The 6 usages of the word >THE<:#23 of 35
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  Apr  6, 2001                           #
#          Rashis 692-694 Of 7800 (8.9%)                  #
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The words >THE< can be used in 4 ways

--THE can refer to a proper noun

--THE can refer to something that is mentioned nearby

  eg Dt04-32c >Has anyone heard THE GREAT THING-that God
  saved a nation enslaved in another nation with great miracles<

  Thus the phrase >THE GREAT THING< refers to the verse that
  follows >That God saved a nation enslaved in another nation<
  In other words the >GREAT THING< is Gods freeing one nation
  from another.

--THE can refer to a concept, story or thing mentioned
  ELSEWHERE (but not immediately afterwards)

  eg Nu13-33a >We saw there THE Nefilim<
  This refers to the NEFILLIM nation mentined in Gn06-04

--THE can refer to the best known of a class

  eg  Dt01-07e >THE Mount< -- This refers to The Kings Mountain

A person completing this module will be able to correctly
identify the specific usages of >THE< in the Bible.

Today we bring examples where >THE< refers to
the SPECIAL and BEST KNOWN examples of an item.

This module comes from the following digest in the
Rashi-is-Simple series

http://www.RashiYomi.Com/h9n20.htm (Up Thursday-Friday)
http://www.Rashiyomi.Com/h9n21.htm (Up Thursday-Friday)

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

 In the following verses >THE< refers either to a SPECIAL
 item or a WELL KNOWN item.

EXAMPLE 55: Dt19-03a
Dt19-03a Prepare for him >THE ROAD< (=Highway)

Rashis point is the following:
   If it had said >Prepare for him a road< it would refer
   to any road. When it says >Prepare for him THE road< it
   refers to the BEST and WELL KNOWN of Roads--the HIGHWAY*6

EXAMPLE 56: Ex21-06a
Ex21-06a Take him to >THE Judge< (=The court)

Rashis point is the following:
   If it had said >Take him to A judge< it would mean take
   him to any old Judge. When it says >Take him to THE Judge<
   it means >Take him to COURT< (The BEST KNOWN SITUATION OF

EXAMPLE 57: Ex19-11b
Ex19-11b Your GOD is greater than >THE gods<(=Major religions)

Rashis point is the following:
   If it had said >God is greated than gods< it could refer
   to things that individuals worship. When it says >God is
   greater than THE gods< it means that our God is greater
   than all the >MAJOR RELIGIONS<

   Rashi then explains HOW the Jewish God
   is greater than other religions---in Judaism God judges
   people according to what they did---since the Egyptians
   ordered babies thrown into the sea therefore they were
   punished IN EXACTLY THAT MANNER by being thrown into the
   sea. The verse is pointing out how the Judaic God was the
   first religion to emphasize JUSTICE (ie punishment
   corresponding to crimes) as an intrinsic attribute of God.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*