the one ring; so shall it be for both of them; they shall be for the two corners.
Rashi Header Hebrew ויהיו
Rashi Text Hebrew כל הקרשים תואמים זה לזה מלמטה שלא יפסיק עובי שפת שני הא-דנים ביניהם להרחיקם זו מזו. זהו שפרשתי (לעיל יז) שיהיו צירי הידות חרוצים מצדיהן, שיהא רוחב הקרש בולט לצדיו חוץ ליד הקרש לכסות את שפת האדן, וכן הקרש שאצלו, ונמצאו תואמים זה לזה. וקרש המקצוע שבסדר המערב חרוץ לרחבו בעביו כנגד חריץ של צד קרש הצפוני והדרומי, כדי שלא יפרידו הא-דנים ביניהם:
Rashi Header Enlish And they shall be matched evenly from below
Rashi Text English All the planks must be flush at the bottom, so that the thickness of the edges of the two sockets should not form a gap to distance them [the planks] from one another. This is what I [meant when I] explained that the hinges of the square pegs [according to Yosef Hallel: the sides of the square pegs] should be cut out around their sides, so that the width of the plank should protrude on its sides away from the square pegs of the plank, [in order] to cover the edge of the socket, and so [with] the plank next to it [as well]. Thus, the planks are found to be flush with each other. [Each] corner plank in the western row was cut away in the width, in [the part of] its thickness [aligned] opposite the cut-away portion of the northern plank’s side, in order that the sockets should not separate them.

Verse Ex26-25a discussing the 8 boards constituting the western wall of the tabernarcle states And they shall be eight boards, and their sockets of silver, sixteen sockets; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board. Rashi clarifies the underlined words eight boards by referencing verses Ex26-22,23 which states And for the sides of the tabernacle westward you shall make six boards. And two boards shall you make for the corners of the tabernacle in the two sides. Hence the Rashi comment: The eight boards of the western wall mentioned in Ex26-25a refer to the six boards mentioned in verse Ex26-22 and the two corner boards mentioned in Ex26-23.

Text of Target verse Ex26-25a Text of Reference Verse Ex26-22,23
And they shall be eight boards, and their sockets of silver, sixteen sockets; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board. And for the sides of the tabernacle westward you shall make six boards. And two boards shall you make for the corners of the tabernacle in the two sides.
Rashi comments: The eight boards of the western wall mentioned in Ex26-25a refer to the six boards mentioned in verse Ex26-22 and the two corner boards mentioned in Ex26-23.

      BRIEF EXPLANATION: The meaning of words can be explained either by
      • (2a) translating an idiom, a group of words whose collective meaning transcends the meaning of its individual component words,
      • (2b) explaining the nuances and commonality of synonyms-homographs,
      • (2c) describing the usages of connective words like also,because,if-then, when,
      • (2d) indicating how grammatical conjugation can change word meaning
      • (2e) changing word meaning using the figures of speech common to all languages such as irony and oxymorons.
      This examples applies to Rashis Ex25-07b
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: FILLER STONES are similar to the English SET STONES - stones that FILL in settings.

Verse Ex25-07b
Hebrew Verse אַבְנֵי שֹׁהַם וְאַבְנֵי מִלֻּאִים לָאֵפֹד וְלַחֹשֶׁן:
English Verse shoham stones and filling stones for the ephod and for the choshen.
Rashi Header Hebrew מלאים
Rashi Text Hebrew על שם שעושין להם בזהב מושב כמין גומא ונותנין האבן שם למלאות הגומא, קרויים אבני מלואים, ומקום המושב קרוי משבצות:
Rashi Header Enlish filling
Rashi Text English Since they make for them a seat out of gold, like a sort of hole, and the stone is placed there to fill the hole, they are called filling stones. The place of the “seat” is called מִשְׁבֶּצֶת, a setting.

When Rashi uses, what we may losely call, the hononym method, Rashi does not explain new meaning but rather shows an underlying unity in disparate meanings. Rashi will frequently do this by showing an underlying unity in the varied meanings of a Biblical root.

In my article Peshat and Derash found on the world wide web at I advocate enriching the Rashi explanation using a technique of parallel nifty translations in modern English. Today's examples show this.

    The Heberw Biblical root Mem-Lamed-Alpeh has a fundamental meaning of to fill. Hence this Biblical root can mean / refer to
  • to fill
  • a full field [ which appears filled vs empty ]
  • famous [ the honor of the famous person fills the world ]
  • cloth jewels, [ stones which you set and fill-in garment crevices ]

Applying the above translation to Ex25-07 discussing items used in building the temple we obtain Onyx stones, and stones to be set on the breast garment and the breastplate to set in the garments In providing this English translation notice that we have used the English idiom set a stone which mirrors the Hebrew filling stones since we fill the setting with the stone.

      BRIEF EXPLANATION: Rashi explains verses using grammar principles, that is, rules which relate reproducable word form to word meaning. Grammatical rules neatly fall into 3 categories
      • (a) the rules governing conjugation of individual words,Biblical roots,
      • (b) the rules governing collections of words,clauses, sentences
      • (c) miscellaneous grammatical, or form-meaning, rules.
      This examples applies to Rashis Ex25-34b
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: (#1) The Candellabrah has 4 STEMS that were almond-like - their BUDS and their FLOWERS; (#2) The Candellabrah had 4 STEMS; the BUDS and FLOWERS were almond like.

Verse Ex25-34b
Hebrew Verse וּבַמְּנֹרָה אַרְבָּעָה גְבִעִים מְשֻׁקָּדִים כַּפְתֹּרֶיהָ וּפְרָחֶיהָ:
English Verse And on [the stem of] the menorah [shall be] four decorated goblets, its knobs and its flowers.
Rashi Header Hebrew משקדים כפתריה ופרחיה
Rashi Text Hebrew זה אחד מחמשה מקראות שאין להם הכרע, שאין ידוע אם גביעים משוקדים או משוקדים כפתוריה ופרחיה:
Rashi Header Enlish decorated…its knobs and its flowers
Rashi Text English This is one of the five verses whose meaning cannot be determined. It is unknown whether [to read] “decorated goblets” or “decorated its knobs and its flowers.-[from Yoma 52b]

Today Hebrew grammar is well understood and there are many books on it. Rashi, however, lived before the age of grammar books. A major Rashi method is therefore the teaching of basic grammar.

Many students belittle this aspect of Rashi. They erroneously think that because of modern methods we know more. However Rashi will frequently focus on rare grammatical points not covered in conventional textbooks.

    There are many classical aspects to grammar whether in Hebrew or other languages. They include
  • The rules for conjugating verbs. These rules govern how you differentiate person, plurality, tense, mode, gender, mood, and designation of the objects and indirect objects of the verb. For example how do you conjugate, in any language, I sang, we will sing, we wish to sing, she sang it.
  • Rules of agreement. For example agreement of subject and verb, of noun and adjective; whether agreement in gender or plurality.
  • Rules of Pronoun reference.
  • Rules of word sequence. This is a beautiful topic which is not always covered in classical grammatical textbooks.

Today we deal with the Biblical rules governing indication of apposition. Since starting this series on apposition I have found out that the concept of resumptive modifier may be a more correct term.

Let us look at examples. A simple example of apposition or resumptive modifier occurs in Is63-07 which states, The graces of God I will remember, the praises of God. This sentence is equivalent to I will remember the graces of God, the praises of God If we interpret this last sentence using the principle of apposition then the underlined phrase praises of God modifies the phrase graces of God. Apposition simply refers to placing to phrases one next to the other with the second phrase modifying the first.

However Isiah did not directly say I will remember the graces of God, the praises of God. Rather Isiah said The graces of God I will remember and then Isiah resumes what he remembers - he also remembers the praises of God. This approach uses the technique of resumptive modifiers. A resumptive modifier is often used when you have a complicated message and you want to first summarize it and then elaborate on it. Let us know apply these principles to Ex25-34b.

Verse Ex25-34b states In the Candellabrah there were four stems. Her buds and flowers were almond-like. This is the first approach we will use. We have not used any principles like apposition or resumptive modifiers.

But this verse can also be read using the principles of apposition and resumptive modifiers. Using these techniques the verse would say In the Candellabrah there were four almond-like stems,' - Her buds and flowers. Here buds and flowers resume the items that almond-like modifies.

Both readings of the verse are equally valid. Use of resumptive modifiers, although it sounds awkward, is very common in all languages including Biblical Hebrew. The issue between the two interpretations is whether the stems alone were almond-like or whether the buds and flowers were also almond like.

Advanced Rashi: Rashi mentioens that there are 4 other verses where two interpretations are possible. Actually there are quite a few more than 4. We will therefore discuss this aspect of Rashi on another occasion.

    BRIEF EXPLANATION: Aligning two almost identically worded verselets can suggest
    • (4a) 2 cases of the same incident or law
    • (4b) emphasis on the nuances of a case
    • (4c) use of broad vs literal usage of words
    This examples applies to Rashis Ex27-17a
    URL Reference: (c) Brief Summary: All Pillars, stakes and hooks - on north, south, east, west - are copper.

Verse Ex27-17a
Hebrew Verse כָּל עַמּוּדֵי הֶחָצֵר סָבִיב מְחֻשָּׁקִים כֶּסֶף וָוֵיהֶם כָּסֶף וְאַדְנֵיהֶם נְחֹשֶׁת:
English Verse All the pillars around the courtyard [shall have] silver bands, silver hooks, and copper sockets.
Rashi Header Hebrew כל עמודי החצר סביב וגו'
Rashi Text Hebrew לפי שלא פירש ווין וחשוקים וא-דני נחשת אלא לצפון ולדרום, אבל למזרח ולמערב לא נאמר ווין וחשוקים וא-דני נחשת, לכך בא ולמד כאן:
Rashi Header Enlish All the pillars around the courtyard, etc.
Rashi Text English Since [the text] explained only [that there were to be] hooks, bands, and copper sockets for the north[ern] and the south[ern sides], but for the east[ern] and the west[ern sides] no hooks, bands, or copper sockets were mentioned, therefore [the text] teaches it here. [Lit., it comes and teaches here.]

The table below presents an aligned extract of verses in Ex27-09:14 All verses discuss the obligation of making Temple walls with pillars, stakes and hoooks. The alignment justifies the Rashi assertions that The pillars, stakes and hooks - whether in north, south, east and west - must be copper.

Verse Text of Verse Rashi comment
    And likewise for the north side in length there shall be hangings of a hundred cubits long,
    1. and its twenty pillars and their
    2. twenty sockets of copper;
    3. the hooks of the pillars and
    4. their joints of silver
  • pillars and
  • sockets of copper;
  • pillar hooks and
  • joints of silver;
    And for the breadth of the court on the west side shall be hangings of fifty cubits;
    1. their pillars ten, and
    2. their sockets ten.
    The material of the western side pillars and sockets is not explicitly mentioned. However, verse Ex27-17 explicitly states
    • All the pillars around the court shall be bound with silver;
    • their hooks shall be of silver,
    • and their sockets of copper.
    showing that all pillars are silver and all sockets copper whether they are in the north, south, west or south.

Advanced Rashi: In the above Rashi we have only cited the verses with the south and west side. Rashi cites a similar alignment of the verses for the north and east side.

    BRIEF EXPLANATION:Rashi resolves contradictory verses using 3 methods.
    • (5a) Resolution using two aspects of the same event
    • (5b) Resolution using two stages of the same process
    • (5c) Resolution using broad-literal interpretation.
    This example applies to Rashis Ex25-03a
    URL Reference: (c)
    Brief Summary: There were two Temple taxes - a voluntary tax and an obligatory tax.

Verse Ex25-03a
Hebrew Verse וְזֹאת הַתְּרוּמָה אֲשֶׁר תִּקְחוּ מֵאִתָּם זָהָב וָכֶסֶף וּנְחֹשֶׁת:
English Verse And this is the offering that you shall take from them: gold, silver, and copper;
Rashi Header Hebrew זהב וכסף ונחשת וגו'
Rashi Text Hebrew כולם באו בנדבה, איש איש מה שנדבו לבו, חוץ מן הכסף שבא בשוה מחצית השקל לכל אחד, ולא מצינו בכל מלאכת המשכן, שהוצרך שם כסף יותר, שנאמר (שמות לח כו - כז) וכסף פקודי העדה וגו' בקע לגלגלת וגו', ושאר הכסף הבא שם בנדבה עשאוה לכלי שרת:
Rashi Header Enlish gold, silver, and copper, etc.
Rashi Text English They were all given voluntarily; each person [gave] what his heart inspired him to give, except [for] the silver, which they gave equally, a half-shekel for each individual. We do not find throughout the entire work of the Mishkan that more silver was required, as it is said: “The silver of the community census was…a beka per head…” (Exod. 38:25, 26). The rest of the silver, which was given there [in the work of the Mishkan] voluntarily, they [the workers] made into service utensils.

The table below presents two contradictory verses / verselets. Both verses speak about national Temple taxes. The underlined words highlight the contradiction. One verse says taxes are voluntary while the other verse states taxes are obligatory. We see the contradiction---which is it? Are taxes voluntary or obligatory? Rashi simply resolves this contradiction using the 2 aspects method: Two Temple taxes are levied: One was half a dollar and obligatory; the other was completely voluntary.

Summary Verse / Source Text of verse / Source
Taxes are voluntary Ex26-02:03 Speak to the people of Israel, that they bring me an offering; from every man that gives it voluntarily with his heart you shall take my offering. And this is the offering which you shall take from them; gold, and silver, and bronze,
The half-dollar tax is obligatory Ex30-13:15 This they shall give, every one who passes among those who are counted, half a shekel according to the shekel of the sanctuary; a shekel is twenty gerahs; a half shekel shall be the offering of the Lord. Every one who passes among those who are counted, from twenty years old and above, shall give an offering to the Lord. The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when they give an offering to the Lord, to make an atonement for your souls.
Resolution: 2 Aspects Two Temple taxes are levied: One was half a dollar and obligatory; the other was completely voluntary.

Note that we have explained this Rashi in both rule #5, Contradiction and rule #8, Database. Both are equally good explanations of this Rashi comment.

    Rashi examines how rules of style influences inferences between general and detail statements in paragraphs.
    • Example: Every solo example stated by the Bible must be broadly generalized;
    • Theme-Detail: A general principle followed by an example is interpreted restrictively---the general theme statement only applies in the case of the example;
    • Theme-Detail-Theme: A Theme-Detail-Theme unit is interpreted as a paragraph. Consequently the details of the paragraph are generalized so that they are seen as illustrative of the theme.
    This examples applies to Rashis Ex25-25b
    URL Reference: (c)
    GENERAL: Make a golden crownlet for the table DETAIL: Make a 1-tepach boarder around the table GENERAL: Make a golden crownlet for its border around it RASHI: Make a single crownlet consisting of a border with a Gold crownlet on it.

Verse Ex25-25b
Hebrew Verse וְעָשִׂיתָ לּוֹ מִסְגֶּרֶת טֹפַח סָבִיב וְעָשִׂיתָ זֵר זָהָב לְמִסְגַּרְתּוֹ סָבִיב:
English Verse And you shall make for it a frame a handbreadth [wide] all around, and you shall make a golden crown for its frame all around.
Rashi Header Hebrew ועשית זר זהב למסגרתו
Rashi Text Hebrew הוא זר האמור למעלה, ופירש לך כאן שעל המסגרת היתה:
Rashi Header Enlish and you shall make a golden crown for its frame
Rashi Text English That is the crown mentioned above, and here He explains to you that it was on the frame.

Certain Biblical paragraphs are stated in a Theme-Development-Theme form. In other words a broad general idea is stated first followed by the development of this broad general theme in specific details. The paragraph-like unit is then closed with a repetition of the broad theme. The Theme-Detail-Theme form creates a unified paragraph. The detailed section of this paragraph is therefore seen as an extension of the general theme sentences. Today's example illustrates this as shown immediately below.

    Biblical verses Ex25-24:25 form a Biblical paragraph with a theme-detail-theme structure. The paragraph discusses the required Golden crownlet for the Table.
    • General: ....make a gold crownlet for the table
    • Detail: make a 1-Tepach border around the table;
    • General: make a gold crownlet for the table border.

Rashi generalizes the detail clause make a 1 Tepach border for the Table, as illustrative of the general clause, make a gold crownlet, and states: The Table's gold crownlet is made on top of the 1-tepach border. In other words there are not two gold crownlets, one for the table and one for the 1-tepach border but rather the gold crownlet for the table is in fact the gold crownlet that is place on the 1-tepach border.

Verse Ex23-05c
Hebrew Verse כִּי תִרְאֶה חֲמוֹר שֹׂנַאֲךָ רֹבֵץ תַּחַת מַשָּׂאוֹ וְחָדַלְתָּ מֵעֲזֹב לוֹ עָזֹב תַּעֲזֹב עִמּוֹ:
English Verse If you see your enemy's donkey lying under its burden would you refrain from helping him? You shall surely help along with him.
Rashi Header Hebrew עזב תעזב עמו
Rashi Text Hebrew עזיבה זו לשון עזרה, וכן (דברים לב לו) עצור ועזוב, וכן (נחמיה ג ח) ויעזבו ירושלם עד החומה, מלאוה עפר לעזוב ולסייע את חוזק החומה. כיוצא בו (דברים ז יז) כי תאמר בלבבך רבים הגוים האלה ממני וגו', שמא תאמר כן, בתמיה, לא תירא מהם. ומדרשו, כך דרשו רבותינו כי תראה וחדלת פעמים שאתה חדל ופעמים שאתה עוזר. הא כיצד, זקן ואינו לפי כבודו, וחדלת, או בהמת נכרי ומשאוי ישראל, וחדלת:
Rashi Header Enlish You shall surely help along with him
Rashi Text English Heb. עָזֹב ךְתַּעִזֹב עִמוֹ. This עִזִיבָה is an expression of help, and similarly, “restrained or assisted (וְעָזוּב) ” (Deut. 32:36, I Kings 14:10), and similarly, “and they strengthened (וַיַּעַזְבוּ) Jerusalem until the… wall” (Neh. 3:8), [which means] they filled it with earth to strengthen and reinforce the strength of the wall. Similarly, [following Rashi’s rendering that the word כִּי means “perhaps,”] “Will you perhaps כִּי say in your heart, ‘These nations are more numerous than I’” (Deut. 7:17) ? Will you perhaps say so? This is the interrogative. [The verse thus tells you:] “Do not fear them.” Midrashically, our Rabbis interpreted it [the verse] as follows: If you see…, you may refrain; [meaning that] sometimes you may refrain [from helping someone], and sometimes you must help. How so [can this be judged]? An elder who [finds it] beneath his dignity [to unload a donkey]- “You may refrain” (Mechilta d’Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai, Midrash Hagadol). Or if the animal belongs to a gentile and the burden belongs to an Israelite, you may refrain. -[From Mechilta, B.M. 32b]

      BRIEF EXPLANATION:Rashi makes inferences from Database queries. The precise definition of database query has been identified in modern times with the 8 operations of Sequential Query Language (SQL).

      This example applies to Rashis Ex25-02d Ex25-02c Ex25-02b
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: Two temple sources: Voluntary donations for initial construction; obligatory tax for upkeep.

Verse Ex25-02d
Hebrew Verse דַּבֵּר אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְיִקְחוּ לִי תְּרוּמָה מֵאֵת כָּל אִישׁ אֲשֶׁר יִדְּבֶנּוּ לִבּוֹ תִּקְחוּ אֶת תְּרוּמָתִי:
English Verse Speak to the children of Israel, and have them take for Me an offering; from every person whose heart inspires him to generosity, you shall take My offering.
Rashi Header Hebrew תקחו את תרומתי
Rashi Text Hebrew אמרו רבותינו שלש תרומות אמורות כאן, אחת תרומת בקע לגלגלת, שנעשו מהם הא-דנים, כמו שמפורש באלה פקודי (שמות לח כו - כז), ואחת תרומת המזבח בקע לגלגלת לקופות לקנות מהן קרבנות צבור, ואחת תרומת המשכן נדבת כל אחד ואחד. שלשה עשר דברים האמורים בענין כולם הוצרכו למלאכת המשכן או לבגדי כהונה, כשתדקדק בהם:
Rashi Header Enlish you shall take My offering
Rashi Text English Our Rabbis said: [The word תְּרוּמָה, mentioned three times, denotes that] three offerings are mentioned here. One is the offering of a beka [half-shekel] per head, from which they made the sockets, as is delineated in [Exod. 38:26, 27, in the parsha] “ אֵלֶּה פְקוּדֵי, These are the accounts.” Another is the offering of a beka per head for the [community] coffers, from which to purchase the communal sacrifices, and another is the offering for the Mishkan, each one’s [Israelite’s] donation (Talmud Yerushalmi, Shekalim 1:1; Meg. 29b). The thirteen materials mentioned in this section [i.e., this chapter] were all required for the work of the Mishkan or for the garments of the kohanim, [as you will find] when you study them closely (Tan. 5, Song Rabbah 4:25).

Today we ask the database query: How many ways was money obtained for the Temple? How was the obtained money used? The reader is encouraged to perform the query using a standard Biblical Konnkordance or search engine. This database query yields the list below. The query yields the list below. The list justifies the following Rashi-Midrashic inference. Money for the Temple was obtained in two ways: a) Voluntary gifts, b) Obligatory taxes. The obtained money was used for I)Temple construction II) silver utensils III) daily offerings and upkeep The list below presents the results of the database query and shows examples.

Verse Verse Text Money Obtained by Money used for
Ex25-02:08 Speak unto the children of Israel, that they take for Me an offering; of every man who feels like donating ye shall take My offering And this is the offering which you shall take from them; gold, and silver, and bronze...and they shall make me a Temple Voluntary donation Temple Construction
Ex30-12:14, Ex38-27 When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel, according to their number, then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto HaShem, when thou numberest them; that there be no plague among them, when thou numberest them. This they shall give, ....And of the hundred talents of silver were cast the sockets of the sanctuary, and the sockets of the veil; a hundred sockets of the hundred talents, a talent for a socket. Obligatory Tax Temple Construction
Ex30-12:14, Nu28-03 This they shall give, every one who passes among those who are counted, half a shekel according to the shekel of the sanctuary ...And you shall say to them, This is the offering made by fire which you shall offer to the Lord; two lambs of the first year, without spot, day by day, for a continual burnt offering Obligatory Tax Daily Temple upkeep, Daily offerings

Advanced Rashi: Notice that the Torah does not explicitly state where the daily offerings come from. Rather, Rashi infers this from as a reasonable supposition: There was a requirment for the community to offer 730 lambs throughout the year. It is reasonable that these daily offerings were funded from the yearly half-dollar tax.

Note that we have explained this Rashi in both rule #5, Contradiction and rule #8, Database. Both are equally good explanations of this Rashi comment.

      9. RASHI METHOD: NonVerse
      BRIEF EXPLANATION: The common denominator of the 3 submethods of the NonVerse method is that inferences are made from non textual material. The 3 submethods are as follows:
      • Spreadsheet: Rashi makes inferences of a numerical nature that can be summarized in a traditional spreadsheet
      • Geometric: Rashi clarifies a Biblical text using descriptions of geometric diagrams
      • Fill-ins: Rashi supplies either real-world background material or indicates real-world inferences from a verse. The emphasis here is on the real-world, non-textual nature of the material.
      This examples applies to Rashis Ex26-35a
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: The Temple is 30 cubits. The Holy of Holies is in cubits 20-30. The Table,Candellabrah and Golden Altar are in 10-20. Candellabrah is on South; Table on North, Altar in center.

Verse Ex26-35a
Hebrew Verse וְשַׂמְתָּ אֶת הַשֻּׁלְחָן מִחוּץ לַפָּרֹכֶת וְאֶת הַמְּנֹרָה נֹכַח הַשֻּׁלְחָן עַל צֶלַע הַמִּשְׁכָּן תֵּימָנָה וְהַשֻּׁלְחָן תִּתֵּן עַל צֶלַע צָפוֹן:
English Verse And you shall place the table on the outer side of the dividing curtain and the menorah opposite the table, on the southern side of the Mishkan, and you shall place the table on the northern side.
Rashi Header Hebrew ושמת את השלחן
Rashi Text Hebrew שלחן בצפון, משוך מן הכותל הצפוני שתי אמות ומחצה. ומנורה בדרום משוכה מן הכותל הדרומי שתי אמות ומחצה. ומזבח הזהב נתון כנגד אויר שבין שלחן למנורה, משוך קמעא כלפי המזרח, וכולם נתונים מן חצי המשכן ולפנים. כיצד, אורך המשכן מן הפתח לפרכת עשרים אמה, המזבח והשלחן והמנורה משוכים מן הפתח לצד מערב עשר אמות:
Rashi Header Enlish And you shall place the table
Rashi Text English The table was in the north, drawn away from the northern wall [of the Mishkan by] two and one-half cubits. The menorah was [placed] in the south, drawn away from the southern wall [by] two and one-half cubits. The golden altar was placed opposite the space between the table and the menorah, drawn a short distance toward the east. They [the table, menorah, and golden altar] were all situated in the inner half of the Mishkan. How was this? The length of the Mishkan from the entrance to the dividing curtain was twenty cubits. The altar, the table, and the menorah were drawn away from the entrance toward the western side ten cubits. — [from Yoma 33b]

    Verse Ex26-35a states
  • Place the Temple Table outside the Paroceth; [The paroceth was situated at cubit 20 of the Temple; the Table was placed between cubits 10 and 20, just outside the Paroceth.]
  • And the Candellabrah opposite the Table on the South; [So it was on the South between cubits 10 and 20]
  • And the Table was on the North side.

A diagram is presented below:

'                            WEST
'                  ------------------------------- Cubit 30
'                  |                             |
'                  |                             | <= The Holy of Holies      N
'           S      |                             |                            O
'           O      ------------------------------- Cubit 20, Paroceth         R
'           U      |            Gold Altar       |                            T
'           T      |                             |                            H
'           H      |  Candellabrah         Table |                            
'                  |                             |
'                  -                             - Cubit 10 
'                  |                             |
'                  |                             | 
'                  |                             |
'                  ------------------------------- Cubit 0, Entrance

Advanced Rashi: Rashi adds The Table and Candellabrah were 2.5 cubits from their respective walls. Rashi derived this from considerations of aesthetics: The width of the Temple is 10 cubits. So if we place three objects in the Temple it makes sense to place one of them, the Golden Altar, at the center, and place the other two of them at the quarter and three quarter mark, which is in fact 2.5 cubits from their respective walls.Such an even spacing creates an aesthetic appearance.

      BRIEF EXPLANATION: Rashi provides symbolic interpretations of words, verses, and chapters. Rashi can symbolically interpret either
      • (10a) entire Biblical chapters such as the gifts of the princes, Nu-07
      • (10b) individual items, verses and words
      The rules governing symbolism and symbolic interpretation are presented in detail on my website.

      This examples applies to Rashis Ex27-02b
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: The altar was overlaid with COPPER. COPPER pots (vs silver/gold) are used with FIRE. Coppers corresponds to BRAZENNESS. The altar addresses/atones BRAZENNESS.

Verse Ex27-02b
Hebrew Verse וְעָשִׂיתָ קַרְנֹתָיו עַל אַרְבַּע פִּנֹּתָיו מִמֶּנּוּ תִּהְיֶיןָ קַרְנֹתָיו וְצִפִּיתָ אֹתוֹ נְחֹשֶׁת:
English Verse And you shall make its horns on its four corners; its horns shall be from it, and you shall overlay it with copper.
Rashi Header Hebrew וצפית אותו נחשת
Rashi Text Hebrew לכפר על עזות מצח, שנאמר (ישעיה מח ד) ומצחך נחושה:
Rashi Header Enlish and you shall overlay it with copper
Rashi Text English to atone for brazenness, as it is said: “and your forehead is brazen (נְחוֹּשָה)” (Isa. 48:4). [I.e., נְחֹשֶת, which means copper, is also used idiomatically to mean brazen or bold.]-[from Tanchuma 11]

    The three metals used in the temple were
    • Copper
    • Silver
    • Gold.
    They form a hierarchy - for example, Gold is the best metal while copper is the lowest metal. The copper altar corresponds to the ordinary people and atones for their sins. The Golden altar corresponds to the priestly people and addresses their needs.

The Bible does not give us much information on the symbolism of copper, silver, and gold. It is possible to give various symbolic associations: For example, copper vessels are used with fire while silver,gold vessels are more precious and not used with fire. We may therefore say that copper atones for fiery emotions. Rashi states that Copper atones for brazenness. Perhaps Rashi focuses on the Hebrew root of copper, Nun-Cheth-Shin which is also the root of the word snake, which possibly symbolizes brazenness or similar emotions.

I think it important to emphasize that the symbolic interpretation should be objective. Therefore we are not focusing on lingual coincidences. We are instead focusing on something common to all interpretations: Copper, silver, Gold form a hierarchy of metals. Using this basic idea we symbolically interpret: There are three stages of people: Ordinary, medium and spiritually advanced corresponding to copper, silver, and gold. Thus the copper altar atones for the ordinary people. Such an approach which doesn't emphasize particular traits of ordinary people - such as brazenness - seems the most acceptable; something that can be agreed to by all people. That is all people can agree that at least the Bible is talking about atonment for ordinary people. Then each person can add more detail such as acts of brazenness. The idea of ordinary could be accepted by everybody while the focus and specficitiy on particular emotions, like brazenness, would only be accepted by those people who believe them.


This week's parshah contains no examples of Formatting Rashi method. Visit the RashiYomi website at and for further details and examples.