2 words: WITH vs ACCOMPANY :#4 of 4
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  May   1, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 730-732 Of 7800 (9.4%)                  #
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Yes it is a year. We have close to 10% of all Rashis.
An explodable download will be available on Sunday containing
the entire year and all Daily Rashi postings in HTML format.

Let us now get to the GRAND SUMMARY.

A person completing this module will be able to correctly
identify the nuances of the 2 Hebrew phrases meaning WITH HIM

This module focuses on a beautiful principle of the
Malbim which can explain many difficult Midrashim.

In a nutshell, in Hebrew there are two ways to
say that an activity was done WITH someone---you
can use the Hebrew words IMO and ITO which loosely
speaking translate to WITH vs ACCOMPANYING

Malbim(Lv19-13) explicitly suggests that

---IMO (WITH) implies that BOTH were equal in the activity
---ITO (ACCOMPANIED) implies one was SUBORDINATE to the other

A modern linguistic analogy would be VOUS vs TU in French
(both mean YOU but you only use TU with someone you are
FAMILIAR with and use VOUS with a stranger).

We summarize our previous examples in a GRAND SUMMARY.

We also include many laws derived from Biblical verses
but not found in Rashi. This is consistent with the
spirit of this series where Rashi rules are applied
to new situations.

This module comes from the following digests in the
Rashi-is-Simple series. This digest uses the old
(confusing) notation. We have fixed up the notation


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

========= GRAND SUMMARY: 2 WORD: WITH vs ACCOMPANY =============

This LIST compactly presents laws learned from the distinction
of WITH(IM) vs ACCOMPANY(ETH). The footnotes fillin relevant
sources. Several verses are brought where the principle applies
but is not brought down by Rashi.

VERSE    PRONOUN            LAW learned from WITH/ACCOMPANY
======== ================== ====================================
Ex22-24b be WITH the poor   Be empathic to his poverty *1
Gn39-10b be WITH her        SHARE with her in hell *2
Dt14-27b inherits WITH you  Levite inheritance SUBORDINATE*3
Lv25-41a Slave WITH childrn Children& slave SHARE from master *4
Dt22-04b Lift WITH him  *5  Lift animal only if owner helps also
Lv19-13  worker SUBORDINATE Only if hirer pays *6
Dt15-16  Slave is WITH you  Slave & master SHARE food,housing *7
Nu22     Bilam/Moab         Many verses with WITH/ACCOMPANY *8

*1 eg A Midrash Rabbah story about Rabbi Chiiyas wife:
When shopping she would always purchase 2 cuts of meat..
one for the poor and one for oneself
(This Showed empathy WITH the poor)

*2 This verse deals with the attempted seduction by Potiperahs
wife of Joseph. In this particular verse she promises that
Joseph would be WITH Potiperahs wife, not just ACCOMPANY her.
I think the reference is to Potiperahs wife killing her
husband, marrying Joseph, and thus letting Joseph who was
a slave become her equal.

The interpretation of the phrase SLEEP NEAR HER as referring
to LYING WITHOUT INTIMACY is justified in a separate list
in the notes below.

*3 eg The Levite INHERITANCE of Israel was SUBORDINATE to
the Israelite INHERITANCE of Israel. For example:

Levite temple gifts depend on people giving to them. By
contrast ordinary people are not dependent on others for

Similarly Levites were forced to give asylum to
accidental murderers in their cities(sometimes rent-free)
while ordinary people did NOT have to rent their houses free

*4 The verse speaks about the SLAVE and his CHILDREN WITH HIM
going free. This is explained as follows:

The SLAVE and CHILD are WITH each other (i.e. both get support
from the master). But if the CHILD received from the SLAVE
who received from the master, then the CHILD would ACCOMPANY
the SLAVE upon exit to freedom since the child is subordinate
to the slave.

*5 The Bible is speaking about the case where someones animal
is collapsing under a burden. There is a Biblical commandment
to help the owner unload, let the animal rest, and then reload

However this Biblical commandment only applies when the owner
helps you. If by contrast the owner sits on the side and asks
you to do all the work then there is no obligation to help

Using Biblical lingo you are only obligated to help the
owner when he is WITH you(ie he helps and participages)---
but you are not obligated to help the owner if he just
ACCOMPANIES you (and asks you to do all the work)

*6 There is a Biblical prohibition against delaying a workers
payment. This prohibition ONLY applies if the employer
directly pays the worker. But e.g. if the employer
and worker agree that a 3rd party will pay them (eg
direct deposit by a bank) then the employer does
not violate the Biblical prohibition if the 3rd
party defaults on payment (Of course the employer
must still then pay the worker...but there is
no prohibition in DELAYING payment).

Using Biblical lingo the employer only violates
the prohibition if the worker ACCOMPANIES the
employer, that is, is subordinate to him.

By contrast if BOTH employer and worker are
dependent on a 3rd party to pay then we say
that the EMPLOYER and WORKER are WITH each
other (ie equally dependent) and there is no

*7 Under Jewish law a master must give a slave
* food
* housing
* drink
* clothing
EQUAL to that of the master.
Using Biblical lingo the slave must be WITH the
master (ie equal to him); the slave does not
ACCOMPANY his master.

*8 This is a bit technical and so we have developed it
in a separate list presented below

EXAMPLE 6: Gn39-10a


The traditional phrases for full male-female intimacy are
* sleep with
* sleep of (probably denoting rape)
By contrast the phrase
* sleep NEAR
only occurs once and hence denotes lying without full intimacy

=======    =======    =============
Dt27-22    WITH       Adultery
Dt27-21    WITH       Besitality
Dt27-20    WITH       Incest*1
Gn34-07    OF         Rape*2
Lv20-11    OF         Incest*1
Lv20-13    OF         Homosexuality
Gn39-10    BY         Share a bed without intimacy

*1 Incest can have EITHER the SLEEP WITH or SLEEP OF form
By contrast...

*2 Rape ONLY has the SLEEP OF form. It would be an interesting
question to find out the rules governing pronoun usage.

EXAMPLE 7: Nu22-20a Bilam may ACCOMPANY Moabites
EXAMPLE 8: Nu22-35b Bilam may be WITH Moabites (& go to Hell)
EXAMPLE 9: Nu22-35d Bilam goes WITH Moabites(

===== God to Bilam: ACCOMPANY Moabites;dont be WITH THEM ========

Recall that Moab wanted the Jews cursed. They hired Bilam
the prophet to curse the Jews. This LIST presents
the verses dealing with Bilam going to Moab. The
sequence which at first glance looks contradictory is
explained by emphasizing the pronouns WITH YOU vs ACCOMPANY YOU

Bilam was allowed to ACCOMPANY as a consultant indicating Gods
word but was not allowed to be WITH the Moabites in wanting
to curse the Jews. When Bilam sinned and desired to join the
Moabites God allowed him to go WITH them but told him he was
going to hell (For going WITH them vs ACCOMPANY them) Bilam
then went WITH the Moabites and gave advise how to curse the

=======  ========================== =============================
Nu22-12  Don't go WITH the Moabites Dont curse the Jews*1
Nu22-20a You can ACCOMPANY them     For money if they hire you*2
Nu22-22  Bilam went WITH them       not for hire but to curse
Nu22-34  Bilam apologizes           for going WITH vsACCOMPANYING
Nu22-35b You can go WITH THEM       but ONLY say what youre told*3

*1 The verse continues DONT CURSE THE NATION

*2 Rashi. Notice the emphasis on ACCOMPANIMENT---you can go for
hire but you shouldnt BE WITH THEM (ie you shouldnt hate the
Jews and want to curse them)

*3 The difference between Nu22-20 and Nu22-35 is that
in Nu22-20 Bilam was told
* you can go for hire
* do not desire to Curse them
* only say what you are told

while in Nu22-35 Bilam was told
* only say what you are told
* you can go WITH the desire to curse(but youre going to hell

Thus in both cases Bilam was only allowed to say what God
commanded. But because of his sin Bilam was told he could
continue to hate the Jews and for this he was going to
Hell (Nu22-35b) The verse concludes that Bilam chose
to go WITH the Moabites (as Rashi says EAGER TO CURSE THE
JEWS). We see from Nu24 Nu25 that Bilam gave advice to
curse the Jews and caused the death of 24000 people

#*#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2001, Dr. Hendel President #*#*#*#*#