2 words: WITH vs ACCOMPANY :#2 of 4
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  Apr  30, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 728-729 Of 7800 (9.3%)                  #
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A person completing this module will be able to correctly
identify the nuances of the 2 Hebrew phrases meaning WITH HIM

This module focuses on a beautiful principle of the
Malbim which can explain many difficult Midrashim.

In a nutshell, in Hebrew there are two ways to
say that an activity was done WITH someone---you
can use the Hebrew words IMO and ITO which loosely
speaking translate to WITH vs ACCOMPANYING

Malbim(Lv19-13) explicitly suggests that

---IMO (WITH) implies that BOTH were equal in the activity
---ITO (ACCOMPANIED) implies one was SUBORDINATE to the other

A modern linguistic analogy would be VOUS vs TU in French
(both mean YOU but you only use TU with someone you are
FAMILIAR with and use VOUS with a stranger).

We introduce a few examples presented by Rashi. Malbim
in the above reference gives many more Midrashim which
however were not cited by Rashi.

This module comes from the following digests in the
Rashi-is-Simple series. This unit uses the old
(confusing) notation.


#*#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi 2001, Dr Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 3: Dt14-27b

Recall that when the Jews entered Israel all non-levite tribes
acquired land. The Levites however were only given a fixed
portion of 48 cities. In the event of winning more territory
in wars then the non-levite tribes divided up the additional
land but the Levites did not acquire this new land. While the
other tribes could be supported by agriculture the Levites
were dependent on gifts from the people ( the so called Levite
gifts like Tithes)

THE VERSE: The Levite has no inheritance WITH the Jewish

Levite inheritance is not WITH the Jewish people but
instead the Levite has an inheritance ACCOMPANYING THEM.

That is their inheritance is the  Levite cities (the 48
cities (Nu35-07) and the Levite gifts (Nu18-20, Nu18-24).

The Levites however were NOT equal (WITH) the rest of the
Jewish people in inheriting the land but rather the Levites
were subordinate to them (Thus the receipt of Levite gifts
showed subordination; similarly the receipt of the 48 cities
showed subordination since accidental murderers received asylum
there (in some cases rent-free))

EXAMPLE 4: Ex22-24c

The Bible here is discussing the laws of Charity.

THE VERSE: When you loan money you should be WITH the poor

The Bible says the poor should be WITH you
not ACCOMPANY you. This implies some type of equality
between the giver and the poor.

Rashi therefore states that
their should be emotional equality--you should be empathic
to the poor person's plight and feel like him.

The Great Midrash (Midrash Rabbah) on the almost identical
sister verse Lv25-35 illustrates this empathic emotional
equality with the poor by a story of Rabbi Tanchom son of
Rabbi Chiiyah. His mother whenever she went shopping for
meat would buy 2 cuts---one for the family and one for the poor
By shopping in this manner Rabbi Tanchoms mother fulfilled the
concept of being WITH the poor (vs ACCOMPANIMENT).

#*#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi 2001, Dr Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#*#*#