Rabbi Ishmael Example Method:#18 of 36
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#              Aug 27, 2000                               #
#          Rashis 230-232 Of 7800 (2.9%)                  #
#                                                         #
#    Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,      #
#             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
#               http://www.RashiYomi.Com/                 #
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#Permission to reprint with this header but not for profit#
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For those who are interested the Rashi Website has free
downloads of 12% of all Rashis. You get 235 text files
explaining about 1000 Rashis. You also get an index file
in either Word or Excel with hyperlinks to all files.
(I plan to create a similar download for this RashiYomi
series...however the above download is for the Rashi-is
Simple digest series)

Todays unit is extracted from Rashi is SImple volume 3
Number 17. To see the whole issue visit
The URL given yesterday (Volume 5 Number 17 was incorrect--
the correct URL is Volume 3 Number 17)

This module deals with the principle of CLIMAX. We review
Rashis on verses where the motivating interpretive force of
Rashi is the climactic development of verses.

a) 3 or more consecutive similar phrases **should**
   be interpreted as developing CLIMACTICALLY. 1st step one,
   then step 2, then step 3 etc

EXAMPLE: The verse Dt19-11 describes murder using 4 phrases
   --When a person HATES somebody
   --and he STALKS him
   --and CONFRONTS him
   --and HITS HIM LETHALLY so that he dies.

   We **could** interpret this to mean "When someone murders
   someone". But because of the principle of CLIMAX we interpret
   the 4 phrases as CLIMACTICALLY leading to MURDER. Murder
   happens in 4 stages
   a) EMOTIONAL: You HATE the person
   b) OBSERVATIONAL: You OBSERVE the person CONSTANTLY(obsession)
   c) SOCIAL: You CONFRONT the person
   The above 3 will naturally lead to murder.

b) This principle of CLIMAX, **by itself** can be used to decide
   the meaning of ambiguous phrases(even if nothing else besides
   CLIMAX supports the decision)

EXAMPLE: In the above example from Dt19-11 I could have
   interpreted RISE UP ON HIM to **either** mean KILL or
   CONFRONT. For the verb to RISE UP does mean both.

   The only reason I chose CONFRONT vs KILL is that the
   principle of CLIMAX requires a CLIMACTIC development.

c) Note that it is legitimate to hold the position that
   "These 3 or 4 phrases all say the **same** thing and this is
    common in poetry;but BECAUSE of the principle of CLIMAX I
    am justified in assuming that each phrase has a distinct
    meaning and that the 3 or 4 phrases build up to a CLIMAX."

    EXAMPLE: There is nothing wrong in Dt19-13 in stating that
    "The Bible is simply talking about murder and is using
    a conversational style. However the principle of CLIMAX
    additionally teaches me HOW murders take place."

    In general the principle of CLIMAX can be vigorously used
    to teach outreach. For each example of CLIMAX, by
    teaching us HOW something happens can be reversed and show
    us how to stop it.

d) The principle of climax is associated with the RabbiIshmael
   principle of the DETAIL-GENERAL style.

   EXAMPLE: The last phrase in Dt19-13 is MURDER,
   something GENERAL. The other phrases---HATRED, STALKING,
   CONFRONTATION are DETAILS associated with murder.

   The RabbiIshmael Rule of DETAIL-GENERAL requires a broad
   interpretation of the DETAILS to be consistent with the
   GENERAL principle---and this is exactly what the principle
   of CLIMAX teaches---that the DETAILS lead up to the GENERAL

Todays posting deals with the "ideal lecture" and shows the
4 stages needed by a good teacher.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#
Recall yesterday that we interpreted Rashi on Dt32-02 as

2) May my SUMMARY STATMENTS   SPRINKLY like DEW (small droplets)
3) Like   MISTS on a Meadow (corresonding to student dialogue
   after a lecture)
4) Like a heavy downpour (Corresponding to expertise and mastery)

What we do today is give the lists that explain the translation
of the above words.

EXAMPLE 50: Dt32-02 ARF which means
*NECK also means
*TO NECK=TO SLAUGHTER and hence can refer to an

Here is a list of meanings of ARF

{LIST1} {Meanings of ARF}

=========  =======   =============================================
Neck       Jer2-27   They have faced me with their neck
Stubborn   5-32-9    For you are a stiff necked nation
Slaughter  5-21-4    And you will NECK the calf (ie slaughter)
RainBreak  5-32-2    My teachings will BREAK like rain *1
Fog???     5-4-11    Darkness, clouds and fog??? *2
Stubborn ? Isa5-30   The nation is dark..darkness in the stubborn*3


*1 Several comments are in order

--There are only two verses (5-32-2 and 5-33-28) where RAIN
BREAKING is mentioned using the ROOT ARF

--It would appear the the etymology is as follows:
        >ARF means neck
        >ARF as a verb means to kill (slaughter the neck)
        >When you slaughter the blood breaks out
        >So ARF came to mean a sudden outpour of liquid
In other words the NUANCES of ARF would be a completely
calm day which all of a sudden BREAKS out in a storm.

--For this reason I have translated ARF as BREAK. Needless
to say this is an English approximation. The above explanation
should enrich this translation with the proper nuances. If
anyone has a better translation kindly email it.

--BOTH the RDK in his book ROOTS and RASHI (on this verse)
translate ARF as having a meaning like DRIP. This has a
nuance different than BREAK. However as I have indicated
in the BRIEF EXPLANATION section the reader need not
accept my etymology. All that is necessary is that the
reader believe two things
        >That ARF has a meaning like TZL = sprinkle/pour
        >that ARF is a stronger term than TZL=sprinkle
        (This follows from the fact that ARF is associated
        with RAIN while TZL is associated with DEW and
        RAIN 'breaks' harder than dew)

*2 It is not clear weather ARFL should be on this list. It is
possible it comes from a 3 letter root. However it is also
possible it comes from 2, two letter roots and is itself a
4 letter root.  The derivation would be as follows
        > ARH = Feel
        > FLA = To distinguish
        > ARFL (fog) = You have to feel (ARH) to Distinguish (FLA)
          and would denote a state where you have to grope to
          'see' things (You have to 'feel' your way around).

*3 This word (AReeFeHa) occurs only once in the Bible. It has
been translated as
        >darkness (Like ARFL--see footnote *2)
The translation of AReeFeHa is not relevant to this posting. My
own opinion is that since the chapter (Isa5) is speaking about
a powerful nation that will descend on the sinful people
it makes sense to translate the verse consistently with the
theme of the chapter
        > and if you look to the people you see darkness
        > her stubborn people are dark.

EXAMPLE 51: Dt32-02 SAAR means
*and refers to a thin hair like mist

Here are some meanings of SAAR with the controversy
between Rashi and Radack on the meaning of SAAR

{LIST3} {Meanings of SAR, courtesy of RDK}

=======  ======== ===============================================
Hair     3-13-3   Hair
Wheat    5-8-8    Wheat on a field looks like hair on a head
Goat     3-4-24   Because Goats HAVE a lot of Hair
Wheat    5-8-8    Wheat on a field LOOKS like hair on a head
ToAttack Dan11-40 Goats are agressive animals
Mist     5-32-2   A moist mist FEELS like lightly brushing hair*1


*1 Some comments are in order

---Both Rashi and RDK translate SAR has a LIGHT RAIN.

---RDK emphasizes that SAR is a HAIR LIKE rain (Hence
we have translated it as MIST)

---RASHI emphasizes that it is rain brought by winds (Hence
again we have translated it as mist)

---The Sifsay Chachamim suggests that Rashi believes that
SAR (with a SIN) means the same as SAR with a SAMECH because
of letter interchange (SAMECH and SIN sound the same).
However there is no reason to believe that Rashi and RDK
differ. They both would agree that
        >SAR is a HAIR LIKE rain
which is consistent with the other meanings of SAR.
Rashi simply ADDS the dimension of rain carried by the wind.
Hence we have translated it as MIST which carries both nuances
        >a hair like rain
        >rain supported by wind

---Again, it is not necessary to accept my translation of MIST
for purposes of this posting. All that is necessary is to
        >to understand that SAR means some type of rain
        >to see SAR as a LIGHTER rain than MTR(Rain) RVV(Storm)
The particular nuances of WHAT type of light rain it is
whether MIST or WIND CARRIED or whatever is not relevant to
the posting.

EXAMPLE 52: Dt32-02 DSHE = MEADOW (a collective noun)
             That is DSHE is like the English HERBIAGE
             and refers to the whole of the meadow

{LIST4} {Collective nouns. The words in the right column denote
        INDIVIDUALS or SPECIES. The words in the left column
        LOTS OF SPECIES. So for example ANIMALS can refer
                >to individual animals
                >to whole species
        while the JUNGLE refers to  the
                >state of some territory being covered by
                those species. The examples should all be
        clear. The nouns on the right are all collective
        nouns except for PEOPLE.}

WORD                                             COLLECTIVE
DENOTING                                         NOUN DENOTING
STATE OF                                         SPECIES and/or
============ ==================================  ==============
MEADOW       State of ground covered with grass  GRASS
JUNGLE       State of many animals roaming       ANIMALS
POPULACE     State of land covered with people   PEOPLE
SMORGESBOARD State of table covered with food    FOOD

EXAMPLE 53: Dt32-02  RVH means a heavy ongoing Rain

Rashi and Radack debate whether the meaning comes from
* RVVH=10000=lots of raindrops or
* RVH = shoot an arrow = strong descent of raindrops

Here is a list of meanings of RVH

{LIST5} {Controversy of RDK and RASHI on the eytmology of RVH=RAIN.
        They both agree that RVV/RVH means MANY. The controversy
        is whether the MANYNESS is in the NUMBER of drops or
        the INCHES/DISTANCE that each drop travels.
        RDK hold that the RainStorm means ALOT of DROPS, from the
        root RVV which means ALOT, while RASHI holds that the
        RainStorm means that each drop has alot of FORCE, from
        the root RVH which can mean a good archer *1}

======  =================  ==== ================        =========
HRBH    Many               RVV  Many
RVVH    10000              RVV  Many things
RVU     Fruitful/Multiply  RVH  Many children
RVH     Archer             RVH  Long distance
RVeViM  RainStorm          RVV  Many drops              RDK
RVeVim  RainStorm          RVH  Much force              RASHI

*1 Some would translate
I would suggest that
someone who can shoot long distances.

{LIST6} {The analogy in 5-32-2. The 4 phrases in the
        verse illustrate 4 stages in TEACHING.  The main analogy is
        The 4 types of RAIN mentioned in the verse 5-32-2 correspond
        to 4 types of teaching. This is elaborated on in the
        footnotes and in column 3.The analogy may look too specific.
        Therefore the footnotes ENLARGE on the analogy,broadening it
        to more general settings}


TEACHING         PHRASE IN         Analogy between RAIN/TEACHING
COMPONENT        VERSE 5-32-2
===============  ================= ================================
The Lecture      My teachings will Raindrops=words of wisdom *1
*1               break like a rain Giving raindrops=Teaching wisdom

Homework         My sayings will   Sayings=Main points/Hilights *2
*2               drip like dew     Dew=small drops=short review

Class discussion Like a windy mist Windy mist=Class dialog *3
/recitation      on a meadow       Meadow=Variety student types
/review *3

Specialization   Like a rainstorm  Long range drops=big applications
*4               on grass          Grass=Species=Each specialization


*1 LECTURE can be replaced by ANY delivery of ideas such as
        >Counseling of Rabbis to congregants
        >Teaching known laws (Shulchan Aruch)
        >Teaching Talmudic analysis
        >Telling stories to little children
        >Vocational teaching
The LECTURE is characterized by
        > transmitting ALOT of ideas
Similary the RAINSTORM (vs dew) is charecterized by
        > transmitting ALOT of drops

*2 HOMEWORK can be enlarged to include ANY type of individual review
        >Doing problems assigned by the teacher
        >Gathering sayings illustrating hilights
        >Reciting over summaries to people who didn't hear lecture
        >Composing SHORT ANSWER sheets to review material

HOMEWORK is characterized by
        > Short answer specific questions that review material
        > Going over (instead of receiving) material
Similary DEW in contrast to rain is characterized by
        > small droplets rather than downpours
        > being surrounded by droplets (vs coming down)

*3 RECITATION can be enlarged to include ANY class discussion
        > debate in class over meanings of lecture
        > debate in class over consequences of taught material
        > debate in class
RECITATION is characterized by
        > many types of students
        > a small number of ideas per student(vs many from teacher)
        > a give-take atmosphere

Similarly MIST ON MEADOW is characterized by
        > many types of grass (MEADOW)
        > hair like rain vs downpour
        > wind carrying ideas

*4 SPECIALIZATION could be enlarged to any APPLICATION of the
teachers ideas (eg going out and building a Mechiza after
learning the laws).

SPECIALIZATION corresponds to
        > long term applications
        > by people who specialize in that application

Similarly RAINSTORM ON GRASS is characterized by
        >  droplets with force (Rashis etymology of ReVeeVim)
        >  Grass=specific species

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#