lv09-01b | DATABASE | ELDERS OF ISRAEL = Assuage Complaints |
lv09-02a | DATABASES | Why only 1 CALF SIN OFFERING |
Lv09-02a | DATABASE | Priest inauguration: Only time an offering has a CALF - it atones for golden CALF |
lv09-02b | GRAMMARR | FOR ME connotes PERSONAL emphasis |
lv09-02b | GRAMMARR | FOR HIM connotes a PERSONAL aspect |
Lv09-04a | SYMBOLISM | Bring these offerings for their fire symbolism will trigger a prophetic vision from God. |
lv09-07a | ALIGNMENT | Portions to males; but ALL eat; |
lv09-07b | OTHER VERSES | Cross references of sacrifices |
lv09-07c | OTHER VERSES | Cross references of sacrifices |
Lv09-07d | REFERENCE | Calf throughout the Bible means under 2 (Lv09-07) |
Lv09-07d | RabIshmael | 1 verse with specific meaning may illumine many verses |
Lv09-12a | GRAMMAR | Root MEM-TZADE-ALEPH means a) to FIND in the active mode and b) to PRESENT in the causative mode (Cause someone else to FIND). |
lv09-15a | OTHER VERSES | (Priestly)blessing;down(from altar).. |
lv09-15b | OTHER VERSES | Offer NATION sin offering like FIRST |
lv09-16a | OTHER VERSES | Cross references of sacrifices |
lv09-17a | OTHER VERSES | Cross references of sacrifices |
lv09-17b | OTHER VERSES | (Priestly)blessing;down(from altar).. |
lv09-19a | OTHER VERSES | Cross references of sacrifices |
lv09-20a | ALIGNMENT | FAT on BREAST vs BREAST on FAT |
lv09-22a | OTHER VERSES | (Priestly)blessing;down(from altar).. |
lv09-22b | OTHER VERSES | (Priestly)blessing;down(from altar).. |
lv09-24a | WORD MEANINGS | DRAG = foodpipe,RAISE FOODPIPE = chew cud |
lv10-02a | GRAMMARR | Priest-death-->Wine:Indicates Cause |
Lv10-02a | GRAMMAR | Paragraph juxtaposition can indicate causation. |
Lv10-03a | OTHER VERSES | Rashis derivation comes from ANOTHER verse |
lv10-03b | DATABASE | GOD SPOKE TO AARON in only 2 Mtzvoth |
lv10-03d | GRAMMARR | Priest-death-->Wine:Indicates Cause |
lv10-03d | DATABASES | God is honored when He judges wicked |
lv10-04a | OTHER VERSES | Uziel was Aaron-s uncle |
lv10-05a | RabbiIshmael | Aarons sons died by FIRE of prophecy |
Lv10-05a | CONTRADICTION | Nadav, Avihu died by a prophetic fire - It burned souls but not clothes |
lv10-06a | UNIFIED MEANING | Pay-Resh-Ayin means EXPOSED |
lv10-06b | SPECIAL WORDS | >VAV< can mean >LEST< or >OTHERWISE< |
Lv10-06c | STYLE | All Jews must mourn the death of ANY scholar like Nadav, Avihu |
lv10-06c | STYLE | Jews mourn Nadav/Avihu = Mourn scholars |
lv10-09a | WORD MEANINGS | Shin-Caph-Resh means AGED Wine |
lv10-09b | NEW MEANINGS | Temple = Entire temple, Temple building |
Lv10-12c | REFERENCE | EAT THE MINCHAH (Lv10-12c) refers to the Consecration MINCHAH (Lv09-01:04) |
lv10-13a | ALIGNMENT | Portions to males; but ALL eat; |
lv10-14a | OTHER VERSES | Tzitz tied by Azure Thread on Turban |
Lv10-14b | DOUBLE PARSHAS | WHO can eat priestly gifts?WHERE can they eat |
lv10-14c | ALIGNMENT | Portions to males; but ALL eat; |
lv10-15a | SYNONYMS | WAIVED = horizontally;OSCILLATED = vrtcal |
Lv10-15b Lv09-20a | ALIGNMENT | Owner brings fat ON breast;waiving priest has breast ON fat. |
lv10-15b | ALIGNMENT | FAT on BREAST vs BREAST on FAT |
lv10-16c | GRAMMARR | TO BE SAID = 1)response 2)transmit |
lv10-20a | OTHER VERSES | Offer NATION sin offering like FIRST |
lv11-01b | GRAMMARR | TO BE SAID = 1)response 2)transmit |
Lv11-02c | SPECIAL WORDS | The word THIS, indicates something being pointed to |
lv11-02d | GRAMMAR | THIS refers;THIS points to KNOWN/UNKNOWN |
lv11-02d | GRAMMAR | THIS refers;THIS points to KNOWN/UNKNOWN |
lv11-03a | WORD MEANINGS | Fins,scales,insect(RUNS),split(RIP).. |
lv11-03b | WORD MEANINGS | 2nd = VP;HIGH HAND = brazenly;TurnMrn = Dwn |
lv11-03d | WORD MEANINGS | DRAG = foodpipe,RAISE FOODPIPE = chew cud |
lv11-03e | WORD MEANINGS | DRAG = foodpipe,RAISE FOODPIPE = chew cud |
lv11-09a | WORD MEANINGS | Fins,scales,insect(RUNS),split(RIP).. |
lv11-09b | WORD MEANINGS | Fins,scales,insect(RUNS),split(RIP).. |
lv11-10a | WORD MEANINGS | Fins,scales,insect(RUNS),split(RIP).. |
Lv11-12a | FORMAT | Fishes without fins/scales IN WATER may not be eaten; but if they had fins/scales in water and lost them on land they are kosher. |
lv11-18a | WORD MEANINGS | DRAG = foodpipe,RAISE FOODPIPE = chew cud |
lv11-19b | ROOT+PREPOSITION | ANF = anger; HithAnaf = To take out on |
Lv11-20a | MEANING | Shin-Resh-Tzade = crawling animal; Ayin-Vav-Pay = birds; Shin-Resh-Tzade-Ayin-Vav-Pay - crawling-birds = insect type flies. |
lv11-21b | RabbiIshmael | EXAMPLES are LITERAL if they're REPEATED |
lv11-24a | GRAMMARR | THIS can refer to FUTURE/PAST listing |
lv11-30a | WORD MEANINGS | DRAG = foodpipe,RAISE FOODPIPE = chew cud |
lv11-33a | SYNONYMS | Tauv-Vav-Caph = CENTRALLY IN;Beth = IN |
Lv11-33b | SPECIAL WORDS | ALL means everything;it is used in 5 ways |
lv11-35a | WORD MEANINGS | Spill-ooze::Cut-Sandpaper::Oven-Stove |
Lv11-36a | SPECIAL WORDS | The Hebrew word ACH means USUALLY or MOST OF |
Lv11-36a | MEANING | The Hebrew Aleph-Caph means USUALLY, connoting exceptions. |
Lv11-40a | ALIGNMENT | TOUCHING a dead animal makes YOU ritually impure; CARRYING a dead animal makes YOU & YOUR CLOTHING ritually impure |
Lv11-42b | SPECIAL WORDS | ALL means everything;it is used in 5 ways |
Lv11-42c | SPECIAL WORDS | ALL means everything;it is used in 5 ways |
lv11-44a | DOUBLE PARSHAS | 25 Mtzvth use the phrase >I AM GOD< |
Lv11-45a | DOUBLE PARSHAS | The Egyptian exodus is mentioned by only 10 Mtzvt |
lv11-45a | DOUBLE PARSHAS | 25 Mtzvth use the phrase >I AM GOD< |
lv11-45a | DOUBLE PARSHAS | A dozen commandments mention the Exodus |
Lv11-24b | STYLE | GENERAL:To these you will become ritually impure DETAIL: [BY] touching their carcasses - you'll be impure till eve. |
Lv11-35b | DATABASE | Impure clay utensils have no remedy; they must be broken |
lv12-02a | OVERALL STRUCTURE | Torah uses plant-animal-human order |